blob: f8dc684e65b5ba4d2cb8b400445fa1f20e796e8e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:markdown/markdown.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart';
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
import 'common/generate_common.dart';
import 'dart/generate_dart.dart' as dart show Api, api, DartGenerator;
import 'java/generate_java.dart' as java show Api, api, JavaGenerator;
final bool _stampPubspecVersion = false;
/// Parse the '' into a model and generate both Dart and Java
/// libraries.
main(List<String> args) async {
String appDirPath = dirname(Platform.script.toFilePath());
// Parse into a model.
var file = new File(
normalize(join(appDirPath, '../../../runtime/vm/service/')));
var document = new Document();
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(file.readAsStringSync());
var nodes = document.parseLines(buf.toString().split('\n'));
print('Parsed ${file.path}.');
print('Service protocol version ${ApiParseUtil.parseVersionString(nodes)}.');
// Generate code from the model.
await _generateDart(appDirPath, nodes);
await _generateJava(appDirPath, nodes);
await _generateAsserts(appDirPath, nodes);
_generateDart(String appDirPath, List<Node> nodes) async {
var outDirPath = normalize(join(appDirPath, '..', 'lib/src'));
var outDir = new Directory(outDirPath);
if (!outDir.existsSync()) outDir.createSync(recursive: true);
var outputFile = new File(join(outDirPath, 'vm_service.dart'));
var generator = new dart.DartGenerator();
dart.api = new dart.Api();
ProcessResult result = Process.runSync('dartfmt', ['-w', outDirPath]);
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
print('dartfmt: ${result.stdout}\n${result.stderr}');
throw result.exitCode;
if (_stampPubspecVersion) {
// Update the pubspec file.
Version version = ApiParseUtil.parseVersionSemVer(nodes);
// Validate that the changelog contains an entry for the current version.
print('Wrote Dart to ${outputFile.path}.');
_generateJava(String appDirPath, List<Node> nodes) async {
var srcDirPath = normalize(join(appDirPath, '..', 'java', 'src'));
var generator = new java.JavaGenerator(srcDirPath);
java.api = new java.Api();
// We generate files into the java/src/ folder; ensure the generated files
// aren't committed to git (but manually maintained files in the same
// directory are).
List<String> generatedPaths = generator.allWrittenFiles
.map((path) => relative(path, from: 'java'))
File gitignoreFile = new File(join(appDirPath, '..', 'java', '.gitignore'));
# This is a generated file.
// Generate a version file.
Version version = ApiParseUtil.parseVersionSemVer(nodes);
File file = new File(join('java', ''));
print('Wrote Java to $srcDirPath.');
_generateAsserts(String appDirPath, List<Node> nodes) async {
var outDirPath = normalize(join(appDirPath, '..', 'example'));
var outDir = new Directory(outDirPath);
if (!outDir.existsSync()) outDir.createSync(recursive: true);
var outputFile = new File(join(outDirPath, 'vm_service_assert.dart'));
var generator = new dart.DartGenerator();
dart.api = new dart.Api();
ProcessResult result = Process.runSync('dartfmt', ['-w', outDirPath]);
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
print('dartfmt: ${result.stdout}\n${result.stderr}');
throw result.exitCode;
if (_stampPubspecVersion) {
// Update the pubspec file.
Version version = ApiParseUtil.parseVersionSemVer(nodes);
// Validate that the changelog contains an entry for the current version.
print('Wrote Dart to ${outputFile.path}.');
// Push the major and minor versions into the pubspec.
void _stampPubspec(Version version) {
final String pattern = 'version: ';
File file = new File('pubspec.yaml');
String text = file.readAsStringSync();
bool found = false;
text = text.split('\n').map((line) {
if (line.startsWith(pattern)) {
found = true;
Version v = new Version.parse(line.substring(pattern.length));
String pre = v.preRelease.isEmpty ? null : v.preRelease.join('-');
String build = ? null :'+');
v = new Version(version.major, version.minor, v.patch,
pre: pre, build: build);
return '${pattern}${v.toString()}';
} else {
return line;
if (!found) throw '`${pattern}` not found';
void _checkUpdateChangelog(Version version) {
// Look for `## major.minor`.
String check = '## ${version.major}.${version.minor}';
File file = new File('');
String text = file.readAsStringSync();
bool containsReleaseNotes =
text.split('\n').any((line) => line.startsWith(check));
if (!containsReleaseNotes) {
throw '`${check}` not found in the file';