blob: 988db88e72391429ffe467782e14186ace3d5a23 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Test the invalid uses of a sealed class defined in a different library
import "shared_library_definitions.dart" show SealedClass, SimpleClass;
mixin _MixinOnObject {}
/// It is an error if SealedClass is extended.
// Simple extension.
class SimpleExtend extends SealedClass {}
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] The class 'SealedClass' can't be extended, implemented, or mixed in outside of its library because it's a sealed class.
base class BaseExtend extends SealedClass {}
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] The class 'SealedClass' can't be extended, implemented, or mixed in outside of its library because it's a sealed class.
interface class InterfaceExtend extends SealedClass {}
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] The class 'SealedClass' can't be extended, implemented, or mixed in outside of its library because it's a sealed class.
final class FinalExtend extends SealedClass {}
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] The class 'SealedClass' can't be extended, implemented, or mixed in outside of its library because it's a sealed class.
sealed class SealedExtend extends SealedClass {}
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] The class 'SealedClass' can't be extended, implemented, or mixed in outside of its library because it's a sealed class.
// Extending via an anonymous mixin class.
class SimpleExtendWith extends SealedClass with _MixinOnObject {}
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] The class 'SealedClass' can't be extended, implemented, or mixed in outside of its library because it's a sealed class.
base class BaseExtendWith extends SealedClass with _MixinOnObject {}
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] The class 'SealedClass' can't be extended, implemented, or mixed in outside of its library because it's a sealed class.
interface class InterfaceExtendWith extends SealedClass with _MixinOnObject {}
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] The class 'SealedClass' can't be extended, implemented, or mixed in outside of its library because it's a sealed class.
final class FinalExtendWith extends SealedClass with _MixinOnObject {}
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] The class 'SealedClass' can't be extended, implemented, or mixed in outside of its library because it's a sealed class.
sealed class SealedExtendWith extends SealedClass with _MixinOnObject {}
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] The class 'SealedClass' can't be extended, implemented, or mixed in outside of its library because it's a sealed class.
// Extending via an anonymous mixin application class.
class SimpleExtendApplication = SealedClass with _MixinOnObject;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] The class 'SealedClass' can't be extended, implemented, or mixed in outside of its library because it's a sealed class.
base class BaseExtendApplication = SealedClass with _MixinOnObject;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] The class 'SealedClass' can't be extended, implemented, or mixed in outside of its library because it's a sealed class.
interface class InterfaceExtendApplication = SealedClass with _MixinOnObject;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] The class 'SealedClass' can't be extended, implemented, or mixed in outside of its library because it's a sealed class.
final class FinalExtendApplication = SealedClass with _MixinOnObject;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] The class 'SealedClass' can't be extended, implemented, or mixed in outside of its library because it's a sealed class.
sealed class SealedExtendApplication = SealedClass with _MixinOnObject;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] The class 'SealedClass' can't be extended, implemented, or mixed in outside of its library because it's a sealed class.
/// It is an error if SealedClass is implemented by something which is not base,
/// final or sealed.
// Simple implementation.
class SimpleImplement implements SealedClass {}
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] The class 'SealedClass' can't be extended, implemented, or mixed in outside of its library because it's a sealed class.
base class BaseImplement implements SealedClass {}
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] The class 'SealedClass' can't be extended, implemented, or mixed in outside of its library because it's a sealed class.
interface class InterfaceImplement implements SealedClass {}
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] The class 'SealedClass' can't be extended, implemented, or mixed in outside of its library because it's a sealed class.
final class FinalImplement implements SealedClass {}
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] The class 'SealedClass' can't be extended, implemented, or mixed in outside of its library because it's a sealed class.
sealed class SealedImplement implements SealedClass {}
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] The class 'SealedClass' can't be extended, implemented, or mixed in outside of its library because it's a sealed class.
// Implementing with a mixin class.
mixin class SimpleMixinClassImplement implements SealedClass {}
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] The class 'SealedClass' can't be extended, implemented, or mixed in outside of its library because it's a sealed class.
base mixin class BaseMixinClassImplement implements SealedClass {}
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] The class 'SealedClass' can't be extended, implemented, or mixed in outside of its library because it's a sealed class.
// Implementing with a mixin application class.
class SimpleImplementApplication = Object
with _MixinOnObject
implements SealedClass;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] The class 'SealedClass' can't be extended, implemented, or mixed in outside of its library because it's a sealed class.
base class BaseImplementApplication = Object
with _MixinOnObject
implements SealedClass;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] The class 'SealedClass' can't be extended, implemented, or mixed in outside of its library because it's a sealed class.
interface class InterfaceImplementApplication = Object
with _MixinOnObject
implements SealedClass;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] The class 'SealedClass' can't be extended, implemented, or mixed in outside of its library because it's a sealed class.
final class FinalImplementApplication = Object
with _MixinOnObject
implements SealedClass;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] The class 'SealedClass' can't be extended, implemented, or mixed in outside of its library because it's a sealed class.
sealed class SealedImplementApplication = Object
with _MixinOnObject
implements SealedClass;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] The class 'SealedClass' can't be extended, implemented, or mixed in outside of its library because it's a sealed class.
// Implementing with a mixin.
mixin SimpleMixinImplement implements SealedClass {}
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] The class 'SealedClass' can't be extended, implemented, or mixed in outside of its library because it's a sealed class.
base mixin BaseMixinImplement implements SealedClass {}
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] The class 'SealedClass' can't be extended, implemented, or mixed in outside of its library because it's a sealed class.
/// It is an error if SealedClass is the `on` type of a mixin.
mixin SimpleMixinOn on SealedClass {}
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] The class 'SealedClass' can't be extended, implemented, or mixed in outside of its library because it's a sealed class.
mixin SimpleMixinOnSealedSimple on SealedClass, SimpleClass {}
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] The class 'SealedClass' can't be extended, implemented, or mixed in outside of its library because it's a sealed class.
mixin SimpleMixinOnSimpleSealed on SimpleClass, SealedClass {}
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] The class 'SealedClass' can't be extended, implemented, or mixed in outside of its library because it's a sealed class.
base mixin BaseMixinOn on SealedClass {}
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] The class 'SealedClass' can't be extended, implemented, or mixed in outside of its library because it's a sealed class.
base mixin BaseMixinOnSealedSimple on SealedClass, SimpleClass {}
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] The class 'SealedClass' can't be extended, implemented, or mixed in outside of its library because it's a sealed class.
base mixin BaseMixinOnSimpleSealed on SealedClass, SimpleClass {}
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] The class 'SealedClass' can't be extended, implemented, or mixed in outside of its library because it's a sealed class.
main() {}