blob: 823e5e08dafc1681eae047db1ceb8d482de508ac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/constants.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/test_utilities/test_code_format.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../tool/lsp_spec/matchers.dart';
import '../utils/test_code_extensions.dart';
import 'server_abstract.dart';
void main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class FormatTest extends AbstractLspAnalysisServerTest {
Future<List<TextEdit>> expectFormattedContents(
Uri uri, String original, String expected) async {
var formatEdits = (await formatDocument(uri))!;
var formattedContents = applyTextEdits(original, formatEdits);
expect(formattedContents, equals(expected));
return formatEdits;
Future<List<TextEdit>> expectRangeFormattedContents(
Uri uri, TestCode code, String expected) async {
var formatEdits = (await formatRange(uri, code.range.range))!;
var formattedContents = applyTextEdits(code.code, formatEdits);
expect(formattedContents, equals(expected));
return formatEdits;
Future<void> test_alreadyFormatted() async {
const contents = '''
void f() {
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, contents);
var formatEdits = await formatDocument(mainFileUri);
expect(formatEdits, isNull);
/// Formatting a file with '\r\n' and then a file with '\n' should not result
/// in '\r' being added to the second file.
Future<void> test_changedLineEndings() async {
await provideConfig(
// The bug only occurred with an explicit line length because reuse
// of the formatter accidentally required lineLength match the formatters
// (non-null) line length.
{'lineLength': 80},
// First format the doc with '\r\n'.
await openFile(mainFileUri, 'int? a;\r\n');
await formatDocument(mainFileUri);
// Now replace and format with '\n'.
await replaceFile(2, mainFileUri, 'int? a;\n');
var formatEdits = await formatDocument(mainFileUri);
// Expect no edits because this document was already formatted.
// When the bug occurs, we'd see edits to add a '\r'.
expect(formatEdits, isNull);
Future<void> test_complex() async {
failTestOnErrorDiagnostic = false;
const contents = '''
ErrorOr<Pair<A, List<B>>> c(
String d,
g, {
h = false,
}) {
var expected = '''
ErrorOr<Pair<A, List<B>>> c(
String d,
List<Either2<E, F>> g, {
h = false,
}) {}
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, contents);
await expectFormattedContents(mainFileUri, contents, expected);
/// Ensures we use the same registration ID when unregistering even if the
/// server has regenerated registrations multiple times.
Future<void> test_dynamicRegistration_correctIdAfterMultipleChanges() async {
var registrations = <Registration>[];
// Provide empty config and collect dynamic registrations during
// initialization.
await provideConfig(
() => monitorDynamicRegistrations(
Registration? registration(Method method) =>
registrationFor(registrations, method);
// By default, the formatters should have been registered.
expect(registration(Method.textDocument_formatting), isNotNull);
expect(registration(Method.textDocument_onTypeFormatting), isNotNull);
expect(registration(Method.textDocument_rangeFormatting), isNotNull);
// Sending config updates causes the server to rebuild its list of registrations
// which exposes a previous bug where we'd retain newly-built registrations
// that may not have been sent to the client (because they had previously
// been sent), resulting in the wrong ID being used for unregistration.
await updateConfig({'foo1': true});
await updateConfig({'foo1': null});
// They should be unregistered if we change the config to disabled.
await monitorDynamicUnregistrations(
() => updateConfig({'enableSdkFormatter': false}),
expect(registration(Method.textDocument_formatting), isNull);
expect(registration(Method.textDocument_onTypeFormatting), isNull);
expect(registration(Method.textDocument_rangeFormatting), isNull);
Future<void> test_dynamicRegistration_forConfiguration() async {
var registrations = <Registration>[];
// Provide empty config and collect dynamic registrations during
// initialization.
await provideConfig(
() => monitorDynamicRegistrations(
Registration? registration(Method method) =>
registrationFor(registrations, method);
// By default, the formatters should have been registered.
expect(registration(Method.textDocument_formatting), isNotNull);
expect(registration(Method.textDocument_onTypeFormatting), isNotNull);
expect(registration(Method.textDocument_rangeFormatting), isNotNull);
// They should be unregistered if we change the config to disabled.
await monitorDynamicUnregistrations(
() => updateConfig({'enableSdkFormatter': false}),
expect(registration(Method.textDocument_formatting), isNull);
expect(registration(Method.textDocument_onTypeFormatting), isNull);
expect(registration(Method.textDocument_rangeFormatting), isNull);
// They should be reregistered if we change the config to enabled.
await monitorDynamicRegistrations(
() => updateConfig({'enableSdkFormatter': true}),
expect(registration(Method.textDocument_formatting), isNotNull);
expect(registration(Method.textDocument_onTypeFormatting), isNotNull);
expect(registration(Method.textDocument_rangeFormatting), isNotNull);
Future<void> test_formatOnType_simple() async {
const contents = '''
void f ()
var expected = '''void f() {
var code = TestCode.parse(contents);
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var formatEdits =
(await formatOnType(mainFileUri, code.position.position, '}'))!;
var formattedContents = applyTextEdits(code.code, formatEdits);
expect(formattedContents, equals(expected));
Future<void> test_formatRange_editsOverlapRange() async {
// Only ranges that are fully contained by the range should be applied,
// not those that intersect the start/end.
const contents = '''
void f()
[! print('test');
!] print('test');
var expected = '''
void f()
var code = TestCode.parse(contents);
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
await expectRangeFormattedContents(mainFileUri, code, expected);
Future<void> test_formatRange_expandsLeadingWhitespaceToNearestLine() async {
const contents = '''
void f()
[! print('test'); // line 2
print('test'); // line 3
print('test'); // line 4!]
const expected = '''
void f()
print('test'); // line 2
print('test'); // line 3
print('test'); // line 4
var code = TestCode.parse(contents);
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
await expectRangeFormattedContents(mainFileUri, code, expected);
Future<void> test_formatRange_invalidRange() async {
const contents = '''
void f()
var code = TestCode.parse(contents);
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var formatRangeRequest = formatRange(
start: Position(line: 0, character: 0),
end: Position(line: 10000, character: 0)),
await expectLater(formatRangeRequest,
Future<void> test_formatRange_simple() async {
const contents = '''
main ()
[!main2 ()
main3 ()
var expected = '''
main ()
main2() {
main3 ()
var code = TestCode.parse(contents);
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
await expectRangeFormattedContents(mainFileUri, code, expected);
Future<void> test_formatRange_trailingNewline_47702() async {
// Check we complete when a formatted block ends with a newline.
const contents = '''
int? a;
int? b;
var expected = '''
int? a;
int? b;
var code = TestCode.parse(contents);
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
await expectRangeFormattedContents(mainFileUri, code, expected);
Future<void> test_invalidSyntax() async {
failTestOnErrorDiagnostic = false;
const contents = '''
void f(((( {
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, contents);
var formatEdits = await formatDocument(mainFileUri);
expect(formatEdits, isNull);
Future<void> test_lineLength() async {
const contents = '''
void f() =>
'123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789'
var expectedDefault = '''
void f() => print(
'123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789');
var expectedLongLines = '''
void f() => print('123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789');
// Initialize with config support, supplying an empty config when requested.
await provideConfig(
{}, // empty config
await openFile(mainFileUri, contents);
await expectFormattedContents(mainFileUri, contents, expectedDefault);
await updateConfig({'lineLength': 500});
await expectFormattedContents(mainFileUri, contents, expectedLongLines);
Future<void> test_lineLength_outsideWorkspaceFolders() async {
const contents = '''
void f() {
print('123456789 ''123456789 ''123456789 ');
const expectedContents = '''
void f() {
'123456789 '
'123456789 '
'123456789 ');
await provideConfig(
() => initialize(
// Use empty roots so the test file is not inside any known
// WorkspaceFolder.
allowEmptyRootUri: true,
// Global config (this should be used).
{'lineLength': 10},
await openFile(mainFileUri, contents);
await expectFormattedContents(mainFileUri, contents, expectedContents);
Future<void> test_lineLength_workspaceFolderSpecified() async {
const contents = '''
void f() {
print('123456789 ''123456789 ''123456789 ');
const expectedContents = '''
void f() {
'123456789 '
'123456789 '
'123456789 ');
await provideConfig(
// Global config.
{'lineLength': 200},
folderConfig: {
// WorkspaceFolder config for this project (this should be used).
projectFolderPath: {'lineLength': 10},
await openFile(mainFileUri, contents);
await expectFormattedContents(mainFileUri, contents, expectedContents);
Future<void> test_lineLength_workspaceFolderUnspecified() async {
const contents = '''
void f() {
print('123456789 ''123456789 ''123456789 ');
const expectedContents = '''
void f() {
'123456789 '
'123456789 '
'123456789 ');
await provideConfig(
// Global config (this should be used).
{'lineLength': 10},
folderConfig: {
// WorkspaceFolder config for this project that doesn't specific
// lineLength.
projectFolderPath: {'someOtherValue': 'foo'},
await openFile(mainFileUri, contents);
await expectFormattedContents(mainFileUri, contents, expectedContents);
Future<void> test_minimalEdits_addWhitespace() async {
// Check we only get one edit to add the required whitespace and not
// an entire document replacement.
const contents = '''
void f(){}
const expected = '''
void f() {}
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, contents);
var formatEdits =
await expectFormattedContents(mainFileUri, contents, expected);
expect(formatEdits, hasLength(1));
expect(formatEdits[0].newText, ' ');
expect(formatEdits[0].range.start, equals(Position(line: 0, character: 8)));
Future<void> test_minimalEdits_removeFileLeadingWhitespace() async {
// Check whitespace before the first token is handled.
const contents = '''
void f() {}
const expected = '''
void f() {}
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, contents);
var formatEdits =
await expectFormattedContents(mainFileUri, contents, expected);
expect(formatEdits, hasLength(1));
expect(formatEdits[0].newText, '');
expect(formatEdits[0].range.start, equals(Position(line: 0, character: 0)));
expect(formatEdits[0].range.end, equals(Position(line: 3, character: 0)));
Future<void> test_minimalEdits_removeFileTrailingWhitespace() async {
// Check whitespace after the last token is handled.
const contents = '''
void f() {}
const expected = '''
void f() {}
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, contents);
var formatEdits =
await expectFormattedContents(mainFileUri, contents, expected);
expect(formatEdits, hasLength(1));
expect(formatEdits[0].newText, '');
expect(formatEdits[0].range.start, equals(Position(line: 1, character: 0)));
expect(formatEdits[0].range.end, equals(Position(line: 5, character: 0)));
Future<void> test_minimalEdits_removePartialWhitespaceAfter() async {
// Check we get an edit only to remove the unnecessary trailing whitespace
// and not to replace the whole whitespace with a single space.
const contents = '''
void f() {}
const expected = '''
void f() {}
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, contents);
var formatEdits =
await expectFormattedContents(mainFileUri, contents, expected);
expect(formatEdits, hasLength(1));
range: Range(
start: Position(line: 0, character: 9),
end: Position(line: 0, character: 15)),
newText: '',
Future<void> test_minimalEdits_removePartialWhitespaceBefore() async {
// Check we get an edit only to remove the unnecessary leading whitespace
// and not to replace the whole whitespace with a single space.
const contents = '''
void f()
const expected = '''
void f() {}
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, contents);
var formatEdits =
await expectFormattedContents(mainFileUri, contents, expected);
expect(formatEdits, hasLength(1));
range: Range(
start: Position(line: 0, character: 8),
end: Position(line: 3, character: 0)),
newText: '',
Future<void> test_minimalEdits_removeWhitespace() async {
// Check we only get two edits to remove the unwanted whitespace and not
// an entire document replacement.
const contents = '''
void f( ) { }
const expected = '''
void f() {}
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, contents);
var formatEdits =
await expectFormattedContents(mainFileUri, contents, expected);
expect(formatEdits, hasLength(2));
expect(formatEdits[0].newText, isEmpty);
expect(formatEdits[0].range.start, equals(Position(line: 0, character: 7)));
expect(formatEdits[1].newText, isEmpty);
formatEdits[1].range.start, equals(Position(line: 0, character: 11)));
Future<void> test_minimalEdits_withComments() async {
// Check we can get edits that span a comment (which does not appear in the
// main token list).
const contents = '''
void f() {
var a = 1;
// Comment
const expected = '''
void f() {
var a = 1;
// Comment
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, contents);
var formatEdits =
await expectFormattedContents(mainFileUri, contents, expected);
expect(formatEdits, hasLength(3));
range: Range(
start: Position(line: 1, character: 2),
end: Position(line: 1, character: 8)),
newText: '',
range: Range(
start: Position(line: 2, character: 2),
end: Position(line: 2, character: 8)),
newText: '',
range: Range(
start: Position(line: 3, character: 2),
end: Position(line: 3, character: 8)),
newText: '',
Future<void> test_nonDartFile() async {
await initialize();
await openFile(pubspecFileUri, simplePubspecContent);
var formatEdits = await formatOnType(pubspecFileUri, startOfDocPos, '}');
expect(formatEdits, isNull);
Future<void> test_path_doesNotExist() async {
await initialize();
await expectLater(
formatDocument(toUri(join(projectFolderPath, 'missing.dart'))),
message: 'File does not exist')),
Future<void> test_path_invalidFormat() async {
await initialize();
await expectLater(
// Add some invalid path characters to the end of a valid file:// URI.
Uri.parse(mainFileUri.toString() + r'###***\\\///:::.dart'),
message: 'URI does not contain a valid file path')),
Future<void> test_path_notFileScheme() async {
await initialize();
await expectLater(
"URI scheme 'a' is not supported. Allowed schemes are 'file'.")),
Future<void> test_simple() async {
const contents = '''
void f ()
var expected = '''
void f() {
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, contents);
await expectFormattedContents(mainFileUri, contents, expected);
Future<void> test_unopenFile() async {
const contents = '''
void f ()
var expected = '''
void f() {
newFile(mainFilePath, contents);
await initialize();
await expectFormattedContents(mainFileUri, contents, expected);
Future<void> test_validSyntax_withErrors() async {
failTestOnErrorDiagnostic = false;
// We should still be able to format syntactically valid code even if it has
// analysis errors.
const contents = '''
void f() {
const expected = '''
void f() {
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, contents);
await expectFormattedContents(mainFileUri, contents, expected);