blob: a917c057c8385db2aada677640a1751f1dc53093 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/listener.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_algebra.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/resolver/flow_analysis_visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/migration.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
class InvocationInferenceHelper {
final ResolverVisitor _resolver;
final ErrorReporter _errorReporter;
final FlowAnalysisHelper _flowAnalysis;
final TypeSystemImpl _typeSystem;
final TypeProviderImpl _typeProvider;
final MigrationResolutionHooks _migrationResolutionHooks;
List<DartType> _typeArgumentTypes;
FunctionType _invokeType;
{@required ResolverVisitor resolver,
@required LibraryElementImpl definingLibrary,
@required ErrorReporter errorReporter,
@required FlowAnalysisHelper flowAnalysis,
@required TypeSystemImpl typeSystem,
@required MigrationResolutionHooks migrationResolutionHooks})
: _resolver = resolver,
_errorReporter = errorReporter,
_typeSystem = typeSystem,
_typeProvider = typeSystem.typeProvider,
_flowAnalysis = flowAnalysis,
_migrationResolutionHooks = migrationResolutionHooks;
/// Compute the return type of the method or function represented by the given
/// type that is being invoked.
DartType computeInvokeReturnType(DartType type) {
if (type is FunctionType) {
// TODO(scheglov)
return type.returnType ?? DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
} else {
return DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
FunctionType inferArgumentTypesForGeneric(AstNode inferenceNode,
DartType uninstantiatedType, TypeArgumentList typeArguments,
{AstNode errorNode, bool isConst = false}) {
errorNode ??= inferenceNode;
if (typeArguments == null &&
uninstantiatedType is FunctionType &&
uninstantiatedType.typeFormals.isNotEmpty) {
var typeArguments = _typeSystem.inferGenericFunctionOrType(
typeParameters: uninstantiatedType.typeFormals,
parameters: const <ParameterElement>[],
declaredReturnType: uninstantiatedType.returnType,
argumentTypes: const <DartType>[],
contextReturnType: InferenceContext.getContext(inferenceNode),
downwards: true,
isConst: isConst,
errorReporter: _errorReporter,
errorNode: errorNode,
if (typeArguments != null) {
return uninstantiatedType.instantiate(typeArguments);
return null;
void inferArgumentTypesForInvocation(
InvocationExpression node,
DartType type,
) {
DartType inferred =
inferArgumentTypesForGeneric(node, type, node.typeArguments);
node.argumentList, inferred ?? node.staticInvokeType);
/// Given a possibly generic invocation like `o.m(args)` or `(f)(args)` try to
/// infer the instantiated generic function type.
/// This takes into account both the context type, as well as information from
/// the argument types.
void inferGenericInvocationExpression(
InvocationExpression node,
DartType type,
) {
ArgumentList arguments = node.argumentList;
var freshType = _getFreshType(type);
FunctionType inferred = inferGenericInvoke(
node, freshType, node.typeArguments, arguments, node.function);
if (inferred != null && inferred != node.staticInvokeType) {
// Fix up the parameter elements based on inferred method.
arguments.correspondingStaticParameters =
arguments, inferred.parameters, null);
node.staticInvokeType = inferred;
/// Given a possibly generic invocation or instance creation, such as
/// `o.m(args)` or `(f)(args)` or `new T(args)` try to infer the instantiated
/// generic function type.
/// This takes into account both the context type, as well as information from
/// the argument types.
FunctionType inferGenericInvoke(
Expression node,
DartType fnType,
TypeArgumentList typeArguments,
ArgumentList argumentList,
AstNode errorNode,
{bool isConst = false}) {
if (typeArguments == null &&
fnType is FunctionType &&
fnType.typeFormals.isNotEmpty) {
// Get the parameters that correspond to the uninstantiated generic.
List<DartType> typeArgs = _inferUpwards(
rawType: fnType,
argumentList: argumentList,
contextType: InferenceContext.getContext(node),
isConst: isConst,
errorNode: errorNode,
if (node is InvocationExpressionImpl) {
node.typeArgumentTypes = typeArgs;
if (typeArgs != null) {
return fnType.instantiate(typeArgs);
return fnType;
// There is currently no other place where we set type arguments
// for FunctionExpressionInvocation(s), so set it here, if not inferred.
if (node is FunctionExpressionInvocationImpl) {
if (typeArguments != null) {
var typeArgs = => n.type).toList();
node.typeArgumentTypes = typeArgs;
} else {
node.typeArgumentTypes = const <DartType>[];
return null;
/// Given a method invocation [node], attempt to infer a better
/// type for the result if the target is dynamic and the method
/// being called is one of the object methods.
bool inferMethodInvocationObject(MethodInvocation node) {
// If we have a call like `toString()` or `libraryPrefix.toString()`, don't
// infer it.
Expression target = node.realTarget;
if (target == null ||
target is SimpleIdentifier && target.staticElement is PrefixElement) {
return false;
DartType nodeType = node.staticInvokeType;
if (nodeType == null ||
!nodeType.isDynamic ||
node.argumentList.arguments.isNotEmpty) {
return false;
// Object methods called on dynamic targets can have their types improved.
String name =;
MethodElement inferredElement =
if (inferredElement == null || inferredElement.isStatic) {
return false;
inferredElement = _resolver.toLegacyElement(inferredElement);
DartType inferredType = inferredElement.type;
if (inferredType is FunctionType) {
DartType returnType = inferredType.returnType;
if (inferredType.parameters.isEmpty &&
returnType is InterfaceType &&
_typeProvider.nonSubtypableClasses.contains(returnType.element)) {
node.staticInvokeType = inferredType;
recordStaticType(node, inferredType.returnType);
return true;
return false;
/// Record that the static type of the given node is the given type.
/// @param expression the node whose type is to be recorded
/// @param type the static type of the node
/// TODO(scheglov) this is duplication
void recordStaticType(Expression expression, DartType type) {
if (_migrationResolutionHooks != null) {
// TODO(scheglov) type cannot be null
type = _migrationResolutionHooks.modifyExpressionType(
type ?? DynamicTypeImpl.instance,
// TODO(scheglov) type cannot be null
if (type == null) {
expression.staticType = DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
} else {
expression.staticType = type;
if (identical(type, NeverTypeImpl.instance)) {
/// Finish resolution of the [FunctionExpressionInvocation].
/// We have already found the invoked [ExecutableElement], and the [rawType]
/// is its not yet instantiated type. Here we perform downwards inference,
/// resolution of arguments, and upwards inference.
void resolveFunctionExpressionInvocation({
@required FunctionExpressionInvocationImpl node,
@required FunctionType rawType,
}) {
rawType: rawType,
typeArgumentList: node.typeArguments,
argumentList: node.argumentList,
contextType: InferenceContext.getContext(node),
isConst: false,
errorNode: node.function,
node.typeArgumentTypes = _typeArgumentTypes;
node.staticInvokeType = _invokeType;
/// Finish resolution of the [MethodInvocation].
/// We have already found the invoked [ExecutableElement], and the [rawType]
/// is its not yet instantiated type. Here we perform downwards inference,
/// resolution of arguments, and upwards inference.
void resolveMethodInvocation({
@required MethodInvocationImpl node,
@required FunctionType rawType,
}) {
rawType: rawType,
typeArgumentList: node.typeArguments,
argumentList: node.argumentList,
contextType: InferenceContext.getContext(node),
isConst: false,
errorNode: node.function,
node.typeArgumentTypes = _typeArgumentTypes;
node.staticInvokeType = _invokeType;
var returnType = computeInvokeReturnType(_invokeType);
recordStaticType(node, returnType);
List<DartType> _inferDownwards({
@required FunctionType rawType,
@required DartType contextType,
@required bool isConst,
@required AstNode errorNode,
}) {
return _typeSystem.inferGenericFunctionOrType(
typeParameters: rawType.typeFormals,
parameters: const <ParameterElement>[],
declaredReturnType: rawType.returnType,
argumentTypes: const <DartType>[],
contextReturnType: contextType,
downwards: true,
isConst: isConst,
errorReporter: _errorReporter,
errorNode: errorNode,
/// TODO(scheglov) Instead of [isConst] sanitize [contextType] before calling.
List<DartType> _inferUpwards({
@required FunctionType rawType,
@required DartType contextType,
@required ArgumentList argumentList,
@required bool isConst,
@required AstNode errorNode,
}) {
// Get the parameters that correspond to the uninstantiated generic.
List<ParameterElement> rawParameters =
argumentList, rawType.parameters, null);
List<ParameterElement> params = <ParameterElement>[];
List<DartType> argTypes = <DartType>[];
for (int i = 0, length = rawParameters.length; i < length; i++) {
ParameterElement parameter = rawParameters[i];
if (parameter != null) {
var typeArgs = _typeSystem.inferGenericFunctionOrType(
typeParameters: rawType.typeFormals,
parameters: params,
declaredReturnType: rawType.returnType,
argumentTypes: argTypes,
contextReturnType: contextType,
isConst: isConst,
errorReporter: _errorReporter,
errorNode: errorNode,
return typeArgs;
void _resolveArguments(ArgumentList argumentList) {
void _resolveInvocation({
@required FunctionType rawType,
@required DartType contextType,
@required TypeArgumentList typeArgumentList,
@required ArgumentList argumentList,
@required bool isConst,
@required AstNode errorNode,
}) {
if (typeArgumentList != null) {
rawType: rawType,
typeArgumentList: typeArgumentList,
argumentList: argumentList,
} else {
rawType: rawType,
contextType: contextType,
argumentList: argumentList,
isConst: isConst,
errorNode: errorNode,
_setCorrespondingParameters(argumentList, _invokeType);
void _resolveInvocationWithoutTypeArguments({
@required FunctionType rawType,
@required DartType contextType,
@required ArgumentList argumentList,
@required bool isConst,
@required AstNode errorNode,
}) {
var typeParameters = rawType.typeFormals;
if (typeParameters.isEmpty) {
InferenceContext.setType(argumentList, rawType);
_typeArgumentTypes = const <DartType>[];
_invokeType = rawType;
} else {
rawType = _getFreshType(rawType);
List<DartType> downwardsTypeArguments = _inferDownwards(
rawType: rawType,
contextType: contextType,
isConst: isConst,
errorNode: errorNode,
var downwardsInvokeType = rawType.instantiate(downwardsTypeArguments);
InferenceContext.setType(argumentList, downwardsInvokeType);
_typeArgumentTypes = _inferUpwards(
rawType: rawType,
argumentList: argumentList,
contextType: contextType,
isConst: isConst,
errorNode: errorNode,
_invokeType = rawType.instantiate(_typeArgumentTypes);
void _resolveInvocationWithTypeArguments({
FunctionType rawType,
TypeArgumentList typeArgumentList,
ArgumentList argumentList,
}) {
var typeParameters = rawType.typeFormals;
List<DartType> typeArguments;
if (typeArgumentList.arguments.length != typeParameters.length) {
typeArguments = List.filled(
} else {
typeArguments = typeArgumentList.arguments
.map((typeArgument) => typeArgument.type)
.toList(growable: true);
var invokeType = rawType.instantiate(typeArguments);
InferenceContext.setType(argumentList, invokeType);
_typeArgumentTypes = typeArguments;
_invokeType = invokeType;
void _setCorrespondingParameters(
ArgumentList argumentList,
FunctionType invokeType,
) {
var parameters = ResolverVisitor.resolveArgumentsToParameters(
argumentList.correspondingStaticParameters = parameters;
static DartType _getFreshType(DartType type) {
if (type is FunctionType) {
var parameters = getFreshTypeParameters(type.typeFormals);
return parameters.applyToFunctionType(type);
} else {
return type;