blob: 8112b80e16e06675d1d7469b6d60fc04f11167ce [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/protocol/protocol.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/protocol/protocol_constants.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/protocol/protocol_generated.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/analytics/analytics_manager.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/legacy_analysis_server.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/server/crash_reporting_attachments.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/utilities/mocks.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/memory_file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/instrumentation/instrumentation.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/test_utilities/mock_sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/test_utilities/package_config_file_builder.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/test_utilities/resource_provider_mixin.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'package:unified_analytics/unified_analytics.dart';
void main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class AnalysisServerTest with ResourceProviderMixin {
MemoryResourceProvider resourceProvider = MemoryResourceProvider(
// Force the in-memory file watchers to be slowly initialized to emulate
// the physical watchers (for test_concurrentContextRebuilds).
delayWatcherInitialization: Duration(milliseconds: 1),
late MockServerChannel channel;
late LegacyAnalysisServer server;
void setUp() {
channel = MockServerChannel();
// Create an SDK in the mock file system.
var sdkRoot = newFolder('/sdk');
resourceProvider: resourceProvider,
root: sdkRoot,
server = LegacyAnalysisServer(
/// See
Future<void> test_caching_mixin_superInvokedNames_setter_change() async {
var lib = convertPath('/lib');
var foo = newFile('/lib/foo.dart', '''
class A {
set foo(int _) {}
mixin M on A {
void bar() { = 0;
class X extends A with M {}
await server.setAnalysisRoots('0', [lib], []);
await server.onAnalysisComplete;
expect(server.statusAnalyzing, isFalse);
server.updateContent('0', {
foo.path: AddContentOverlay('''
class A {
set foo(int _) {}
mixin M on A {
void bar() { = 0;
class X extends A with M {}
await server.onAnalysisComplete;
expect(server.statusAnalyzing, isFalse);
var notifications = channel.notificationsReceived;
expect(notifications, hasLength(1));
var notification = notifications.first;
expect(notification.event, 'analysis.errors');
var params = notification.params!;
var errors = params['errors'] as List<Map<String, Object?>>;
expect(errors, isEmpty);
/// Test that modifying package_config again while a context rebuild is in
/// progress does not get lost due to a gap between creating a file watcher
/// and it raising events.
Future<void> test_concurrentContextRebuilds() async {
// Subscribe to STATUS so we'll know when analysis is done.
server.serverServices = {ServerService.STATUS};
var projectRoot = convertPath('/foo');
var projectTestFile = convertPath('/foo/lib/test.dart');
var projectPackageConfigFile =
// Create a file that references two packages, which will we write to
// package_config.json individually.
import "package:foo/foo.dart";'
import "package:bar/bar.dart";'
// Ensure the packages and package_config exist.
var fooLibFolder = _addSimplePackage('foo', '');
var barLibFolder = _addSimplePackage('bar', '');
var config = PackageConfigFileBuilder();
writePackageConfig(projectPackageConfigFile, config);
// Track diagnostics that arrive.
var errorsByFile = <String, List<AnalysisError>>{};
.where((notification) => notification.event == 'analysis.errors')
.listen((notification) {
var params = AnalysisErrorsParams.fromNotification(notification);
errorsByFile[params.file] = params.errors;
/// Helper that waits for analysis then returns the relevant errors.
Future<List<AnalysisError>> getUriNotExistErrors() async {
await server.onAnalysisComplete;
expect(server.statusAnalyzing, isFalse);
return errorsByFile[projectTestFile]!
.where((error) => error.code == 'uri_does_not_exist')
// Set roots and expect 2 uri_does_not_exist errors.
await server.setAnalysisRoots('0', [projectRoot], []);
expect(await getUriNotExistErrors(), hasLength(2));
// Write both packages, in two events so that the first one will trigger
// a rebuild.
config.add(name: 'foo', rootPath: fooLibFolder.parent.path);
writePackageConfig(projectPackageConfigFile, config);
await pumpEventQueue(times: 1); // Allow server to begin processing.
config.add(name: 'bar', rootPath: barLibFolder.parent.path);
writePackageConfig(projectPackageConfigFile, config);
// Eventually the errors are gone.
while (true) {
var errors = await getUriNotExistErrors();
if (errors.isEmpty) {
await pumpEventQueue(times: 5000);
Future<void> test_serverStatusNotifications_hasFile() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', r'''
class A {}
await server.setAnalysisRoots('0', [convertPath('/test')], []);
// Pump the event queue, so that the server has finished any analysis.
await pumpEventQueue(times: 5000);
var notifications = channel.notificationsReceived;
expect(notifications, isNotEmpty);
// At least one notification indicating analysis is in progress.
expect(notifications.any((Notification notification) {
if (notification.event == SERVER_NOTIFICATION_STATUS) {
var params = ServerStatusParams.fromNotification(notification);
var analysis = params.analysis;
if (analysis != null) {
return analysis.isAnalyzing;
return false;
}), isTrue);
// The last notification should indicate that analysis is complete.
var notification = notifications[notifications.length - 1];
var params = ServerStatusParams.fromNotification(notification);
expect(params.analysis!.isAnalyzing, isFalse);
Future<void> test_serverStatusNotifications_noFiles() async {
await server.setAnalysisRoots('0', [convertPath('/test')], []);
// Pump the event queue, so that the server has finished any analysis.
await pumpEventQueue(times: 5000);
var notifications = channel.notificationsReceived;
expect(notifications, isNotEmpty);
// At least one notification indicating analysis is in progress.
expect(notifications.any((Notification notification) {
if (notification.event == SERVER_NOTIFICATION_STATUS) {
var params = ServerStatusParams.fromNotification(notification);
var analysis = params.analysis;
if (analysis != null) {
return analysis.isAnalyzing;
return false;
}), isTrue);
// The last notification should indicate that analysis is complete.
var notification = notifications[notifications.length - 1];
var params = ServerStatusParams.fromNotification(notification);
expect(params.analysis!.isAnalyzing, isFalse);
test_setAnalysisSubscriptions_fileInIgnoredFolder_newOptions() async {
var path = convertPath('/project/samples/sample.dart');
newFile(path, '');
newAnalysisOptionsYamlFile('/project', r'''
- 'samples/**'
await server.setAnalysisRoots('0', [convertPath('/project')], []);
server.setAnalysisSubscriptions(<AnalysisService, Set<String>>{
AnalysisService.NAVIGATION: <String>{path}
// We respect subscriptions, even for excluded files.
await pumpEventQueue(times: 5000);
expect(channel.notificationsReceived.any((notification) {
return notification.event == ANALYSIS_NOTIFICATION_NAVIGATION;
}), isTrue);
test_setAnalysisSubscriptions_fileInIgnoredFolder_oldOptions() async {
var path = convertPath('/project/samples/sample.dart');
newFile(path, '');
newAnalysisOptionsYamlFile('/project', r'''
- 'samples/**'
await server.setAnalysisRoots('0', [convertPath('/project')], []);
server.setAnalysisSubscriptions(<AnalysisService, Set<String>>{
AnalysisService.NAVIGATION: <String>{path}
// We respect subscriptions, even for excluded files.
await pumpEventQueue(times: 5000);
expect(channel.notificationsReceived.any((notification) {
return notification.event == ANALYSIS_NOTIFICATION_NAVIGATION;
}), isTrue);
Future<void> test_shutdown() {
var request = Request('my28', SERVER_REQUEST_SHUTDOWN);
return channel.simulateRequestFromClient(request).then((Response response) {
expect(, equals('my28'));
expect(response.error, isNull);
Future<void> test_unknownRequest() {
var request = Request('my22', 'randomRequest');
return channel.simulateRequestFromClient(request).then((Response response) {
expect(, equals('my22'));
expect(response.error, isNotNull);
void writePackageConfig(String path, PackageConfigFileBuilder config) {
newFile(path, config.toContent(toUriStr: toUriStr));
/// Creates a simple package named [name] with [content] in the file at
/// `package:$name/$name.dart`.
/// Returns a [Folder] that represents the packages `lib` folder.
Folder _addSimplePackage(String name, String content) {
var packagePath = '/packages/$name';
var file = newFile('$packagePath/lib/$name.dart', content);
return file.parent;