blob: 68939cdaf1808d12fb53131b469a12f87a66a52a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// API needed by `utils/front_end/summary_worker.dart`, a tool used to compute
/// summaries in build systems like bazel, pub-build, and package-build.
import 'dart:async' show Future;
import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/compiler_options.dart';
import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart' show Component, CanonicalName, Library;
import 'package:kernel/target/targets.dart' show Target;
import '../api_prototype/compiler_options.dart'
show CompilerOptions, parseExperimentalFlags;
import '../api_prototype/diagnostic_message.dart' show DiagnosticMessageHandler;
import '../api_prototype/experimental_flags.dart' show ExperimentalFlag;
import '../api_prototype/front_end.dart' show CompilerResult;
import '../api_prototype/file_system.dart' show FileSystem;
import '../base/processed_options.dart' show ProcessedOptions;
import '../fasta/compiler_context.dart' show CompilerContext;
import '../fasta/incremental_compiler.dart' show IncrementalCompiler;
import '../kernel_generator_impl.dart' show generateKernel;
import 'compiler_state.dart'
show InitializedCompilerState, WorkerInputComponent, digestsEqual;
export '../api_prototype/diagnostic_message.dart' show DiagnosticMessage;
export '../api_prototype/standard_file_system.dart' show StandardFileSystem;
export '../api_prototype/terminal_color_support.dart'
show printDiagnosticMessage;
export '../fasta/kernel/utils.dart' show serializeComponent;
export '../fasta/severity.dart' show Severity;
export 'compiler_state.dart' show InitializedCompilerState;
import 'util.dart' show equalMaps, equalSets;
/// Initializes the compiler for a modular build.
/// Re-uses cached components from [_workerInputCache], and reloads them
/// as necessary based on [workerInputDigests].
Future<InitializedCompilerState> initializeIncrementalCompiler(
InitializedCompilerState oldState,
Set<String> tags,
Uri sdkSummary,
Uri packagesFile,
Uri librariesSpecificationUri,
List<Uri> summaryInputs,
Map<Uri, List<int>> workerInputDigests,
Target target,
FileSystem fileSystem,
Iterable<String> experiments,
bool outlineOnly,
{bool trackNeededDillLibraries: false}) async {
final List<int> sdkDigest = workerInputDigests[sdkSummary];
if (sdkDigest == null) {
throw new StateError("Expected to get digest for $sdkSummary");
IncrementalCompiler incrementalCompiler;
CompilerOptions options;
ProcessedOptions processedOpts;
WorkerInputComponent cachedSdkInput;
Map<Uri, WorkerInputComponent> workerInputCache =
oldState?.workerInputCache ?? new Map<Uri, WorkerInputComponent>();
bool startOver = false;
Map<ExperimentalFlag, bool> experimentalFlags = parseExperimentalFlags(
onError: (e) => throw e);
if (oldState == null ||
oldState.incrementalCompiler == null ||
oldState.incrementalCompiler.outlineOnly != outlineOnly ||
!equalMaps(oldState.options.experimentalFlags, experimentalFlags) ||
!equalSets(oldState.tags, tags)) {
// No - or immediately not correct - previous state.
startOver = true;
// We'll load a new sdk, anything loaded already will have a wrong root.
} else {
// We do have a previous state.
cachedSdkInput = workerInputCache[sdkSummary];
if (cachedSdkInput == null ||
!digestsEqual(cachedSdkInput.digest, sdkDigest)) {
// The sdk is out of date.
startOver = true;
// We'll load a new sdk, anything loaded already will have a wrong root.
if (startOver) {
// The sdk was either not cached or it has changed.
options = new CompilerOptions()
..sdkSummary = sdkSummary
..packagesFileUri = packagesFile
..librariesSpecificationUri = librariesSpecificationUri = target
..fileSystem = fileSystem
..omitPlatform = true
..environmentDefines = const {}
..experimentalFlags = experimentalFlags;
processedOpts = new ProcessedOptions(options: options);
cachedSdkInput = new WorkerInputComponent(
sdkDigest, await processedOpts.loadSdkSummary(null));
workerInputCache[sdkSummary] = cachedSdkInput;
incrementalCompiler = new IncrementalCompiler.fromComponent(
new CompilerContext(processedOpts),
incrementalCompiler.trackNeededDillLibraries = trackNeededDillLibraries;
} else {
options = oldState.options;
processedOpts = oldState.processedOpts;
Component sdkComponent = cachedSdkInput.component;
// Reset the state of the component.
for (Library lib in sdkComponent.libraries) {
lib.isExternal = cachedSdkInput.externalLibs.contains(lib.importUri);
// Make sure the canonical name root knows about the sdk - otherwise we
// won't be able to link to it when loading more outlines.
// TODO(jensj): This is - at least currently - necessary,
// although it's not entirely obvious why.
// It likely has to do with several outlines containing the same libraries.
// Once that stops (and we check for it) we can probably remove this,
// and instead only do it when about to reuse an outline in the
// 'inputSummaries.add(component);' line further down.
for (WorkerInputComponent cachedInput in workerInputCache.values) {
// Reuse the incremental compiler, but reset as needed.
incrementalCompiler = oldState.incrementalCompiler;
incrementalCompiler.trackNeededDillLibraries = trackNeededDillLibraries;
options.packagesFileUri = packagesFile;
options.fileSystem = fileSystem;
// Then read all the input summary components.
CanonicalName nameRoot = cachedSdkInput.component.root;
final List<Component> inputSummaries = <Component>[];
Map<Uri, Uri> libraryToInputDill;
if (trackNeededDillLibraries) {
libraryToInputDill = new Map<Uri, Uri>();
List<Uri> loadFromDill = new List<Uri>();
for (Uri summary in summaryInputs) {
WorkerInputComponent cachedInput = workerInputCache[summary];
List<int> summaryDigest = workerInputDigests[summary];
if (summaryDigest == null) {
throw new StateError("Expected to get digest for $summary");
if (cachedInput == null ||
cachedInput.component.root != nameRoot ||
!digestsEqual(cachedInput.digest, summaryDigest)) {
} else {
// Need to reset cached components so they are usable again.
Component component = cachedInput.component;
for (Library lib in component.libraries) {
lib.isExternal = cachedInput.externalLibs.contains(lib.importUri);
if (trackNeededDillLibraries) {
libraryToInputDill[lib.importUri] = summary;
for (int i = 0; i < loadFromDill.length; i++) {
Uri summary = loadFromDill[i];
List<int> summaryDigest = workerInputDigests[summary];
if (summaryDigest == null) {
throw new StateError("Expected to get digest for $summary");
WorkerInputComponent cachedInput = new WorkerInputComponent(
await processedOpts.loadComponent(
await fileSystem.entityForUri(summary).readAsBytes(), nameRoot,
alwaysCreateNewNamedNodes: true));
workerInputCache[summary] = cachedInput;
if (trackNeededDillLibraries) {
for (Library lib in cachedInput.component.libraries) {
libraryToInputDill[lib.importUri] = summary;
return new InitializedCompilerState(options, processedOpts,
workerInputCache: workerInputCache,
incrementalCompiler: incrementalCompiler,
tags: tags,
libraryToInputDill: libraryToInputDill);
Future<InitializedCompilerState> initializeCompiler(
InitializedCompilerState oldState,
Uri sdkSummary,
Uri librariesSpecificationUri,
Uri packagesFile,
List<Uri> summaryInputs,
List<Uri> linkedInputs,
Target target,
FileSystem fileSystem,
Iterable<String> experiments) async {
// TODO(sigmund): use incremental compiler when it supports our use case.
// Note: it is common for the summary worker to invoke the compiler with the
// same input summary URIs, but with different contents, so we'd need to be
// able to track shas or modification time-stamps to be able to invalidate the
// old state appropriately.
CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions()
..sdkSummary = sdkSummary
..packagesFileUri = packagesFile
..librariesSpecificationUri = librariesSpecificationUri
..inputSummaries = summaryInputs
..linkedDependencies = linkedInputs = target
..fileSystem = fileSystem
..environmentDefines = const {}
..experimentalFlags = parseExperimentalFlags(
onError: (e) => throw e);
ProcessedOptions processedOpts = new ProcessedOptions(options: options);
return new InitializedCompilerState(options, processedOpts);
Future<CompilerResult> _compile(InitializedCompilerState compilerState,
List<Uri> inputs, DiagnosticMessageHandler diagnosticMessageHandler,
{bool summaryOnly, bool includeOffsets: true}) {
summaryOnly ??= true;
CompilerOptions options = compilerState.options;
options..onDiagnostic = diagnosticMessageHandler;
ProcessedOptions processedOpts = compilerState.processedOpts;
return generateKernel(processedOpts,
buildSummary: summaryOnly,
buildComponent: !summaryOnly,
includeOffsets: includeOffsets);
Future<List<int>> compileSummary(InitializedCompilerState compilerState,
List<Uri> inputs, DiagnosticMessageHandler diagnosticMessageHandler,
{bool includeOffsets: false}) async {
CompilerResult result = await _compile(
compilerState, inputs, diagnosticMessageHandler,
summaryOnly: true, includeOffsets: includeOffsets);
return result?.summary;
Future<Component> compileComponent(InitializedCompilerState compilerState,
List<Uri> inputs, DiagnosticMessageHandler diagnosticMessageHandler) async {
CompilerResult result = await _compile(
compilerState, inputs, diagnosticMessageHandler,
summaryOnly: false);
Component component = result?.component;
if (component != null) {
for (Library lib in component.libraries) {
if (!inputs.contains(lib.importUri)) {
// Excluding the library also means that their canonical names will not
// be computed as part of serialization, so we need to do that
// preemptively here to avoid errors when serializing references to
// elements of these libraries.
return component;