blob: 40f5f7c896a210443ffe75fb68d72c7f339ea41d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart' show TokenType;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart' show RecursiveAstVisitor;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'element_helpers.dart' show getStaticType, isInlineJS, findAnnotation;
import 'js_interop.dart' show isNotNullAnnotation, isNullCheckAnnotation;
import 'js_typerep.dart';
import 'property_model.dart';
import 'type_utilities.dart';
/// An inference engine for nullable types.
/// This can answer questions about whether expressions are nullable
/// (see [isNullable]). Given a set of compilation units in a library, it will
/// determine if locals can be null using flow-insensitive analysis.
/// The analysis for null expressions is conservative and incomplete, but it can
/// optimize some patterns.
// TODO(vsm): Revisit whether we really need this when we get
// better non-nullability in the type system.
abstract class NullableTypeInference {
LibraryElement get coreLibrary;
VirtualFieldModel get virtualFields;
JSTypeRep get jsTypeRep;
bool isObjectMember(String name);
/// Known non-null local variables.
HashSet<LocalVariableElement> _notNullLocals;
void inferNullableTypes(AstNode node) {
var visitor = _NullableLocalInference(this);
_notNullLocals = visitor.computeNotNullLocals();
/// Adds a new variable, typically a compiler generated temporary, and record
/// whether its type is nullable.
void addTemporaryVariable(LocalVariableElement local,
{bool nullable = true}) {
if (!nullable) _notNullLocals.add(local);
/// Returns true if [expr] can be null.
bool isNullable(Expression expr) => _isNullable(expr);
bool _isNonNullMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation expr) {
// TODO(vsm): This logic overlaps with the resolver.
// Where is the best place to put this?
var e = expr.methodName.staticElement;
if (e == null) return false;
if (isInlineJS(e)) {
// Fix types for JS builtin calls.
// This code was taken from analyzer. It's not super sophisticated:
// only looks for the type name in dart:core, so we just copy it here.
// TODO(jmesserly): we'll likely need something that can handle a wider
// variety of types, especially when we get to JS interop.
var args = expr.argumentList.arguments;
var first = args.isNotEmpty ? args.first : null;
if (first is SimpleStringLiteral) {
var types = first.stringValue;
if (types != '' &&
types != 'var' &&
!types.split('|').contains('Null')) {
return true;
if ( == 'identical' && identical(e.library, coreLibrary)) {
return true;
// If this is a method call, check to see whether it is to a final
// type for which we have a known implementation type (i.e. int, bool,
// double, and String), and if so use the element for the implementation
// type instead.
if (e is MethodElement) {
Element container = e.enclosingElement;
if (container is ClassElement) {
DartType targetType = getLegacyRawClassType(container);
InterfaceType implType = jsTypeRep.getImplementationType(targetType);
if (implType != null) {
MethodElement method = implType.lookUpMethod(, coreLibrary);
if (method != null) e = method;
// If the method or function is annotated as returning a non-null value
// then the result of the call is non-null.
return (e is MethodElement || e is FunctionElement) && _assertedNotNull(e);
bool _isNonNullProperty(Element element, String name) {
if (element is! PropertyInducingElement &&
element is! PropertyAccessorElement) {
return false;
// If this is a reference to an element of a type for which
// we have a known implementation type (i.e. int, double,
// bool, String), then use the element for the implementation
// type.
Element container = element.enclosingElement;
if (container is ClassElement) {
var targetType = getLegacyRawClassType(container);
var implType = jsTypeRep.getImplementationType(targetType);
if (implType != null) {
var getter = implType.lookUpGetter(name, coreLibrary);
if (getter != null) element = getter;
// If the getter is a synthetic element, then any annotations will
// be on the variable, so use those instead.
if (element is PropertyAccessorElement && element.isSynthetic) {
return _assertedNotNull(element.variable);
// Return true if the element is annotated as returning a non-null value.
return _assertedNotNull(element);
/// Returns true if [expr] can be null, optionally using [localIsNullable]
/// for locals.
/// If [localIsNullable] is not supplied, this will use the known list of
/// [_notNullLocals].
bool _isNullable(Expression expr,
[bool localIsNullable(LocalVariableElement e)]) {
// TODO(jmesserly): we do recursive calls in a few places. This could
// leads to O(depth) cost for calling this function. We could store the
// resulting value if that becomes an issue, so we maintain the invariant
// that each node is visited once.
Element element;
String name;
if (expr is PropertyAccess &&
expr.operator?.type != TokenType.QUESTION_PERIOD) {
element = expr.propertyName.staticElement;
name =;
} else if (expr is PrefixedIdentifier) {
element = expr.staticElement;
name =;
} else if (expr is Identifier) {
element = expr.staticElement;
name =;
if (element != null) {
if (_isNonNullProperty(element, name)) return false;
// Type literals are not null.
if (element is ClassElement || element is FunctionTypeAliasElement) {
return false;
if (element is LocalVariableElement) {
if (localIsNullable != null) {
return localIsNullable(element);
return !_notNullLocals.contains(element);
if (element is ParameterElement && _assertedNotNull(element)) {
return false;
if (element is FunctionElement || element is MethodElement) {
// A function or method. This can't be null.
return false;
if (element is PropertyAccessorElement && element.isGetter) {
PropertyInducingElement variable = element.variable;
if (variable is FieldElement && virtualFields.isVirtual(variable)) {
return true;
var value = variable.computeConstantValue();
return value == null || value.isNull || !value.hasKnownValue;
// Other types of identifiers are nullable (parameters, fields).
return true;
if (expr is Literal) return expr is NullLiteral;
if (expr is IsExpression) return false;
if (expr is FunctionExpression) return false;
if (expr is ThisExpression) return false;
if (expr is SuperExpression) return false;
if (expr is CascadeExpression) {
// Cascades normally can't return `null`, because if the target is null,
// they will throw noSuchMethod.
// The only properties/methods on `null` are those on Object itself.
for (var section in expr.cascadeSections) {
Element e;
if (section is PropertyAccess) {
e = section.propertyName.staticElement;
} else if (section is MethodInvocation) {
e = section.methodName.staticElement;
} else if (section is IndexExpression) {
// Object does not have operator []=.
return false;
// We encountered a non-Object method/property.
if (e != null && !isObjectMember( {
return false;
return _isNullable(, localIsNullable);
if (expr is ConditionalExpression) {
return _isNullable(expr.thenExpression, localIsNullable) ||
_isNullable(expr.elseExpression, localIsNullable);
if (expr is ParenthesizedExpression) {
return _isNullable(expr.expression, localIsNullable);
if (expr is InstanceCreationExpression) {
var e = expr.staticElement;
if (e == null) return true;
// Follow redirects.
while (e.redirectedConstructor != null) {
e = e.redirectedConstructor;
// Generative constructors are not nullable.
if (!e.isFactory) return false;
// Factory constructors are nullable. However it is a bad pattern and
// our own SDK will never do this.
// TODO(jmesserly): we could enforce this for user-defined constructors.
if (e.library.source.isInSystemLibrary) return false;
return true;
if (expr is MethodInvocation &&
(expr.operator?.lexeme != '?.' ||
!_isNullable(, localIsNullable)) &&
_isNonNullMethodInvocation(expr)) {
return false;
Expression operand, rightOperand;
String op;
if (expr is AssignmentExpression) {
op = expr.operator.lexeme;
if (op == '=') {
return _isNullable(expr.rightHandSide, localIsNullable);
// op assignment like +=, remove trailing '='
op = op.substring(0, op.length - 1);
operand = expr.leftHandSide;
rightOperand = expr.rightHandSide;
} else if (expr is BinaryExpression) {
operand = expr.leftOperand;
rightOperand = expr.rightOperand;
op = expr.operator.lexeme;
} else if (expr is PrefixExpression) {
operand = expr.operand;
op = expr.operator.lexeme;
} else if (expr is PostfixExpression) {
operand = expr.operand;
op = expr.operator.lexeme;
switch (op) {
case '==':
case '!=':
case '&&':
case '||':
case '!':
return false;
case '??':
return _isNullable(operand, localIsNullable) &&
_isNullable(rightOperand, localIsNullable);
if (operand != null && jsTypeRep.isPrimitive(getStaticType(operand))) {
return false;
// TODO(ochafik,jmesserly): handle other cases such as: refs to top-level
// finals that have been assigned non-nullable values.
// Failed to recognize a non-nullable case: assume it can be null.
return true;
/// A visitor that determines which local variables are non-nullable.
/// This will consider all assignments to local variables using
/// flow-insensitive inference. That information is used to determine which
/// variables are nullable in the given scope.
// TODO(ochafik): Introduce flow analysis (a variable may be nullable in
// some places and not in others).
class _NullableLocalInference extends RecursiveAstVisitor {
final NullableTypeInference _nullInference;
/// Known local variables.
final _locals = HashSet<LocalVariableElement>.identity();
/// Variables that are known to be nullable.
final _nullableLocals = HashSet<LocalVariableElement>.identity();
/// Given a variable, tracks all other variables that it is assigned to.
final _assignments =
HashMap<LocalVariableElement, Set<LocalVariableElement>>.identity();
/// After visiting nodes, this can be called to compute the set of not-null
/// locals.
/// This method must only be called once. After it is called, the visitor
/// should be discarded.
HashSet<LocalVariableElement> computeNotNullLocals() {
// Given a set of variables that are nullable, remove them from our list of
// local variables. The end result of this process is a list of variables
// known to be not null.
visitNullableLocal(LocalVariableElement e) {
// Visit all other locals that this one is assigned to, and record that
// they are nullable too.
// Any remaining locals are non-null.
return _locals;
visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) {
var element = node.declaredElement;
var initializer = node.initializer;
if (element is LocalVariableElement) {
if (initializer != null) {
_visitAssignment(, initializer);
} else if (!_assertedNotNull(element)) {
visitForStatement(ForStatement node) {
var forLoopParts = node.forLoopParts;
if (forLoopParts is ForEachParts) {
if (forLoopParts is ForEachPartsWithIdentifier &&
forLoopParts.identifier != null) {
var element = forLoopParts.identifier.staticElement;
if (element is LocalVariableElement && !_assertedNotNull(element)) {
} else if (forLoopParts is ForEachPartsWithDeclaration) {
var declaration = forLoopParts.loopVariable;
var element = declaration.declaredElement;
if (!_assertedNotNull(element)) {
} else {
throw StateError('Unrecognized for loop parts');
visitCatchClause(CatchClause node) {
var e = node.exceptionParameter?.staticElement;
if (e is LocalVariableElement) {
// TODO(jmesserly): we allow throwing of `null`, for better or worse.
e = node.stackTraceParameter?.staticElement;
if (e is LocalVariableElement) _locals.add(e);
visitAssignmentExpression(AssignmentExpression node) {
if (node.operator.lexeme == '=') {
_visitAssignment(node.leftHandSide, node.rightHandSide);
} else {
_visitAssignment(node.leftHandSide, node);
visitPostfixExpression(PostfixExpression node) {
var op = node.operator.type;
if (op.isIncrementOperator) {
_visitAssignment(node.operand, node);
visitPrefixExpression(PrefixExpression node) {
var op = node.operator.type;
if (op.isIncrementOperator) {
_visitAssignment(node.operand, node);
void _visitAssignment(Expression left, Expression right) {
if (left is SimpleIdentifier) {
var element = left.staticElement;
if (element is LocalVariableElement && !_assertedNotNull(element)) {
bool visitLocal(LocalVariableElement otherLocal) {
// Record the assignment.
.putIfAbsent(otherLocal, () => HashSet.identity())
// Optimistically assume this local is not null.
// We will validate this assumption later.
return false;
if (_nullInference._isNullable(right, visitLocal)) {
bool _assertedNotNull(Element e) =>
findAnnotation(e, isNotNullAnnotation) != null ||
findAnnotation(e, isNullCheckAnnotation) != null;