blob: 8040ed1e2223253d8e03a90610720e229ccb1442 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/types/types.dart' show TypeMask;
import 'package:compiler/src/world.dart' show ClosedWorld;
import 'compiler_helper.dart';
import 'type_mask_test_helper.dart';
void compileAndFind(String code, String className, String memberName,
bool disableInlining, check(compiler, element)) {
Uri uri = new Uri(scheme: 'source');
var compiler = compilerFor(code, uri, disableInlining: disableInlining);
asyncTest(() => {
dynamic cls = findElement(compiler, className);
var member = cls.lookupMember(memberName);
check(compiler, member);
const String TEST_1 = r"""
class A {
int f;
main() { new A(); }
const String TEST_2 = r"""
class A {
int f1;
int f2 = 1;
main() { new A(); }
const String TEST_3 = r"""
class A {
int f1;
int f2;
A() : f1 = 1;
main() { new A().f2 = 2; }
const String TEST_4 = r"""
class A {
int f1;
int f2;
A() : f1 = 1;
main() {
A a = new A();
a.f1 = "a";
a.f2 = "a";
const String TEST_5 = r"""
class A {
int f1 = 1;
int f2 = 1;
A(x) {
f1 = "1";
if (x) {
f2 = "1";
} else {
f2 = "2";
main() {
new A(true);
new A(false);
const String TEST_6 = r"""
class A {
int f1 = 1;
int f2 = 1;
A(x) {
f1 = "1";
if (x) {
f2 = "1";
} else {
f2 = "2";
if (x) {
f2 = new List();
} else {
f2 = new List();
main() {
new A(true);
new A(false);
const String TEST_7 = r"""
class A {
int f1 = 1;
int f2 = 1;
A(x) {
f1 = "1";
if (x) {
f2 = "1";
} else {
f2 = "2";
if (x) {
f1 = new List();
f2 = new List();
} else {
f2 = new List();
main() {
new A(true);
new A(false);
const String TEST_8 = r"""
class A {
int f;
A(x) {
if (x) {
f = "1";
} else {
main() {
new A(true);
new A(false);
const String TEST_9 = r"""
class A {
int f;
A(x) {
if (x) {
} else {
f = "1";
main() {
new A(true);
new A(false);
const String TEST_10 = r"""
class A {
int f;
A() {
f = 1;
m() => f + 1;
void f(x) { x.f = "2"; }
main() {
A a;
a = new A();
const String TEST_11 = r"""
class S {
int fs = 1;
ms() { fs = 1; }
class A extends S {
m() { ms(); }
main() {
A a = new A();
const String TEST_12 = r"""
class S {
int fs = 1;
S() { fs = "2"; }
class A extends S {
main() {
A a = new A();
const String TEST_13 = r"""
class S {
int fs;
S() { fs = 1; }
class A extends S {
A() { fs = 1; }
main() {
A a = new A();
const String TEST_14 = r"""
class A {
var f;
A() { f = 1; }
A.other() { f = 2; }
main() {
A a = new A();
a = new A.other();
const String TEST_15 = r"""
class A {
var f;
A() { f = "1"; }
A.other() { f = new List(); }
main() {
A a = new A();
a = new A.other();
const String TEST_16 = r"""
class A {
var f;
A() { f = "1"; }
A.other() : f = 1 { }
main() {
A a = new A();
a = new A.other();
const String TEST_17 = r"""
g([p]) => p.f = 1;
class A {
var f;
A(x) {
var a;
if (x) {
a = this;
} else {
a = g;
main() {
new A(true);
new A(false);
const String TEST_18 = r"""
class A {
var f1;
var f2;
var f3;
A(x) {
f1 = 1;
var a;
if (x) {
f2 = "1";
a = this;
} else {
a = 1;
f2 = "1";
f3 = a;
main() {
new A(true);
new A(false);
const String TEST_19 = r"""
class A {
var f1;
var f2;
var f3;
A(x) {
f1 = 1;
var a;
if (x) {
f2 = "1";
a = this;
} else {
a = 1;
f2 = "1";
f3 = a;
main() {
new A(true);
new A(false);
const String TEST_20 = r"""
class A {
var f;
A() {
for (f in this) {
get iterator => this;
get current => 42;
bool moveNext() => false;
main() {
new A();
const String TEST_21 = r"""
class A {
var f;
A() {
for (var i in this) {
f = 42;
get iterator => null;
main() {
new A();
const String TEST_22 = r"""
class A {
var f1;
var f2;
var f3;
A() {
f1 = 42;
f2 = f1 == null ? 42 : f3 == null ? 41: 43;
f3 = 'foo';
main() {
new A();
const String TEST_23 = r"""
class A {
var f1 = 42;
var f2 = 42;
var f3 = 42;
var f4 = 42;
A() {
// Test string interpolation.
'${f1 = null}';
// Test string juxtaposition.
'${f2 = null}';
// Test list literal.
[f3 = null];
// Test map literal.
var c = {'foo': f4 = null };
main() {
new A();
const String TEST_24 = r"""
class A {
var f1 = 42;
var f2 = 42;
var f3 = 42;
final f4;
var f5;
var f6 = null;
A() : f4 = 42 {
f2 += 42;
var f6 = 'foo';
this.f6 = f6;
} : f3 = other.f3, f4 = other.f4, f5 =;
operator+(other) => 'foo';
bar() => 42.5;
class B extends A {
bar() => 42;
main() {
new A();
new A());
new B());
const String TEST_25 = r"""
class A {
var f1 = 42;
class B {
var f1 = '42';
main() {
new B();
new A().f1 = new A().f1;
const String TEST_26 = r"""
class A {
var f1 = 42;
class B {
var f1 = 54;
main() {
new A().f1 = [new B(), new A()][0].f1 + 42;
const String TEST_27 = r"""
class A {
var f1;
var f2;
A() {
this.f1 = 42;
this.f2 = 42;
class B extends A {
set f2(value) {}
main() {
new A();
new B();
const String TEST_28 = r"""
class A {
var f1;
var f2;
A(x) {
this.f1 = x;
if (x == 0) return;
this.f2 = x;
main() {
new A(0);
new A(1);
const String TEST_29 = r"""
class A {
var f1;
var f2;
A(x) {
this.f1 = x;
if (x == 0) {
} else {
this.f2 = x;
main() {
new A(0);
new A(1);
const String TEST_30 = r"""
class A {
var f1;
var f2;
var f3;
A(x) {
this.f1 = x;
if (x == 0) {
this.f2 = 1;
} else {
this.f2 = x;
this.f3 = x;
main() {
new A(0);
new A(1);
typedef TypeMask TestCallback(ClosedWorld closedWorld);
void doTest(
String test, bool disableInlining, Map<String, TestCallback> fields) {
fields.forEach((String name, TestCallback f) {
compileAndFind(test, 'A', name, disableInlining, (compiler, field) {
var inferrer = compiler.globalInference.typesInferrerInternal;
var closedWorld = inferrer.closedWorld;
TypeMask type = f(closedWorld);
TypeMask inferredType =
simplify(inferrer.getTypeOfElement(field), closedWorld);
Expect.equals(type, inferredType, '$name of:\n$test');
void runTest(String test, Map<String, TestCallback> fields) {
doTest(test, false, fields);
doTest(test, true, fields);
void test() {
runTest(TEST_1, <String, TestCallback>{
'f': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.nullType
runTest(TEST_2, <String, TestCallback>{
'f1': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.nullType,
'f2': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.uint31Type
runTest(TEST_3, <String, TestCallback>{
'f1': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.uint31Type,
'f2': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.uint31Type.nullable()
runTest(TEST_4, <String, TestCallback>{
'f1': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.interceptorType,
'f2': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.stringType.nullable()
// TODO(ngeoffray): We should try to infer that the initialization
// code at the declaration site of the fields does not matter.
runTest(TEST_5, <String, TestCallback>{
'f1': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.interceptorType,
'f2': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.interceptorType,
runTest(TEST_6, <String, TestCallback>{
'f1': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.interceptorType,
'f2': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.interceptorType,
runTest(TEST_7, <String, TestCallback>{
'f1': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.interceptorType,
'f2': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.interceptorType,
runTest(TEST_8, <String, TestCallback>{
'f': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.stringType.nullable()
runTest(TEST_9, <String, TestCallback>{
'f': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.stringType.nullable()
runTest(TEST_10, <String, TestCallback>{
'f': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.uint31Type
runTest(TEST_11, <String, TestCallback>{
'fs': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.uint31Type
// TODO(ngeoffray): We should try to infer that the initialization
// code at the declaration site of the fields does not matter.
runTest(TEST_12, <String, TestCallback>{
'fs': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.interceptorType
runTest(TEST_13, <String, TestCallback>{
'fs': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.uint31Type
runTest(TEST_14, <String, TestCallback>{
'f': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.uint31Type
runTest(TEST_15, <String, TestCallback>{
'f': (closedWorld) {
ClassElement cls = closedWorld.commonElements.jsIndexableClass;
return new TypeMask.nonNullSubtype(cls, closedWorld);
runTest(TEST_16, <String, TestCallback>{
'f': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.interceptorType
runTest(TEST_17, <String, TestCallback>{
'f': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.uint31Type.nullable()
runTest(TEST_18, <String, TestCallback>{
'f1': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.uint31Type,
'f2': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.stringType,
'f3': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.dynamicType
runTest(TEST_19, <String, TestCallback>{
'f1': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.uint31Type,
'f2': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.stringType,
'f3': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.dynamicType
runTest(TEST_20, <String, TestCallback>{
'f': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.uint31Type.nullable()
runTest(TEST_21, <String, TestCallback>{
'f': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.uint31Type.nullable()
runTest(TEST_22, <String, TestCallback>{
'f1': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.uint31Type,
'f2': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.uint31Type,
'f3': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.stringType.nullable()
runTest(TEST_23, <String, TestCallback>{
'f1': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.uint31Type.nullable(),
'f2': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.uint31Type.nullable(),
'f3': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.uint31Type.nullable(),
'f4': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.uint31Type.nullable()
runTest(TEST_24, <String, TestCallback>{
'f1': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.positiveIntType,
'f2': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.positiveIntType,
'f3': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.uint31Type,
'f4': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.uint31Type,
'f5': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.numType.nullable(),
'f6': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.stringType.nullable()
runTest(TEST_25, <String, TestCallback>{
'f1': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.uint31Type
runTest(TEST_26, <String, TestCallback>{
'f1': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.positiveIntType
runTest(TEST_27, <String, TestCallback>{
'f1': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.uint31Type,
'f2': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.uint31Type.nullable()
runTest(TEST_28, <String, TestCallback>{
'f1': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.uint31Type,
'f2': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.uint31Type.nullable()
runTest(TEST_29, <String, TestCallback>{
'f1': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.uint31Type,
'f2': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.uint31Type.nullable()
runTest(TEST_30, <String, TestCallback>{
'f1': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.uint31Type,
'f2': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.uint31Type,
'f3': (closedWorld) => closedWorld.commonMasks.uint31Type.nullable()
void main() {