blob: 25762d6202da80be7a92ef2a2fac14437e5c46b6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library descriptor.file;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
import '../../descriptor.dart';
import '../../scheduled_test.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
/// A descriptor describing a single file.
abstract class FileDescriptor extends Descriptor implements ReadableDescriptor {
/// The contents of the file, in bytes.
final List<int> contents;
/// The contents of the file as a String. Assumes UTF-8 encoding.
String get textContents => new String.fromCharCodes(contents);
/// Creates a new text [FileDescriptor] with [name] that matches its String
/// contents against [matcher]. If the file is created, it's considered to be
/// empty.
factory FileDescriptor.matcher(String name, Matcher matcher) =>
new _MatcherFileDescriptor(name, matcher, isBinary: false);
/// Creates a new binary [FileDescriptor] with [name] that matches its binary
/// contents against [matcher]. If the file is created, it's considered to be
/// empty.
factory FileDescriptor.binaryMatcher(String name, Matcher matcher) =>
new _MatcherFileDescriptor(name, matcher, isBinary: true);
/// Creates a new binary [FileDescriptor] descriptor with [name] and
/// [contents].
factory FileDescriptor.binary(String name, List<int> contents) =>
new _BinaryFileDescriptor(name, contents);
/// Creates a new text [FileDescriptor] with [name] and [contents].
factory FileDescriptor(String name, String contents) =>
new _StringFileDescriptor(name, contents);
FileDescriptor._(String name, this.contents)
: super(name);
Future create([String parent]) => schedule(() {
if (parent == null) parent = defaultRoot;
return Chain.track(new File(path.join(parent, name))
}, "creating file '$name'");
Future validate([String parent]) =>
schedule(() => validateNow(parent), "validating file '$name'");
Future validateNow([String parent]) {
if (parent == null) parent = defaultRoot;
var fullPath = path.join(parent, name);
if (!new File(fullPath).existsSync()) {
fail("File not found: '$fullPath'.");
return Chain.track(new File(fullPath).readAsBytes()).then(_validateNow);
// TODO(nweiz): rather than setting up an inheritance chain, just store a
// Matcher for validation. This would require better error messages from the
// matcher library, though.
/// A function that throws an error if [binaryContents] doesn't match the
/// expected contents of the descriptor.
void _validateNow(List<int> binaryContents);
Stream<List<int>> read() => new Future.value(contents).asStream();
String describe() => name;
class _BinaryFileDescriptor extends FileDescriptor {
_BinaryFileDescriptor(String name, List<int> contents)
: super._(name, contents);
Future _validateNow(List<int> actualContents) {
if (orderedIterableEquals(contents, actualContents)) return null;
// TODO(nweiz): show a hex dump here if the data is small enough.
fail("File '$name' didn't contain the expected binary data.");
class _StringFileDescriptor extends FileDescriptor {
_StringFileDescriptor(String name, String contents)
: super._(name, UTF8.encode(contents));
Future _validateNow(List<int> actualContents) {
if (orderedIterableEquals(contents, actualContents)) return null;
throw _textMismatchMessage(textContents,
new String.fromCharCodes(actualContents));
String _textMismatchMessage(String expected, String actual) {
final expectedLines = expected.split('\n');
final actualLines = actual.split('\n');
var results = [];
// Compare them line by line to see which ones match.
var length = math.max(expectedLines.length, actualLines.length);
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (i >= actualLines.length) {
// Missing output.
results.add('? ${expectedLines[i]}');
} else if (i >= expectedLines.length) {
// Unexpected extra output.
results.add('X ${actualLines[i]}');
} else {
var expectedLine = expectedLines[i];
var actualLine = actualLines[i];
if (expectedLine != actualLine) {
// Mismatched lines.
results.add('X $actualLine');
} else {
// Matched lines.
results.add('| $actualLine');
return "File '$name' should contain:\n"
"but actually contained:\n"
class _MatcherFileDescriptor extends FileDescriptor {
final Matcher _matcher;
final bool _isBinary;
_MatcherFileDescriptor(String name, this._matcher, {bool isBinary})
: _isBinary = isBinary == true ? true : false,
super._(name, <int>[]);
void _validateNow(List<int> actualContents) =>
_isBinary ? actualContents : new String.fromCharCodes(actualContents),