blob: e57d11a3ccafb5ef1b997b9cc9c2822e459da791 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library parser_test;
import 'package:polymer_expressions/parser.dart';
import 'package:polymer_expressions/expression.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
expectParse(String s, Expression e) =>
expect(new Parser(s).parse(), e, reason: s);
main() {
group('parser', () {
test('should parse an empty expression', () {
expectParse('', empty());
test('should parse an identifier', () {
expectParse('abc', ident('abc'));
test('should parse a string literal', () {
expectParse('"abc"', literal('abc'));
test('should parse a bool literal', () {
expectParse('true', literal(true));
expectParse('false', literal(false));
test('should parse a null literal', () {
expectParse('null', literal(null));
test('should parse an integer literal', () {
expectParse('123', literal(123));
test('should parse a double literal', () {
expectParse('1.23', literal(1.23));
test('should parse a positive double literal', () {
expectParse('+1.23', literal(1.23));
test('should parse a negative double literal', () {
expectParse('-1.23', literal(-1.23));
test('should parse binary operators', () {
var operators = ['+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '^', '==', '!=', '>', '<',
'>=', '<=', '||', '&&', '&'];
for (var op in operators) {
expectParse('a $op b', binary(ident('a'), op, ident('b')));
expectParse('1 $op 2', binary(literal(1), op, literal(2)));
expectParse('this $op null', binary(ident('this'), op, literal(null)));
test('should give multiply higher associativity than plus', () {
expectParse('a + b * c',
binary(ident('b'), '*', ident('c'))));
test('should parse a dot operator', () {
expectParse('a.b', getter(ident('a'), 'b'));
test('should parse chained dot operators', () {
expectParse('a.b.c', getter(getter(ident('a'), 'b'), 'c'));
test('should give dot high associativity', () {
expectParse('a * b.c', binary(ident('a'), '*', getter(ident('b'), 'c')));
test('should parse a function with no arguments', () {
expectParse('a()', invoke(ident('a'), null, []));
test('should parse a single function argument', () {
expectParse('a(b)', invoke(ident('a'), null, [ident('b')]));
test('should parse a function call as a subexpression', () {
expectParse('a() + 1',
invoke(ident('a'), null, []),
test('should parse multiple function arguments', () {
expectParse('a(b, c)',
invoke(ident('a'), null, [ident('b'), ident('c')]));
test('should parse nested function calls', () {
expectParse('a(b(c))', invoke(ident('a'), null, [
invoke(ident('b'), null, [ident('c')])]));
test('should parse an empty method call', () {
expectParse('a.b()', invoke(ident('a'), 'b', []));
test('should parse a method call with a single argument', () {
expectParse('a.b(c)', invoke(ident('a'), 'b', [ident('c')]));
test('should parse a method call with multiple arguments', () {
expectParse('a.b(c, d)',
invoke(ident('a'), 'b', [ident('c'), ident('d')]));
test('should parse chained method calls', () {
expectParse('a.b().c()', invoke(invoke(ident('a'), 'b', []), 'c', []));
test('should parse chained function calls', () {
expectParse('a()()', invoke(invoke(ident('a'), null, []), null, []));
test('should parse parenthesized expression', () {
expectParse('(a)', paren(ident('a')));
expectParse('(( 3 * ((1 + 2)) ))', paren(paren(
binary(literal(3), '*', paren(paren(
binary(literal(1), '+', literal(2))))))));
test('should parse an index operator', () {
expectParse('a[b]', index(ident('a'), ident('b')));
expectParse('a.b[c]', index(getter(ident('a'), 'b'), ident('c')));
test('should parse chained index operators', () {
expectParse('a[][]', index(index(ident('a'), null), null));
test('should parse multiple index operators', () {
expectParse('a[b] + c[d]', binary(
index(ident('a'), ident('b')),
index(ident('c'), ident('d'))));
test('should parse ternary operators', () {
expectParse('a ? b : c', ternary(ident('a'), ident('b'), ident('c')));
expectParse('a.a ? b.a : c.a', ternary(getter(ident('a'), 'a'),
getter(ident('b'), 'a'), getter(ident('c'), 'a')));
expect(() => parse('a + 1 ? b + 1 :: c.d + 3'), throws);
test('should parse a filter chain', () {
expectParse('a | b | c', binary(binary(ident('a'), '|', ident('b')),
'|', ident('c')));
test('should parse comprehension', () {
expectParse('a in b', inExpr(ident('a'), ident('b')));
expectParse('a in b.c',
inExpr(ident('a'), getter(ident('b'), 'c')));
expectParse('a in b + c',
inExpr(ident('a'), binary(ident('b'), '+', ident('c'))));
test('should reject comprehension with non-assignable left expression', () {
expect(() => parse('a + 1 in b'), throwsException);
test('should reject keywords as identifiers', () {
expect(() => parse(''), throwsException);
test('should parse map literals', () {
expectParse("{'a': 1}",
mapLiteral([mapLiteralEntry(literal('a'), literal(1))]));
expectParse("{'a': 1, 'b': 2 + 3}",
mapLiteralEntry(literal('a'), literal(1)),
binary(literal(2), '+', literal(3)))]));
expectParse("{'a': foo()}",
literal('a'), invoke(ident('foo'), null, []))]));
expectParse("{'a': foo('a')}",
literal('a'), invoke(ident('foo'), null, [literal('a')]))]));
test('should parse map literals with method calls', () {
expectParse("{'a': 1}.length",
getter(mapLiteral([mapLiteralEntry(literal('a'), literal(1))]),
test('should parse list literals', () {
expectParse('[1, "a", b]',
listLiteral([literal(1), literal('a'), ident('b')]));
expectParse('[[1, 2], [3, 4]]',
listLiteral([listLiteral([literal(1), literal(2)]),
listLiteral([literal(3), literal(4)])]));