blob: 018f37335aab259a06b4d6a1dc608e8461582ad2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../rule_test_support.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class ConstantIdentifierNamesTest extends LintRuleTest {
String get lintRule => 'constant_identifier_names';
test_augmentationEnum() async {
newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
import augment 'test.dart';
enum E {
await assertDiagnostics(r'''
augment library 'a.dart';
augment enum E {
''', [
lint(46, 2),
test_augmentationTopLevelVariable() async {
newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
import augment 'test.dart';
await assertDiagnostics(r'''
augment library 'a.dart';
const PI = 3.14;
''', [
lint(33, 2),
test_augmentedEnumValue() async {
newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
import augment 'test.dart';
enum E {
await assertNoDiagnostics(r'''
augment library 'a.dart';
augment enum E {
augment Xy;
test_augmentedTopLevelVariable() async {
newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
import augment 'test.dart';
const PI = 3.14;
await assertNoDiagnostics(r'''
augment library 'a.dart';
augment const PI = 3.1415;
test_destructuredConstField() async {
await assertDiagnostics(r'''
class A {
static const AA = (1, );
''', [
lint(25, 2),
test_destructuredConstVariable() async {
await assertDiagnostics(r'''
const AA = (1, );
''', [
lint(6, 2),
test_destructuredFinalVariable() async {
await assertDiagnostics(r'''
void f() {
final (AA, ) = (1, );
''', [
lint(20, 2),
test_destructuredObjectField_switch() async {
await assertDiagnostics(r'''
class A {
var a;
f(A a) {
switch (a) {
case A(a: int a_b):
switch (a) {
case A(a: int a_b?):
case A(a: int a_b!):
''', [
lint(64, 3),
lint(107, 3),
lint(132, 3),
test_destructuredObjectField_switch_ok() async {
await assertNoDiagnostics(r'''
class A {
var a_b;
f(A a) {
switch (a) {
case A(:var a_b):
switch (a) {
case A(:var a_b?):
case A(:var a_b!):
test_recordFieldDestructured() async {
await assertDiagnostics(r'''
f(Object o) {
if (o case (x: int x_x, z: int z)) { }
''', [
lint(35, 3),
test_recordFieldDestructured_ok() async {
await assertNoDiagnostics(r'''
f(Object o) {
if (o case (x_y: int x, z: int z)) { }
test_recordTypeDeclarations() async {
await assertDiagnostics(r'''
const RR = (x: 1);
''', [
lint(6, 2),
test_recordTypeDeclarations_ok() async {
await assertNoDiagnostics(r'''
const r = (x: 1);