blob: ad375ceaba040d8cf1a2338fa3093c0b40b6a02d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2024, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Requirements=checked-implicit-downcasts
import 'dart:js_interop';
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
const isJSBackend = const bool.fromEnvironment('dart.library.html');
extension type EExternalDartReference(ExternalDartReference _)
implements ExternalDartReference {}
external ExternalDartReference externalDartReference;
external EExternalDartReference eExternalDartReference;
external ExternalDartReference? nullableExternalDartReference;
// Use a function so that we can use a type parameter that extends an
// `ExternalDartReference` type.
external set _identity(JSFunction _);
external T identity<T extends EExternalDartReference>(T t);
extension type ObjectLiteral(JSObject _) {
external void operator []=(String key, ExternalDartReference value);
class DartClass {
int field;
void main() {
final dartObject = DartClass(42);
externalDartReference = dartObject.toExternalReference;
Expect.equals(dartObject, externalDartReference.toDartObject as DartClass);
identical(dartObject, externalDartReference.toDartObject as DartClass));
eExternalDartReference = EExternalDartReference(externalDartReference);
Expect.equals(dartObject, eExternalDartReference.toDartObject as DartClass);
identical(dartObject, eExternalDartReference.toDartObject as DartClass));
_identity = ((ExternalDartReference e) => e).toJS;
final externalDartReferenceTypeParam = identity(eExternalDartReference);
dartObject, externalDartReferenceTypeParam.toDartObject as DartClass);
dartObject, externalDartReferenceTypeParam.toDartObject as DartClass));
// Multiple invocations should return the same underlying value, which is
// tested by `==`.
Expect.equals(externalDartReference, dartObject.toExternalReference);
// However, they may or may not be identical depending on the compiler due to
// dart2wasm wrapping values with new JSValue instances.
if (isJSBackend) {
identical(externalDartReference, dartObject.toExternalReference));
} else {
identical(externalDartReference, dartObject.toExternalReference));
final jsString = ''.toJS;
// We don't validate that the input is a Dart object or a JS value as that may
// be expensive to validate. We end up externalizing the JSValue wrapper in
// this case.
Expect.equals(jsString.toExternalReference.toDartObject, jsString);
Expect.isTrue(identical(jsString.toExternalReference.toDartObject, jsString));
// Check that we do the right thing with nullability still.
nullableExternalDartReference = null;
if (hasSoundNullSafety) Expect.throws(() => externalDartReference);
// Functions should not trigger `assertInterop`.
externalDartReference = () {}.toExternalReference;
identity(EExternalDartReference(() {}.toExternalReference));
final literal = ObjectLiteral(JSObject());
literal['ref'] = externalDartReference;