blob: 0ea9303d8e286476c9102290c2e1b1828b50aa7f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library test.domain.analysis.notification.navigation;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/constants.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol.dart';
import 'package:analysis_testing/reflective_tests.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'analysis_abstract.dart';
main() {
groupSep = ' | ';
class AnalysisNotificationNavigationTest extends AbstractAnalysisTest {
List<NavigationRegion> regions;
NavigationRegion testRegion;
List<Element> testTargets;
Element testTarget;
* Validates that there is a target in [testTargets] with [file], at [offset]
* and with the given [length].
void assertHasFileTarget(String file, int offset, int length) {
for (Element target in testTargets) {
Location location = target.location;
if (location.file == file &&
location.offset == offset &&
location.length == length) {
testTarget = target;
'Expected to find target (file=$file; offset=$offset; length=$length) in\n'
'${testRegion} in\n' '${regions.join('\n')}');
void assertHasOperatorRegion(String regionSearch, int regionLength,
String targetSearch, int targetLength) {
assertHasRegion(regionSearch, regionLength);
assertHasTarget(targetSearch, targetLength);
* Validates that there is a region at the offset of [search] in [testFile].
* If [length] is not specified explicitly, then length of an identifier
* from [search] is used.
void assertHasRegion(String search, [int length = -1]) {
int offset = findOffset(search);
if (length == -1) {
length = findIdentifierLength(search);
findRegion(offset, length, true);
* Validates that there is a region at the offset of [search] in [testFile]
* with the length of [search].
void assertHasRegionString(String search) {
int offset = findOffset(search);
int length = search.length;
findRegion(offset, length, true);
* Validates that there is an identifier region at [regionSearch] with target
* at [targetSearch].
void assertHasRegionTarget(String regionSearch, String targetSearch) {
* Validates that there is a target in [testTargets] with [testFile], at the
* offset of [search] in [testFile], and with the given [length] or the length
* of an leading identifier in [search].
void assertHasTarget(String search, [int length = -1]) {
int offset = findOffset(search);
if (length == -1) {
length = findIdentifierLength(search);
assertHasFileTarget(testFile, offset, length);
* Validates that there is no a region at [search] and with the given
* [length].
void assertNoRegion(String search, int length) {
int offset = findOffset(search);
findRegion(offset, length, false);
* Validates that there is no a region at [search] with any length.
void assertNoRegionAt(String search) {
int offset = findOffset(search);
findRegion(offset, -1, false);
* Validates that there is no a region for [search] string.
void assertNoRegionString(String search) {
int offset = findOffset(search);
int length = search.length;
findRegion(offset, length, false);
* Finds the navigation region with the given [offset] and [length].
* If [length] is `-1`, then it is ignored.
* If [exists] is `true`, then fails if such region does not exist.
* Otherwise remembers this it into [testRegion].
* Also fills [testTargets] with its targets.
* If [exists] is `false`, then fails if such region exists.
void findRegion(int offset, int length, [bool exists]) {
for (NavigationRegion region in regions) {
if (region.offset == offset &&
(length == -1 || region.length == length)) {
if (exists == false) {
'Not expected to find (offset=$offset; length=$length) in\n'
testRegion = region;
testTargets = region.targets;
if (exists == true) {
'Expected to find (offset=$offset; length=$length) in\n'
Future prepareNavigation() {
addAnalysisSubscription(AnalysisService.NAVIGATION, testFile);
return waitForTasksFinished();
void processNotification(Notification notification) {
if (notification.event == ANALYSIS_NAVIGATION) {
var params = new AnalysisNavigationParams.fromNotification(notification);
if (params.file == testFile) {
regions = params.regions;
void setUp() {
test_afterAnalysis() {
class AAA {}
AAA aaa;
return waitForTasksFinished().then((_) {
return prepareNavigation().then((_) {
assertHasRegionTarget('AAA aaa;', 'AAA {}');
test_constructor_named() {
class A {
A.named(BBB p) {}
class BBB {}
return prepareNavigation().then((_) {
// has region for complete "A.named"
// no separate regions for "A" and "named"
assertNoRegion('A.named(', 'A'.length);
assertNoRegion('named(', 'named'.length);
// validate that we don't forget to resolve parameters
assertHasRegionTarget('BBB p', 'BBB {}');
test_constructor_unnamed() {
class A {
A(BBB p) {}
class BBB {}
return prepareNavigation().then((_) {
// has region for complete "A.named"
assertHasTarget("A(BBB", 0);
// validate that we don't forget to resolve parameters
assertHasRegionTarget('BBB p', 'BBB {}');
test_fieldFormalParameter() {
class AAA {
int fff = 123;
return prepareNavigation().then((_) {
assertHasRegionTarget('fff);', 'fff = 123');
test_identifier_resolved() {
class AAA {}
main() {
AAA aaa = null;
return prepareNavigation().then((_) {
assertHasRegionTarget('AAA aaa', 'AAA {}');
assertHasRegionTarget('aaa);', 'aaa = null');
assertHasRegionTarget('main() {', 'main() {');
test_identifier_unresolved() {
main() {
return prepareNavigation().then((_) {
test_instanceCreation_implicit() {
class A {
main() {
new A();
return prepareNavigation().then((_) {
assertHasRegionString('new A');
assertHasTarget('A {');
test_instanceCreation_named() {
class A {
A.named() {}
main() {
new A.named();
return prepareNavigation().then((_) {
assertHasRegionString('new A.named');
assertHasTarget('named() {}');
test_instanceCreation_unnamed() {
class A {
A() {}
main() {
new A();
return prepareNavigation().then((_) {
assertHasRegionString('new A');
assertHasTarget("A() {}", 0);
test_operator_arithmetic() {
class A {
A operator +(other) => null;
A operator -() => null;
A operator -(other) => null;
A operator *(other) => null;
A operator /(other) => null;
main() {
var a = new A();
a - 1;
a + 2;
-a; // unary
a--; // mm
a++; // pp
a -= 3;
a += 4;
a *= 5;
a /= 6;
return prepareNavigation().then((_) {
assertHasOperatorRegion('- 1', 1, '-(other) => null', 1);
assertHasOperatorRegion('+ 2', 1, '+(other) => null', 1);
assertHasOperatorRegion('-a; // unary', 1, '-() => null', 1);
assertHasOperatorRegion('--a;', 2, '-(other) => null', 1);
assertHasOperatorRegion('++a;', 2, '+(other) => null', 1);
assertHasOperatorRegion('--; // mm', 2, '-(other) => null', 1);
assertHasOperatorRegion('++; // pp', 2, '+(other) => null', 1);
assertHasOperatorRegion('-= 3', 2, '-(other) => null', 1);
assertHasOperatorRegion('+= 4', 2, '+(other) => null', 1);
assertHasOperatorRegion('*= 5', 2, '*(other) => null', 1);
assertHasOperatorRegion('/= 6', 2, '/(other) => null', 1);
test_operator_index() {
class A {
A operator +(other) => null;
class B {
A operator [](index) => null;
operator []=(index, A value) {}
main() {
var b = new B();
b[0] // [];
b[1] = 1; // []=;
b[2] += 2;
return prepareNavigation().then((_) {
assertHasOperatorRegion('] // []', 1, '[](index)', 2);
assertHasOperatorRegion('] = 1;', 1, '[]=(index,', 3);
assertHasOperatorRegion('] += 2;', 1, '[]=(index,', 3);
assertHasOperatorRegion('+= 2;', 2, '+(other)', 1);
test_partOf() {
var libCode = 'library lib; part "test.dart";';
var libFile = addFile('$projectPath/bin/lib.dart', libCode);
addTestFile('part of lib;');
return prepareNavigation().then((_) {
assertHasRegionString('part of lib');
assertHasFileTarget(libFile, libCode.indexOf('lib;'), 'lib'.length);
test_string_export() {
var libCode = 'library lib;';
var libFile = addFile('$projectPath/bin/lib.dart', libCode);
addTestFile('export "lib.dart";');
return prepareNavigation().then((_) {
assertHasRegionString('export "lib.dart"');
assertHasFileTarget(libFile, libCode.indexOf('lib;'), 'lib'.length);
test_string_export_unresolvedUri() {
addTestFile('export "no.dart";');
return prepareNavigation().then((_) {
assertNoRegionString('export "no.dart"');
test_string_import() {
var libCode = 'library lib;';
var libFile = addFile('$projectPath/bin/lib.dart', libCode);
addTestFile('import "lib.dart";');
return prepareNavigation().then((_) {
assertHasRegionString('import "lib.dart"');
assertHasFileTarget(libFile, libCode.indexOf('lib;'), 'lib'.length);
test_string_import_noUri() {
addTestFile('import ;');
return prepareNavigation().then((_) {
assertNoRegionAt('import ;');
test_string_import_unresolvedUri() {
addTestFile('import "no.dart";');
return prepareNavigation().then((_) {
assertNoRegionString('import "no.dart"');
test_string_part() {
var unitCode = 'part of lib; f() {}';
var unitFile = addFile('$projectPath/bin/test_unit.dart', unitCode);
library lib;
part "test_unit.dart";
return prepareNavigation().then((_) {
assertHasRegionString('part "test_unit.dart"');
assertHasFileTarget(unitFile, 0, 0);
test_string_part_unresolvedUri() {
library lib;
part "test_unit.dart";
return prepareNavigation().then((_) {
assertNoRegionString('part "test_unit.dart"');
test_targetElement() {
class AAA {}
main() {
AAA aaa = null;
return prepareNavigation().then((_) {
assertHasRegionTarget('AAA aaa', 'AAA {}');
expect(testTarget.kind, ElementKind.CLASS);
expect(, 'AAA');
expect(testTarget.isAbstract, false);
expect(testTarget.parameters, isNull);
expect(testTarget.returnType, isNull);
test_type_dynamic() {
main() {
dynamic v = null;
return prepareNavigation().then((_) {
test_type_void() {
void main() {
return prepareNavigation().then((_) {