blob: 9e6d8e0b250243a64989c843cdaec37f1db31a55 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/completion_target.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/optype.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import '../../abstract_context.dart';
import '../../reflective_tests.dart';
main() {
groupSep = ' | ';
class OpTypeTest {
OpType visitor;
void addTestSource(String content, {bool resolved: false}) {
int offset = content.indexOf('^');
expect(offset, isNot(equals(-1)), reason: 'missing ^');
int nextOffset = content.indexOf('^', offset + 1);
expect(nextOffset, equals(-1), reason: 'too many ^');
content = content.substring(0, offset) + content.substring(offset + 1);
Source source = new _TestSource('/completionTest.dart');
AnalysisContext context = AnalysisEngine.instance.createAnalysisContext();
context.sourceFactory =
new SourceFactory([AbstractContextTest.SDK_RESOLVER]);
context.setContents(source, content);
CompilationUnit unit = resolved ?
context.resolveCompilationUnit2(source, source) :
CompletionTarget completionTarget =
new CompletionTarget.forOffset(unit, offset);
visitor = new OpType.forCompletion(completionTarget, offset);
void assertOpType({bool invocation: false, bool returnValue: false,
bool typeNames: false, bool voidReturn: false, bool statementLabel: false,
bool caseLabel: false}) {
expect(visitor.includeInvocationSuggestions, equals(invocation));
expect(visitor.includeReturnValueSuggestions, equals(returnValue));
expect(visitor.includeTypeNameSuggestions, equals(typeNames));
expect(visitor.includeVoidReturnSuggestions, equals(voidReturn));
expect(visitor.includeStatementLabelSuggestions, equals(statementLabel));
expect(visitor.includeCaseLabelSuggestions, equals(caseLabel));
test_Annotation() {
// SimpleIdentifier Annotation MethodDeclaration ClassDeclaration
addTestSource('class C { @A^ }');
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true);
test_ArgumentList() {
// ArgumentList MethodInvocation ExpressionStatement Block
addTestSource('void main() {expect(^)}');
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true);
test_ArgumentList_namedParam() {
// SimpleIdentifier NamedExpression ArgumentList MethodInvocation
// ExpressionStatement
addTestSource('void main() {expect(foo: ^)}');
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true);
test_AsExpression() {
// SimpleIdentifier TypeName AsExpression
addTestSource('class A {var b; X _c; foo() {var a; (a as ^).foo();}');
assertOpType(typeNames: true);
test_AssignmentExpression_name() {
// SimpleIdentifier VariableDeclaration VariableDeclarationList
// VariableDeclarationStatement Block
addTestSource('class A {} main() {int a; int ^b = 1;}');
test_AssignmentExpression_RHS() {
// SimpleIdentifier VariableDeclaration VariableDeclarationList
// VariableDeclarationStatement Block
addTestSource('class A {} main() {int a; int b = ^}');
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true);
test_AssignmentExpression_type() {
// SimpleIdentifier TypeName VariableDeclarationList
// VariableDeclarationStatement Block
main() {
int a;
^ b = 1;}''');
// TODO (danrubel) When entering 1st of 2 identifiers on assignment LHS
// the user may be either (1) entering a type for the assignment
// or (2) starting a new statement.
// Consider suggesting only types
// if only spaces separates the 1st and 2nd identifiers.
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true, voidReturn: true);
test_AssignmentExpression_type_newline() {
// SimpleIdentifier TypeName VariableDeclarationList
// VariableDeclarationStatement Block
main() {
int a;
b = 1;}''');
// Allow non-types preceding an identifier on LHS of assignment
// if newline follows first identifier
// because user is probably starting a new statement
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true, voidReturn: true);
test_AssignmentExpression_type_partial() {
// SimpleIdentifier TypeName VariableDeclarationList
// VariableDeclarationStatement Block
main() {
int a;
int^ b = 1;}''');
// TODO (danrubel) When entering 1st of 2 identifiers on assignment LHS
// the user may be either (1) entering a type for the assignment
// or (2) starting a new statement.
// Consider suggesting only types
// if only spaces separates the 1st and 2nd identifiers.
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true, voidReturn: true);
test_AssignmentExpression_type_partial_newline() {
// SimpleIdentifier TypeName VariableDeclarationList
// VariableDeclarationStatement Block
main() {
int a;
b = 1;}''');
// Allow non-types preceding an identifier on LHS of assignment
// if newline follows first identifier
// because user is probably starting a new statement
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true, voidReturn: true);
test_AwaitExpression() {
// SimpleIdentifier AwaitExpression ExpressionStatement
addTestSource('main() async {A a; await ^}');
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true);
test_BinaryExpression_LHS() {
// SimpleIdentifier BinaryExpression VariableDeclaration
// VariableDeclarationList VariableDeclarationStatement
addTestSource('main() {int a = 1, b = ^ + 2;}');
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true);
test_BinaryExpression_RHS() {
// SimpleIdentifier BinaryExpression VariableDeclaration
// VariableDeclarationList VariableDeclarationStatement
addTestSource('main() {int a = 1, b = 2 + ^;}');
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true);
test_Block() {
// Block BlockFunctionBody MethodDeclaration
class X {
a() {
var f;
localF(int arg1) { }
{var x;}
^ var r;
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true, voidReturn: true);
test_Block_empty() {
// Block BlockFunctionBody MethodDeclaration ClassDeclaration
addTestSource('class A extends E implements I with M {a() {^}}');
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true, voidReturn: true);
test_Block_identifier_partial() {
addTestSource('class X {a() {var f; {var x;} D^ var r;} void b() { }}');
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true, voidReturn: true);
test_Break_after_label() {
addTestSource('main() { foo: while (true) { break foo ^ ; } }');
assertOpType(/* No valid completions */);
test_Break_before_label() {
addTestSource('main() { foo: while (true) { break ^ foo; } }');
assertOpType(statementLabel: true);
test_Break_no_label() {
addTestSource('main() { foo: while (true) { break ^; } }');
assertOpType(statementLabel: true);
test_CascadeExpression_selector1() {
// PropertyAccess CascadeExpression ExpressionStatement Block
// looks like a cascade to the parser
// but the user is trying to get completions for a non-cascade
main() {A a; a.^.z}''');
assertOpType(invocation: true);
test_CascadeExpression_selector2() {
// SimpleIdentifier PropertyAccess CascadeExpression ExpressionStatement
addTestSource('main() {A a; a..^z}');
assertOpType(invocation: true);
test_CascadeExpression_selector2_withTrailingReturn() {
// PropertyAccess CascadeExpression ExpressionStatement Block
addTestSource('main() {A a; a..^ return}');
assertOpType(invocation: true);
test_CascadeExpression_target() {
// SimpleIdentifier CascadeExpression ExpressionStatement
addTestSource('main() {A a; a^..b}');
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true, voidReturn: true);
test_CatchClause_typed() {
// Block CatchClause TryStatement
addTestSource('class A {a() {try{var x;} on E catch (e) {^}}}');
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true, voidReturn: true);
test_CatchClause_untyped() {
// Block CatchClause TryStatement
addTestSource('class A {a() {try{var x;} catch (e, s) {^}}}');
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true, voidReturn: true);
test_ClassDeclaration_body() {
// ClassDeclaration CompilationUnit
addTestSource('@deprecated class A {^}');
assertOpType(typeNames: true);
test_ClassDeclaration_body2() {
// SimpleIdentifier MethodDeclaration ClassDeclaration
addTestSource('@deprecated class A {^mth() {}}');
assertOpType(typeNames: true);
test_Combinator_hide() {
// SimpleIdentifier HideCombinator ImportDirective
import "/testAB.dart" hide ^;
class X {}''');
test_Combinator_show() {
// SimpleIdentifier HideCombinator ImportDirective
import "/testAB.dart" show ^;
import "/testCD.dart";
class X {}''');
test_CommentReference() {
// SimpleIdentifier CommentReference Comment MethodDeclaration
addTestSource('class A {/** [^] */ mth() {}');
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true, voidReturn: true);
test_ConditionalExpression_empty() {
// SimpleIdentifier PrefixIdentifier IfStatement
addTestSource('class A {foo() {A a; if (^) something}}');
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true);
test_ConditionalExpression_invocation() {
// SimpleIdentifier PrefixIdentifier IfStatement
addTestSource('main() {var a; if (a.^) something}');
assertOpType(invocation: true);
test_ConstructorName() {
// SimpleIdentifier PrefixedIdentifier TypeName ConstructorName
// InstanceCreationExpression
addTestSource('main() {new X.^}');
assertOpType(invocation: true);
test_ConstructorName_name_resolved() {
// SimpleIdentifier PrefixedIdentifier TypeName ConstructorName
// InstanceCreationExpression
addTestSource('main() {new Str^ing.fromCharCodes([]);}', resolved: true);
assertOpType(typeNames: true);
test_ConstructorName_resolved() {
// SimpleIdentifier PrefixedIdentifier TypeName ConstructorName
// InstanceCreationExpression
addTestSource('main() {new^omCharCodes([]);}', resolved: true);
assertOpType(invocation: true);
test_ConstructorName_unresolved() {
// SimpleIdentifier PrefixedIdentifier TypeName ConstructorName
// InstanceCreationExpression
addTestSource('main() {new^omCharCodes([]);}');
assertOpType(invocation: true);
test_Continue_after_label() {
addTestSource('main() { foo: while (true) { continue foo ^ ; } }');
assertOpType(/* No valid completions */);
test_Continue_before_label() {
addTestSource('main() { foo: while (true) { continue ^ foo; } }');
assertOpType(statementLabel: true, caseLabel: true);
test_Continue_no_label() {
addTestSource('main() { foo: while (true) { continue ^; } }');
assertOpType(statementLabel: true, caseLabel: true);
test_DoStatement() {
// SimpleIdentifier DoStatement Block
addTestSource('main() {do{} while(^x);}');
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true);
test_ExpressionFunctionBody() {
// SimpleIdentifier ExpressionFunctionBody FunctionExpression
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true);
test_ExpressionStatement() {
// ExpressionStatement Block BlockFunctionBody
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true, voidReturn: true);
test_ExpressionStatement_name() {
// ExpressionStatement Block BlockFunctionBody MethodDeclaration
addTestSource('class C {a() {C ^}}');
test_ExtendsClause() {
// ExtendsClause ClassDeclaration
addTestSource('class x extends ^\n{}');
assertOpType(typeNames: true);
test_FieldDeclaration_name_typed() {
// SimpleIdentifier VariableDeclaration VariableDeclarationList
// FieldDeclaration
addTestSource('class C {A ^}');
test_FieldDeclaration_name_var() {
// SimpleIdentifier VariableDeclaration VariableDeclarationList
// FieldDeclaration
addTestSource('class C {var ^}');
test_ForEachStatement() {
// SimpleIdentifier ForEachStatement Block
addTestSource('main() {for(z in ^zs) {}}');
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true);
test_ForEachStatement_body_typed() {
// Block ForEachStatement
addTestSource('main(args) {for (int foo in bar) {^}}');
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true, voidReturn: true);
test_ForEachStatement_body_untyped() {
// Block ForEachStatement
addTestSource('main(args) {for (foo in bar) {^}}');
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true, voidReturn: true);
test_FormalParameterList() {
// FormalParameterList MethodDeclaration
addTestSource('class A {a(^) { }}');
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true);
test_ForStatement_condition() {
// SimpleIdentifier ForStatement
addTestSource('main() {for (int index = 0; i^)}');
// TODO (danrubel) may want to exclude methods/functions with void return
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true, voidReturn: true);
test_ForStatement_initializer() {
// SimpleIdentifier ForStatement
addTestSource('main() {List a; for (^)}');
// TODO (danrubel) may want to exclude methods/functions with void return
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true, voidReturn: true);
test_ForStatement_updaters() {
// SimpleIdentifier ForStatement
addTestSource('main() {for (int index = 0; index < 10; i^)}');
// TODO (danrubel) may want to exclude methods/functions with void return
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true, voidReturn: true);
test_ForStatement_updaters_prefix_expression() {
// SimpleIdentifier PrefixExpression ForStatement
addTestSource('main() {for (int index = 0; index < 10; ++i^)}');
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true);
test_FunctionTypeAlias() {
// SimpleIdentifier FunctionTypeAlias CompilationUnit
addTestSource('typedef n^ ;');
assertOpType(typeNames: true);
test_IfStatement() {
// EmptyStatement IfStatement Block BlockFunctionBody
addTestSource('main(){var a; if (true) ^}');
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true, voidReturn: true);
test_IfStatement_condition() {
// SimpleIdentifier IfStatement Block BlockFunctionBody
addTestSource('main(){var a; if (^)}');
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true);
test_ImplementsClause() {
// ImplementsClause ClassDeclaration
addTestSource('class x implements ^\n{}');
assertOpType(typeNames: true);
test_ImportDirective_dart() {
// SimpleStringLiteral ImportDirective
import "dart^";
main() {}''');
test_InstanceCreationExpression_imported() {
// SimpleIdentifier TypeName ConstructorName InstanceCreationExpression
addTestSource('class C {foo(){var f; {var x;} new ^}}');
assertOpType(typeNames: true);
test_InstanceCreationExpression_keyword() {
// InstanceCreationExpression ExpressionStatement Block
addTestSource('class C {foo(){var f; {var x;} new^ }}');
returnValue: true,
typeNames: true,
voidReturn: true);
test_InstanceCreationExpression_keyword2() {
// InstanceCreationExpression ExpressionStatement Block
addTestSource('class C {foo(){var f; {var x;} new^ C();}}');
returnValue: true,
typeNames: true,
voidReturn: true);
test_InterpolationExpression() {
// SimpleIdentifier InterpolationExpression StringInterpolation
addTestSource('main() {String name; print("hello \$^");}');
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true);
test_InterpolationExpression_block() {
// SimpleIdentifier InterpolationExpression StringInterpolation
addTestSource('main() {String name; print("hello \${n^}");}');
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true);
test_InterpolationExpression_prefix_selector() {
// SimpleIdentifier PrefixedIdentifier InterpolationExpression
addTestSource('main() {String name; print("hello \${name.^}");}');
assertOpType(invocation: true);
test_InterpolationExpression_prefix_target() {
// SimpleIdentifier PrefixedIdentifier InterpolationExpression
addTestSource('main() {String name; print("hello \${nam^e.length}");}');
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true);
test_IsExpression() {
// SimpleIdentifier TypeName IsExpression IfStatement
addTestSource('main() {var x; if (x is ^) { }}');
assertOpType(typeNames: true);
test_IsExpression_target() {
// IfStatement Block BlockFunctionBody
addTestSource('main(){var a; if (^ is A)}');
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true);
test_IsExpression_type_partial() {
// SimpleIdentifier TypeName IsExpression IfStatement
addTestSource('main(){var a; if (a is Obj^)}');
assertOpType(typeNames: true);
test_Literal_string() {
// SimpleStringLiteral ExpressionStatement Block
addTestSource('class A {a() {"hel^lo"}}');
test_MethodDeclaration1() {
// SimpleIdentifier MethodDeclaration ClassDeclaration
addTestSource('class Bar {const ^Fara();}');
assertOpType(typeNames: true);
test_MethodDeclaration2() {
// SimpleIdentifier MethodDeclaration ClassDeclaration
addTestSource('class Bar {const F^ara();}');
assertOpType(typeNames: true);
test_MethodInvocation_no_semicolon() {
// MethodInvocation ExpressionStatement Block
class A implements I {
// no semicolon between completion point and next statement
set _s2(I x) {x.^ m(null);}
assertOpType(invocation: true);
test_PrefixedIdentifier_class_const() {
// SimpleIdentifier PrefixedIdentifier ExpressionStatement Block
addTestSource('main() {A.^}');
assertOpType(invocation: true);
test_PrefixedIdentifier_class_imported() {
// SimpleIdentifier PrefixedIdentifier ExpressionStatement
addTestSource('main() {A a; a.^}');
assertOpType(invocation: true);
test_PrefixedIdentifier_prefix() {
// SimpleIdentifier PrefixedIdentifier ExpressionStatement
addTestSource('class X {foo(){A^.bar}}');
assertOpType(typeNames: true, returnValue: true, voidReturn: true);
test_PropertyAccess_expression() {
// SimpleIdentifier MethodInvocation PropertyAccess ExpressionStatement
addTestSource('class A {a() {"hello".to^String().length}}');
assertOpType(invocation: true);
test_PropertyAccess_selector() {
// SimpleIdentifier PropertyAccess ExpressionStatement Block
addTestSource('class A {a() {"hello".length.^}}');
assertOpType(invocation: true);
test_ReturnStatement() {
// ReturnStatement Block
addTestSource('f() { var vvv = 42; return ^ }');
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true);
test_SimpleFormalParameter() {
// SimpleIdentifier SimpleFormalParameter FormalParameterList
addTestSource('mth() { PNGS.sort((String a, Str^) => a.compareTo(b)); }');
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true);
test_SwitchCase() {
// SimpleIdentifier SwitchCase SwitchStatement
addTestSource('''m() {switch (x) {case ^D: return;}}''');
// TODO (danrubel) should refine this to return constants
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true, voidReturn: true);
test_SwitchStatement() {
// SimpleIdentifier SwitchStatement Block
addTestSource('main() {switch(^k) {case 1:{}}}');
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true);
test_ThisExpression_block() {
// MethodInvocation ExpressionStatement Block
class A implements I {
// no semicolon between completion point and next statement
set s1(I x) {} set _s2(I x) {this.^ m(null);}
assertOpType(invocation: true);
test_ThisExpression_constructor() {
// MethodInvocation ExpressionStatement Block
class A implements I {
A() {this.^}
assertOpType(invocation: true);
test_TopLevelVariableDeclaration_typed_name() {
// SimpleIdentifier VariableDeclaration VariableDeclarationList
// TopLevelVariableDeclaration
addTestSource('class A {} B ^');
test_TopLevelVariableDeclaration_untyped_name() {
// SimpleIdentifier VariableDeclaration VariableDeclarationList
// TopLevelVariableDeclaration
addTestSource('class A {} var ^');
test_TypeParameter() {
// SimpleIdentifier TypeParameter TypeParameterList
addTestSource('class tezetst <String, ^List> {}');
test_TypeParameterList_empty() {
// SimpleIdentifier TypeParameter TypeParameterList
addTestSource('class tezetst <^> {}');
test_VariableDeclaration_name() {
// SimpleIdentifier VariableDeclaration VariableDeclarationList
// VariableDeclarationStatement Block
addTestSource('main() {var ^}');
test_VariableDeclarationStatement_afterSemicolon() {
// VariableDeclarationStatement Block BlockFunctionBody
addTestSource('class A {var a; x() {var b;^}}');
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true, voidReturn: true);
test_VariableDeclarationStatement_RHS() {
// SimpleIdentifier VariableDeclaration VariableDeclarationList
// VariableDeclarationStatement
addTestSource('class C {bar(){var f; {var x;} var e = ^}}');
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true);
test_VariableDeclarationStatement_RHS_missing_semicolon() {
// VariableDeclaration VariableDeclarationList
// VariableDeclarationStatement
addTestSource('class C {bar(){var f; {var x;} var e = ^ var g}}');
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true);
test_WhileStatement() {
// SimpleIdentifier WhileStatement Block
addTestSource('mth() { while (b^) {} }}');
assertOpType(returnValue: true, typeNames: true);
class _TestSource implements Source {
String fullName;
bool get isInSystemLibrary => false;
String get shortName => fullName;
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);