blob: 9636b19e57b246e1ce5ac0e2b03c7d9c80c8a353 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "platform/text_buffer.h"
#include "vm/allocation.h"
#include "vm/growable_array.h"
#include "vm/hash.h"
#include "vm/hash_map.h"
#include "vm/zone.h"
namespace dart {
M(Bool, bool) \
M(Double, double) \
M(Integer, int64_t) \
M(String, const char*) \
M(Symbol, const char*)
M(List, _)
#define FORWARD_DECLARATION(name, value_type) class SExp##name;
// Abstract base class for S-expressions used as an intermediate form for the
// IL serializer. These aren't true (LISP-like) S-expressions, as the atoms
// are more restricted and the lists have extra information. Here is an
// illustrative BNF-style grammar of the current serialized form of
// S-expressions that includes non-whitespace literal tokens:
// <s-exp> ::= <atom> | <list>
// <atom> ::= <bool> | <integer> | <string> | <symbol>
// <list> ::= '(' <s-exp>* <extra-info>? ')'
// <extra-info> ::= '{' <extra-elem>* '}'
// <extra-elem> ::= <symbol> <s-exp> ','
// Here, <string>s are double-quoted strings with backslash escaping and
// <symbol>s are sequences of consecutive non-whitespace characters that do not
// include commas (,), parentheses (()), curly braces ({}), or the double-quote
// character (").
// In addition, the <extra-info> is considered a map from symbol labels to
// S-expression values, and as such each symbol used as a key in an <extra-info>
// block should only appear once as a key within that block.
class SExpression : public ZoneAllocated {
explicit SExpression(intptr_t start = kInvalidPos) : start_(start) {}
virtual ~SExpression() {}
static intptr_t const kInvalidPos = -1;
static SExpression* FromCString(Zone* zone, const char* cstr);
intptr_t start() const { return start_; }
#define S_EXPRESSION_TYPE_CHECK(name, value_type) \
bool Is##name() { return (As##name() != nullptr); } \
virtual SExp##name* As##name() { return nullptr; }
virtual const char* DebugName() const = 0;
virtual bool Equals(SExpression* sexp) const = 0;
virtual void SerializeTo(Zone* zone,
TextBuffer* buffer,
const char* indent,
intptr_t width = 80) const = 0;
virtual void SerializeToLine(TextBuffer* buffer) const = 0;
// Starting character position of the s-expression in the original
// serialization, if it was deserialized.
intptr_t const start_;
class SExpAtom : public SExpression {
explicit SExpAtom(intptr_t start = kInvalidPos) : SExpression(start) {}
virtual SExpAtom* AsAtom() { return this; }
// No atoms have sub-elements, so they always print to a single line.
virtual void SerializeTo(Zone* zone,
TextBuffer* buffer,
const char* indent,
intptr_t width = 80) const {
virtual SExp##name* As##name() { return this; } \
virtual const char* DebugName() const { return #name; }
// The various concrete S-expression atom classes are thin wrappers around
// their contained value that includes serialization and type check methods.
#define DEFINE_S_EXPRESSION_ATOM_CLASS(name, value_type) \
class SExp##name : public SExpAtom { \
public: \
explicit SExp##name(value_type val, intptr_t start = kInvalidPos) \
: SExpAtom(start), val_(val) {} \
value_type value() const { return val_; } \
virtual bool Equals(SExpression* sexp) const; \
virtual void SerializeToLine(TextBuffer* buffer) const; \
private: \
value_type const val_; \
// A list of S-expressions. Unlike normal S-expressions, an S-expression list
// also contains a hash map kept separate from the elements, which we use for
// extra non-argument information for IL instructions.
class SExpList : public SExpression {
explicit SExpList(Zone* zone, intptr_t start = kInvalidPos)
: SExpression(start), contents_(zone, 2), extra_info_(zone) {}
template <typename V>
class CStringPointerKeyValueTrait {
typedef const char* Key;
typedef V Value;
struct Pair {
Key key;
Value value;
Pair() : key(NULL), value() {}
Pair(const Key key, const Value& value) : key(key), value(value) {}
Pair(const Pair& other) : key(other.key), value(other.value) {}
static Key KeyOf(Pair kv) { return kv.key; }
static Value ValueOf(Pair kv) { return kv.value; }
static intptr_t Hashcode(Key key) {
intptr_t hash = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen(key); i++) {
hash = CombineHashes(hash, key[i]);
return FinalizeHash(hash, kBitsPerWord - 1);
static bool IsKeyEqual(Pair kv, Key key) {
return kv.key == key || strcmp(kv.key, key) == 0;
using ExtraInfoKeyValueTrait = CStringPointerKeyValueTrait<SExpression*>;
using ExtraInfoHashMap = DirectChainedHashMap<ExtraInfoKeyValueTrait>;
void Add(SExpression* sexp);
void AddExtra(const char* label, SExpression* value);
SExpression* At(intptr_t i) const { return contents_.At(i); }
intptr_t Length() const { return contents_.length(); }
intptr_t ExtraLength() const { return extra_info_.Length(); }
ExtraInfoHashMap::Iterator ExtraIterator() const {
return extra_info_.GetIterator();
bool ExtraHasKey(const char* cstr) const { return extra_info_.HasKey(cstr); }
ExtraInfoKeyValueTrait::Value ExtraLookupValue(const char* cstr) const {
return extra_info_.LookupValue(cstr);
virtual bool Equals(SExpression* sexp) const;
virtual void SerializeTo(Zone* zone,
TextBuffer* buffer,
const char* indent,
intptr_t width = 80) const;
virtual void SerializeToLine(TextBuffer* buffer) const;
static const char* const kElemIndent;
static const char* const kExtraIndent;
void SerializeExtraInfoTo(Zone* zone,
TextBuffer* buffer,
const char* indent,
int width) const;
void SerializeExtraInfoToLine(TextBuffer* buffer) const;
ZoneGrowableArray<SExpression*> contents_;
ExtraInfoHashMap extra_info_;
class SExpParser : public ValueObject {
SExpParser(Zone* zone, const char* cstr)
: SExpParser(zone, cstr, strlen(cstr)) {}
SExpParser(Zone* zone, const char* cstr, intptr_t len)
: zone_(zone),
buffer_size_(strnlen(cstr, len)),
list_stack_(zone, 2),
in_extra_stack_(zone, 2),
extra_start_stack_(zone, 2),
cur_label_stack_(zone, 2),
error_message_(nullptr) {}
// Constants used in serializing and deserializing S-expressions.
static const char* const kBoolTrueSymbol;
static const char* const kBoolFalseSymbol;
static char const kDoubleExponentChar;
static const char* const kDoubleInfinitySymbol;
static const char* const kDoubleNaNSymbol;
struct ErrorStrings : AllStatic {
static const char* const kOpenString;
static const char* const kBadUnicodeEscape;
static const char* const kOpenSExpList;
static const char* const kOpenMap;
static const char* const kNestedMap;
static const char* const kMapOutsideList;
static const char* const kNonSymbolLabel;
static const char* const kNoMapLabel;
static const char* const kRepeatedMapLabel;
static const char* const kNoMapValue;
static const char* const kExtraMapValue;
static const char* const kUnexpectedComma;
static const char* const kUnexpectedRightParen;
static const char* const kUnexpectedRightCurly;
intptr_t error_pos() const { return error_pos_; }
const char* error_message() const { return error_message_; }
SExpression* Parse();
DART_NORETURN void ReportError() const;
#define S_EXP_TOKEN_LIST(M) \
M(LeftParen) \
M(RightParen) \
M(Comma) \
M(LeftCurly) \
M(RightCurly) \
M(QuotedString) \
M(Integer) \
M(Double) \
M(Boolean) \
// clang-format off
#define DEFINE_S_EXP_TOKEN_ENUM_LINE(name) k##name,
enum TokenType {
// clang-format on
class Token : public ZoneAllocated {
Token(TokenType type, const char* cstr, intptr_t len)
: type_(type), cstr_(cstr), len_(len) {}
TokenType type() const { return type_; }
intptr_t length() const { return len_; }
const char* cstr() const { return cstr_; }
const char* DebugName() const { return TokenNames[type()]; }
const char* ToCString(Zone* zone);
static const char* const TokenNames[kMaxTokens];
TokenType const type_;
const char* const cstr_;
intptr_t const len_;
SExpression* TokenToSExpression(Token* token);
Token* GetNextToken();
void Reset();
void StoreError(intptr_t pos, const char* format, ...);
static bool IsSymbolContinue(char c);
Zone* const zone_;
const char* const buffer_;
intptr_t const buffer_size_;
intptr_t cur_pos_ = 0;
bool in_extra_ = false;
intptr_t extra_start_ = -1;
const char* cur_label_;
SExpression* cur_value_;
ZoneGrowableArray<SExpList*> list_stack_;
ZoneGrowableArray<bool> in_extra_stack_;
ZoneGrowableArray<intptr_t> extra_start_stack_;
ZoneGrowableArray<const char*> cur_label_stack_;
intptr_t error_pos_ = -1;
const char* error_message_;
} // namespace dart