blob: 0dc20f89ae8e6d7eda2f80a906ac998347adb6c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
main() {
Expect.equals('', 'a' * -11);
Expect.equals('', 'α' * -11);
Expect.equals('', '∀' * -11);
Expect.equals('', 'a' * 0);
Expect.equals('', 'α' * 0);
Expect.equals('', '∀' * 0);
Expect.equals('a', 'a' * 1);
Expect.equals('α', 'α' * 1);
Expect.equals('∀', '∀' * 1);
Expect.equals('aa', 'a' * 2);
Expect.equals('αα', 'α' * 2);
Expect.equals('∀∀', '∀' * 2);
Expect.equals('aaa', 'a' * 3);
Expect.equals('ααα', 'α' * 3);
Expect.equals('∀∀∀', '∀' * 3);
Expect.equals('', '' * 0x4000000000000000);
Expect.throws(() => 'a' * 0x4000000000000000);
Expect.throws(() => 'α' * 0x4000000000000000);
Expect.throws(() => '∀' * 0x4000000000000000);
for (final string in ['a', 'α', '∀', 'hello world', 'abc', 'α∀α']) {
for (final count in [0, 1, 10, 100, 255, 256, 257, 1000, 100000]) {
final expected = List.filled(count, string).join();
final actual = string * count;
Expect.equals(expected, actual);
Expect.throws(() => 'abcd' * 0x4000000000000000);
Expect.throws(() => 'αxyz' * 0x4000000000000000);
Expect.throws(() => '∀pqr' * 0x4000000000000000);
Expect.throws(() => 'abcd' * (0x4000000000000000 + 1));
Expect.throws(() => 'αxyz' * (0x4000000000000000 + 1));
Expect.throws(() => '∀pqr' * (0x4000000000000000 + 1));