blob: 8a12c187f21e2d36cb80f2c38d207944ffde889c [file] [log] [blame]
// Instead modify 'pkg/front_end/messages.yaml' and run
// 'dart pkg/analyzer/tool/messages/generate.dart' to update.
part of 'syntactic_errors.dart';
final fastaAnalyzerErrorCodes = <ErrorCode>[
const ParserErrorCode _ABSTRACT_CLASS_MEMBER = const ParserErrorCode(
r"Members of classes can't be declared to be 'abstract'.",
"Try removing the 'abstract' keyword. You can add the 'abstract' keyword before the class declaration.");
const ParserErrorCode _ANNOTATION_WITH_TYPE_ARGUMENTS = const ParserErrorCode(
r"An annotation (metadata) can't use type arguments.");
const ParserErrorCode _BREAK_OUTSIDE_OF_LOOP = const ParserErrorCode(
r"A break statement can't be used outside of a loop or switch statement.",
correction: "Try removing the break statement.");
const ParserErrorCode _CATCH_SYNTAX = const ParserErrorCode('CATCH_SYNTAX',
r"'catch' must be followed by '(identifier)' or '(identifier, identifier)'.",
"No types are needed, the first is given by 'on', the second is always 'StackTrace'.");
const ParserErrorCode _CATCH_SYNTAX_EXTRA_PARAMETERS = const ParserErrorCode(
r"'catch' must be followed by '(identifier)' or '(identifier, identifier)'.",
"No types are needed, the first is given by 'on', the second is always 'StackTrace'.");
const ParserErrorCode _CLASS_IN_CLASS = const ParserErrorCode(
'CLASS_IN_CLASS', r"Classes can't be declared inside other classes.",
correction: "Try moving the class to the top-level.");
const ParserErrorCode _COLON_IN_PLACE_OF_IN = const ParserErrorCode(
'COLON_IN_PLACE_OF_IN', r"For-in loops use 'in' rather than a colon.",
correction: "Try replacing the colon with the keyword 'in'.");
const ParserErrorCode _CONFLICTING_MODIFIERS = const ParserErrorCode(
r"Members can't be declared to be both '#string' and '#string2'.",
correction: "Try removing one of the keywords.");
const ParserErrorCode _CONSTRUCTOR_WITH_RETURN_TYPE = const ParserErrorCode(
'CONSTRUCTOR_WITH_RETURN_TYPE', r"Constructors can't have a return type.",
correction: "Try removing the return type.");
const ParserErrorCode _CONST_AND_FINAL = const ParserErrorCode(
r"Members can't be declared to be both 'const' and 'final'.",
correction: "Try removing either the 'const' or 'final' keyword.");
const ParserErrorCode _CONST_CLASS = const ParserErrorCode(
'CONST_CLASS', r"Classes can't be declared to be 'const'.",
"Try removing the 'const' keyword. If you're trying to indicate that instances of the class can be constants, place the 'const' keyword on the class' constructor(s).");
const ParserErrorCode _CONST_FACTORY = const ParserErrorCode('CONST_FACTORY',
r"Only redirecting factory constructors can be declared to be 'const'.",
"Try removing the 'const' keyword, or replacing the body with '=' followed by a valid target.");
const ParserErrorCode _CONST_METHOD = const ParserErrorCode('CONST_METHOD',
r"Getters, setters and methods can't be declared to be 'const'.",
correction: "Try removing the 'const' keyword.");
const ParserErrorCode _CONTINUE_OUTSIDE_OF_LOOP = const ParserErrorCode(
r"A continue statement can't be used outside of a loop or switch statement.",
correction: "Try removing the continue statement.");
const ParserErrorCode _CONTINUE_WITHOUT_LABEL_IN_CASE = const ParserErrorCode(
r"A continue statement in a switch statement must have a label as a target.",
"Try adding a label associated with one of the case clauses to the continue statement.");
const ParserErrorCode _COVARIANT_AND_STATIC = const ParserErrorCode(
r"Members can't be declared to be both 'covariant' and 'static'.",
correction: "Try removing either the 'covariant' or 'static' keyword.");
const ParserErrorCode _COVARIANT_MEMBER = const ParserErrorCode(
r"Getters, setters and methods can't be declared to be 'covariant'.",
correction: "Try removing the 'covariant' keyword.");
const ParserErrorCode _DEFERRED_AFTER_PREFIX = const ParserErrorCode(
r"The deferred keyword should come immediately before the prefix ('as' clause).",
correction: "Try moving the deferred keyword before the prefix.");
const ParserErrorCode _DIRECTIVE_AFTER_DECLARATION = const ParserErrorCode(
r"Directives must appear before any declarations.",
correction: "Try moving the directive before any declarations.");
const ParserErrorCode _DUPLICATED_MODIFIER = const ParserErrorCode(
'DUPLICATED_MODIFIER', r"The modifier '#lexeme' was already specified.",
correction: "Try removing all but one occurrence of the modifier.");
const ParserErrorCode _DUPLICATE_DEFERRED = const ParserErrorCode(
r"An import directive can only have one 'deferred' keyword.",
correction: "Try removing all but one 'deferred' keyword.");
r"The label '#name' was already used in this switch statement.",
correction: "Try choosing a different name for this label.");
const ParserErrorCode _DUPLICATE_PREFIX = const ParserErrorCode(
r"An import directive can only have one prefix ('as' clause).",
correction: "Try removing all but one prefix.");
const ParserErrorCode _ENUM_IN_CLASS = const ParserErrorCode(
'ENUM_IN_CLASS', r"Enums can't be declared inside classes.",
correction: "Try moving the enum to the top-level.");
const ParserErrorCode _EQUALITY_CANNOT_BE_EQUALITY_OPERAND = const ParserErrorCode(
r"An equality expression can't be an operand of another equality expression.",
correction: "Try re-writing the expression.");
const ParserErrorCode _EXPECTED_BODY = const ParserErrorCode(
'EXPECTED_BODY', r"A #string must have a body, even if it is empty.",
correction: "Try adding an empty body.");
const ParserErrorCode _EXPECTED_ELSE_OR_COMMA = const ParserErrorCode(
'EXPECTED_ELSE_OR_COMMA', r"Expected 'else' or comma.");
const ParserErrorCode _EXPECTED_INSTEAD = const ParserErrorCode(
'EXPECTED_INSTEAD', r"Expected '#string' instead of this.");
const ParserErrorCode _EXPERIMENT_NOT_ENABLED = const ParserErrorCode(
r"This requires the '#string' experiment to be enabled.",
"Try enabling this experiment by adding it to the command line when compiling and running.");
r"Export directives must precede part directives.",
"Try moving the export directives before the part directives.");
r"Extensions can't declare abstract members.",
correction: "Try providing an implementation for the member.");
const ParserErrorCode _EXTENSION_DECLARES_CONSTRUCTOR = const ParserErrorCode(
'EXTENSION_DECLARES_CONSTRUCTOR', r"Extensions can't declare constructors.",
correction: "Try removing the constructor declaration.");
r"Extensions can't declare instance fields",
"Try removing the field declaration or making it a static field");
const ParserErrorCode _EXTERNAL_CLASS = const ParserErrorCode(
'EXTERNAL_CLASS', r"Classes can't be declared to be 'external'.",
correction: "Try removing the keyword 'external'.");
const ParserErrorCode _EXTERNAL_CONSTRUCTOR_WITH_BODY = const ParserErrorCode(
r"External constructors can't have a body.",
"Try removing the body of the constructor, or removing the keyword 'external'.");
const ParserErrorCode _EXTERNAL_ENUM = const ParserErrorCode(
'EXTERNAL_ENUM', r"Enums can't be declared to be 'external'.",
correction: "Try removing the keyword 'external'.");
const ParserErrorCode _EXTERNAL_FACTORY_REDIRECTION = const ParserErrorCode(
'EXTERNAL_FACTORY_REDIRECTION', r"A redirecting factory can't be external.",
correction: "Try removing the 'external' modifier.");
const ParserErrorCode _EXTERNAL_FACTORY_WITH_BODY = const ParserErrorCode(
'EXTERNAL_FACTORY_WITH_BODY', r"External factories can't have a body.",
"Try removing the body of the factory, or removing the keyword 'external'.");
const ParserErrorCode _EXTERNAL_FIELD = const ParserErrorCode(
'EXTERNAL_FIELD', r"Fields can't be declared to be 'external'.",
correction: "Try removing the keyword 'external'.");
const ParserErrorCode _EXTERNAL_METHOD_WITH_BODY = const ParserErrorCode(
r"An external or native method can't have a body.");
const ParserErrorCode _EXTERNAL_TYPEDEF = const ParserErrorCode(
'EXTERNAL_TYPEDEF', r"Typedefs can't be declared to be 'external'.",
correction: "Try removing the keyword 'external'.");
const ParserErrorCode _EXTRANEOUS_MODIFIER = const ParserErrorCode(
'EXTRANEOUS_MODIFIER', r"Can't have modifier '#lexeme' here.",
correction: "Try removing '#lexeme'.");
const ParserErrorCode _FACTORY_TOP_LEVEL_DECLARATION = const ParserErrorCode(
r"Top-level declarations can't be declared to be 'factory'.",
correction: "Try removing the keyword 'factory'.");
r"A field can only be initialized in it's declaring class",
"Try passing a value into the superclass constructor, or moving the initialization into the constructor body.");
r"Field formal parameters can only be used in a constructor.",
correction: "Try removing 'this.'.");
const ParserErrorCode _FINAL_AND_COVARIANT = const ParserErrorCode(
r"Members can't be declared to be both 'final' and 'covariant'.",
correction: "Try removing either the 'final' or 'covariant' keyword.");
const ParserErrorCode _FINAL_AND_VAR = const ParserErrorCode(
'FINAL_AND_VAR', r"Members can't be declared to be both 'final' and 'var'.",
correction: "Try removing the keyword 'var'.");
r"Illegal assignment to non-assignable expression.");
const ParserErrorCode _IMPLEMENTS_BEFORE_EXTENDS = const ParserErrorCode(
r"The extends clause must be before the implements clause.",
correction: "Try moving the extends clause before the implements clause.");
const ParserErrorCode _IMPLEMENTS_BEFORE_ON = const ParserErrorCode(
r"The on clause must be before the implements clause.",
correction: "Try moving the on clause before the implements clause.");
const ParserErrorCode _IMPLEMENTS_BEFORE_WITH = const ParserErrorCode(
r"The with clause must be before the implements clause.",
correction: "Try moving the with clause before the implements clause.");
r"Import directives must precede part directives.",
"Try moving the import directives before the part directives.");
const ParserErrorCode _INITIALIZED_VARIABLE_IN_FOR_EACH = const ParserErrorCode(
r"The loop variable in a for-each loop can't be initialized.",
"Try removing the initializer, or using a different kind of loop.");
const ParserErrorCode _INVALID_AWAIT_IN_FOR = const ParserErrorCode(
r"The keyword 'await' isn't allowed for a normal 'for' statement.",
correction: "Try removing the keyword, or use a for-each statement.");
const ParserErrorCode _INVALID_HEX_ESCAPE = const ParserErrorCode(
r"An escape sequence starting with '\x' must be followed by 2 hexadecimal digits.");
const ParserErrorCode _INVALID_INITIALIZER = const ParserErrorCode(
'INVALID_INITIALIZER', r"Not a valid initializer.",
correction: "To initialize a field, use the syntax 'name = value'.");
const ParserErrorCode _INVALID_OPERATOR = const ParserErrorCode(
r"The string '#lexeme' isn't a user-definable operator.");
r"The operator '?.' cannot be used with 'super' because 'super' cannot be null.",
correction: "Try replacing '?.' with '.'");
const ParserErrorCode _INVALID_SUPER_IN_INITIALIZER = const ParserErrorCode(
r"Can only use 'super' in an initializer for calling the superclass constructor (e.g. 'super()' or 'super.namedConstructor()')");
const ParserErrorCode _INVALID_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER = const ParserErrorCode(
r"Can only use 'this' in an initializer for field initialization (e.g. 'this.x = something') and constructor redirection (e.g. 'this()' or 'this.namedConstructor())");
const ParserErrorCode _INVALID_UNICODE_ESCAPE = const ParserErrorCode(
r"An escape sequence starting with '\u' must be followed by 4 hexadecimal digits or from 1 to 6 digits between '{' and '}'.");
const ParserErrorCode _LIBRARY_DIRECTIVE_NOT_FIRST = const ParserErrorCode(
r"The library directive must appear before all other directives.",
"Try moving the library directive before any other directives.");
const ParserErrorCode _MISSING_ASSIGNABLE_SELECTOR = const ParserErrorCode(
r"Missing selector such as '.<identifier>' or '[0]'.",
correction: "Try adding a selector.");
r"Expected an assignment after the field name.",
correction: "To initialize a field, use the syntax 'name = value'.");
const ParserErrorCode _MISSING_CATCH_OR_FINALLY = const ParserErrorCode(
r"A try block must be followed by an 'on', 'catch', or 'finally' clause.",
"Try adding either a catch or finally clause, or remove the try statement.");
const ParserErrorCode _MISSING_CONST_FINAL_VAR_OR_TYPE = const ParserErrorCode(
r"Variables must be declared using the keywords 'const', 'final', 'var' or a type name.",
"Try adding the name of the type of the variable or the keyword 'var'.");
const ParserErrorCode _MISSING_EXPRESSION_IN_THROW = const ParserErrorCode(
'MISSING_EXPRESSION_IN_THROW', r"Missing expression after 'throw'.",
"Add an expression after 'throw' or use 'rethrow' to throw a caught exception");
const ParserErrorCode _MISSING_INITIALIZER =
const ParserErrorCode('MISSING_INITIALIZER', r"Expected an initializer.");
const ParserErrorCode _MISSING_KEYWORD_OPERATOR = const ParserErrorCode(
r"Operator declarations must be preceded by the keyword 'operator'.",
correction: "Try adding the keyword 'operator'.");
r"Deferred imports should have a prefix.",
correction: "Try adding a prefix to the import.");
const ParserErrorCode _MISSING_STATEMENT =
const ParserErrorCode('MISSING_STATEMENT', r"Expected a statement.");
const ParserErrorCode _MIXIN_DECLARES_CONSTRUCTOR = const ParserErrorCode(
'MIXIN_DECLARES_CONSTRUCTOR', r"Mixins can't declare constructors.");
const ParserErrorCode _MODIFIER_OUT_OF_ORDER = const ParserErrorCode(
r"The modifier '#string' should be before the modifier '#string2'.",
correction: "Try re-ordering the modifiers.");
const ParserErrorCode _MULTIPLE_EXTENDS_CLAUSES = const ParserErrorCode(
r"Each class definition can have at most one extends clause.",
"Try choosing one superclass and define your class to implement (or mix in) the others.");
const ParserErrorCode _MULTIPLE_LIBRARY_DIRECTIVES = const ParserErrorCode(
r"Only one library directive may be declared in a file.",
correction: "Try removing all but one of the library directives.");
const ParserErrorCode _MULTIPLE_ON_CLAUSES = const ParserErrorCode(
r"Each mixin definition can have at most one on clause.",
correction: "Try combining all of the on clauses into a single clause.");
const ParserErrorCode _MULTIPLE_PART_OF_DIRECTIVES = const ParserErrorCode(
r"Only one part-of directive may be declared in a file.",
correction: "Try removing all but one of the part-of directives.");
const ParserErrorCode _MULTIPLE_VARIANCE_MODIFIERS = const ParserErrorCode(
r"Each type parameter can have at most one variance modifier.",
correction: "Use at most one of the 'in', 'out', or 'inout' modifiers.");
const ParserErrorCode _MULTIPLE_WITH_CLAUSES = const ParserErrorCode(
r"Each class definition can have at most one with clause.",
correction: "Try combining all of the with clauses into a single clause.");
const ParserErrorCode _NATIVE_CLAUSE_SHOULD_BE_ANNOTATION = const ParserErrorCode(
r"Native clause in this form is deprecated.",
"Try removing this native clause and adding @native() or @native('native-name') before the declaration.");
const ParserErrorCode _NULL_AWARE_CASCADE_OUT_OF_ORDER = const ParserErrorCode(
r"The '?..' cascade operator must be first in the cascade sequence.",
"Try moving the '?..' operator to be the first cascade operator in the sequence.");
const ParserErrorCode _PREFIX_AFTER_COMBINATOR = const ParserErrorCode(
r"The prefix ('as' clause) should come before any show/hide combinators.",
correction: "Try moving the prefix before the combinators.");
const ParserErrorCode _REDIRECTING_CONSTRUCTOR_WITH_BODY = const ParserErrorCode(
r"Redirecting constructors can't have a body.",
"Try removing the body, or not making this a redirecting constructor.");
r"Only factory constructor can specify '=' redirection.",
"Try making this a factory constructor, or remove the redirection.");
const ParserErrorCode _STACK_OVERFLOW = const ParserErrorCode('STACK_OVERFLOW',
r"The file has too many nested expressions or statements.",
correction: "Try simplifying the code.");
const ParserErrorCode _STATIC_CONSTRUCTOR = const ParserErrorCode(
'STATIC_CONSTRUCTOR', r"Constructors can't be static.",
correction: "Try removing the keyword 'static'.");
const ParserErrorCode _STATIC_OPERATOR = const ParserErrorCode(
'STATIC_OPERATOR', r"Operators can't be static.",
correction: "Try removing the keyword 'static'.");
r"The default case should be the last case in a switch statement.",
"Try moving the default case after the other case clauses.");
r"The 'default' case can only be declared once.",
correction: "Try removing all but one default case.");
const ParserErrorCode _TOP_LEVEL_OPERATOR = const ParserErrorCode(
'TOP_LEVEL_OPERATOR', r"Operators must be declared within a class.",
"Try removing the operator, moving it to a class, or converting it to be a function.");
const ParserErrorCode _TYPEDEF_IN_CLASS = const ParserErrorCode(
'TYPEDEF_IN_CLASS', r"Typedefs can't be declared inside classes.",
correction: "Try moving the typedef to the top-level.");
const ParserErrorCode _TYPE_ARGUMENTS_ON_TYPE_VARIABLE = const ParserErrorCode(
r"Can't use type arguments with type variable '#name'.",
correction: "Try removing the type arguments.");
const ParserErrorCode _TYPE_BEFORE_FACTORY = const ParserErrorCode(
'TYPE_BEFORE_FACTORY', r"Factory constructors cannot have a return type.",
correction: "Try removing the type appearing before 'factory'.");
const ParserErrorCode _VAR_AND_TYPE = const ParserErrorCode('VAR_AND_TYPE',
r"Variables can't be declared using both 'var' and a type name.",
correction: "Try removing 'var.'");
const ParserErrorCode _VAR_AS_TYPE_NAME = const ParserErrorCode(
'VAR_AS_TYPE_NAME', r"The keyword 'var' can't be used as a type name.");
const ParserErrorCode _VAR_RETURN_TYPE = const ParserErrorCode(
'VAR_RETURN_TYPE', r"The return type can't be 'var'.",
"Try removing the keyword 'var', or replacing it with the name of the return type.");
const ParserErrorCode _WITH_BEFORE_EXTENDS = const ParserErrorCode(
r"The extends clause must be before the with clause.",
correction: "Try moving the extends clause before the with clause.");