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part of;
* Web socket status codes used when closing a web socket connection.
abstract class WebSocketStatus {
static const int NORMAL_CLOSURE = 1000;
static const int GOING_AWAY = 1001;
static const int PROTOCOL_ERROR = 1002;
static const int UNSUPPORTED_DATA = 1003;
static const int RESERVED_1004 = 1004;
static const int NO_STATUS_RECEIVED = 1005;
static const int ABNORMAL_CLOSURE = 1006;
static const int INVALID_FRAME_PAYLOAD_DATA = 1007;
static const int POLICY_VIOLATION = 1008;
static const int MESSAGE_TOO_BIG = 1009;
static const int MISSING_MANDATORY_EXTENSION = 1010;
static const int INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = 1011;
static const int RESERVED_1015 = 1015;
* The [WebSocketTransformer] provides the ability to upgrade a
* [HttpRequest] to a [WebSocket] connection. It supports both
* upgrading a single [HttpRequest] and upgrading a stream of
* [HttpRequest]s.
* To upgrade a single [HttpRequest] use the static [upgrade] method.
* HttpServer server;
* server.listen((request) {
* if (...) {
* WebSocketTransformer.upgrade(request).then(websocket) {
* ...
* }
* } else {
* // Do normal HTTP request processing.
* }
* });
* To transform a stream of [HttpRequest] events as it implements a
* stream transformer that transforms a stream of HttpRequest into a
* stream of WebSockets by upgrading each HttpRequest from the HTTP or
* HTTPS server, to the WebSocket protocol.
* server.transform(new WebSocketTransformer()).listen((webSocket) => ...);
* This transformer strives to implement web sockets as specified by RFC6455.
abstract class WebSocketTransformer
implements StreamTransformer<HttpRequest, WebSocket> {
factory WebSocketTransformer() => new _WebSocketTransformerImpl();
* Upgrades a [HttpRequest] to a [WebSocket] connection. If the
* request is not a valid web socket upgrade request a HTTP response
* with status code 500 will be returned. Otherwise the returned
* future will complete with the [WebSocket] when the upgrade pocess
* is complete.
static Future<WebSocket> upgrade(HttpRequest request) {
return _WebSocketTransformerImpl._upgrade(request);
* Checks whether the request is a valid WebSocket upgrade request.
static bool isUpgradeRequest(HttpRequest request) {
return _WebSocketTransformerImpl._isUpgradeRequest(request);
* A client or server web socket connection. The stream exposes the
* messages received. A text message will be of type [:String:] and a
* binary message will be of type [:List<int>:].
abstract class WebSocket implements Stream, StreamSink {
* Possible states of the connection.
static const int CONNECTING = 0;
static const int OPEN = 1;
static const int CLOSING = 2;
static const int CLOSED = 3;
* Create a new web socket connection. The URL supplied in [url]
* must use the scheme [:ws:] or [:wss:]. The [protocols] argument is either
* a [:String:] or [:List<String>:] specifying the subprotocols the
* client is willing to speak.
static Future<WebSocket> connect(String url, [protocols]) =>
_WebSocketImpl.connect(url, protocols);
* Returns the current state of the connection.
int get readyState;
* The extensions property is initially the empty string. After the
* web socket connection is established this string reflects the
* extensions used by the server.
String get extensions;
* The protocol property is initially the empty string. After the
* web socket connection is established the value is the subprotocol
* selected by the server. If no subprotocol is negotiated the
* value will remain [:null:].
String get protocol;
* The close code set when the web socket connection is closed. If
* there is no close code available this property will be [:null:]
int get closeCode;
* The close reason set when the web socket connection is closed. If
* there is no close reason available this property will be [:null:]
String get closeReason;
* Closes the web socket connection. Set the optional [code] and [reason]
* arguments to send close information to the remote peer. If they are
* omitted, the peer will see [WebSocketStatus.NO_STATUS_RECEIVED] code
* with no reason.
Future close([int code, String reason]);
* Sends data on the web socket connection. The data in [data] must
* be either a [:String:], or a [:List<int>:] holding bytes.
void add(data);
* Sends data from a stream on web socket connection. Each data event from
* [stream] will be send as a single WebSocket frame. The data from [stream]
* must be either [:String:]s, or [:List<int>:]s holding bytes.
Future addStream(Stream stream);
class WebSocketException implements Exception {
const WebSocketException([String this.message = ""]);
String toString() => "WebSocketException: $message";
final String message;