blob: 97385e1ea5fe691d89f9eb126b0ec0364f11c276 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'command.dart';
import 'configuration.dart';
import 'path.dart';
import 'repository.dart';
import 'runtime_configuration.dart';
import 'test_suite.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
List<String> _replaceDartFiles(List<String> list, String replacement) {
return list
.map((file) => file.endsWith(".dart") ? replacement : file)
/// Grouping of a command with its expected result.
class CommandArtifact {
final List<Command> commands;
/// Expected result of running [command].
final String filename;
/// MIME type of [filename].
final String mimeType;
CommandArtifact(this.commands, this.filename, this.mimeType);
abstract class CompilerConfiguration {
final Configuration _configuration;
bool get _isDebug => _configuration.mode.isDebug;
bool get _isChecked => _configuration.isChecked;
bool get _isStrong => _configuration.isStrong;
bool get _isHostChecked => _configuration.isHostChecked;
bool get _useSdk => _configuration.useSdk;
/// Only some subclasses support this check, but we statically allow calling
/// it on [CompilerConfiguration].
bool get useDfe {
throw new UnsupportedError("This compiler does not support DFE.");
factory CompilerConfiguration(Configuration configuration) {
switch (configuration.compiler) {
case Compiler.dart2analyzer:
return new AnalyzerCompilerConfiguration(configuration);
case Compiler.dart2js:
return new Dart2jsCompilerConfiguration(configuration);
case Compiler.dartdevc:
return new DevCompilerConfiguration(configuration);
case Compiler.dartdevk:
return new DevKernelCompilerConfiguration(configuration);
case Compiler.appJit:
return new AppJitCompilerConfiguration(configuration);
case Compiler.precompiler:
return new PrecompilerCompilerConfiguration(configuration);
case Compiler.dartk:
return new NoneCompilerConfiguration(configuration, useDfe: true);
case Compiler.dartkp:
return new PrecompilerCompilerConfiguration(configuration,
useDfe: true);
case Compiler.specParser:
return new SpecParserCompilerConfiguration(configuration);
case Compiler.none:
return new NoneCompilerConfiguration(configuration);
throw "unreachable";
/// A multiplier used to give tests longer time to run.
int get timeoutMultiplier => 1;
// TODO(ahe): It shouldn't be necessary to pass [buildDir] to any of these
// functions. It is fixed for a given configuration.
String computeCompilerPath() {
throw "Unknown compiler for: $runtimeType";
bool get hasCompiler => true;
String get executableScriptSuffix => Platform.isWindows ? '.bat' : '';
List<Uri> bootstrapDependencies() => const <Uri>[];
/// Creates a [Command] to compile [inputFile] to [outputFile].
Command createCommand(
String inputFile, String outputFile, List<String> sharedOptions) {
// TODO(rnystrom): See if this method can be unified with
// computeCompilationArtifact() and/or computeCompilerArguments() for the
// other compilers.
throw new UnsupportedError("$this does not support createCommand().");
CommandArtifact computeCompilationArtifact(String tempDir,
List<String> arguments, Map<String, String> environmentOverrides) {
return new CommandArtifact([], null, null);
List<String> computeCompilerArguments(
List<String> vmOptions, List<String> sharedOptions, List<String> args) {
return sharedOptions.toList()..addAll(args);
List<String> computeRuntimeArguments(
RuntimeConfiguration runtimeConfiguration,
TestInformation info,
List<String> vmOptions,
List<String> sharedOptions,
List<String> originalArguments,
CommandArtifact artifact) {
return [artifact.filename];
/// The "none" compiler.
class NoneCompilerConfiguration extends CompilerConfiguration {
final bool useDfe;
NoneCompilerConfiguration(Configuration configuration, {this.useDfe: false})
: super._subclass(configuration);
bool get hasCompiler => false;
List<String> computeRuntimeArguments(
RuntimeConfiguration runtimeConfiguration,
TestInformation info,
List<String> vmOptions,
List<String> sharedOptions,
List<String> originalArguments,
CommandArtifact artifact) {
var buildDir = _configuration.buildDirectory;
var args = <String>[];
if (useDfe) {
args.add('--kernel-binaries=' +
? '${_configuration.buildDirectory}/dart-sdk/lib/_internal'
: '${buildDir}'));
if (_isDebug) {
// Temporarily disable background compilation to avoid flaky crashes
// (see for details).
if (_isStrong) {
if (_isChecked) {
if (_configuration.hotReload) {
} else if (_configuration.hotReloadRollback) {
return args
typedef List<String> CompilerArgumentsFunction(
List<String> globalArguments, String previousCompilerOutput);
class PipelineCommand {
final CompilerConfiguration compilerConfiguration;
final CompilerArgumentsFunction _argumentsFunction;
PipelineCommand._(this.compilerConfiguration, this._argumentsFunction);
factory PipelineCommand.runWithGlobalArguments(
CompilerConfiguration configuration) {
return new PipelineCommand._(configuration,
(List<String> globalArguments, String previousOutput) {
assert(previousOutput == null);
return globalArguments;
factory PipelineCommand.runWithDartOrKernelFile(
CompilerConfiguration configuration) {
return new PipelineCommand._(configuration,
(List<String> globalArguments, String previousOutput) {
var filtered = globalArguments
.where((name) => name.endsWith('.dart') || name.endsWith('.dill'))
assert(filtered.length == 1);
return filtered;
factory PipelineCommand.runWithPreviousKernelOutput(
CompilerConfiguration configuration) {
return new PipelineCommand._(configuration,
(List<String> globalArguments, String previousOutput) {
return _replaceDartFiles(globalArguments, previousOutput);
List<String> extractArguments(
List<String> globalArguments, String previousOutput) {
return _argumentsFunction(globalArguments, previousOutput);
class ComposedCompilerConfiguration extends CompilerConfiguration {
final List<PipelineCommand> pipelineCommands;
Configuration configuration, this.pipelineCommands)
: super._subclass(configuration);
CommandArtifact computeCompilationArtifact(String tempDir,
List<String> globalArguments, Map<String, String> environmentOverrides) {
var allCommands = <Command>[];
// The first compilation command is as usual.
var arguments = pipelineCommands[0].extractArguments(globalArguments, null);
CommandArtifact artifact = pipelineCommands[0]
.computeCompilationArtifact(tempDir, arguments, environmentOverrides);
// The following compilation commands are based on the output of the
// previous one.
for (var i = 1; i < pipelineCommands.length; i++) {
PipelineCommand command = pipelineCommands[i];
arguments = command.extractArguments(globalArguments, artifact.filename);
artifact = command.compilerConfiguration
.computeCompilationArtifact(tempDir, arguments, environmentOverrides);
return new CommandArtifact(
allCommands, artifact.filename, artifact.mimeType);
List<String> computeCompilerArguments(vmOptions, sharedOptions, args) {
// The result will be passed as an input to [extractArguments]
// (i.e. the arguments to the [PipelineCommand]).
return <String>[]..addAll(vmOptions)..addAll(sharedOptions)..addAll(args);
List<String> computeRuntimeArguments(
RuntimeConfiguration runtimeConfiguration,
TestInformation info,
List<String> vmOptions,
List<String> sharedOptions,
List<String> originalArguments,
CommandArtifact artifact) {
CompilerConfiguration lastCompilerConfiguration =
return lastCompilerConfiguration.computeRuntimeArguments(
/// Common configuration for dart2js-based tools, such as dart2js.
class Dart2xCompilerConfiguration extends CompilerConfiguration {
final String moniker;
static Map<String, List<Uri>> _bootstrapDependenciesCache = {};
Dart2xCompilerConfiguration(this.moniker, Configuration configuration)
: super._subclass(configuration);
String computeCompilerPath() {
var prefix = 'sdk/bin';
var suffix = executableScriptSuffix;
if (_isHostChecked) {
if (_useSdk) {
// Note: when [_useSdk] is true, dart2js is run from a snapshot that was
// built without checked mode. The VM cannot make such snapshot run in
// checked mode later. These two flags could be used together if we also
// build an sdk with checked snapshots.
throw "--host-checked and --use-sdk cannot be used together";
// The script dart2js_developer is not included in the
// shipped SDK, that is the script is not installed in
// "$buildDir/dart-sdk/bin/"
return '$prefix/dart2js_developer$suffix';
if (_useSdk) {
prefix = '${_configuration.buildDirectory}/dart-sdk/bin';
return '$prefix/dart2js$suffix';
Command computeCompilationCommand(String outputFileName,
List<String> arguments, Map<String, String> environmentOverrides) {
arguments = arguments.toList();
return Command.compilation(moniker, outputFileName, bootstrapDependencies(),
computeCompilerPath(), arguments, environmentOverrides,
alwaysCompile: !_useSdk);
List<Uri> bootstrapDependencies() {
if (!_useSdk) return const <Uri>[];
return _bootstrapDependenciesCache.putIfAbsent(
() => [
/// Configuration for dart2js.
class Dart2jsCompilerConfiguration extends Dart2xCompilerConfiguration {
Dart2jsCompilerConfiguration(Configuration configuration)
: super('dart2js', configuration);
int get timeoutMultiplier {
var multiplier = 1;
if (_isDebug) multiplier *= 4;
if (_isChecked) multiplier *= 2;
if (_isHostChecked) multiplier *= 16;
return multiplier;
CommandArtifact computeCompilationArtifact(String tempDir,
List<String> arguments, Map<String, String> environmentOverrides) {
var compilerArguments = arguments.toList()
return new CommandArtifact([
'$tempDir/out.js', compilerArguments, environmentOverrides)
], '$tempDir/out.js', 'application/javascript');
List<String> computeRuntimeArguments(
RuntimeConfiguration runtimeConfiguration,
TestInformation info,
List<String> vmOptions,
List<String> sharedOptions,
List<String> originalArguments,
CommandArtifact artifact) {
Uri sdk = _useSdk
? new'dart-sdk/')
: new'sdk/');
Uri preambleDir = sdk.resolve('lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/preambles/');
return runtimeConfiguration.dart2jsPreambles(preambleDir)
/// Configuration for dev-compiler.
class DevCompilerConfiguration extends CompilerConfiguration {
DevCompilerConfiguration(Configuration configuration)
: super._subclass(configuration);
String computeCompilerPath() {
var dir = _useSdk ? "${_configuration.buildDirectory}/dart-sdk" : "sdk";
return "$dir/bin/dartdevc$executableScriptSuffix";
List<String> computeCompilerArguments(
List<String> vmOptions, List<String> sharedOptions, List<String> args) {
var result = sharedOptions.toList();
// The file being compiled is the last argument.
return result;
Command createCommand(
String inputFile, String outputFile, List<String> sharedOptions,
[Map<String, String> environment = const {}]) {
var moduleRoot =
new Path(outputFile).directoryPath.directoryPath.toNativePath();
var args = _useSdk
? ["--dart-sdk", "${_configuration.buildDirectory}/dart-sdk"]
// TODO(jmesserly): once we can build DDC's SDK summary+JS as part of
// the main build, change this to reflect that output path.
: ["--dart-sdk-summary", "pkg/dev_compiler/lib/sdk/ddc_sdk.sum"];
new Path(inputFile).directoryPath.toNativePath(),
// Link to the summaries for the available packages, so that they don't
// get recompiled into the test's own module.
for (var package in testPackages) {
// Since the summaries for the packages are not near the tests, we give
// dartdevc explicit module paths for each one. When the test is run, we
// will tell require.js where to find each package's compiled JS.
var summary = _configuration.buildDirectory +
return Command.compilation(, outputFile,
bootstrapDependencies(), computeCompilerPath(), args, environment);
CommandArtifact computeCompilationArtifact(
String tempDir, List<String> arguments, Map<String, String> environment) {
// The list of arguments comes from a call to our own
// computeCompilerArguments(). It contains the shared options followed by
// the input file path.
// TODO(rnystrom): Jamming these into a list in order to pipe them from
// computeCompilerArguments() to here seems hacky. Is there a cleaner way?
var sharedOptions = arguments.sublist(0, arguments.length - 1);
var inputFile = arguments.last;
var outputFile = "$tempDir/${inputFile.replaceAll('.dart', '.js')}";
return new CommandArtifact(
[createCommand(inputFile, outputFile, sharedOptions, environment)],
/// Configuration for dev-compiler with the kernel front end.
class DevKernelCompilerConfiguration extends CompilerConfiguration {
DevKernelCompilerConfiguration(Configuration configuration)
: super._subclass(configuration);
String computeCompilerPath() => "pkg/dev_compiler/bin/dartdevk.dart";
List<String> computeCompilerArguments(
List<String> vmOptions, List<String> sharedOptions, List<String> args) {
var result = sharedOptions.toList();
// The file being compiled is the last argument.
return result;
Command createCommand(
String inputFile, String outputFile, List<String> sharedOptions,
[Map<String, String> environment = const {}]) {
var args = sharedOptions.toList();
var sdkSummary = new Path(_configuration.buildDirectory)
// Link to the summaries for the available packages, so that they don't
// get recompiled into the test's own module.
for (var package in testPackages) {
var summary = new Path(_configuration.buildDirectory)
// Use the directory containing the test as the working directory. This
// ensures dartdevk creates a short module named based on the test name
// (like "ackermann_test") and does not include any of the parent
// directories in the name (like "tests__language_2__ackermann_test").
var inputDir =
new Path(inputFile).append("..").canonicalize().toNativePath();
var compiler = Repository.dir.append(computeCompilerPath()).toNativePath();
return Command.compilation(, outputFile,
bootstrapDependencies(), compiler, args, environment,
workingDirectory: inputDir);
CommandArtifact computeCompilationArtifact(
String tempDir, List<String> arguments, Map<String, String> environment) {
// The list of arguments comes from a call to our own
// computeCompilerArguments(). It contains the shared options followed by
// the input file path.
// TODO(rnystrom): Jamming these into a list in order to pipe them from
// computeCompilerArguments() to here seems hacky. Is there a cleaner way?
var sharedOptions = arguments.sublist(0, arguments.length - 1);
var inputFile = arguments.last;
var outputFile = "$tempDir/${inputFile.replaceAll('.dart', '.js')}";
return new CommandArtifact(
[createCommand(inputFile, outputFile, sharedOptions, environment)],
class PrecompilerCompilerConfiguration extends CompilerConfiguration {
final bool useDfe;
bool get _isAndroid => _configuration.system ==;
bool get _isArm => _configuration.architecture == Architecture.arm;
bool get _isArm64 => _configuration.architecture == Architecture.arm64;
PrecompilerCompilerConfiguration(Configuration configuration,
{this.useDfe: false})
: super._subclass(configuration);
int get timeoutMultiplier {
var multiplier = 2;
if (_isDebug) multiplier *= 4;
if (_isChecked) multiplier *= 2;
return multiplier;
// TODO( create a separate option to toggle
// strong mode optimizations if we need to test strong mode without
// optimizations.
bool get _experimentalStrongMode => _isStrong;
CommandArtifact computeCompilationArtifact(String tempDir,
List<String> arguments, Map<String, String> environmentOverrides) {
var commands = <Command>[];
if (_experimentalStrongMode) {
tempDir, arguments, environmentOverrides));
computeCompilationCommand(tempDir, arguments, environmentOverrides));
if (_experimentalStrongMode) {
tempDir, arguments, environmentOverrides));
if (!_configuration.useBlobs) {
computeAssembleCommand(tempDir, arguments, environmentOverrides));
tempDir, arguments, environmentOverrides));
return new CommandArtifact(
commands, '$tempDir', 'application/dart-precompiled');
String tempKernelFile(String tempDir) => '$tempDir/out.dill';
Command computeCompileToKernelCommand(String tempDir, List<String> arguments,
Map<String, String> environmentOverrides) {
var buildDir = _configuration.buildDirectory;
String exec = Platform.executable;
var args = [
args.addAll(arguments.where((name) => name.endsWith('.dart')));
return Command.compilation('compile_to_kernel', tempDir,
bootstrapDependencies(), exec, args, environmentOverrides,
alwaysCompile: !_useSdk);
/// Creates a command to clean up large temporary kernel files.
/// Warning: this command removes temporary file and violates tracking of
/// dependencies between commands, which may cause problems if multiple
/// almost identical configurations are tested simultaneosly.
Command computeRemoveKernelFileCommand(String tempDir, List arguments,
Map<String, String> environmentOverrides) {
var exec = 'rm';
var args = [tempKernelFile(tempDir)];
return Command.compilation('remove_kernel_file', tempDir,
bootstrapDependencies(), exec, args, environmentOverrides,
alwaysCompile: !_useSdk);
Command computeCompilationCommand(String tempDir, List<String> arguments,
Map<String, String> environmentOverrides) {
var buildDir = _configuration.buildDirectory;
String exec;
if (_isAndroid) {
if (_isArm) {
exec = "$buildDir/clang_x86/dart_bootstrap";
} else if (_configuration.architecture == Architecture.arm64) {
exec = "$buildDir/clang_x64/dart_bootstrap";
} else {
exec = "$buildDir/dart_bootstrap";
var args = <String>[];
if (useDfe) {
if (!_experimentalStrongMode) {
// TODO( avoid using additional kernel binaries
args.add('--kernel-binaries=' +
? '${_configuration.buildDirectory}/dart-sdk/lib/_internal'
: '${buildDir}'));
if (_configuration.useBlobs) {
} else {
if (_isAndroid && _isArm) {
if (_configuration.isMinified) {
if (_experimentalStrongMode) {
args.addAll(arguments.where((name) => !name.endsWith('.dart')));
} else {
return Command.compilation('precompiler', tempDir, bootstrapDependencies(),
exec, args, environmentOverrides,
alwaysCompile: !_useSdk);
Command computeAssembleCommand(String tempDir, List arguments,
Map<String, String> environmentOverrides) {
String cc, shared, ldFlags;
if (_isAndroid) {
var ndk = "third_party/android_tools/ndk";
String triple;
if (_isArm) {
triple = "arm-linux-androideabi";
} else if (_isArm64) {
triple = "aarch64-linux-android";
String host;
if (Platform.isLinux) {
host = "linux";
} else if (Platform.isMacOS) {
host = "darwin";
cc = "$ndk/toolchains/$triple-4.9/prebuilt/$host-x86_64/bin/$triple-gcc";
shared = '-shared';
} else if (Platform.isLinux) {
cc = 'gcc';
shared = '-shared';
} else if (Platform.isMacOS) {
cc = 'clang';
shared = '-dynamiclib';
// Tell Mac linker to give up generating eh_frame from dwarf.
ldFlags = '-Wl,-no_compact_unwind';
} else {
throw "Platform not supported: ${Platform.operatingSystem}";
String ccFlags;
switch (_configuration.architecture) {
case Architecture.x64:
case Architecture.simarm64:
ccFlags = "-m64";
case Architecture.ia32:
case Architecture.simarm:
case Architecture.arm:
case Architecture.arm64:
ccFlags = null;
throw "Architecture not supported: ${}";
var exec = cc;
var args = <String>[];
if (ccFlags != null) args.add(ccFlags);
if (ldFlags != null) args.add(ldFlags);
return Command.compilation('assemble', tempDir, bootstrapDependencies(),
exec, args, environmentOverrides,
alwaysCompile: !_useSdk);
/// Creates a command to clean up large temporary assembly files.
/// This step reduces the amount of space needed to run the precompilation
/// tests by 60%.
/// Warning: this command removes temporary file and violates tracking of
/// dependencies between commands, which may cause problems if multiple
/// almost identical configurations are tested simultaneosly.
Command computeRemoveAssemblyCommand(String tempDir, List arguments,
Map<String, String> environmentOverrides) {
var exec = 'rm';
var args = ['$tempDir/out.S'];
return Command.compilation('remove_assembly', tempDir,
bootstrapDependencies(), exec, args, environmentOverrides,
alwaysCompile: !_useSdk);
List<String> filterVmOptions(List<String> vmOptions) {
var filtered = vmOptions.toList();
(option) => option.startsWith("--optimization-counter-threshold"));
(option) => option.startsWith("--optimization_counter_threshold"));
return filtered;
List<String> computeCompilerArguments(
vmOptions, sharedOptions, originalArguments) {
List<String> args = [];
if (_isChecked) {
return args
List<String> computeRuntimeArguments(
RuntimeConfiguration runtimeConfiguration,
TestInformation info,
List<String> vmOptions,
List<String> sharedOptions,
List<String> originalArguments,
CommandArtifact artifact) {
var args = <String>[];
if (_isChecked) {
var dir = artifact.filename;
if (runtimeConfiguration is DartPrecompiledAdbRuntimeConfiguration) {
// On android the precompiled snapshot will be pushed to a different
// directory on the device, use that one instead.
dir = DartPrecompiledAdbRuntimeConfiguration.DeviceTestDir;
originalArguments =
_replaceDartFiles(originalArguments, "$dir/out.aotsnapshot");
return args
class AppJitCompilerConfiguration extends CompilerConfiguration {
AppJitCompilerConfiguration(Configuration configuration)
: super._subclass(configuration);
int get timeoutMultiplier {
var multiplier = 1;
if (_isDebug) multiplier *= 2;
if (_isChecked) multiplier *= 2;
return multiplier;
CommandArtifact computeCompilationArtifact(String tempDir,
List<String> arguments, Map<String, String> environmentOverrides) {
var snapshot = "$tempDir/out.jitsnapshot";
return new CommandArtifact(
[computeCompilationCommand(tempDir, arguments, environmentOverrides)],
Command computeCompilationCommand(String tempDir, List<String> arguments,
Map<String, String> environmentOverrides) {
var exec = "${_configuration.buildDirectory}/dart";
var snapshot = "$tempDir/out.jitsnapshot";
var args = ["--snapshot=$snapshot", "--snapshot-kind=app-jit"];
return Command.compilation('app_jit', tempDir, bootstrapDependencies(),
exec, args, environmentOverrides,
alwaysCompile: !_useSdk);
List<String> computeCompilerArguments(
vmOptions, sharedOptions, originalArguments) {
var args = <String>[];
if (_isChecked) {
return args
List<String> computeRuntimeArguments(
RuntimeConfiguration runtimeConfiguration,
TestInformation info,
List<String> vmOptions,
List<String> sharedOptions,
List<String> originalArguments,
CommandArtifact artifact) {
var args = <String>[];
if (_isChecked) {
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
if (args[i].endsWith(".dart")) {
args[i] = artifact.filename;
return args;
/// Configuration for dartanalyzer.
class AnalyzerCompilerConfiguration extends CompilerConfiguration {
AnalyzerCompilerConfiguration(Configuration configuration)
: super._subclass(configuration);
int get timeoutMultiplier => 4;
String computeCompilerPath() {
var prefix = 'sdk/bin';
String suffix = executableScriptSuffix;
if (_isHostChecked) {
if (_useSdk) {
throw "--host-checked and --use-sdk cannot be used together";
// The script dartanalyzer_developer is not included in the
// shipped SDK, that is the script is not installed in
// "$buildDir/dart-sdk/bin/"
return '$prefix/dartanalyzer_developer$suffix';
if (_useSdk) {
prefix = '${_configuration.buildDirectory}/dart-sdk/bin';
return '$prefix/dartanalyzer$suffix';
CommandArtifact computeCompilationArtifact(String tempDir,
List<String> arguments, Map<String, String> environmentOverrides) {
arguments = arguments.toList();
if (_isChecked || _isStrong) {
if (_isStrong) {
// Since this is not a real compilation, no artifacts are produced.
return new CommandArtifact([
Command.analysis(computeCompilerPath(), arguments, environmentOverrides)
], null, null);
List<String> computeRuntimeArguments(
RuntimeConfiguration runtimeConfiguration,
TestInformation info,
List<String> vmOptions,
List<String> sharedOptions,
List<String> originalArguments,
CommandArtifact artifact) {
return <String>[];
/// Configuration for spec_parser.
class SpecParserCompilerConfiguration extends CompilerConfiguration {
SpecParserCompilerConfiguration(Configuration configuration)
: super._subclass(configuration);
String computeCompilerPath() => 'tools/';
CommandArtifact computeCompilationArtifact(String tempDir,
List<String> arguments, Map<String, String> environmentOverrides) {
arguments = arguments.toList();
// Since this is not a real compilation, no artifacts are produced.
return new CommandArtifact([
Command.specParse(computeCompilerPath(), arguments, environmentOverrides)
], null, null);
List<String> computeRuntimeArguments(
RuntimeConfiguration runtimeConfiguration,
TestInformation info,
List<String> vmOptions,
List<String> sharedOptions,
List<String> originalArguments,
CommandArtifact artifact) {
return <String>[];