blob: e7e8ca733821bbe5c8bda3e1998e6dfa1e7b2125 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library pubspec_field_validator;
import '../entrypoint.dart';
import '../system_cache.dart';
import '../validator.dart';
/// A validator that checks that the pubspec has valid "author" and "homepage"
/// fields.
class PubspecFieldValidator extends Validator {
PubspecFieldValidator(Entrypoint entrypoint)
: super(entrypoint);
Future validate() {
// The types of all fields are validated when the pubspec is parsed.
var pubspec = entrypoint.root.pubspec;
var author = pubspec.fields['author'];
var authors = pubspec.fields['authors'];
if (author == null && authors == null) {
errors.add('pubspec.yaml is missing an "author" or "authors" field.');
} else {
if (authors == null) authors = [author];
var hasName = new RegExp(r"^ *[^< ]");
var hasEmail = new RegExp(r"<[^>]+> *$");
for (var authorName in authors) {
if (!hasName.hasMatch(authorName)) {
warnings.add('Author "$authorName" in pubspec.yaml is missing a '
if (!hasEmail.hasMatch(authorName)) {
warnings.add('Author "$authorName" in pubspec.yaml is missing an '
'email address (e.g. "name <email>").');
var homepage = pubspec.fields['homepage'];
if (homepage == null) {
errors.add('pubspec.yaml is missing a "homepage" field.');
var description = pubspec.fields['description'];
if (description == null) {
errors.add('pubspec.yaml is missing a "description" field.');
return new Future.immediate(null);