blob: b253d2d3602e40f86970000e34b563a88f3d1a5b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of html;
// TODO(jacobr): use _Lists.dart to remove some of the duplicated
// functionality.
class _ChildrenElementList implements List {
// Raw Element.
final Element _element;
final HtmlCollection _childElements;
_ChildrenElementList._wrap(Element element)
: _childElements = element.$dom_children,
_element = element;
List<Element> _toList() {
final output = new List(_childElements.length);
for (int i = 0, len = _childElements.length; i < len; i++) {
output[i] = _childElements[i];
return output;
bool contains(Element element) => _childElements.contains(element);
void forEach(void f(Element element)) {
for (Element element in _childElements) {
List<Element> filter(bool f(Element element)) {
final output = [];
forEach((Element element) {
if (f(element)) {
return new _FrozenElementList._wrap(output);
bool every(bool f(Element element)) {
for (Element element in this) {
if (!f(element)) {
return false;
return true;
bool some(bool f(Element element)) {
for (Element element in this) {
if (f(element)) {
return true;
return false;
Collection map(f(Element element)) {
final out = [];
for (Element el in this) {
return out;
bool get isEmpty {
return _element.$dom_firstElementChild == null;
int get length {
return _childElements.length;
Element operator [](int index) {
return _childElements[index];
void operator []=(int index, Element value) {
_element.$dom_replaceChild(value, _childElements[index]);
void set length(int newLength) {
// TODO(jacobr): remove children when length is reduced.
throw new UnsupportedError('');
Element add(Element value) {
return value;
Element addLast(Element value) => add(value);
Iterator<Element> iterator() => _toList().iterator();
void addAll(Collection<Element> collection) {
for (Element element in collection) {
void sort([int compare(Element a, Element b)]) {
throw new UnsupportedError('TODO(jacobr): should we impl?');
dynamic reduce(dynamic initialValue,
dynamic combine(dynamic previousValue, Element element)) {
return Collections.reduce(this, initialValue, combine);
void setRange(int start, int rangeLength, List from, [int startFrom = 0]) {
throw new UnimplementedError();
void removeRange(int start, int rangeLength) {
throw new UnimplementedError();
void insertRange(int start, int rangeLength, [initialValue = null]) {
throw new UnimplementedError();
List getRange(int start, int rangeLength) =>
new _FrozenElementList._wrap(Lists.getRange(this, start, rangeLength,
int indexOf(Element element, [int start = 0]) {
return Lists.indexOf(this, element, start, this.length);
int lastIndexOf(Element element, [int start = null]) {
if (start == null) start = length - 1;
return Lists.lastIndexOf(this, element, start);
void clear() {
// It is unclear if we want to keep non element nodes?
_element.text = '';
Element removeAt(int index) {
final result = this[index];
if (result != null) {
return result;
Element removeLast() {
final result = this.last;
if (result != null) {
return result;
Element get first {
return _element.$dom_firstElementChild;
Element get last {
return _element.$dom_lastElementChild;
// TODO(jacobr): this is an inefficient implementation but it is hard to see
// a better option given that we cannot quite force NodeList to be an
// ElementList as there are valid cases where a NodeList JavaScript object
// contains Node objects that are not Elements.
class _FrozenElementList implements List {
final List<Node> _nodeList;
bool contains(Element element) {
for (Element el in this) {
if (el == element) return true;
return false;
void forEach(void f(Element element)) {
for (Element el in this) {
Collection map(f(Element element)) {
final out = [];
for (Element el in this) {
return out;
List<Element> filter(bool f(Element element)) {
final out = [];
for (Element el in this) {
if (f(el)) out.add(el);
return out;
bool every(bool f(Element element)) {
for(Element element in this) {
if (!f(element)) {
return false;
return true;
bool some(bool f(Element element)) {
for(Element element in this) {
if (f(element)) {
return true;
return false;
bool get isEmpty => _nodeList.isEmpty;
int get length => _nodeList.length;
Element operator [](int index) => _nodeList[index];
void operator []=(int index, Element value) {
throw new UnsupportedError('');
void set length(int newLength) {
_nodeList.length = newLength;
void add(Element value) {
throw new UnsupportedError('');
void addLast(Element value) {
throw new UnsupportedError('');
Iterator<Element> iterator() => new _FrozenElementListIterator(this);
void addAll(Collection<Element> collection) {
throw new UnsupportedError('');
void sort([int compare(Element a, Element b)]) {
throw new UnsupportedError('');
dynamic reduce(dynamic initialValue,
dynamic combine(dynamic previousValue, Element element)) {
return Collections.reduce(this, initialValue, combine);
void setRange(int start, int rangeLength, List from, [int startFrom = 0]) {
throw new UnsupportedError('');
void removeRange(int start, int rangeLength) {
throw new UnsupportedError('');
void insertRange(int start, int rangeLength, [initialValue = null]) {
throw new UnsupportedError('');
List<Element> getRange(int start, int rangeLength) =>
new _FrozenElementList._wrap(_nodeList.getRange(start, rangeLength));
int indexOf(Element element, [int start = 0]) =>
_nodeList.indexOf(element, start);
int lastIndexOf(Element element, [int start = null]) =>
_nodeList.lastIndexOf(element, start);
void clear() {
throw new UnsupportedError('');
Element removeAt(int index) {
throw new UnsupportedError('');
Element removeLast() {
throw new UnsupportedError('');
Element get first => _nodeList.first;
Element get last => _nodeList.last;
class _FrozenElementListIterator implements Iterator<Element> {
final _FrozenElementList _list;
int _index = 0;
* Gets the next element in the iteration. Throws a
* [StateError("No more elements")] if no element is left.
Element next() {
if (!hasNext) {
throw new StateError("No more elements");
return _list[_index++];
* Returns whether the [Iterator] has elements left.
bool get hasNext => _index < _list.length;
class _ElementCssClassSet extends CssClassSet {
final Element _element;
Set<String> readClasses() {
var s = new Set<String>();
var classname = _element.$dom_className;
for (String name in classname.split(' ')) {
String trimmed = name.trim();
if (!trimmed.isEmpty) {
return s;
void writeClasses(Set<String> s) {
List list = new List.from(s);
_element.$dom_className = Strings.join(list, ' ');
/// @domName $DOMNAME
factory $CLASSNAME.html(String html) =>
factory $CLASSNAME.tag(String tag) =>
* @domName Element.hasAttribute, Element.getAttribute, Element.setAttribute,
* Element.removeAttribute
Map<String, String> get attributes => new _ElementAttributeMap(this);
void set attributes(Map<String, String> value) {
Map<String, String> attributes = this.attributes;
for (String key in value.keys) {
attributes[key] = value[key];
* Deprecated, use innerHtml instead.
String get innerHTML => this.innerHtml;
void set innerHTML(String value) {
this.innerHtml = value;
void set elements(Collection<Element> value) {
this.children = value;
* Deprecated, use [children] instead.
List<Element> get elements => this.children;
* @domName childElementCount, firstElementChild, lastElementChild,
* children, Node.nodes.add
List<Element> get children => new _ChildrenElementList._wrap(this);
void set children(List<Element> value) {
// Copy list first since we don't want liveness during iteration.
List copy = new List.from(value);
var children = this.children;
Element query(String selectors) => $dom_querySelector(selectors);
List<Element> queryAll(String selectors) =>
new _FrozenElementList._wrap($dom_querySelectorAll(selectors));
/** @domName className, classList */
CssClassSet get classes => new _ElementCssClassSet(this);
void set classes(Collection<String> value) {
CssClassSet classSet = classes;
Map<String, String> get dataAttributes =>
new _DataAttributeMap(attributes);
void set dataAttributes(Map<String, String> value) {
final dataAttributes = this.dataAttributes;
for (String key in value.keys) {
dataAttributes[key] = value[key];
* Gets a map for manipulating the attributes of a particular namespace.
* This is primarily useful for SVG attributes such as xref:link.
Map<String, String> getNamespacedAttributes(String namespace) {
return new _NamespacedAttributeMap(this, namespace);
/** @domName Window.getComputedStyle */
Future<CssStyleDeclaration> get computedStyle {
// TODO(jacobr): last param should be null, see b/5045788
return getComputedStyle('');
/** @domName Window.getComputedStyle */
Future<CssStyleDeclaration> getComputedStyle(String pseudoElement) {
return _createMeasurementFuture(
() => window.$dom_getComputedStyle(this, pseudoElement),
new Completer<CssStyleDeclaration>());
* Adds the specified element to after the last child of this.
void append(Element e) {
* Adds the specified text as a text node after the last child of this.
void appendText(String text) {
this.insertAdjacentText('beforeend', text);
* Parses the specified text as HTML and adds the resulting node after the
* last child of this.
void appendHtml(String text) {
this.insertAdjacentHtml('beforeend', text);
// Hooks to support custom WebComponents.
* Experimental support for [web components][wc]. This field stores a
* reference to the component implementation. It was inspired by Mozilla's
* [x-tags][] project. Please note: in the future it may be possible to
* `extend Element` from your class, in which case this field will be
* deprecated and will simply return this [Element] object.
* [wc]:
* [x-tags]:
@Creates('Null') // Set from Dart code; does not instantiate a native type.
var xtag;
noSuchMethod(InvocationMirror invocation) {
if (dynamicUnknownElementDispatcher == null) {
throw new NoSuchMethodError(this, invocation.memberName,
} else {
String hackedName = invocation.memberName;
if (invocation.isGetter) hackedName = "get:$hackedName";
if (invocation.isSetter) hackedName = "set:$hackedName";
return dynamicUnknownElementDispatcher(this,
// TODO(vsm): Implement noSuchMethod or similar for dart2js.
/** @domName Element.insertAdjacentText */
void insertAdjacentText(String where, String text) {
if (JS('bool', '!!#.insertAdjacentText', this)) {
_insertAdjacentText(where, text);
} else {
_insertAdjacentNode(where, new Text(text));
void _insertAdjacentText(String where, String text) native;
/** @domName Element.insertAdjacentHTML */
void insertAdjacentHtml(String where, String text) {
if (JS('bool', '!!#.insertAdjacentHtml', this)) {
_insertAdjacentHtml(where, text);
} else {
_insertAdjacentNode(where, new DocumentFragment.html(text));
void _insertAdjacentHTML(String where, String text) native;
/** @domName Element.insertAdjacentHTML */
Element insertAdjacentElement(String where, Element element) {
if (JS('bool', '!!#.insertAdjacentElement', this)) {
_insertAdjacentElement(where, element);
} else {
_insertAdjacentNode(where, element);
return element;
void _insertAdjacentElement(String where, Element element) native;
void _insertAdjacentNode(String where, Node node) {
switch (where.toLowerCase()) {
case 'beforebegin':
this.parentNode.insertBefore(node, this);
case 'afterbegin':
var first = this.nodes.length > 0 ? this.nodes[0] : null;
this.insertBefore(node, first);
case 'beforeend':
case 'afterend':
this.parentNode.insertBefore(node, this.nextNode);
throw new ArgumentError("Invalid position ${where}");
// Temporary dispatch hook to support WebComponents.
Function dynamicUnknownElementDispatcher;
final _START_TAG_REGEXP = new RegExp('<(\\w+)');
class _ElementFactoryProvider {
static final _CUSTOM_PARENT_TAG_MAP = const {
'body' : 'html',
'head' : 'html',
'caption' : 'table',
'td': 'tr',
'colgroup': 'table',
'col' : 'colgroup',
'tr' : 'tbody',
'tbody' : 'table',
'tfoot' : 'table',
'thead' : 'table',
'track' : 'audio',
/** @domName Document.createElement */
static Element createElement_html(String html) {
// TODO(jacobr): this method can be made more robust and performant.
// 1) Cache the dummy parent elements required to use innerHTML rather than
// creating them every call.
// 2) Verify that the html does not contain leading or trailing text nodes.
// 3) Verify that the html does not contain both <head> and <body> tags.
// 4) Detatch the created element from its dummy parent.
String parentTag = 'div';
String tag;
final match = _START_TAG_REGEXP.firstMatch(html);
if (match != null) {
tag =;
if (_CUSTOM_PARENT_TAG_MAP.containsKey(tag)) {
parentTag = _CUSTOM_PARENT_TAG_MAP[tag];
final Element temp = new Element.tag(parentTag);
temp.innerHtml = html;
Element element;
if (temp.children.length == 1) {
element = temp.children[0];
} else if (parentTag == 'html' && temp.children.length == 2) {
// Work around for edge case in WebKit and possibly other browsers where
// both body and head elements are created even though the inner html
// only contains a head or body element.
element = temp.children[tag == 'head' ? 0 : 1];
} else {
throw new ArgumentError('HTML had ${temp.children.length} '
'top level elements but 1 expected');
return element;
/** @domName Document.createElement */
// Optimization to improve performance until the dart2js compiler inlines this
// method.
static Element createElement_tag(String tag) =>
JS('Element', 'document.createElement(#)', tag);
static Element createElement_tag(String tag) =>