blob: 09d5720d114807cf3f3a5e1161d7547f7068993c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/flow_analysis/flow_analysis.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
main() {
group('API', () {
test('conditional_thenBegin promotes true branch', () {
var h = _Harness();
var x = h.addAssignedVar('x', 'int?');
expect(h.flow.promotedType(x).type, 'int');
expect(h.flow.promotedType(x), isNull);
h.flow.conditional_end(_Expression(), _Expression());
expect(h.flow.promotedType(x), isNull);
test('conditional_elseBegin promotes false branch', () {
var h = _Harness();
var x = h.addAssignedVar('x', 'int?');
expect(h.flow.promotedType(x), isNull);
expect(h.flow.promotedType(x).type, 'int');
h.flow.conditional_end(_Expression(), _Expression());
expect(h.flow.promotedType(x), isNull);
test('conditional_end keeps promotions common to true and false branches',
() {
var h = _Harness();
var x = h.addAssignedVar('x', 'int?');
var y = h.addAssignedVar('x', 'int?');
var z = h.addAssignedVar('x', 'int?');
h.promote(x, 'int');
h.promote(y, 'int');
h.promote(x, 'int');
h.promote(z, 'int');
h.flow.conditional_end(_Expression(), _Expression());
expect(h.flow.promotedType(x).type, 'int');
expect(h.flow.promotedType(y), isNull);
expect(h.flow.promotedType(z), isNull);
test('conditional joins true states', () {
// if (... ? (x != null && y != null) : (x != null && z != null)) {
// promotes x, but not y or z
// }
var h = _Harness();
var x = h.addAssignedVar('x', 'int?');
var y = h.addAssignedVar('y', 'int?');
var z = h.addAssignedVar('z', 'int?');
h.conditional(h.expr, h.and(h.notNull(x), h.notNull(y)),
h.and(h.notNull(x), h.notNull(z))), () {
expect(h.flow.promotedType(x).type, 'int');
expect(h.flow.promotedType(y), isNull);
expect(h.flow.promotedType(z), isNull);
test('conditional joins false states', () {
// if (... ? (x == null || y == null) : (x == null || z == null)) {
// } else {
// promotes x, but not y or z
// }
var h = _Harness();
var x = h.addAssignedVar('x', 'int?');
var y = h.addAssignedVar('y', 'int?');
var z = h.addAssignedVar('z', 'int?');
h.conditional(h.expr, h.or(h.eqNull(x), h.eqNull(y)),
h.or(h.eqNull(x), h.eqNull(z))),
() {}, () {
expect(h.flow.promotedType(x).type, 'int');
expect(h.flow.promotedType(y), isNull);
expect(h.flow.promotedType(z), isNull);
test('conditionEqNull(notEqual: true) promotes true branch', () {
var h = _Harness();
var x = h.addAssignedVar('x', 'int?');
var expr = _Expression();
h.flow.conditionEqNull(expr, x, notEqual: true);
expect(h.flow.promotedType(x).type, 'int');
expect(h.flow.promotedType(x), isNull);
test('conditionEqNull(notEqual: false) promotes false branch', () {
var h = _Harness();
var x = h.addAssignedVar('x', 'int?');
var expr = _Expression();
h.flow.conditionEqNull(expr, x, notEqual: false);
expect(h.flow.promotedType(x), isNull);
expect(h.flow.promotedType(x).type, 'int');
test('doStatement_bodyBegin() un-promotes', () {
var h = _Harness();
var x = h.addAssignedVar('x', 'int?');
h.promote(x, 'int');
expect(h.flow.promotedType(x).type, 'int');
h.flow.doStatement_bodyBegin(_Statement(), {x});
expect(h.flow.promotedType(x), isNull);
test('doStatement_conditionBegin() joins continue state', () {
var h = _Harness();
var x = h.addAssignedVar('x', 'int?');
var stmt = _Statement();
h.flow.doStatement_bodyBegin(stmt, {});
h.if_(h.notNull(x), () {
expect(h.flow.isReachable, false);
expect(h.flow.promotedType(x), isNull);
expect(h.flow.isReachable, true);
expect(h.flow.promotedType(x).type, 'int');
test('doStatement_end() promotes', () {
var h = _Harness();
var x = h.addAssignedVar('x', 'int?');
h.flow.doStatement_bodyBegin(_Statement(), {});
expect(h.flow.promotedType(x), isNull);
expect(h.flow.promotedType(x).type, 'int');
test('finish checks proper nesting', () {
var h = _Harness();
var expr = _Expression();
expect(() => h.flow.finish(), _asserts);
test('finish checks for un-added variables', () {
var h = _Harness();
var x = _Var('x', _Type('int'));
expect(() => h.flow.finish(), _asserts);
test('ifStatement_end(false) keeps else branch if then branch exits', () {
var h = _Harness();
var x = h.addAssignedVar('x', 'int?');
expect(h.flow.promotedType(x).type, 'int');
test('logicalBinaryOp_rightBegin(isAnd: true) promotes in RHS', () {
var h = _Harness();
var x = h.addAssignedVar('x', 'int?');
h.flow.logicalBinaryOp_rightBegin(h.notNull(x)(), isAnd: true);
expect(h.flow.promotedType(x).type, 'int');
h.flow.logicalBinaryOp_end(_Expression(), _Expression(), isAnd: true);
test('logicalBinaryOp_rightEnd(isAnd: true) keeps promotions from RHS', () {
var h = _Harness();
var x = h.addAssignedVar('x', 'int?');
h.flow.logicalBinaryOp_rightBegin(_Expression(), isAnd: true);
var wholeExpr = _Expression();
h.flow.logicalBinaryOp_end(wholeExpr, h.notNull(x)(), isAnd: true);
expect(h.flow.promotedType(x).type, 'int');
test('logicalBinaryOp_rightEnd(isAnd: false) keeps promotions from RHS',
() {
var h = _Harness();
var x = h.addAssignedVar('x', 'int?');
h.flow.logicalBinaryOp_rightBegin(_Expression(), isAnd: false);
var wholeExpr = _Expression();
h.flow.logicalBinaryOp_end(wholeExpr, h.eqNull(x)(), isAnd: false);
expect(h.flow.promotedType(x).type, 'int');
test('logicalBinaryOp_rightBegin(isAnd: false) promotes in RHS', () {
var h = _Harness();
var x = h.addAssignedVar('x', 'int?');
h.flow.logicalBinaryOp_rightBegin(h.eqNull(x)(), isAnd: false);
expect(h.flow.promotedType(x).type, 'int');
h.flow.logicalBinaryOp_end(_Expression(), _Expression(), isAnd: false);
test('logicalBinaryOp(isAnd: true) joins promotions', () {
// if (x != null && y != null) {
// promotes x and y
// }
var h = _Harness();
var x = h.addAssignedVar('x', 'int?');
var y = h.addAssignedVar('y', 'int?');
h.if_(h.and(h.notNull(x), h.notNull(y)), () {
expect(h.flow.promotedType(x).type, 'int');
expect(h.flow.promotedType(y).type, 'int');
test('logicalBinaryOp(isAnd: false) joins promotions', () {
// if (x == null || y == null) {} else {
// promotes x and y
// }
var h = _Harness();
var x = h.addAssignedVar('x', 'int?');
var y = h.addAssignedVar('y', 'int?');
h.ifElse(h.or(h.eqNull(x), h.eqNull(y)), () {}, () {
expect(h.flow.promotedType(x).type, 'int');
expect(h.flow.promotedType(y).type, 'int');
test('Infinite loop does not implicitly assign variables', () {
var h = _Harness();
var x = h.addUnassignedVar('x', 'int');
var trueCondition = _Expression();
h.flow.booleanLiteral(trueCondition, true);
h.flow.whileStatement_bodyBegin(_Statement(), trueCondition);
expect(h.flow.isAssigned(x), false);
test('If(false) does not discard promotions', () {
var h = _Harness();
var x = h.addAssignedVar('x', 'Object');
h.promote(x, 'int');
expect(h.flow.promotedType(x).type, 'int');
// if (false) {
var falseExpression = _Expression();
h.flow.booleanLiteral(falseExpression, false);
expect(h.flow.promotedType(x).type, 'int');
void _checkIs(String declaredType, String tryPromoteType,
String expectedPromotedType) {
var h = _Harness();
var x = h.addAssignedVar('x', 'int?');
var expr = _Expression();
h.flow.isExpression_end(expr, x, false, _Type(tryPromoteType));
if (expectedPromotedType == null) {
expect(h.flow.promotedType(x), isNull);
} else {
expect(h.flow.promotedType(x).type, expectedPromotedType);
expect(h.flow.promotedType(x), isNull);
test('isExpression_end promotes to a subtype', () {
_checkIs('int?', 'int', 'int');
test('isExpression_end does not promote to a supertype', () {
_checkIs('int', 'int?', null);
test('isExpression_end does not promote to an unrelated type', () {
_checkIs('int', 'String', null);
group('State', () {
var emptySet = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true).notAssigned;
var intVar = _Var('x', _Type('int'));
var intQVar = _Var('x', _Type('int?'));
var objectQVar = _Var('x', _Type('Object?'));
group('setReachable', () {
var unreachable = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(false);
var reachable = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true);
test('unchanged', () {
expect(unreachable.setReachable(false), same(unreachable));
expect(reachable.setReachable(true), same(reachable));
test('changed', () {
void _check(FlowModel<_Var, _Type> initial, bool newReachability) {
var s = initial.setReachable(newReachability);
expect(s, isNot(same(initial)));
expect(s.reachable, newReachability);
expect(s.notAssigned, same(initial.notAssigned));
expect(s.promoted, same(initial.promoted));
_check(unreachable, true);
_check(reachable, false);
group('add', () {
test('default', () {
// By default, added variables are considered unassigned.
var s1 = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true);
var s2 = s1.add(intVar);
expect(s2.notAssigned.contains(intVar), true);
expect(s2.reachable, true);
expect(s2.promoted, {intVar: null});
test('unassigned', () {
var s1 = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true);
var s2 = s1.add(intVar, assigned: false);
expect(s2.notAssigned.contains(intVar), true);
expect(s2.reachable, true);
expect(s2.promoted, {intVar: null});
test('assigned', () {
var s1 = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true);
var s2 = s1.add(intVar, assigned: true);
expect(s2.notAssigned.contains(intVar), false);
expect(s2.promoted, {intVar: null});
group('promote', () {
test('unpromoted -> unchanged (same)', () {
var h = _Harness();
var s1 = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true).add(intVar);
var s2 = s1.promote(h, intVar, _Type('int'));
expect(s2, same(s1));
test('unpromoted -> unchanged (supertype)', () {
var h = _Harness();
var s1 = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true).add(intVar);
var s2 = s1.promote(h, intVar, _Type('Object'));
expect(s2, same(s1));
test('unpromoted -> unchanged (unrelated)', () {
var h = _Harness();
var s1 = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true).add(intVar);
var s2 = s1.promote(h, intVar, _Type('String'));
expect(s2, same(s1));
test('unpromoted -> subtype', () {
var h = _Harness();
var s1 = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true).add(intQVar);
var s2 = s1.promote(h, intQVar, _Type('int'));
expect(s2.reachable, true);
expect(s2.notAssigned, same(s1.notAssigned));
_Type.allowComparisons(() {
expect(s2.promoted, {intQVar: _Type('int')});
test('promoted -> unchanged (same)', () {
var h = _Harness();
var s1 = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true)
.promote(h, objectQVar, _Type('int'));
var s2 = s1.promote(h, objectQVar, _Type('int'));
expect(s2, same(s1));
test('promoted -> unchanged (supertype)', () {
var h = _Harness();
var s1 = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true)
.promote(h, objectQVar, _Type('int'));
var s2 = s1.promote(h, objectQVar, _Type('Object'));
expect(s2, same(s1));
test('promoted -> unchanged (unrelated)', () {
var h = _Harness();
var s1 = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true)
.promote(h, objectQVar, _Type('int'));
var s2 = s1.promote(h, objectQVar, _Type('String'));
expect(s2, same(s1));
test('promoted -> subtype', () {
var h = _Harness();
var s1 = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true)
.promote(h, objectQVar, _Type('int?'));
var s2 = s1.promote(h, objectQVar, _Type('int'));
expect(s2.reachable, true);
expect(s2.notAssigned, same(s1.notAssigned));
_Type.allowComparisons(() {
expect(s2.promoted, {objectQVar: _Type('int')});
group('write', () {
var objectQVar = _Var('x', _Type('Object?'));
test('unchanged', () {
var h = _Harness();
var s1 = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true).add(objectQVar, assigned: true);
var s2 = s1.write(h, emptySet, objectQVar);
expect(s2, same(s1));
test('marks as assigned', () {
var h = _Harness();
var s1 = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true).add(objectQVar, assigned: false);
var s2 = s1.write(h, emptySet, objectQVar);
expect(s2.reachable, true);
expect(s2.notAssigned.contains(objectQVar), false);
expect(s2.promoted, same(s1.promoted));
test('un-promotes', () {
var h = _Harness();
var s1 = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true)
.add(objectQVar, assigned: true)
.promote(h, objectQVar, _Type('int'));
expect(s1.promoted, contains(objectQVar));
var s2 = s1.write(h, emptySet, objectQVar);
expect(s2.reachable, true);
expect(s2.notAssigned, same(s1.notAssigned));
expect(s2.promoted, {objectQVar: null});
group('markNonNullable', () {
test('unpromoted -> unchanged', () {
var h = _Harness();
var s1 = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true).add(intVar);
var s2 = s1.markNonNullable(h, intVar);
expect(s2, same(s1));
test('unpromoted -> promoted', () {
var h = _Harness();
var s1 = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true).add(intQVar);
var s2 = s1.markNonNullable(h, intQVar);
expect(s2.reachable, true);
expect(s2.notAssigned, same(s1.notAssigned));
expect(s2.promoted[intQVar].type, 'int');
test('promoted -> unchanged', () {
var h = _Harness();
var s1 = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true)
.promote(h, objectQVar, _Type('int'));
var s2 = s1.markNonNullable(h, objectQVar);
expect(s2, same(s1));
test('promoted -> re-promoted', () {
var h = _Harness();
var s1 = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true)
.promote(h, objectQVar, _Type('int?'));
var s2 = s1.markNonNullable(h, objectQVar);
expect(s2.reachable, true);
expect(s2.notAssigned, same(s1.notAssigned));
_Type.allowComparisons(() {
expect(s2.promoted, {objectQVar: _Type('int')});
group('removePromotedAll', () {
test('unchanged', () {
var h = _Harness();
var s1 = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true)
.promote(h, objectQVar, _Type('int'));
var s2 = s1.removePromotedAll([intQVar].toSet());
expect(s2, same(s1));
test('changed', () {
var h = _Harness();
var s1 = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true)
.promote(h, objectQVar, _Type('int'))
.promote(h, intQVar, _Type('int'));
var s2 = s1.removePromotedAll([intQVar].toSet());
expect(s2.reachable, true);
expect(s2.notAssigned, same(s1.notAssigned));
_Type.allowComparisons(() {
expect(s2.promoted, {objectQVar: _Type('int'), intQVar: null});
group('restrict', () {
test('reachability', () {
var h = _Harness();
var reachable = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true);
var unreachable = reachable.setReachable(false);
reachable.restrict(h, emptySet, reachable, Set()), same(reachable));
expect(reachable.restrict(h, emptySet, unreachable, Set()),
expect(unreachable.restrict(h, emptySet, unreachable, Set()),
expect(unreachable.restrict(h, emptySet, unreachable, Set()),
test('assignments', () {
var h = _Harness();
var a = _Var('a', _Type('int'));
var b = _Var('b', _Type('int'));
var c = _Var('c', _Type('int'));
var d = _Var('d', _Type('int'));
var s0 = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true).add(a).add(b).add(c).add(d);
var s1 = s0.write(h, emptySet, a).write(h, emptySet, b);
var s2 = s0.write(h, emptySet, a).write(h, emptySet, c);
var result = s1.restrict(h, emptySet, s2, Set());
expect(result.notAssigned.contains(a), false);
expect(result.notAssigned.contains(b), false);
expect(result.notAssigned.contains(c), false);
expect(result.notAssigned.contains(d), true);
test('promotion', () {
void _check(String thisType, String otherType, bool unsafe,
String expectedType) {
var h = _Harness();
var x = _Var('x', _Type('Object?'));
var s0 = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true).add(x, assigned: true);
var s1 = thisType == null ? s0 : s0.promote(h, x, _Type(thisType));
var s2 = otherType == null ? s0 : s0.promote(h, x, _Type(otherType));
var result =
s1.restrict(h, emptySet, s2, unsafe ? [x].toSet() : Set());
if (expectedType == null) {
expect(result.promoted, contains(x));
expect(result.promoted[x], isNull);
} else {
expect(result.promoted[x].type, expectedType);
_check(null, null, false, null);
_check(null, null, true, null);
_check('int', null, false, 'int');
_check('int', null, true, 'int');
_check(null, 'int', false, 'int');
_check(null, 'int', true, null);
_check('int?', 'int', false, 'int');
_check('int', 'int?', false, 'int');
_check('int', 'String', false, 'int');
_check('int?', 'int', true, 'int?');
_check('int', 'int?', true, 'int');
_check('int', 'String', true, 'int');
test('variable present in one state but not the other', () {
var h = _Harness();
var x = _Var('x', _Type('Object?'));
var s0 = FlowModel<_Var, _Type>(true);
var s1 = s0.add(x, assigned: true);
expect(s0.restrict(h, emptySet, s1, {}), same(s0));
expect(s0.restrict(h, emptySet, s1, {x}), same(s0));
expect(s1.restrict(h, emptySet, s0, {}), same(s1));
expect(s1.restrict(h, emptySet, s0, {x}), same(s1));
group('join', () {
group('should re-use an input if possible', () {
var x = _Var('x', null);
var y = _Var('y', null);
var intType = _Type('int');
var intQType = _Type('int?');
var stringType = _Type('String');
const emptyMap = <Null, Null>{};
test('identical inputs', () {
var h = _Harness();
var p = {x: intType, y: stringType};
expect(FlowModel.joinPromoted(h, p, p), same(p));
test('one input empty', () {
var h = _Harness();
var p1 = {x: intType, y: stringType};
var p2 = <_Var, _Type>{};
expect(FlowModel.joinPromoted(h, p1, p2), same(emptyMap));
expect(FlowModel.joinPromoted(h, p2, p1), same(emptyMap));
test('related types', () {
var h = _Harness();
var p1 = {x: intType};
var p2 = {x: intQType};
expect(FlowModel.joinPromoted(h, p1, p2), same(p2));
expect(FlowModel.joinPromoted(h, p2, p1), same(p2));
test('unrelated types', () {
var h = _Harness();
var p1 = {x: intType};
var p2 = {x: stringType};
expect(FlowModel.joinPromoted(h, p1, p2), {x: null});
expect(FlowModel.joinPromoted(h, p2, p1), {x: null});
test('sub-map', () {
var h = _Harness();
var p1 = {x: intType, y: stringType};
var p2 = {x: intType};
expect(FlowModel.joinPromoted(h, p1, p2), same(p2));
expect(FlowModel.joinPromoted(h, p2, p1), same(p2));
test('sub-map with matched subtype', () {
var h = _Harness();
var p1 = {x: intType, y: stringType};
var p2 = {x: intQType};
expect(FlowModel.joinPromoted(h, p1, p2), same(p2));
expect(FlowModel.joinPromoted(h, p2, p1), same(p2));
test('sub-map with mismatched subtype', () {
var h = _Harness();
var p1 = {x: intQType, y: stringType};
var p2 = {x: intType};
var join12 = FlowModel.joinPromoted(h, p1, p2);
_Type.allowComparisons(() => expect(join12, {x: intQType}));
var join21 = FlowModel.joinPromoted(h, p2, p1);
_Type.allowComparisons(() => expect(join21, {x: intQType}));
/// Returns the appropriate matcher for expecting an assertion error to be
/// thrown or not, based on whether assertions are enabled.
Matcher get _asserts {
var matcher = throwsA(TypeMatcher<AssertionError>());
bool assertionsEnabled = false;
assert(assertionsEnabled = true);
if (!assertionsEnabled) {
matcher = isNot(matcher);
return matcher;
/// Representation of an expression to be visited by the test harness. Calling
/// the function causes the expression to be "visited" (in other words, the
/// appropriate methods in [FlowAnalysis] are called in the appropriate order),
/// and the [_Expression] object representing the whole expression is returned.
/// This is used by methods in [_Harness] as a lightweight way of building up
/// complex sequences of calls to [FlowAnalysis] that represent large
/// expressions.
typedef _Expression LazyExpression();
class _Expression {}
class _Harness
TypeOperations<_Var, _Type>,
FunctionBodyAccess<_Var> {
FlowAnalysis<_Statement, _Expression, _Var, _Type> flow;
_Harness() {
flow = FlowAnalysis<_Statement, _Expression, _Var, _Type>(this, this, this);
/// Returns a [LazyExpression] representing an expression with now special
/// flow analysis semantics.
LazyExpression get expr => () => _Expression();
_Var addAssignedVar(String name, String type) {
var v = _Var(name, _Type(type));
flow.add(v, assigned: true);
return v;
_Var addUnassignedVar(String name, String type) {
var v = _Var(name, _Type(type));
flow.add(v, assigned: false);
return v;
/// Given two [LazyExpression]s, produces a new [LazyExpression] representing
/// the result of combining them with `&&`.
LazyExpression and(LazyExpression lhs, LazyExpression rhs) {
return () {
var expr = _Expression();
flow.logicalBinaryOp_rightBegin(lhs(), isAnd: true);
flow.logicalBinaryOp_end(expr, rhs(), isAnd: true);
return expr;
/// Given three [LazyExpression]s, produces a new [LazyExpression]
/// representing the result of combining them with `?` and `:`.
LazyExpression conditional(
LazyExpression cond, LazyExpression ifTrue, LazyExpression ifFalse) {
return () {
var expr = _Expression();
flow.conditional_end(expr, ifFalse());
return expr;
/// Creates a [LazyExpression] representing an `== null` check performed on
/// [variable].
LazyExpression eqNull(_Var variable) {
return () {
var expr = _Expression();
flow.conditionEqNull(expr, variable, notEqual: false);
return expr;
/// Invokes flow analysis of an `if` statement with no `else` part.
void if_(LazyExpression cond, void ifTrue()) {
/// Invokes flow analysis of an `if` statement with an `else` part.
void ifElse(LazyExpression cond, void ifTrue(), void ifFalse()) {
bool isLocalVariable(_Var variable) {
// TODO(paulberry): make tests where this returns false
return true;
/// Creates a [LazyExpression] representing an `is!` check, checking whether
/// [variable] has the given [type].
LazyExpression isNotType(_Var variable, String type) {
return () {
var expr = _Expression();
flow.isExpression_end(expr, variable, true, _Type(type));
return expr;
bool isPotentiallyMutatedInClosure(_Var variable) {
// TODO(paulberry): make tests where this returns true
return false;
bool isPotentiallyMutatedInScope(_Var variable) {
throw UnimplementedError('TODO(paulberry)');
bool isSameType(_Type type1, _Type type2) {
return type1.type == type2.type;
bool isSubtypeOf(_Type leftType, _Type rightType) {
const Map<String, bool> _subtypes = const {
'int <: int?': true,
'int <: Object': true,
'int <: Object?': true,
'int <: String': false,
'int? <: int': false,
'int? <: Object?': true,
'Object <: int': false,
'String <: int': false,
'String <: int?': false,
'String <: Object?': true,
if (leftType.type == rightType.type) return true;
var query = '$leftType <: $rightType';
return _subtypes[query] ?? fail('Unknown subtype query: $query');
/// Creates a [LazyExpression] representing a `!= null` check performed on
/// [variable].
LazyExpression notNull(_Var variable) {
return () {
var expr = _Expression();
flow.conditionEqNull(expr, variable, notEqual: true);
return expr;
/// Given two [LazyExpression]s, produces a new [LazyExpression] representing
/// the result of combining them with `||`.
LazyExpression or(LazyExpression lhs, LazyExpression rhs) {
return () {
var expr = _Expression();
flow.logicalBinaryOp_rightBegin(lhs(), isAnd: false);
flow.logicalBinaryOp_end(expr, rhs(), isAnd: false);
return expr;
/// Causes [variable] to be promoted to [type].
void promote(_Var variable, String type) {
if_(isNotType(variable, type), flow.handleExit);
_Type promoteToNonNull(_Type type) {
if (type.type.endsWith('?')) {
return _Type(type.type.substring(0, type.type.length - 1));
} else {
return type;
_Expression unwrapParenthesized(_Expression node) {
// TODO(paulberry): test cases where this matters
return node;
_Type variableType(_Var variable) {
return variable.type;
class _Statement {}
class _Type {
static bool _allowingTypeComparisons = false;
final String type;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (_allowingTypeComparisons) {
return other is _Type && other.type == this.type;
} else {
// The flow analysis engine should not compare types using operator==. It
// should compare them using TypeOperations.
fail('Unexpected use of operator== on types');
String toString() => type;
static T allowComparisons<T>(T callback()) {
var oldAllowingTypeComparisons = _allowingTypeComparisons;
_allowingTypeComparisons = true;
try {
return callback();
} finally {
_allowingTypeComparisons = oldAllowingTypeComparisons;
class _Var {
final String name;
final _Type type;
_Var(, this.type);
String toString() => '$type $name';