blob: e1865f7fd6d90a6c04a8e0dbeba37456490f612f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library kernel.transformations.closure.converter;
import '../../ast.dart'
import '../../frontend/accessors.dart' show VariableAccessor;
import '../../clone.dart' show CloneVisitor;
import '../../core_types.dart' show CoreTypes;
import '../../type_algebra.dart' show substitute;
import 'clone_without_body.dart' show CloneWithoutBody;
import 'context.dart' show Context, NoContext;
import 'info.dart' show ClosureInfo;
import 'rewriter.dart' show AstRewriter, BlockRewriter, InitializerRewriter;
class ClosureConverter extends Transformer {
final CoreTypes coreTypes;
final Set<VariableDeclaration> capturedVariables;
final Map<FunctionNode, Set<TypeParameter>> capturedTypeVariables;
final Map<FunctionNode, VariableDeclaration> thisAccess;
final Map<FunctionNode, String> localNames;
/// Records place-holders for cloning contexts. See [visitForStatement].
final Set<InvalidExpression> contextClonePlaceHolders =
new Set<InvalidExpression>();
/// Maps the names of all instance methods that may be torn off (aka
/// implicitly closurized) to `${}#get`.
final Map<Name, Name> tearOffGetterNames;
final CloneVisitor cloner = new CloneWithoutBody();
/// New members to add to [currentLibrary] after it has been
/// transformed. These members will not be transformed themselves.
final List<TreeNode> newLibraryMembers = <TreeNode>[];
/// New members to add to [currentClass] after it has been transformed. These
/// members will not be transformed themselves.
final List<Member> newClassMembers = <Member>[];
Library currentLibrary;
Class currentClass;
Member currentMember;
FunctionNode currentMemberFunction;
FunctionNode currentFunction;
Context context;
AstRewriter rewriter;
/// TODO(29181): update this comment when the type variables are restored.
/// Maps original type variable (aka type parameter) to a hoisted type
/// variable type.
/// For example, consider:
/// class C<T> {
/// f() => (x) => x is T;
/// }
/// This is currently converted to:
/// class C<T> {
/// f() => new Closure#0<T>();
/// }
/// class Closure#0<T_> implements Function {
/// call(x) => x is T_;
/// }
/// In this example, `typeSubstitution[T].parameter == T_` when transforming
/// the closure in `f`.
Map<TypeParameter, DartType> typeSubstitution =
const <TypeParameter, DartType>{};
ClosureConverter(this.coreTypes, ClosureInfo info)
: this.capturedVariables = info.variables,
this.capturedTypeVariables = info.typeVariables,
this.thisAccess = info.thisAccess,
this.localNames = info.localNames,
this.tearOffGetterNames = info.tearOffGetterNames;
bool get isOuterMostContext {
return currentFunction == null || currentMemberFunction == currentFunction;
String get currentFileUri {
if (currentMember is Constructor) return currentClass.fileUri;
if (currentMember is Field) return (currentMember as Field).fileUri;
if (currentMember is Procedure) return (currentMember as Procedure).fileUri;
throw "No file uri for ${currentMember.runtimeType}";
TreeNode saveContext(TreeNode f()) {
AstRewriter old = rewriter;
Context savedContext = context;
try {
return f();
} finally {
rewriter = old;
context = savedContext;
TreeNode visitLibrary(Library node) {
currentLibrary = node;
node = super.visitLibrary(node);
for (TreeNode member in newLibraryMembers) {
if (member is Class) {
} else {
currentLibrary = null;
return node;
TreeNode visitClass(Class node) {
currentClass = node;
node = super.visitClass(node);
currentClass = null;
return node;
void extendContextWith(VariableDeclaration parameter) {
context.extend(parameter, new VariableGet(parameter));
TreeNode visitConstructor(Constructor node) {
currentMember = node;
// Transform initializers.
for (Initializer initializer in node.initializers) {
if (initializer is FieldInitializer) {
// Create a rewriter and a context for the initializer expression.
rewriter = new InitializerRewriter(initializer.value);
context = new NoContext(this);
// Save the expression to visit it in the extended context, since the
// rewriter will modify `initializer.value`.
Expression initializerExpression = initializer.value;
// Extend the context with all captured parameters of the constructor.
// TODO(karlklose): add a fine-grained analysis of captured parameters.
// Transform the initializer expression.
var parent = initializerExpression.parent;
initializerExpression = initializerExpression.accept(this);
initializerExpression.parent = parent;
if (parent is Let) {
parent.body = initializerExpression;
} else if (parent is FieldInitializer) {
parent.value = initializerExpression;
} else {
throw "Found unexpected node '${node.runtimeType}, expected a 'Let' "
"or a 'FieldInitializer'.";
rewriter = null;
// Transform constructor body.
FunctionNode function = node.function;
if (function.body != null && function.body is! EmptyStatement) {
VariableDeclaration self = thisAccess[currentMemberFunction];
if (self != null) {
context.extend(self, new ThisExpression());
return node;
AstRewriter makeRewriterForBody(FunctionNode function) {
Statement body = function.body;
if (body is! Block) {
body = new Block(<Statement>[body]);
function.body = function.body.parent = body;
return new BlockRewriter(body);
bool isObject(DartType type) {
return type is InterfaceType && type.classNode.supertype == null;
Expression handleLocalFunction(FunctionNode function) {
FunctionNode enclosingFunction = currentFunction;
Map<TypeParameter, DartType> enclosingTypeSubstitution = typeSubstitution;
currentFunction = function;
Statement body = function.body;
assert(body != null);
rewriter = makeRewriterForBody(function);
VariableDeclaration contextVariable =
new VariableDeclaration("#contextParameter", type: const VectorType());
Context parent = context;
context = context.toNestedContext(
new VariableAccessor(contextVariable, null, TreeNode.noOffset));
Set<TypeParameter> captured = capturedTypeVariables[currentFunction];
if (captured != null) {
typeSubstitution = copyTypeVariables(captured);
} else {
typeSubstitution = const <TypeParameter, DartType>{};
// TODO(29181): remove replacementTypeSubstitution variable and its usages.
// All the type variables used in this function body are replaced with
// either dynamic or their bounds. This is to temporarily remove the type
// variables from closure conversion. They should be returned after the VM
// changes are done to support vectors and closure creation. See #29181.
Map<TypeParameter, DartType> replacementTypeSubstitution =
<TypeParameter, DartType>{};
for (TypeParameter parameter in typeSubstitution.keys) {
replacementTypeSubstitution[parameter] = const DynamicType();
for (TypeParameter parameter in typeSubstitution.keys) {
if (!isObject(parameter.bound)) {
replacementTypeSubstitution[parameter] =
substitute(parameter.bound, replacementTypeSubstitution);
typeSubstitution = replacementTypeSubstitution;
// TODO(29181): don't replace typeSubstitution with an empty map.
// Information about captured type variables is deleted from the closure
// class, because the type variables in this function body are already
// replaced with either dynamic or their bounds. This change should be
// undone after the VM support for vectors and closure creation is
// implemented. See #29181.
typeSubstitution = <TypeParameter, DartType>{};
Expression result = addClosure(function, contextVariable, parent.expression,
typeSubstitution, enclosingTypeSubstitution);
currentFunction = enclosingFunction;
typeSubstitution = enclosingTypeSubstitution;
return result;
TreeNode visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
/// Is this closure itself captured by a closure?
bool isCaptured = capturedVariables.contains(node.variable);
if (isCaptured) {
context.extend(node.variable, new InvalidExpression());
Context parent = context;
return saveContext(() {
Expression expression = handleLocalFunction(node.function);
if (isCaptured) {
parent.update(node.variable, expression);
return null;
} else {
node.variable.initializer = expression;
expression.parent = node.variable;
return node.variable;
TreeNode visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {
return saveContext(() {
return handleLocalFunction(node.function);
/// Add a new procedure to the current library that looks like this:
/// static method closure#0(Vector #c, /* Parameters of [function]. */)
/// → dynamic {
/// /* Context is represented by #c. */
/// /* Body of [function]. */
/// }
/// Returns an invocation of the closure creation primitive that binds the
/// above top-level function to a context represented as Vector.
Expression addClosure(
FunctionNode function,
VariableDeclaration contextVariable,
Expression accessContext,
Map<TypeParameter, DartType> substitution,
Map<TypeParameter, DartType> enclosingTypeSubstitution) {
function.positionalParameters.insert(0, contextVariable);
Procedure closedTopLevelFunction = new Procedure(
new Name(createNameForClosedTopLevelFunction(function)),
isStatic: true,
fileUri: currentFileUri);
FunctionType closureType = new FunctionType(
.map((VariableDeclaration decl) => decl.type)
namedParameters: function.namedParameters
.map((VariableDeclaration decl) =>
new NamedType(, decl.type))
typeParameters: function.typeParameters,
requiredParameterCount: function.requiredParameterCount - 1);
return new ClosureCreation(
closedTopLevelFunction, accessContext, closureType);
TreeNode visitField(Field node) {
currentMember = node;
context = new NoContext(this);
if (node.isInstanceMember) {
Name tearOffName = tearOffGetterNames[];
if (tearOffName != null) {
// TODO(ahe): If we rewrite setters, we can rename the field to avoid
// an indirection in most cases.
addFieldForwarder(tearOffName, node);
node = super.visitField(node);
context = null;
currentMember = null;
return node;
TreeNode visitProcedure(Procedure node) {
currentMember = node;
if (node.isInstanceMember) {
Name tearOffName = tearOffGetterNames[];
if (tearOffName != null) {
if (node.isGetter) {
// We rename the getter to avoid an indirection in most cases.
Name oldName =; = tearOffName;
addGetterForwarder(oldName, node);
} else if (node.kind == ProcedureKind.Method) {
addTearOffMethod(tearOffName, node);
FunctionNode function = node.function;
if (function.body != null) {
VariableDeclaration self = thisAccess[currentMemberFunction];
if (self != null) {
context.extend(self, new ThisExpression());
return node;
void setupContextForFunctionBody(FunctionNode function) {
Statement body = function.body;
assert(body != null);
currentMemberFunction = function;
// Ensure that the body is a block which becomes the current block.
rewriter = makeRewriterForBody(function);
// Start with no context. This happens after setting up _currentBlock
// so statements can be emitted into _currentBlock if necessary.
context = new NoContext(this);
void resetContext() {
rewriter = null;
context = null;
currentMemberFunction = null;
currentMember = null;
bool get isEmptyContext {
return rewriter == null && context == null;
TreeNode visitLocalInitializer(LocalInitializer node) {
return node;
TreeNode visitFunctionNode(FunctionNode node) {
transformList(node.typeParameters, this, node);
// TODO: Can parameters contain initializers (e.g., for optional ones) that
// need to be closure converted?
assert(node.body != null);
node.body = node.body.accept(this);
node.body.parent = node;
return node;
TreeNode visitBlock(Block node) {
return saveContext(() {
BlockRewriter blockRewriter = rewriter = rewriter.forNestedBlock(node);
blockRewriter.transformStatements(node, this);
return node;
TreeNode visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) {
if (!capturedVariables.contains(node)) return node;
if (node.initializer == null && node.parent is FunctionNode) {
// If the variable is a function parameter and doesn't have an
// initializer, just use this variable name to put it into the context.
context.extend(node, new VariableGet(node));
} else {
context.extend(node, node.initializer ?? new NullLiteral());
if (node.parent == currentFunction) {
return node;
} else {
assert(node.parent is Block);
// When returning null, the parent block will remove this node from its
// list of statements.
return null;
TreeNode visitVariableGet(VariableGet node) {
return capturedVariables.contains(node.variable)
? context.lookup(node.variable)
: node;
TreeNode visitVariableSet(VariableSet node) {
return capturedVariables.contains(node.variable)
? context.assign(node.variable, node.value,
voidContext: isInVoidContext(node))
: node;
bool isInVoidContext(Expression node) {
TreeNode parent = node.parent;
return parent is ExpressionStatement ||
parent is ForStatement && parent.condition != node;
DartType visitDartType(DartType node) {
return substitute(node, typeSubstitution);
VariableDeclaration getReplacementLoopVariable(VariableDeclaration variable) {
VariableDeclaration newVariable = new VariableDeclaration(,
initializer: variable.initializer, type: variable.type)
..flags = variable.flags;
variable.initializer = new VariableGet(newVariable);
variable.initializer.parent = variable;
return newVariable;
Expression cloneContext() {
InvalidExpression placeHolder = new InvalidExpression();
return placeHolder;
TreeNode visitInvalidExpression(InvalidExpression node) {
return contextClonePlaceHolders.remove(node) ? context.clone() : node;
TreeNode visitForStatement(ForStatement node) {
if (node.variables.any(capturedVariables.contains)) {
// In Dart, loop variables are new variables on each iteration of the
// loop. This is only observable when a loop variable is captured by a
// closure, which is the situation we're in here. So we transform the
// loop.
// Consider the following example, where `x` is `node.variables.first`,
// and `#t1` is a temporary variable:
// for (var x = 0; x < 10; x++) body;
// This is transformed to:
// {
// var x = 0;
// for (; x < 10; clone-context, x++) body;
// }
// `clone-context` is a place-holder that will later be replaced by an
// expression that clones the current closure context (see
// [visitInvalidExpression]).
return saveContext(() {
context = context.toNestedContext();
List<Statement> statements = <Statement>[];
node.updates.insert(0, cloneContext());
Block block = new Block(statements);
rewriter = new BlockRewriter(block);
return block.accept(this);
return super.visitForStatement(node);
TreeNode visitForInStatement(ForInStatement node) {
if (capturedVariables.contains(node.variable)) {
// In Dart, loop variables are new variables on each iteration of the
// loop. This is only observable when the loop variable is captured by a
// closure, so we need to transform the for-in loop when `node.variable`
// is captured.
// Consider the following example, where `x` is `node.variable`, and
// `#t1` is a temporary variable:
// for (var x in expr) body;
// Notice that we can assume that `x` doesn't have an initializer based
// on invariants in the Kernel AST. This is transformed to:
// for (var #t1 in expr) { var x = #t1; body; }
// After this, we call super to apply the normal closure conversion to
// the transformed for-in loop.
VariableDeclaration variable = node.variable;
VariableDeclaration newVariable = getReplacementLoopVariable(variable);
node.variable = newVariable;
newVariable.parent = node;
node.body = new Block(<Statement>[variable, node.body]);
node.body.parent = node;
return super.visitForInStatement(node);
TreeNode visitThisExpression(ThisExpression node) {
return isOuterMostContext
? node
: context.lookup(thisAccess[currentMemberFunction]);
TreeNode visitStaticGet(StaticGet node) {
Member target =;
if (target is Procedure && target.kind == ProcedureKind.Method) {
VariableDeclaration contextVariable = new VariableDeclaration(
type: const VectorType());
Expression expression = getTearOffExpression(
null,, contextVariable, new NullLiteral());
return expression;
return super.visitStaticGet(node);
TreeNode visitPropertyGet(PropertyGet node) {
Name tearOffName = tearOffGetterNames[];
if (tearOffName != null) {
MethodInvocation replacement = new MethodInvocation(
node.receiver, tearOffName, new Arguments(<Expression>[]));
return super.visitMethodInvocation(replacement);
return super.visitPropertyGet(node);
TreeNode visitCatch(Catch node) {
VariableDeclaration exception = node.exception;
VariableDeclaration stackTrace = node.stackTrace;
if (stackTrace != null && capturedVariables.contains(stackTrace)) {
Block block = node.body = ensureBlock(node.body);
block.parent = node;
node.stackTrace = new VariableDeclaration(null);
node.stackTrace.parent = node;
stackTrace.initializer = new VariableGet(node.stackTrace);
block.statements.insert(0, stackTrace);
stackTrace.parent = block;
if (exception != null && capturedVariables.contains(exception)) {
Block block = node.body = ensureBlock(node.body);
block.parent = node;
node.exception = new VariableDeclaration(null);
node.exception.parent = node;
exception.initializer = new VariableGet(node.exception);
block.statements.insert(0, exception);
exception.parent = block;
return super.visitCatch(node);
Block ensureBlock(Statement statement) {
return statement is Block ? statement : new Block(<Statement>[statement]);
/// Creates a closure that will invoke method [procedure] of [receiver] and
/// return an expression that instantiates that closure.
Expression getTearOffExpression(
VariableDeclaration receiver,
Procedure procedure,
VariableDeclaration contextVariable,
Expression accessContext) {
Map<TypeParameter, DartType> substitution = procedure.isInstanceMember
// Note: we do not attempt to avoid copying type variables that aren't
// used in the signature of [procedure]. It might be more economical to
// only copy type variables that are used. However, we assume that
// passing type arguments that match the enclosing class' type
// variables will be handled most efficiently.
? copyTypeVariables(procedure.enclosingClass.typeParameters)
: const <TypeParameter, DartType>{};
// TODO(29181): remove variable `dynamicSubstitution` and replace its usages
// with `substitution`.
Map<TypeParameter, DartType> dynamicSubstitution =
<TypeParameter, DartType>{};
for (TypeParameter parameter in substitution.keys) {
dynamicSubstitution[parameter] = const DynamicType();
for (TypeParameter parameter in substitution.keys) {
if (!isObject(parameter.bound)) {
dynamicSubstitution[parameter] =
substitute(parameter.bound, dynamicSubstitution);
// Find the closure class for the function. If there isn't one, create it.
String closedTopLevelFunctionName =
Procedure closedTopLevelFunction = null;
for (TreeNode node in newLibraryMembers) {
if (node is Procedure && == closedTopLevelFunctionName) {
closedTopLevelFunction = node;
if (closedTopLevelFunction == null) {
closedTopLevelFunction = new Procedure(
new Name(closedTopLevelFunctionName),
procedure, receiver, contextVariable, dynamicSubstitution),
isStatic: true,
fileUri: currentFileUri);
return new ClosureCreation(
closedTopLevelFunction, accessContext, procedure.function.functionType);
/// Creates a function that has the same signature as `procedure.function`
/// and which forwards all arguments to `procedure`.
FunctionNode forwardFunction(
Procedure procedure,
VariableDeclaration receiver,
VariableDeclaration contextVariable,
Map<TypeParameter, DartType> substitution) {
CloneVisitor cloner = substitution.isEmpty
? this.cloner
: new CloneWithoutBody(typeSubstitution: substitution);
FunctionNode function = procedure.function;
List<TypeParameter> typeParameters =;
List<VariableDeclaration> positionalParameters =;
if (contextVariable != null) {
positionalParameters.insert(0, contextVariable);
List<VariableDeclaration> namedParameters =;
List<DartType> types = typeParameters
.map((TypeParameter parameter) => new TypeParameterType(parameter))
List<Expression> positional = positionalParameters
.map((VariableDeclaration parameter) => new VariableGet(parameter))
if (contextVariable != null) {
List<NamedExpression> named = parameter) {
return new NamedExpression(, new VariableGet(parameter));
Arguments arguments = new Arguments(positional, types: types, named: named);
InvocationExpression invocation = procedure.isInstanceMember
? new MethodInvocation(
context.lookup(receiver),, arguments, procedure)
: new StaticInvocation(procedure, arguments);
int requiredParameterCount = function.requiredParameterCount;
if (contextVariable != null) {
return new FunctionNode(new ReturnStatement(invocation),
typeParameters: typeParameters,
positionalParameters: positionalParameters,
namedParameters: namedParameters,
requiredParameterCount: requiredParameterCount,
returnType: substitute(function.returnType, cloner.typeSubstitution));
/// Creates copies of the type variables in [original] and returns a
/// substitution that can be passed to [substitute] to substitute all uses of
/// [original] with their copies.
Map<TypeParameter, DartType> copyTypeVariables(
Iterable<TypeParameter> original) {
if (original.isEmpty) return const <TypeParameter, DartType>{};
Map<TypeParameter, DartType> substitution = <TypeParameter, DartType>{};
for (TypeParameter t in original) {
substitution[t] = new TypeParameterType(new TypeParameter(;
substitution.forEach((TypeParameter t, DartType copy) {
if (copy is TypeParameterType) {
copy.parameter.bound = substitute(t.bound, substitution);
return substitution;
String createNameForClosedTopLevelFunction(FunctionNode function) {
return 'closure#${localNames[function]}';
Statement forwardToThisProperty(Member node) {
assert(node is Field || (node is Procedure && node.isGetter));
return new ReturnStatement(
new PropertyGet(new ThisExpression(),, node));
void addFieldForwarder(Name name, Field field) {
newClassMembers.add(new Procedure(name, ProcedureKind.Getter,
new FunctionNode(forwardToThisProperty(field)),
fileUri: currentFileUri));
Procedure copyWithBody(Procedure procedure, Statement body) {
Procedure copy = cloner.clone(procedure);
copy.function.body = body;
copy.function.body.parent = copy.function;
return copy;
void addGetterForwarder(Name name, Procedure getter) {
.add(copyWithBody(getter, forwardToThisProperty(getter)) = name);
void addTearOffMethod(Name name, Procedure procedure) {
// [addTearOffMethod] generates a method along with a context that captures
// `this`. The work with contexts is typically done using the data gathered
// by a [ClosureInfo] instance. In absence of this information, we need to
// create some variables, like `#self` and `#context`, and manipulate
// contexts directly in some cases.
// Also, the tear-off method is generated during a visit to the AST node
// of the procedure being torn off, so we need to save and restore some
// auxiliary variables like `currentMember` and `currentMemberFunction`
// and use [saveContext], so that those variables have proper values when
// the procedure itself is being transformed.
Member oldCurrentMember = currentMember;
FunctionNode oldCurrentMemberFunction = currentMemberFunction;
try {
saveContext(() {
Block body = new Block(<Statement>[]);
FunctionNode tearOffMethodFunction = new FunctionNode(body);
// We need a variable that refers to `this` to put it into the context.
VariableDeclaration self = new VariableDeclaration("#self",
type: procedure.enclosingClass.rawType);
context.extend(self, new ThisExpression());
// The `#context` variable is used to access the context in the closed
// top-level function that represents the closure and is generated in
// [getTearOffExpression].
VariableDeclaration contextVariable = new VariableDeclaration(
type: const VectorType());
Context parent = context;
context = context.toNestedContext(
new VariableAccessor(contextVariable, null, TreeNode.noOffset));
body.addStatement(new ReturnStatement(getTearOffExpression(
self, procedure, contextVariable, parent.expression)));
Procedure tearOffMethod = new Procedure(
name, ProcedureKind.Method, tearOffMethodFunction,
fileUri: currentFileUri);
} finally {
currentMember = oldCurrentMember;
currentMemberFunction = oldCurrentMemberFunction;