blob: b00768bdeb43d6d11cc4b3993b18ccd3c05f9cb1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol_server.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/yaml/producer.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
/// A completion generator that can produce completion suggestions for files
/// containing a YAML structure.
abstract class YamlCompletionGenerator {
/// The resource provider used to access the content of the file in which
/// completion was requested.
final ResourceProvider resourceProvider;
/// Initialize a newly created generator to use the [resourceProvider] to
/// access the content of the file in which completion was requested.
/// Return the producer used to produce suggestions at the top-level of the
/// file.
Producer get topLevelProducer;
/// Return the completion suggestions appropriate for the given [offset] in
/// the file at the given [filePath].
YamlCompletionResults getSuggestions(String filePath, int offset) {
var file = resourceProvider.getFile(filePath);
String content;
try {
content = file.readAsStringSync();
} on FileSystemException {
// If the file doesn't exist or can't be read, then there are no
// suggestions.
return const YamlCompletionResults.empty();
var root = _parseYaml(content);
if (root == null) {
// If the contents can't be parsed, then there are no suggestions.
return const YamlCompletionResults.empty();
var path = _pathToOffset(root, offset);
var completionNode = path.last;
if (completionNode is YamlScalar) {
var value = completionNode.value;
if (value == null) {
return getSuggestionsForPath(path, offset);
} else if (value is String && == ScalarStyle.PLAIN) {
return getSuggestionsForPath(path, offset);
} else {
return getSuggestionsForPath(path, offset);
// There are no completions at the given location.
return const YamlCompletionResults.empty();
/// Given a [path] to the node in which completions are being requested and
/// the offset of the cursor, return the completions appropriate at that
/// location.
YamlCompletionResults getSuggestionsForPath(List<YamlNode> path, int offset) {
var producer = _producerForPath(path);
if (producer == null) {
return const YamlCompletionResults.empty();
var invalidSuggestions = _siblingsOnPath(path);
var suggestions = <CompletionSuggestion>[];
for (var suggestion in producer.suggestions()) {
if (!invalidSuggestions.contains(suggestion.completion)) {
final node = path.isNotEmpty ? path.last : null;
final replaceNode = node is YamlScalar && node.containsOffset(offset);
final replacementOffset = replaceNode ? node.span.start.offset : offset;
final replacementLength = replaceNode ? node.span.length : 0;
return YamlCompletionResults(
suggestions, replacementOffset, replacementLength);
/// Return the result of parsing the file [content] into a YAML node.
YamlNode _parseYaml(String content) {
try {
return loadYamlNode(content);
} on YamlException {
// If the file can't be parsed, then fall through to return `null`.
return null;
/// Return a list containing the node containing the [offset] and all of the
/// nodes between that and the [root] node. The root node is first in the list
/// and the node containing the offset is the last element in the list.
List<YamlNode> _pathToOffset(YamlNode root, int offset) {
var path = <YamlNode>[];
var node = root;
while (node != null) {
node = node.childContainingOffset(offset);
return path;
/// Return the producer that should be used to produce completion suggestions
/// for the last node in the node [path].
Producer _producerForPath(List<YamlNode> path) {
var producer = topLevelProducer;
for (var i = 0; i < path.length - 1; i++) {
var node = path[i];
if (node is YamlMap && producer is MapProducer) {
var key = node.keyAtValue(path[i + 1]);
if (key is YamlScalar) {
producer = (producer as MapProducer).children[key.value];
} else {
return null;
} else if (node is YamlList && producer is ListProducer) {
producer = (producer as ListProducer).element;
} else {
return producer;
return producer;
/// Return a list of the suggestions that should not be suggested because they
/// are already in the structure.
List<String> _siblingsOnPath(List<YamlNode> path) {
List<String> siblingsInList(YamlList list, YamlNode currentElement) {
var siblings = <String>[];
for (var element in list.nodes) {
if (element != currentElement &&
element is YamlScalar &&
element.value is String) {
return siblings;
List<String> siblingsInMap(YamlMap map, YamlNode currentKey) {
var siblings = <String>[];
for (var key in map.nodes.keys) {
if (key != currentKey && key is YamlScalar && key.value is String) {
siblings.add('${key.value}: ');
return siblings;
var length = path.length;
if (length < 2) {
return const <String>[];
var node = path[length - 1];
if (node is YamlList) {
return siblingsInList(node, null);
} else if (node is YamlMap) {
return siblingsInMap(node, null);
var parent = path[length - 2];
if (parent is YamlList) {
return siblingsInList(parent, node);
} else if (parent is YamlMap) {
return siblingsInMap(parent, node);
return const <String>[];
class YamlCompletionResults {
final List<CompletionSuggestion> suggestions;
final int replacementOffset;
final int replacementLength;
const YamlCompletionResults(
this.suggestions, this.replacementOffset, this.replacementLength);
const YamlCompletionResults.empty()
: suggestions = const [],
replacementOffset = 0,
replacementLength = 0;
extension on YamlMap {
/// Return the node representing the key that corresponds to the value
/// represented by the [value] node.
YamlNode keyAtValue(YamlNode value) {
for (var entry in nodes.entries) {
if (entry.value == value) {
return entry.key;
return null;
extension on YamlNode {
/// Return the child of this node that contains the given [offset], or `null`
/// if none of the children contains the offset.
YamlNode childContainingOffset(int offset) {
var node = this;
if (node is YamlList) {
for (var element in node.nodes) {
if (element.containsOffset(offset)) {
return element;
for (var element in node.nodes) {
if (element is YamlScalar && element.value == null) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Testing for a null value probably gets
// confused when there are multiple null values.
return element;
} else if (node is YamlMap) {
for (var entry in node.nodes.entries) {
if ((entry.key as YamlNode).containsOffset(offset)) {
return entry.key;
var value = entry.value;
if (value.containsOffset(offset) ||
(value is YamlScalar && value.value == null)) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Testing for a null value probably gets
// confused when there are multiple null values or when there is a
// null value before the node that actually contains the offset.
return entry.value;
return null;
/// Return `true` if this node contains the given [offset].
bool containsOffset(int offset) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Nodes at the end of the file contain any trailing
// whitespace. This needs to be accounted for, here or elsewhere.
var nodeOffset = span.start.offset;
var nodeEnd = nodeOffset + span.length;
return nodeOffset <= offset && offset <= nodeEnd;