blob: d22ace779d7fa5f61b44329bb0f273a1d9861eac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library pub.solver.version_solver;
import 'dart:async';
import "dart:convert";
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
import '../exceptions.dart';
import '../lock_file.dart';
import '../log.dart' as log;
import '../package.dart';
import '../pubspec.dart';
import '../source_registry.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
import 'backtracking_solver.dart';
import 'solve_report.dart';
/// Attempts to select the best concrete versions for all of the transitive
/// dependencies of [root] taking into account all of the [VersionConstraint]s
/// that those dependencies place on each other and the requirements imposed by
/// [lockFile].
/// If [useLatest] is given, then only the latest versions of the referenced
/// packages will be used. This is for forcing an upgrade to one or more
/// packages.
/// If [upgradeAll] is true, the contents of [lockFile] are ignored.
Future<SolveResult> resolveVersions(SolveType type, SourceRegistry sources,
Package root, {LockFile lockFile, List<String> useLatest}) {
if (lockFile == null) lockFile = new LockFile.empty();
if (useLatest == null) useLatest = [];
return log.progress('Resolving dependencies', () {
return new BacktrackingSolver(
/// The result of a version resolution.
class SolveResult {
/// Whether the solver found a complete solution or failed.
bool get succeeded => error == null;
/// The list of concrete package versions that were selected for each package
/// reachable from the root, or `null` if the solver failed.
final List<PackageId> packages;
/// The dependency overrides that were used in the solution.
final List<PackageDep> overrides;
/// A map from package names to the pubspecs for the versions of those
/// packages that were installed, or `null` if the solver failed.
final Map<String, Pubspec> pubspecs;
/// The available versions of all selected packages from their source.
/// Will be empty if the solve failed. An entry here may not include the full
/// list of versions available if the given package was locked and did not
/// need to be unlocked during the solve.
final Map<String, List<Version>> availableVersions;
/// The error that prevented the solver from finding a solution or `null` if
/// it was successful.
final SolveFailure error;
/// The number of solutions that were attempted before either finding a
/// successful solution or exhausting all options.
/// In other words, one more than the number of times it had to backtrack
/// because it found an invalid solution.
final int attemptedSolutions;
final SourceRegistry _sources;
final Package _root;
final LockFile _previousLockFile;
/// Returns the names of all packages that were changed.
/// This includes packages that were added or removed.
Set<String> get changedPackages {
if (packages == null) return null;
var changed = packages.where(
(id) =>
id)).map((id) =>;
return changed.union(
(package) => !availableVersions.containsKey(package)).toSet());
SolveResult.success(this._sources, this._root, this._previousLockFile,
this.packages, this.overrides, this.pubspecs, this.availableVersions,
: error = null;
SolveResult.failure(this._sources, this._root, this._previousLockFile,
this.overrides, this.error, this.attemptedSolutions)
: this.packages = null,
this.pubspecs = null,
this.availableVersions = {};
/// Displays a report of what changes were made to the lockfile.
/// [type] is the type of version resolution that was run.
void showReport(SolveType type) {
new SolveReport(type, _sources, _root, _previousLockFile, this).show();
/// Displays a one-line message summarizing what changes were made (or would
/// be made) to the lockfile.
/// [type] is the type of version resolution that was run.
void summarizeChanges(SolveType type, {bool dryRun: false}) {
new SolveReport(
this).summarize(dryRun: dryRun);
String toString() {
if (!succeeded) {
return 'Failed to solve after $attemptedSolutions attempts:\n' '$error';
return 'Took $attemptedSolutions tries to resolve to\n'
'- ${packages.join("\n- ")}';
/// Maintains a cache of previously-requested data: pubspecs and version lists.
/// Used to avoid requesting the same pubspec from the server repeatedly.
class PubspecCache {
final SourceRegistry _sources;
/// The already-requested cached version lists.
final _versions = new Map<PackageRef, List<PackageId>>();
/// The errors from failed version list requests.
final _versionErrors = new Map<PackageRef, Pair<Object, Chain>>();
/// The already-requested cached pubspecs.
final _pubspecs = new Map<PackageId, Pubspec>();
/// The type of version resolution that was run.
final SolveType _type;
/// The number of times a version list was requested and it wasn't cached and
/// had to be requested from the source.
int _versionCacheMisses = 0;
/// The number of times a version list was requested and the cached version
/// was returned.
int _versionCacheHits = 0;
/// The number of times a pubspec was requested and it wasn't cached and had
/// to be requested from the source.
int _pubspecCacheMisses = 0;
/// The number of times a pubspec was requested and the cached version was
/// returned.
int _pubspecCacheHits = 0;
PubspecCache(this._type, this._sources);
/// Caches [pubspec] as the [Pubspec] for the package identified by [id].
void cache(PackageId id, Pubspec pubspec) {
_pubspecs[id] = pubspec;
/// Loads the pubspec for the package identified by [id].
Future<Pubspec> getPubspec(PackageId id) {
// Complete immediately if it's already cached.
if (_pubspecs.containsKey(id)) {
return new Future<Pubspec>.value(_pubspecs[id]);
var source = _sources[id.source];
return source.describe(id).then((pubspec) {
_pubspecs[id] = pubspec;
return pubspec;
/// Returns the previously cached pubspec for the package identified by [id]
/// or returns `null` if not in the cache.
Pubspec getCachedPubspec(PackageId id) => _pubspecs[id];
/// Gets the list of versions for [package].
/// Packages are sorted in descending version order with all "stable"
/// versions (i.e. ones without a prerelease suffix) before pre-release
/// versions. This ensures that the solver prefers stable packages over
/// unstable ones.
Future<List<PackageId>> getVersions(PackageRef package) {
if (package.isRoot) {
throw new StateError("Cannot get versions for root package $package.");
// See if we have it cached.
var versions = _versions[package];
if (versions != null) {
return new Future.value(versions);
// See if we cached a failure.
var error = _versionErrors[package];
if (error != null) {
return new Future.error(error.first, error.last);
var source = _sources[package.source];
return source.getVersions(,
package.description).then((versions) {
// Sort by priority so we try preferred versions first.
_type == SolveType.DOWNGRADE ? Version.antiprioritize : Version.prioritize);
var ids = => package.atVersion(version)).toList();
_versions[package] = ids;
return ids;
}).catchError((error, trace) {
// If an error occurs, cache that too. We only want to do one request
// for any given package, successful or not.
log.solver("Could not get versions for $package:\n$error\n\n$trace");
_versionErrors[package] = new Pair(error, new Chain.forTrace(trace));
throw error;
/// Returns the previously cached list of versions for the package identified
/// by [package] or returns `null` if not in the cache.
List<PackageId> getCachedVersions(PackageRef package) => _versions[package];
/// Returns a user-friendly output string describing metrics of the solve.
String describeResults() {
var results = '''- Requested $_versionCacheMisses version lists
- Looked up $_versionCacheHits cached version lists
- Requested $_pubspecCacheMisses pubspecs
- Looked up $_pubspecCacheHits cached pubspecs
// Uncomment this to dump the visited package graph to JSON.
//results += _debugWritePackageGraph();
return results;
/// This dumps the set of packages that were looked at by the solver to a
/// JSON map whose format matches the map passed to [testResolve] in the
/// version solver unit tests.
/// If a real-world version solve is failing, this can be used to mirror that
/// data to build a regression test using mock packages.
String _debugDescribePackageGraph() {
var packages = {};
_pubspecs.forEach((id, pubspec) {
var deps = {};
packages["${} ${id.version}"] = deps;
for (var dep in pubspec.dependencies) {
deps[] = dep.constraint.toString();
// Add in the packages that we know of but didn't need their pubspecs.
_versions.forEach((ref, versions) {
for (var id in versions) {
packages.putIfAbsent("${} ${id.version}", () => {});
// TODO(rnystrom): Include dev dependencies and dependency overrides.
return JSON.encode(packages);
/// A reference from a depending package to a package that it depends on.
class Dependency {
/// The name of the package that has this dependency.
final String depender;
/// The version of the depender that has this dependency.
final Version dependerVersion;
/// The package being depended on.
final PackageDep dep;
/// Whether [depender] is a magic dependency (e.g. "pub itself" or "pub global
/// activate").
bool get isMagic => depender.contains(" ");
Dependency(this.depender, this.dependerVersion, this.dep);
String toString() => '$depender $dependerVersion -> $dep';
/// An enum for types of version resolution.
class SolveType {
/// As few changes to the lockfile as possible to be consistent with the
/// pubspec.
static const GET = const SolveType._("get");
/// Upgrade all packages or specific packages to the highest versions
/// possible, regardless of the lockfile.
static const UPGRADE = const SolveType._("upgrade");
/// Downgrade all packages or specific packages to the lowest versions
/// possible, regardless of the lockfile.
static const DOWNGRADE = const SolveType._("downgrade");
final String _name;
const SolveType._(this._name);
String toString() => _name;
/// Base class for all failures that can occur while trying to resolve versions.
abstract class SolveFailure implements ApplicationException {
/// The name of the package whose version could not be solved.
/// Will be `null` if the failure is not specific to one package.
final String package;
/// The known dependencies on [package] at the time of the failure.
/// Will be an empty collection if the failure is not specific to one package.
final Iterable<Dependency> dependencies;
String get message => toString();
/// A message describing the specific kind of solve failure.
String get _message {
throw new UnimplementedError("Must override _message or toString().");
SolveFailure(this.package, Iterable<Dependency> dependencies)
: dependencies = dependencies != null ? dependencies : <Dependency>[];
String toString() {
if (dependencies.isEmpty) return _message;
var buffer = new StringBuffer();
var sorted = dependencies.toList();
sorted.sort((a, b) => a.depender.compareTo(b.depender));
for (var dep in sorted) {
buffer.write("- ${log.bold(dep.depender)}");
if (!dep.isMagic) buffer.write(" ${dep.dependerVersion}");
buffer.write(" ${_describeDependency(dep.dep)}");
return buffer.toString();
/// Describes a dependency's reference in the output message.
/// Override this to highlight which aspect of [dep] led to the failure.
String _describeDependency(PackageDep dep) =>
"depends on version ${dep.constraint}";
/// Exception thrown when the current SDK's version does not match a package's
/// constraint on it.
class BadSdkVersionException extends SolveFailure {
final String _message;
BadSdkVersionException(String package, String message)
: super(package, null),
_message = message;
/// Exception thrown when the [VersionConstraint] used to match a package is
/// valid (i.e. non-empty), but there are no available versions of the package
/// that fit that constraint.
class NoVersionException extends SolveFailure {
final VersionConstraint constraint;
/// The last selected version of the package that failed to meet the new
/// constraint.
/// This will be `null` when the failure occurred because there are no
/// versions of the package *at all* that match the constraint. It will be
/// non-`null` when a version was selected, but then the solver tightened a
/// constraint such that that version was no longer allowed.
final Version version;
NoVersionException(String package, this.version, this.constraint,
Iterable<Dependency> dependencies)
: super(package, dependencies);
String get _message {
if (version == null) {
return "Package $package has no versions that match $constraint derived "
return "Package $package $version does not match $constraint derived from";
// TODO(rnystrom): Report the list of depending packages and their constraints.
/// Exception thrown when the most recent version of [package] must be selected,
/// but doesn't match the [VersionConstraint] imposed on the package.
class CouldNotUpgradeException extends SolveFailure {
final VersionConstraint constraint;
final Version best;
CouldNotUpgradeException(String package, this.constraint,
: super(package, null);
String get _message =>
"The latest version of $package, $best, does not match $constraint.";
/// Exception thrown when the [VersionConstraint] used to match a package is
/// the empty set: in other words, multiple packages depend on it and have
/// conflicting constraints that have no overlap.
class DisjointConstraintException extends SolveFailure {
DisjointConstraintException(String package, Iterable<Dependency> dependencies)
: super(package, dependencies);
String get _message => "Incompatible version constraints on $package";
/// Exception thrown when two packages with the same name but different sources
/// are depended upon.
class SourceMismatchException extends SolveFailure {
String get _message => "Incompatible dependencies on $package";
SourceMismatchException(String package, Iterable<Dependency> dependencies)
: super(package, dependencies);
String _describeDependency(PackageDep dep) =>
"depends on it from source ${dep.source}";
/// Exception thrown when a dependency on an unknown source name is found.
class UnknownSourceException extends SolveFailure {
UnknownSourceException(String package, Iterable<Dependency> dependencies)
: super(package, dependencies);
String toString() {
var dep = dependencies.single;
return 'Package ${dep.depender} depends on ${} from unknown '
'source "${dep.dep.source}".';
/// Exception thrown when two packages with the same name and source but
/// different descriptions are depended upon.
class DescriptionMismatchException extends SolveFailure {
String get _message => "Incompatible dependencies on $package";
DescriptionMismatchException(String package,
Iterable<Dependency> dependencies)
: super(package, dependencies);
String _describeDependency(PackageDep dep) {
// TODO(nweiz): Dump descriptions to YAML when that's supported.
return "depends on it with description ${JSON.encode(dep.description)}";
/// Exception thrown when a dependency could not be found in its source.
/// Unlike [PackageNotFoundException], this includes information about the
/// dependent packages requesting the missing one.
class DependencyNotFoundException extends SolveFailure {
final PackageNotFoundException _innerException;
String get _message => "${_innerException.message}\nDepended on by";
DependencyNotFoundException(String package, this._innerException,
Iterable<Dependency> dependencies)
: super(package, dependencies);
/// The failure isn't because of the version of description of the package,
/// it's the package itself that can't be found, so just show the name and no
/// descriptive details.
String _describeDependency(PackageDep dep) => "";