blob: d99055f711407acc85b8d30202bb7cb2e9b60ef6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library analyzer.src.task.inputs;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analyzer/task/model.dart';
* A function that converts an arbitrary object into a [TaskInput]. This is
* used, for example, by a [ListBasedTaskInput] to create task inputs for each
* value in a list of values.
typedef TaskInput<E> GenerateTaskInputs<E>(Object object);
* An input to an [AnalysisTask] that is computed by the following steps. First
* another (base) task input is used to compute a [List]-valued result. An input
* generator function is then used to map each element of that list to a task
* input. Finally, each of the task inputs are used to access analysis results,
* and the list of the analysis results is used as the input to the task.
class ListBasedTaskInput<B, E> implements TaskInput<List<E>> {
* The accessor used to access the list of elements being mapped.
final TaskInput<B> baseAccessor;
* The function used to convert an element in the list returned by the
* [baseAccessor] to a task input.
GenerateTaskInputs<E> generateTaskInputs;
* Initialize a result accessor to use the given [baseAccessor] to access a
* list of values that can be passed to the given [generateTaskInputs] to generate
* a list of task inputs that can be used to access the elements of the input
* being accessed.
ListBasedTaskInput(this.baseAccessor, this.generateTaskInputs);
TaskInputBuilder<List<E>> createBuilder() =>
new ListBasedTaskInputBuilder<B, E>(this);
* A [TaskInputBuilder] used to build an input based on a [ListBasedTaskInput].
class ListBasedTaskInputBuilder<B, E> implements TaskInputBuilder<List<E>> {
* The input being built.
final ListBasedTaskInput<B, E> input;
* The builder used to build the current result.
TaskInputBuilder currentBuilder;
* The list of values computed by the [input]'s base accessor.
List _baseList = null;
* The index in the [_baseList] of the value for which a value is currently
* being built.
int _baseListIndex = -1;
* The list of values being built.
List<E> _resultValue = null;
* Initialize a newly created task input builder that computes the result
* specified by the given [input].
ResultDescriptor get currentResult {
if (currentBuilder == null) {
return null;
return currentBuilder.currentResult;
AnalysisTarget get currentTarget {
if (currentBuilder == null) {
return null;
return currentBuilder.currentTarget;
void set currentValue(Object value) {
if (currentBuilder == null) {
throw new StateError(
'Cannot set the result value when there is no current result');
currentBuilder.currentValue = value;
List<E> get inputValue {
if (currentBuilder != null || _resultValue == null) {
throw new StateError('Result value has not been created');
return _resultValue;
bool moveNext() {
if (currentBuilder == null) {
if (_resultValue == null) {
// This is the first time moveNext has been invoked, so start by
// computing the list of values from which the results will be derived.
currentBuilder = input.baseAccessor.createBuilder();
return currentBuilder.moveNext();
} else {
// We have already computed all of the results, so just return false.
return false;
if (currentBuilder.moveNext()) {
return true;
if (_resultValue == null) {
// We have finished computing the list of values from which the results
// will be derived.
_baseList = currentBuilder.inputValue;
_baseListIndex = 0;
_resultValue = <E>[];
} else {
// We have finished computing one of the elements in the result list.
if (_baseListIndex >= _baseList.length) {
currentBuilder = null;
return false;
currentBuilder =
return currentBuilder.moveNext();
* An input to an [AnalysisTask] that is computed by accessing a single result
* defined on a single target.
class SimpleTaskInput<V> implements TaskInput<V> {
* The target on which the result is defined.
final AnalysisTarget target;
* The result to be accessed.
final ResultDescriptor<V> result;
* Initialize a newly created task input that computes the input by accessing
* the given [result] associated with the given [target].
SimpleTaskInput(, this.result);
TaskInputBuilder<V> createBuilder() => new SimpleTaskInputBuilder<V>(this);
* A [TaskInputBuilder] used to build an input based on a [SimpleTaskInput].
class SimpleTaskInputBuilder<V> implements TaskInputBuilder<V> {
* The state value indicating that the builder is positioned before the single
* result.
static const _BEFORE = -1;
* The state value indicating that the builder is positioned at the single
* result.
static const _AT = 0;
* The state value indicating that the builder is positioned after the single
* result.
static const _AFTER = 1;
* The input being built.
final SimpleTaskInput<V> input;
* The value of the input being built.
V _resultValue = null;
* The state of the builder.
int _state = _BEFORE;
* A flag indicating whether the result value was explicitly set.
bool _resultSet = false;
* Initialize a newly created task input builder that computes the result
* specified by the given [input].
ResultDescriptor get currentResult => _state == _AT ? input.result : null;
AnalysisTarget get currentTarget => _state == _AT ? : null;
void set currentValue(Object value) {
if (_state != _AT) {
throw new StateError(
'Cannot set the result value when there is no current result');
_resultValue = value as V;
_resultSet = true;
V get inputValue {
if (_state != _AFTER) {
throw new StateError('Result value has not been created');
return _resultValue;
bool moveNext() {
if (_state == _BEFORE) {
_state = _AT;
return true;
} else {
if (!_resultSet) {
throw new StateError(
'The value of the current result must be set before moving to the next result.');
_state = _AFTER;
return false;
* A [TaskInputBuilder] used to build an input based on one or more other task
* inputs. The task inputs to be built are specified by a table mapping the name
* of the input to the task used to access the input's value.
class TopLevelTaskInputBuilder implements TaskInputBuilder<Map<String, Object>>
* The descriptors describing the inputs to be built.
final Map<String, TaskInput> inputDescriptors;
* The names of the inputs. There are the keys from the [inputDescriptors] in
* an indexable form.
List<String> inputNames;
* The index of the input name associated with the current result and target.
int nameIndex = -1;
* The builder used to build the current result.
TaskInputBuilder currentBuilder;
* The inputs that are being or have been built. The map will be incomplete
* unless the method [moveNext] returns `false`.
final Map<String, Object> inputs = new HashMap<String, Object>();
* Initialize a newly created task input builder to build the inputs described
* by the given [inputDescriptors].
TopLevelTaskInputBuilder(this.inputDescriptors) {
inputNames = inputDescriptors.keys.toList();
ResultDescriptor get currentResult {
if (currentBuilder == null) {
return null;
return currentBuilder.currentResult;
AnalysisTarget get currentTarget {
if (currentBuilder == null) {
return null;
return currentBuilder.currentTarget;
void set currentValue(Object value) {
if (currentBuilder == null) {
throw new StateError(
'Cannot set the result value when there is no current result');
currentBuilder.currentValue = value;
Map<String, Object> get inputValue {
if (nameIndex < inputNames.length) {
throw new StateError('Result value has not been created');
return inputs;
* Assuming that there is a current input, return its name.
String get _currentName => inputNames[nameIndex];
bool moveNext() {
if (nameIndex >= inputNames.length) {
// We have already computed all of the results, so just return false.
return false;
if (nameIndex < 0) {
// This is the first time moveNext has been invoked, so we just determine
// whether there are any results to be computed.
nameIndex = 0;
} else {
if (currentBuilder.moveNext()) {
// We are still working on building the value associated with the
// current name.
return true;
inputs[_currentName] = currentBuilder.inputValue;
if (nameIndex >= inputNames.length) {
// There is no next value, so we're done.
return false;
currentBuilder = inputDescriptors[_currentName].createBuilder();
// NOTE: This assumes that every builder will require at least one result
// value to be created. If that assumption is every broken, this method will
// need to be changed to advance until we find a builder that does require
// a result to be computed (or run out of builders).
return currentBuilder.moveNext();