blob: d1c2b17de221a6e1cefac487a7329a5598c41b21 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2024, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:wasm_builder/wasm_builder.dart' as w;
import 'translator.dart';
class StaticDispatchTables {
final Translator translator;
final Map<w.FunctionType, StaticDispatchTableForSignature> _tables =
hashCode: (t) =>
Object.hash(Object.hashAll(t.inputs), Object.hashAll(t.outputs)),
equals: (t1, t2) => t1.isStructurallyEqualTo(t2));
StaticDispatchTableForSignature getTableForType(w.FunctionType type) {
return _tables[type] ??=
StaticDispatchTableForSignature(translator, type, _tables.length);
void outputTables() {
for (final table in _tables.values) {
/// Builds a static dispatch table for a specific function type signature.
/// All calls to this table will have the same signature and so `call_indirect`
/// instructions that reference this table can omit the type check.
class StaticDispatchTableForSignature {
final w.FunctionType _functionType;
final Translator translator;
/// Contents of wasm table.
final Map<w.BaseFunction, int> _table = {};
late final w.TableBuilder _definedWasmTable;
final WasmTableImporter _importedWasmTables;
this.translator, this._functionType, int nameCounter)
: _importedWasmTables =
WasmTableImporter(translator, 'static$nameCounter-') {
_definedWasmTable = translator.mainModule.tables
.define(w.RefType(_functionType, nullable: true), _table.length);
/// Gets the wasm table used to reference this static dispatch table in
/// [module].
/// This can either be the table definition itself or an import of it. Imports
/// the table into [module] if it is not imported yet.
w.Table getWasmTable(w.ModuleBuilder module) {
return _importedWasmTables.get(_definedWasmTable, module);
/// Returns the index for [function] in the table allocating one if necessary.
int indexForFunction(w.BaseFunction function) {
return _table[function] ??= _table.length;
void output() {
final importedTables = _importedWasmTables;
_table.forEach((fun, index) {
final targetModule = fun.enclosingModule;
if (translator.isMainModule(targetModule)) {
_definedWasmTable.setElement(index, fun);
} else {
// This will generate the imported table if it doesn't already exist.
(getWasmTable(targetModule) as w.ImportedTable).setElements[index] =
_definedWasmTable.minSize = _table.length;
for (final table in importedTables.imports) {
table.minSize = _table.length;