blob: 9672dbeabae61d282eee58171644a9ca1baaee41 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include <bin/elf_loader.h>
#include <bin/file.h>
#include <platform/elf.h>
#include <platform/globals.h>
#include <vm/cpu.h>
#include <vm/virtual_memory.h>
#include <memory>
namespace dart {
namespace bin {
namespace elf {
/// A loader for a subset of ELF which may be used to load objects produced by
/// Dart_CreateAppAOTSnapshotAsElf.
class LoadedElf {
explicit LoadedElf(const char* filename)
: filename_(strdup(filename), std::free) {}
/// Loads the ELF object into memory. Returns whether the load was successful.
/// On failure, the error may be retrieved by 'error()'.
bool Load();
/// Reads Dart-specific symbols from the loaded ELF.
/// Stores the address of the corresponding symbol in each non-null output
/// parameter.
/// Fails if any output parameter is non-null but points to null and the
/// corresponding symbol was not found, or if the dynamic symbol table could
/// not be decoded.
/// On failure, the error may be retrieved by 'error()'.
bool ResolveSymbols(const uint8_t** vm_data,
const uint8_t** vm_instrs,
const uint8_t** isolate_data,
const uint8_t** isolate_instrs);
const char* error() { return error_; }
bool ReadHeader();
bool ReadProgramTable();
bool LoadSegments();
bool ReadSectionTable();
bool ReadSectionStringTable();
bool ReadSections();
static uword PageSize() { return VirtualMemory::PageSize(); }
// Unlike File::Map, allows non-aligned 'start' and 'length'.
MappedMemory* MapFilePiece(uword start,
uword length,
const void** mapping_start);
std::unique_ptr<char, decltype(std::free)*> filename_;
// Initialized on a successful Load().
File* file_;
// Initialized on error.
const char* error_ = nullptr;
// Initialized by ReadHeader().
dart::elf::ElfHeader header_;
// Initialized by ReadProgramTable().
std::unique_ptr<MappedMemory> program_table_mapping_;
const dart::elf::ProgramHeader* program_table_ = nullptr;
// Initialized by LoadSegments().
std::unique_ptr<VirtualMemory> base_;
// Initialized by ReadSectionTable().
std::unique_ptr<MappedMemory> section_table_mapping_;
const dart::elf::SectionHeader* section_table_ = nullptr;
// Initialized by ReadSectionStringTable().
std::unique_ptr<MappedMemory> section_string_table_mapping_;
const char* section_string_table_ = nullptr;
// Initialized by ReadSections().
const char* dynamic_string_table_ = nullptr;
const dart::elf::Symbol* dynamic_symbol_table_ = nullptr;
uword dynamic_symbol_count_ = 0;
#define CHECK(value) \
if (!(value)) { \
ASSERT(error_ != nullptr); \
return false; \
#define ERROR(message) \
{ \
error_ = (message); \
return false; \
#define CHECK_ERROR(value, message) \
if (!(value)) { \
error_ = (message); \
return false; \
bool LoadedElf::Load() {
if (error_ != nullptr) {
return false;
file_ = File::Open(/*namespc=*/nullptr, filename_.get(),
CHECK_ERROR(file_ != nullptr, "Cannot open ELF object file.");
return true;
LoadedElf::~LoadedElf() {
// Unmap the image.
// Explicitly destroy all the mappings before closing the file.
if (file_ != nullptr) {
bool LoadedElf::ReadHeader() {
CHECK_ERROR(file_->ReadFully(&header_, sizeof(dart::elf::ElfHeader)),
"Could not read ELF file.");
CHECK_ERROR(header_.ident[dart::elf::EI_DATA] == dart::elf::ELFDATA2LSB,
"Expected little-endian ELF object.");
CHECK_ERROR(header_.type == dart::elf::ET_DYN,
"Can only load dynamic libraries.");
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
CHECK_ERROR(header_.machine == dart::elf::EM_386, "Architecture mismatch.");
#elif defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64)
CHECK_ERROR(header_.machine == dart::elf::EM_X86_64,
"Architecture mismatch.");
#elif defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
CHECK_ERROR(header_.machine == dart::elf::EM_ARM, "Architecture mismatch.");
#elif defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM64)
CHECK_ERROR(header_.machine == dart::elf::EM_AARCH64,
"Architecture mismatch.");
#error Unsupported architecture architecture.
CHECK_ERROR(header_.version == dart::elf::EV_CURRENT,
"Unexpected ELF version.");
CHECK_ERROR(header_.header_size == sizeof(dart::elf::ElfHeader),
"Unexpected header size.");
header_.program_table_entry_size == sizeof(dart::elf::ProgramHeader),
"Unexpected program header size.");
header_.section_table_entry_size == sizeof(dart::elf::SectionHeader),
"Unexpected section header size.");
return true;
bool LoadedElf::ReadProgramTable() {
const uword file_start = header_.program_table_offset;
const uword file_length =
header_.num_program_headers * sizeof(dart::elf::ProgramHeader);
MapFilePiece(file_start, file_length,
reinterpret_cast<const void**>(&program_table_)));
CHECK_ERROR(program_table_mapping_ != nullptr,
"Could not mmap the program table.");
return true;
bool LoadedElf::ReadSectionTable() {
const uword file_start = header_.section_table_offset;
const uword file_length =
header_.num_section_headers * sizeof(dart::elf::SectionHeader);
MapFilePiece(file_start, file_length,
reinterpret_cast<const void**>(&section_table_)));
CHECK_ERROR(section_table_mapping_ != nullptr,
"Could not mmap the section table.");
return true;
bool LoadedElf::ReadSectionStringTable() {
const dart::elf::SectionHeader header =
MapFilePiece(header.file_offset, header.file_size,
reinterpret_cast<const void**>(&section_string_table_)));
CHECK_ERROR(section_string_table_mapping_ != nullptr,
"Could not mmap the section string table.");
return true;
bool LoadedElf::LoadSegments() {
// Calculate the total amount of virtual memory needed.
uword total_memory = 0;
for (uword i = 0; i < header_.num_program_headers; ++i) {
const dart::elf::ProgramHeader header = program_table_[i];
// Only PT_LOAD segments need to be loaded.
if (header.type != dart::elf::ProgramHeaderType::PT_LOAD) continue;
total_memory = Utils::Maximum(
static_cast<uword>(header.memory_offset + header.memory_size),
"Alignment must be a power of two.");
CHECK_ERROR(header.alignment <= PageSize(),
"Cannot align greater than page size.")
total_memory = Utils::RoundUp(total_memory, PageSize());
total_memory, /*alignment=*/PageSize(),
/*is_executable=*/false, /*mapping name=*/filename_.get()));
CHECK_ERROR(base_ != nullptr, "Could not reserve virtual memory.");
for (uword i = 0; i < header_.num_program_headers; ++i) {
const dart::elf::ProgramHeader header = program_table_[i];
// Only PT_LOAD segments need to be loaded.
if (header.type != dart::elf::ProgramHeaderType::PT_LOAD) continue;
const uword memory_offset = header.memory_offset,
file_offset = header.file_offset;
(memory_offset % PageSize()) == (file_offset % PageSize()),
"Difference between file and memory offset must be page-aligned.");
const intptr_t adjustment = header.memory_offset % PageSize();
void* const memory_start =
static_cast<char*>(base_->address()) + memory_offset - adjustment;
const uword file_start = file_offset - adjustment;
const uword length = header.memory_size + adjustment;
File::MapType map_type = File::kReadOnly;
if (header.flags == (dart::elf::PF_R | dart::elf::PF_W)) {
map_type = File::kReadWrite;
} else if (header.flags == (dart::elf::PF_R | dart::elf::PF_X)) {
map_type = File::kReadExecute;
} else if (header.flags == dart::elf::PF_R) {
map_type = File::kReadOnly;
} else {
ERROR("Unsupported segment flag set.");
std::unique_ptr<MappedMemory> memory(
file_->Map(map_type, file_start, length, memory_start));
CHECK_ERROR(memory != nullptr, "Could not map segment.");
CHECK_ERROR(memory->address() == memory_start,
"Mapping not at requested address.");
return true;
bool LoadedElf::ReadSections() {
for (uword i = 0; i < header_.num_section_headers; ++i) {
const dart::elf::SectionHeader header = section_table_[i];
const char* const name = section_string_table_ +;
if (strcmp(name, ".dynstr") == 0) {
CHECK_ERROR(header.memory_offset != 0, ".dynstr must be loaded.");
dynamic_string_table_ =
static_cast<const char*>(base_->address()) + header.memory_offset;
} else if (strcmp(name, ".dynsym") == 0) {
CHECK_ERROR(header.memory_offset != 0, ".dynsym must be loaded.");
dynamic_symbol_table_ = reinterpret_cast<const dart::elf::Symbol*>(
base_->start() + header.memory_offset);
dynamic_symbol_count_ = header.file_size / sizeof(dart::elf::Symbol);
CHECK_ERROR(dynamic_string_table_ != nullptr, "Couldn't find .dynstr.");
CHECK_ERROR(dynamic_symbol_table_ != nullptr, "Couldn't find .dynsym.");
return true;
bool LoadedElf::ResolveSymbols(const uint8_t** vm_data,
const uint8_t** vm_instrs,
const uint8_t** isolate_data,
const uint8_t** isolate_instrs) {
if (error_ != nullptr) {
return false;
// The first entry of the symbol table is reserved.
for (uword i = 1; i < dynamic_symbol_count_; ++i) {
const dart::elf::Symbol sym = dynamic_symbol_table_[i];
const char* name = dynamic_string_table_ +;
const uint8_t** output = nullptr;
if (strcmp(name, kVmSnapshotDataSymbolName) == 0) {
output = vm_data;
} else if (strcmp(name, kVmSnapshotInstructionsSymbolName) == 0) {
output = vm_instrs;
} else if (strcmp(name, kIsolateSnapshotDataSymbolName) == 0) {
output = isolate_data;
} else if (strcmp(name, kIsolateSnapshotInstructionsSymbolName) == 0) {
output = isolate_instrs;
if (output != nullptr) {
*output = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(base_->start() + sym.value);
CHECK_ERROR(vm_data == nullptr || *vm_data != nullptr,
"Could not find VM snapshot data.");
CHECK_ERROR(vm_instrs == nullptr || *vm_instrs != nullptr,
"Could not find VM snapshot instructions.");
CHECK_ERROR(isolate_data == nullptr || *isolate_data != nullptr,
"Could not find isolate snapshot data.");
CHECK_ERROR(isolate_instrs == nullptr || *isolate_instrs != nullptr,
"Could not find isolate instructions.");
return true;
MappedMemory* LoadedElf::MapFilePiece(uword file_start,
uword file_length,
const void** mem_start) {
const uword mapping_offset = Utils::RoundDown(file_start, PageSize());
const uword mapping_length =
Utils::RoundUp(file_length + file_start % PageSize(), PageSize());
MappedMemory* const mapping =
file_->Map(bin::File::kReadOnly, mapping_offset, mapping_length);
if (mapping != nullptr) {
*mem_start = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(mapping->start() +
(file_start % PageSize()));
return mapping;
} // namespace elf
} // namespace bin
} // namespace dart
DART_EXPORT void* Dart_LoadELF(const char* filename,
const char** error,
const uint8_t** vm_snapshot_data,
const uint8_t** vm_snapshot_instrs,
const uint8_t** vm_isolate_data,
const uint8_t** vm_isolate_instrs) {
std::unique_ptr<dart::bin::elf::LoadedElf> elf(
new dart::bin::elf::LoadedElf(filename));
if (!elf->Load() ||
!elf->ResolveSymbols(vm_snapshot_data, vm_snapshot_instrs,
vm_isolate_data, vm_isolate_instrs)) {
*error = elf->error();
return nullptr;
return elf.release();
DART_EXPORT void Dart_UnloadELF(void* loaded) {
delete reinterpret_cast<dart::bin::elf::LoadedElf*>(loaded);