blob: 6114222030f774ece1d4216d8b883f428c4fe444 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/listener.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/context/context.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/context/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/byte_store.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/error/todo_codes.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/scanner/reader.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/scanner/scanner.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart'
show AnalysisContext, AnalysisEngine, AnalysisOptions, ChangeSet;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/parser.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/utilities_dart.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/api_signature.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/flat_buffers.dart' as fb;
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/format.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/idl.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/link.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/package_bundle_reader.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/summarize_ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/summarize_elements.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/util/fast_uri.dart';
import 'package:convert/convert.dart';
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
* This class computes [AnalysisResult]s for Dart files.
* Let the set of "explicitly analyzed files" denote the set of paths that have
* been passed to [addFile] but not subsequently passed to [removeFile]. Let
* the "current analysis results" denote the map from the set of explicitly
* analyzed files to the most recent [AnalysisResult] delivered to [results]
* for each file. Let the "current file state" represent a map from file path
* to the file contents most recently read from that file, or fetched from the
* content cache (considering all possible possible file paths, regardless of
* whether they're in the set of explicitly analyzed files). Let the
* "analysis state" be either "analyzing" or "idle".
* (These are theoretical constructs; they may not necessarily reflect data
* structures maintained explicitly by the driver).
* Then we make the following guarantees:
* - Whenever the analysis state is idle, the current analysis results are
* consistent with the current file state.
* - A call to [addFile] or [changeFile] causes the analysis state to
* transition to "analyzing", and schedules the contents of the given
* files to be read into the current file state prior to the next time
* the analysis state transitions back to "idle".
* - If at any time the client stops making calls to [addFile], [changeFile],
* and [removeFile], the analysis state will eventually transition back to
* "idle" after a finite amount of processing.
* As a result of these guarantees, a client may ensure that the analysis
* results are "eventually consistent" with the file system by simply calling
* [changeFile] any time the contents of a file on the file system have changed.
* TODO(scheglov) Clean up the list of implicitly analyzed files.
class AnalysisDriver {
final PerformanceLog _logger;
* The resource provider for working with files.
final ResourceProvider _resourceProvider;
* The byte storage to get and put serialized data.
* It can be shared with other [AnalysisDriver]s.
final ByteStore _byteStore;
* This [ContentCache] is consulted for a file content before reading
* the content from the file.
final ContentCache _contentCache;
* The [SourceFactory] is used to resolve URIs to paths and restore URIs
* from file paths.
final SourceFactory _sourceFactory;
* The analysis options to analyze with.
final AnalysisOptions _analysisOptions;
* The combined unlinked and linked package for the SDK, extracted from
* the given [_sourceFactory].
PackageBundle _sdkBundle;
* The mapping from the files for which analysis was requested using
* [getResult] to the [Completer]s to report the result.
final _requestedFiles = <String, Completer<AnalysisResult>>{};
* The set of explicitly analyzed files.
final _explicitFiles = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
* The set of files that are currently scheduled for analysis.
final _filesToAnalyze = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
* The mapping of [Uri]s to the mapping of textual URIs to the [Source]
* that correspond in the current [_sourceFactory].
final _uriResolutionCache = <Uri, Map<String, Source>>{};
* The current file state.
* It maps file paths to the MD5 hash of the file content.
final _fileContentHashMap = <String, String>{};
* Mapping from library URIs to the linked hash of the library.
final _linkedHashMap = <Uri, String>{};
* TODO(scheglov) document and improve
final _hasWorkStreamController = new StreamController<String>();
AnalysisDriver(this._logger, this._resourceProvider, this._byteStore,
this._contentCache, this._sourceFactory, this._analysisOptions) {
_sdkBundle = _sourceFactory.dartSdk.getLinkedBundle();
* Set the list of files that the driver should try to analyze sooner.
* Every path in the list must be absolute and normalized.
* The driver will produce the results through the [results] stream. The
* exact order in which results are produced is not defined, neither
* between priority files, nor between priority and non-priority files.
void set priorityFiles(List<String> priorityPaths) {
// TODO(scheglov) implement
* Return the [Stream] that produces [AnalysisResult]s for added files.
* Analysis starts when the client starts listening to the stream, and stops
* when the client cancels the subscription.
* When the client starts listening, the analysis state transitions to
* "analyzing" and an analysis result is produced for every added file prior
* to the next time the analysis state transitions to "idle".
* Invocation of [addFile] or [changeFile] might result in producing more
* analysis results that reflect the new current file state.
* More than one result might be produced for the same file, even if the
* client does not change the state of the files.
* Results might be produced even for files that have never been added
* using [addFile], for example when [getResult] was called for a file.
Stream<AnalysisResult> get results async* {
try {
while (true) {
// TODO(scheglov) implement state transitioning
await for (String why in {
// Analyze the first file in the general queue.
if (_filesToAnalyze.isNotEmpty) {
_logger.runTimed('Analyzed ${_filesToAnalyze.length} files', () {
while (_filesToAnalyze.isNotEmpty) {
String path = _filesToAnalyze.first;
_File file = _fileForPath(path);
// TODO(scheglov) yield the result
// TODO(scheglov) implement
} finally {
print('The stream was cancelled.');
* Add the file with the given [path] to the set of files to analyze.
* The [path] must be absolute and normalized.
* The results of analysis are eventually produced by the [results] stream.
void addFile(String path) {
_hasWorkStreamController.add('do it!');
* The file with the given [path] might have changed - updated, added or
* removed. Or not, we don't know. Or it might have, but then changed back.
* The [path] must be absolute and normalized.
* The [path] can be any file - explicitly or implicitly analyzed, or neither.
* Causes the analysis state to transition to "analyzing" (if it is not in
* that state already). Schedules the file contents for [path] to be read
* into the current file state prior to the next time the analysis state
* transitions to "idle".
* Invocation of this method will not prevent a [Future] returned from
* [getResult] from completing with a result, but the result is not
* guaranteed to be consistent with the new current file state after this
* [changeFile] invocation.
void changeFile(String path) {
// TODO(scheglov) Don't clear, schedule API signature validation.
// TODO(scheglov) name?!
_hasWorkStreamController.add('do it!');
* Return the [Future] that completes with a [AnalysisResult] for the file
* with the given [path].
* The [path] must be absolute and normalized.
* The [path] can be any file - explicitly or implicitly analyzed, or neither.
* Causes the analysis state to transition to "analyzing" (if it is not in
* that state already), the driver will read the file and produce the analysis
* result for it, which is consistent with the current file state (including
* the new state of the file), prior to the next time the analysis state
* transitions to "idle".
Future<AnalysisResult> getResult(String path) {
var completer = new Completer<AnalysisResult>();
_requestedFiles[path] = completer;
return completer.future;
* Remove the file with the given [path] from the list of files to analyze.
* The [path] must be absolute and normalized.
* The results of analysis of the file might still be produced by the
* [results] stream. The driver will try to stop producing these results,
* but does not guarantee this.
void removeFile(String path) {
* TODO(scheglov) replace with actual [AnalysisResult] computing.
List<String> _computeAndPrintErrors(_File file) {
// TODO(scheglov) Computing resolved unit fails for these units.
// pkg/analyzer/lib/plugin/embedded_resolver_provider.dart
// pkg/analyzer/lib/plugin/embedded_resolver_provider.dart
if (file.path.endsWith(
'pkg/analyzer/lib/plugin/embedded_resolver_provider.dart') ||
file.path.endsWith('pkg/analyzer/lib/source/embedder.dart') ||
file.path.endsWith('pkg/analyzer/lib/src/generated/ast.dart') ||
file.path.endsWith('pkg/analyzer/lib/src/generated/element.dart') ||
.endsWith('pkg/analyzer/lib/src/generated/element_handle.dart') ||
file.path.endsWith('pkg/analyzer/lib/src/generated/error.dart') ||
file.path.endsWith('pkg/analyzer/lib/src/generated/scanner.dart') ||
file.path.endsWith('pkg/analyzer/lib/src/generated/sdk_io.dart') ||
file.path.endsWith('pkg/analyzer/lib/src/generated/visitors.dart') ||
file.path.endsWith('pkg/analyzer/test/generated/constant_test.dart') ||
file.path.endsWith('pkg/analyzer/test/source/embedder_test.dart')) {
return [];
List<String> errorStrings ='Compute errors $file', () {
LibraryContext libraryContext = _createLibraryContext(file);
String errorsKey;
ApiSignature signature = new ApiSignature();
errorsKey = '${signature.toHex()}.errors';
List<int> bytes = _byteStore.get(errorsKey);
if (bytes != null) {
fb.BufferContext bp = new fb.BufferContext.fromBytes(bytes);
int table = bp.derefObject(0);
return const fb.ListReader<String>(const fb.StringReader())
.vTableGet(bp, table, 0);
AnalysisContext analysisContext = _createAnalysisContext(libraryContext);
analysisContext.setContents(file.source, file.content);
try {
// Compute resolved unit.
// _logger.runTimed('Computed resolved unit', () {
// analysisContext.resolveCompilationUnit2(
// libraryContext.file.source, libraryContext.file.source);
// });
// Compute errors.
List<AnalysisError> errors;
try {
errors = _logger.runTimed('Computed errors', () {
return analysisContext.computeErrors(file.source);
} catch (e, st) {
// TODO(scheglov) why does it fail?
// Caused by Bad state: Unmatched TypeParameterElementImpl T
errors = [];
List<String> errorStrings = errors
.where((error) => error.errorCode is! TodoCode)
.map((error) => error.toString())
fb.Builder fbBuilder = new fb.Builder();
var exportedOffset = fbBuilder.writeList(errorStrings
.map((errorStr) => fbBuilder.writeString(errorStr))
fbBuilder.addOffset(0, exportedOffset);
var offset = fbBuilder.endTable();
List<int> bytes = fbBuilder.finish(offset, 'CErr');
_byteStore.put(errorsKey, bytes);
return errorStrings;
} finally {
if (errorStrings.isNotEmpty) {
errorStrings.forEach((errorString) => print('\t$errorString'));
} else {
print('\tNO ERRORS');
return errorStrings;
AnalysisContext _createAnalysisContext(LibraryContext libraryContext) {
AnalysisContextImpl analysisContext =
analysisContext.sourceFactory =
new SourceFactory((_sourceFactory as SourceFactoryImpl).resolvers);
analysisContext.resultProvider =
new InputPackagesResultProvider(analysisContext,;
.applyChanges(new ChangeSet()..addedSource(libraryContext.file.source));
return analysisContext;
* Return the content in which the library represented by the given
* [libraryFile] should be analyzed it.
* TODO(scheglov) We often don't need [SummaryDataStore], only linked hash.
LibraryContext _createLibraryContext(_File libraryFile) {
Map<String, _LibraryNode> nodes = <String, _LibraryNode>{};
return'Create library context', () {
SummaryDataStore store = new SummaryDataStore(const <String>[]);
store.addBundle(null, _sdkBundle);
void createLibraryNodes(_File libraryFile) {
Uri libraryUri = libraryFile.uri;
if (libraryUri.scheme == 'dart') {
String uriStr = libraryUri.toString();
if (!nodes.containsKey(uriStr)) {
_LibraryNode node = new _LibraryNode(this, nodes, libraryUri);
nodes[uriStr] = node;
ReferencedUris referenced = _getReferencedUris(libraryFile);
// Append unlinked bundles.
for (String uri in referenced.parted) {
_File file = libraryFile.resolveUri(uri);
PackageBundle unlinked = _getUnlinked(file);
store.addBundle(null, unlinked);
// Create nodes for referenced libraries.
for (String uri in referenced.imported) {
_File file = libraryFile.resolveUri(uri);
for (String uri in referenced.exported) {
_File file = libraryFile.resolveUri(uri);
_logger.runTimed2(() {
}, () => 'Computed ${nodes.length} nodes');
_LibraryNode libraryNode = nodes[libraryFile.uri.toString()];
Set<String> libraryUrisToLink = new Set<String>();
int numberOfNodesWithLinked = 0;
_logger.runTimed2(() {
for (_LibraryNode node in nodes.values) {
String key = '${node.linkedHash}.linked';
List<int> bytes = _byteStore.get(key);
if (bytes != null) {
PackageBundle linked = new PackageBundle.fromBuffer(bytes);
store.addBundle(null, linked);
} else {
}, () => 'Loaded $numberOfNodesWithLinked linked bundles');
Map<String, LinkedLibraryBuilder> linkedLibraries = {};
_logger.runTimed2(() {
linkedLibraries = link(libraryUrisToLink, (String uri) {
LinkedLibrary linkedLibrary = store.linkedMap[uri];
if (linkedLibrary == null) {
throw new StateError('No linked library for: $uri');
return linkedLibrary;
}, (String uri) {
UnlinkedUnit unlinkedUnit = store.unlinkedMap[uri];
if (unlinkedUnit == null) {
throw new StateError('No unlinked unit for: $uri');
return unlinkedUnit;
}, (_) => null, _analysisOptions.strongMode);
}, () => 'Linked ${linkedLibraries.length} bundles');
linkedLibraries.forEach((uri, linkedBuilder) {
_LibraryNode node = nodes[uri];
String key = '${node.linkedHash}.linked';
List<int> bytes;
PackageBundleAssembler assembler = new PackageBundleAssembler();
assembler.addLinkedLibrary(uri, linkedBuilder);
bytes = assembler.assemble().toBuffer();
PackageBundle linked = new PackageBundle.fromBuffer(bytes);
store.addBundle(null, linked);
_byteStore.put(key, bytes);
return new LibraryContext(libraryFile, libraryNode, store);
* Return the [_File] for the given [path] in [_sourceFactory].
_File _fileForPath(String path) {
Source fileSource = _resourceProvider.getFile(path).createSource();
Uri uri = _sourceFactory.restoreUri(fileSource);
Source source = _resourceProvider.getFile(path).createSource(uri);
return new _File(this, source);
* TODO(scheglov) It would be nice to get URIs of "parts" from unlinked.
ReferencedUris _getReferencedUris(_File file) {
// Try to get from the store.
String key = '${file.contentHash}.uris';
List<int> bytes = _byteStore.get(key);
if (bytes != null) {
fb.BufferContext bp = new fb.BufferContext.fromBytes(bytes);
int table = bp.derefObject(0);
const fb.ListReader<String> stringListReader =
const fb.ListReader<String>(const fb.StringReader());
bool isLibrary = const fb.BoolReader().vTableGet(bp, table, 0);
List<String> imported = stringListReader.vTableGet(bp, table, 1);
List<String> exported = stringListReader.vTableGet(bp, table, 2);
List<String> parted = stringListReader.vTableGet(bp, table, 3);
ReferencedUris referencedUris = new ReferencedUris();
referencedUris.isLibrary = isLibrary;
return referencedUris;
// Compute URIs.
ReferencedUris referencedUris = new ReferencedUris();
for (Directive directive in file.unit.directives) {
if (directive is PartOfDirective) {
referencedUris.isLibrary = false;
} else if (directive is UriBasedDirective) {
String uri = directive.uri.stringValue;
if (directive is ImportDirective) {
} else if (directive is ExportDirective) {
} else if (directive is PartDirective) {
// Serialize into bytes.
List<int> bytes;
fb.Builder fbBuilder = new fb.Builder();
var importedOffset = fbBuilder.writeList(referencedUris.imported
.map((uri) => fbBuilder.writeString(uri))
var exportedOffset = fbBuilder.writeList(referencedUris.exported
.map((uri) => fbBuilder.writeString(uri))
var partedOffset = fbBuilder.writeList(referencedUris.parted
.map((uri) => fbBuilder.writeString(uri))
fbBuilder.addBool(0, referencedUris.isLibrary);
fbBuilder.addOffset(1, importedOffset);
fbBuilder.addOffset(2, exportedOffset);
fbBuilder.addOffset(3, partedOffset);
var offset = fbBuilder.endTable();
bytes = fbBuilder.finish(offset, 'SoRU');
// We read the content and recomputed the hash.
// So, we need to update the key.
String key = '${file.contentHash}.uris';
_byteStore.put(key, bytes);
return referencedUris;
* Return the unlinked bundle of [file] for the current file state.
* That is, if there is an existing bundle for the current content hash
* of the [file] in the [_byteStore], then it is returned. Otherwise, the
* [file] content is read, the content hash is computed and the current file
* state is updated accordingly. That the content is parsed into the
* [CompilationUnit] and serialized into a new unlinked bundle. The bundle
* is then put into the [_byteStore] and returned.
PackageBundle _getUnlinked(_File file) {
// Try to get bytes for file's unlinked bundle.
List<int> bytes;
String key = '${file.contentHash}.unlinked';
bytes = _byteStore.get(key);
// If no cached unlinked bundle, compute it.
if (bytes == null) {
_logger.runTimed('Create unlinked for $file', () {
// We read the content and recomputed the hash.
// So, we need to update the key.
String key = '${file.contentHash}.unlinked';
UnlinkedUnitBuilder unlinkedUnit = serializeAstUnlinked(file.unit);
PackageBundleAssembler assembler = new PackageBundleAssembler();
file.uri.toString(), unlinkedUnit, key);
bytes = assembler.assemble().toBuffer();
_byteStore.put(key, bytes);
return new PackageBundle.fromBuffer(bytes);
* The result of analyzing of a single file.
* These results are self-consistent, i.e. [content], [contentHash], the
* resolved [unit] correspond to each other. All referenced elements, even
* external ones, are also self-consistent. But none of the results is
* guaranteed to be consistent with the state of the files.
* Every result is independent, and is not guaranteed to be consistent with
* any previously returned result, even inside of the same library.
class AnalysisResult {
* The path of the analysed file, absolute and normalized.
final String path;
* The URI of the file that corresponded to the [path] in the used
* [SourceFactory] at some point. Is it not guaranteed to be still consistent
* to the [path], and provided as FYI.
final Uri uri;
* The content of the file that was scanned, parsed and resolved.
final String content;
* The MD5 hash of the [content].
final String contentHash;
* The fully resolved compilation unit for the [content].
final CompilationUnit unit;
* The full list of computed analysis errors, both syntactic and semantic.
final List<AnalysisError> errors;
AnalysisResult(this.path, this.uri, this.content, this.contentHash, this.unit,
class LibraryContext {
final _File file;
final _LibraryNode node;
final SummaryDataStore store;
LibraryContext(this.file, this.node,;
class PerformanceLog {
final StringSink sink;
int _level = 0;
/*=T*/ run/*<T>*/(String msg, /*=T*/ f()) {
Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch()..start();
try {
writeln('+++ $msg.');
return f();
} finally {
int ms = timer.elapsedMilliseconds;
writeln('--- $msg in $ms ms.');
/*=T*/ runTimed/*<T>*/(String msg, /*=T*/ f()) {
Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch()..start();
try {
return f();
} finally {
int ms = timer.elapsedMilliseconds;
writeln('$msg in $ms ms.');
runTimed2(f(), String getMsg()) {
Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch()..start();
try {
return f();
} finally {
int ms = timer.elapsedMilliseconds;
String msg = getMsg();
writeln('$msg in $ms ms.');
void writeln(String msg) {
String indent = '\t' * _level;
class ReferencedUris {
bool isLibrary = true;
final List<String> imported = <String>[];
final List<String> exported = <String>[];
final List<String> parted = <String>[];
* Information about a file being analyzed, explicitly or implicitly.
* It keeps a consistent view on its [content], [contentHash] and [unit].
class _File {
* The driver instance that is used to access [SourceFactory] and caches.
final AnalysisDriver driver;
* The [Source] this [_File] instance represent.
final Source source;
String _content;
String _contentHash;
CompilationUnit _unit;
_File(this.driver, this.source);
* Return the current content of the file.
* If the [_content] field if it is still `null`, get the content from the
* content cache or from the [source]. If the content cannot be accessed
* because of an exception, it considers to be an empty string.
* When a new content is read, the new [_contentHash] is computed and the
* current file state is updated.
String get content {
if (_content == null) {
return _content;
* Ensure that the [contentHash] is filled.
* If the hash is already in the current file state, return the current
* value. Otherwise, read the [content], compute the hash, put it into
* the current file state, and update the [contentHash] field.
* The client cannot remember values of this property, because its value
* might change when [content] is read and the hash is recomputed.
String get contentHash {
_contentHash ??= driver._fileContentHashMap[path];
if (_contentHash == null) {
return _contentHash;
String get path => source.fullName;
* Return the [CompilationUnit] of the file.
* Current this unit is resolved, it is used to compute unlinked summaries
* and and URIs. We use a separate analysis context to perform resolution
* and computing errors. But this might change in the future.
CompilationUnit get unit {
AnalysisErrorListener errorListener = AnalysisErrorListener.NULL_LISTENER;
CharSequenceReader reader = new CharSequenceReader(content);
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(source, reader, errorListener);
scanner.scanGenericMethodComments = driver._analysisOptions.strongMode;
Token token = scanner.tokenize();
LineInfo lineInfo = new LineInfo(scanner.lineStarts);
Parser parser = new Parser(source, errorListener);
parser.parseGenericMethodComments = driver._analysisOptions.strongMode;
_unit = parser.parseCompilationUnit(token);
_unit.lineInfo = lineInfo;
return _unit;
Uri get uri => source.uri;
* Return the [_File] for the [uri] referenced in this file.
_File resolveUri(String uri) {
Source uriSource = driver._uriResolutionCache
.putIfAbsent(this.uri, () => <String, Source>{})
.putIfAbsent(uri, () => driver._sourceFactory.resolveUri(source, uri));
return new _File(driver, uriSource);
String toString() => uri.toString();
* Fill the [_content] and [_contentHash] fields.
* If the [_content] field if it is still `null`, get the content from the
* content cache or from the [source]. If the content cannot be accessed
* because of an exception, it considers to be an empty string.
* When a new content is read, the new [_contentHash] should be computed and
* the current file state should be updated.
void _readContentAndComputeHash() {
try {
_content = driver._contentCache.getContents(source);
_content ??=;
} catch (_) {
_content = '';
// Compute the content hash.
List<int> textBytes = UTF8.encode(_content);
List<int> hashBytes = md5.convert(textBytes).bytes;
_contentHash = hex.encode(hashBytes);
// Update the current file state.
driver._fileContentHashMap[path] = _contentHash;
class _LibraryNode {
final AnalysisDriver driver;
final Map<String, _LibraryNode> nodes;
final Uri uri;
final List<PackageBundle> unlinkedBundles = <PackageBundle>[];
Set<_LibraryNode> transitiveDependencies;
List<_LibraryNode> _dependencies;
String _linkedHash;
_LibraryNode(this.driver, this.nodes, this.uri);
* Retrieve the dependencies of this node.
List<_LibraryNode> get dependencies {
if (_dependencies == null) {
Set<_LibraryNode> dependencies = new Set<_LibraryNode>();
void appendDependency(String uriStr) {
Uri uri = FastUri.parse(uriStr);
if (uri.scheme == 'dart') {
// Dependency on the SDK is implicit and always added.
// The SDK linked bundle is precomputed before linking packages.
} else {
if (!uri.isAbsolute) {
uri = resolveRelativeUri(this.uri, uri);
uriStr = uri.toString();
_LibraryNode node = nodes[uriStr];
if (node == null) {
throw new StateError('No node for: $uriStr');
for (PackageBundle unlinkedBundle in unlinkedBundles) {
for (UnlinkedUnit unit in unlinkedBundle.unlinkedUnits) {
for (UnlinkedImport import in unit.imports) {
if (!import.isImplicit) {
for (UnlinkedExportPublic export in unit.publicNamespace.exports) {
_dependencies = dependencies.toList();
return _dependencies;
int get hashCode => uri.hashCode;
String get linkedHash {
_linkedHash ??= driver._linkedHashMap.putIfAbsent(uri, () {
// Add all unlinked API signatures.
List<String> signatures = <String>[];
.map((node) => node.unlinkedBundles)
.expand((bundles) => bundles)
.map((bundle) => bundle.apiSignature)
// Combine into a single hash.
ApiSignature signature = new ApiSignature();
return signature.toHex();
return _linkedHash;
bool operator ==(other) {
return other is _LibraryNode && other.uri == uri;
void computeTransitiveDependencies() {
if (transitiveDependencies == null) {
transitiveDependencies = new Set<_LibraryNode>();
void appendDependencies(_LibraryNode node) {
if (transitiveDependencies.add(node)) {
String toString() => uri.toString();