blob: 4861199f154e02b1110acd6e1b2fc7df79d0d7d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart_completion_manager.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/search/search_engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
* [CompletionCache] contains information about the prior code completion
* for use in the next code completion.
abstract class CompletionCache {
* The context in which the completion was computed.
final AnalysisContext context;
* The source in which the completion was computed.
final Source source;
CompletionCache(this.context, this.source);
* Manages `CompletionComputer`s for a given completion request.
abstract class CompletionManager {
* The context in which the completion was computed.
final AnalysisContext context;
* The source in which the completion was computed.
final Source source;
* The controller used for returning completion results.
StreamController<CompletionResult> controller;
CompletionManager(this.context, this.source);
* Create a manager for the given request.
factory CompletionManager.create(AnalysisContext context, Source source,
SearchEngine searchEngine) {
if (context != null) {
if (AnalysisEngine.isDartFileName(source.shortName)) {
return new DartCompletionManager.create(context, searchEngine, source);
if (AnalysisEngine.isHtmlFileName(source.shortName)) {
//TODO (danrubel) implement
// return new HtmlCompletionManager(context, searchEngine, source, offset);
return new NoOpCompletionManager(source);
* Compute and cache information in preparation for a possible code
* completion request sometime in the future. The default implementation
* of this method does nothing. Subclasses may override but should not
* count on this method being called before [computeSuggestions].
* Return a future that completes when the cache is computed with a bool
* indicating success.
Future<bool> computeCache() {
return new Future.value(true);
* Compute completion results for the given reqeust and append them to the stream.
* Clients should not call this method directly as it is automatically called
* when a client listens to the stream returned by [results].
* Subclasses should override this method, append at least one result
* to the [controller], and close the controller stream once complete.
void computeSuggestions(CompletionRequest request);
* Discard any pending operations.
* Subclasses may override but should call super.dispose
void dispose() {
* Generate a stream of code completion results.
Stream<CompletionResult> results(CompletionRequest request) {
controller = new StreamController<CompletionResult>(onListen: () {
scheduleMicrotask(() {
* Overall performance of a code completion operation.
class CompletionPerformance {
final DateTime start = new;
final Map<String, Duration> _startTimes = new Map<String, Duration>();
final Stopwatch _stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
final List<OperationPerformance> operations = <OperationPerformance>[];
Source source;
String snippet = '';
int notificationCount = -1;
int suggestionCountFirst = -1;
int suggestionCountLast = -1;
Duration _firstNotification;
CompletionPerformance() {
void setContentsAndOffset(String contents, int offset) {
snippet = _computeSnippet(contents, offset);
int get elapsedInMilliseconds =>
operations.length > 0 ? operations.last.elapsed.inMilliseconds : 0;
int get firstNotificationInMilliseconds =>
_firstNotification != null ? _firstNotification.inMilliseconds : 0;
String get startTimeAndMs => '${start.millisecondsSinceEpoch} - $start';
String get suggestionCount {
if (notificationCount < 1) return '';
if (notificationCount == 1) return '$suggestionCountFirst';
return '$suggestionCountFirst, $suggestionCountLast';
void complete([String tag = null]) {
_logDuration(tag != null ? tag : 'total time', _stopwatch.elapsed);
logElapseTime(String tag, [f() = null]) {
Duration start;
Duration end = _stopwatch.elapsed;
var result;
if (f == null) {
start = _startTimes[tag];
if (start == null) {
_logDuration(tag, null);
return null;
} else {
result = f();
start = end;
end = _stopwatch.elapsed;
_logDuration(tag, end - start);
return result;
void logFirstNotificationComplete(String tag) {
_firstNotification = _stopwatch.elapsed;
_logDuration(tag, _firstNotification);
void logStartTime(String tag) {
_startTimes[tag] = _stopwatch.elapsed;
void _logDuration(String tag, Duration elapsed) {
operations.add(new OperationPerformance(tag, elapsed));
static String _computeSnippet(String contents, int offset) {
if (contents == null || offset == null || offset < 0 || contents.length < offset) {
return '???';
int start = offset;
while (start > 0) {
String ch = contents[start - 1];
if (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n') {
int end = offset;
while (end < contents.length) {
String ch = contents[end];
if (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n') {
String prefix = contents.substring(start, offset);
String suffix = contents.substring(offset, end);
return '$prefix^$suffix';
* Encapsulates information specific to a particular completion request.
class CompletionRequest {
* The offset within the source at which the completion is requested.
final int offset;
* Performance measurements for this particular request.
final CompletionPerformance performance;
CompletionRequest(this.offset, this.performance);
* Code completion result generated by an [CompletionManager].
class CompletionResult {
* The length of the text to be replaced if the remainder of the identifier
* containing the cursor is to be replaced when the suggestion is applied
* (that is, the number of characters in the existing identifier).
final int replacementLength;
* The offset of the start of the text to be replaced. This will be different
* than the offset used to request the completion suggestions if there was a
* portion of an identifier before the original offset. In particular, the
* replacementOffset will be the offset of the beginning of said identifier.
final int replacementOffset;
* The suggested completions.
final List<CompletionSuggestion> suggestions;
* `true` if this is that last set of results that will be returned
* for the indicated completion.
final bool last;
CompletionResult(this.replacementOffset, this.replacementLength,
this.suggestions, this.last);
class NoOpCompletionManager extends CompletionManager {
NoOpCompletionManager(Source source) : super(null, source);
void computeSuggestions(CompletionRequest request) {
controller.add(new CompletionResult(request.offset, 0, [], true));
* The performance of an operation when computing code completion.
class OperationPerformance {
* The name of the operation
final String name;
* The elapse time or `null` if undefined.
final Duration elapsed;
OperationPerformance(, this.elapsed);