blob: 86bd6a521551f97e0b70c006af5bbd1a372010ea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/src/cider/completion.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/results.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/line_info.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/test_utilities/function_ast_visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart'
show CompletionSuggestion, CompletionSuggestionKind, ElementKind;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'cider_service.dart';
void main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class CiderCompletionComputerTest extends CiderServiceTest {
final CiderCompletionCache _completionCache = CiderCompletionCache();
CiderCompletionComputer _computer;
void Function(ResolvedUnitResult) _testResolvedUnit;
CiderCompletionResult _completionResult;
List<CompletionSuggestion> _suggestions;
Future<void> test_compute() async {
await _compute(r'''
class A {}
int a = 0;
main(int b) {
int c = 0;
_assertHasCompletion(text: 'a');
_assertHasCompletion(text: 'b');
_assertHasCompletion(text: 'c');
_assertHasClass(text: 'A');
_assertHasClass(text: 'String');
_assertNoClass(text: 'Random');
Future<void> test_compute_performance_operations() async {
await _compute(r'''
main() {
'DartCompletionManager - KeywordContributor',
Future<void> test_compute_prefixStart_beforeToken_identifier() async {
await _compute('''
const foo = 0;
class A {
expect(_completionResult.prefixStart.line, 3);
expect(_completionResult.prefixStart.column, 3);
Future<void> test_compute_prefixStart_beforeToken_keyword() async {
await _compute('''
import 'dart:async' h^;
_assertHasKeyword(text: 'hide');
_assertNoKeyword(text: 'show');
expect(_completionResult.prefixStart.line, 0);
expect(_completionResult.prefixStart.column, 20);
Future<void> test_compute_prefixStart_identifier() async {
await _compute('''
class A {
String foobar;
main(A a) {^
expect(_completionResult.prefixStart.line, 5);
expect(_completionResult.prefixStart.column, 4);
Future<void> test_compute_prefixStart_noPrefix() async {
await _compute(r'''
import 'dart:math';
expect(_completionResult.prefixStart.line, 1);
expect(_completionResult.prefixStart.column, 0);
Future<void> test_compute_updateImportedLibrary() async {
var aPath = convertPath('/workspace/dart/test/lib/a.dart');
newFile(aPath, content: r'''
class A {}
var content = r'''
import 'a.dart';
await _compute(content);
_assertComputedImportedLibraries([aPath], hasCore: true);
_assertHasClass(text: 'A');
// Repeat the query, still has 'A'.
await _compute(content);
_assertHasClass(text: 'A');
// Update the imported library, has 'B', but not 'A'.
newFile(aPath, content: r'''
class B {}
await _compute(content);
_assertHasClass(text: 'B');
_assertNoClass(text: 'A');
Future<void> test_compute_updateImports() async {
var aPath = convertPath('/workspace/dart/test/lib/a.dart');
newFile(aPath, content: r'''
class A {}
await _compute(r'''
var a = ^;
_assertComputedImportedLibraries([], hasCore: true);
_assertHasClass(text: 'String');
// Repeat the query, still has 'A'.
await _compute(r'''
import 'a.dart';
var a = ^;
_assertHasClass(text: 'A');
_assertHasClass(text: 'String');
Future<void> test_compute_uriContributor_disabled() async {
newFile('/workspace/dart/test/lib/a.dart', content: '');
await _compute(r'''
import '^';
expect(_suggestions, isEmpty);
Future<void> test_filterSort_byPattern_excludeNotMatching() async {
await _compute(r'''
var a = F^;
_assertHasClass(text: 'Future');
_assertNoClass(text: 'String');
Future<void> test_filterSort_byPattern_location_beforeMethod() async {
await _compute(r'''
class A {
void foo() {}
_assertHasClass(text: 'Future');
_assertNoClass(text: 'String');
Future<void> test_filterSort_byPattern_location_functionReturnType() async {
await _compute(r'''
F^ foo() {}
_assertHasClass(text: 'Future');
_assertNoClass(text: 'String');
Future<void> test_filterSort_byPattern_location_methodReturnType() async {
await _compute(r'''
class A {
F^ foo() {}
_assertHasClass(text: 'Future');
_assertNoClass(text: 'String');
Future<void> test_filterSort_byPattern_location_parameterType() async {
await _compute(r'''
void foo(F^ a) {}
_assertHasClass(text: 'Future');
_assertNoClass(text: 'String');
Future<void> test_filterSort_byPattern_location_parameterType2() async {
await _compute(r'''
void foo(^a) {}
_assertHasClass(text: 'Future');
_assertHasClass(text: 'String');
Future<void> test_filterSort_byPattern_location_statement() async {
await _compute(r'''
main() {
_assertHasClass(text: 'Future');
_assertNoClass(text: 'String');
Future<void> test_filterSort_byPattern_preferPrefix() async {
await _compute(r'''
class Foobar {}
class Falcon {}
var a = Fo^;
_assertHasClass(text: 'Foobar'),
_assertHasClass(text: 'Falcon'),
Future<void> test_filterSort_namedArgument_hasPrefix() async {
await _compute(r'''
void foo({int aaa, int bbb});
void f() {
_assertHasNamedArgument(name: 'aaa');
_assertNoNamedArgument(name: 'bbb');
Future<void> test_filterSort_namedArgument_noPrefix() async {
await _compute(r'''
void foo({int aaa, int bbb});
void f() {
_assertHasNamedArgument(name: 'aaa');
_assertHasNamedArgument(name: 'bbb');
Future<void> test_filterSort_namedArgument_noPrefix_beforeOther() async {
await _compute(r'''
void foo({int aaa = 0, int aab = 0}) {}
voif f() {
aaa: 0,
_assertHasNamedArgument(name: 'aab');
Future<void> test_filterSort_preferLocal() async {
await _compute(r'''
var a = 0;
main() {
var b = 0;
var v = ^;
_assertHasLocalVariable(text: 'b'),
_assertHasTopLevelVariable(text: 'a'),
Future<void> test_filterSort_sortByName() async {
await _compute(r'''
main() {
var a = 0;
var b = 0;
var v = ^;
_assertHasLocalVariable(text: 'b'),
_assertHasLocalVariable(text: 'a'),
Future<void> test_limitedResolution_class_constructor_body() async {
identifiers: {'print'},
await _compute(r'''
class A<T> {
int f = 0;
A(int a) : f = 1 {
void foo() {
_assertHasClass(text: 'A');
_assertHasClass(text: 'String');
_assertHasConstructor(text: 'A');
_assertHasFunction(text: 'print');
_assertHasMethod(text: 'foo');
_assertHasParameter(text: 'a');
_assertHasTypeParameter(text: 'T');
Future<void> test_limitedResolution_class_field_startWithType() async {
identifiers: {'print'},
await _compute(r'''
class A {
void foo() {
_assertHasClass(text: 'String');
Future<void> test_limitedResolution_class_method_body() async {
identifiers: {'print'},
await _compute(r'''
class A<T> {
void foo() {
void bar<U>(int a) {
class B {}
enum E { e }
_assertHasClass(text: 'A');
_assertHasClass(text: 'B');
_assertHasClass(text: 'String');
_assertHasConstructor(text: 'A');
_assertHasConstructor(text: 'B');
_assertHasEnumConstant(text: 'E.e');
_assertHasMethod(text: 'foo');
_assertHasMethod(text: 'bar');
_assertHasParameter(text: 'a');
_assertHasTypeParameter(text: 'T');
_assertHasTypeParameter(text: 'U');
Future<void> test_limitedResolution_class_method_body2() async {
identifiers: {'print'},
await _compute(r'''
class A {
void foo() {}
abstract class B {
A get a;
void notResolved() {
void completionTarget() {
_assertHasGetter(text: 'hashCode');
_assertHasMethod(text: 'foo');
Future<void> test_limitedResolution_class_method_parameterType() async {
identifiers: {'print'},
await _compute(r'''
class A {
void foo() {
void bar(Str^) {}
_assertHasClass(text: 'String');
test_limitedResolution_class_method_returnType_hasPartial() async {
identifiers: {'print'},
await _compute(r'''
class A {
void foo() {
Str^ bar() {}
_assertHasClass(text: 'String');
Future<void> test_limitedResolution_hasPart() async {
newFile('/workspace/dart/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {}
await _compute(r'''
part 'a.dart';
_assertHasClass(text: 'int');
_assertHasClass(text: 'A');
Future<void> test_limitedResolution_inPart() async {
newFile('/workspace/dart/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
part 'test.dart';
class A {}
await _compute(r'''
part of 'a.dart';
_assertHasClass(text: 'int');
_assertHasClass(text: 'A');
Future<void> test_limitedResolution_mixin_method_body() async {
identifiers: {'print'},
await _compute(r'''
class A {
void foo() {}
mixin M {
A get a;
void notResolved() {
void completionTarget() {
_assertHasGetter(text: 'hashCode');
_assertHasMethod(text: 'foo');
Future<void> test_limitedResolution_unit_function_body() async {
identifiers: {'print'},
await _compute(r'''
void foo() {
void bar(int a) {
_assertHasFunction(text: 'foo');
_assertHasParameter(text: 'a');
Future<void> test_localTypeInference() async {
await _compute(r'''
void foo() {
var a = 0;
_assertHasGetter(text: 'isEven');
Future<void> test_warmUp_cachesImportedLibraries() async {
var aPath = convertPath('/workspace/dart/test/lib/a.dart');
newFile(aPath, content: r'''
class A {}
var bPath = convertPath('/workspace/dart/test/lib/b.dart');
newFile(bPath, content: r'''
import 'a.dart';
// Pre-cache `a.dart` using import in `b.dart`
await _newComputer().warmUp([bPath]);
_assertComputedImportedLibraries([aPath], hasCore: true);
// Now we complete in `test.dart`, and `a.dart` is already cached.
await _compute(r'''
import 'a.dart';
_assertHasClass(text: 'A');
void _assertComputedImportedLibraries(
List<String> expected, {
bool hasCore = false,
}) {
expected =;
if (hasCore) {
var corePath = convertPath('/sdk/lib/core/core.dart');
CompletionSuggestion _assertHasClass({@required String text}) {
var matching = _matchingCompletions(
text: text,
elementKind: ElementKind.CLASS,
expect(matching, hasLength(1), reason: 'Expected exactly one completion');
return matching.single;
void _assertHasCompletion({@required String text}) {
var matching = _matchingCompletions(text: text);
expect(matching, hasLength(1), reason: 'Expected exactly one completion');
CompletionSuggestion _assertHasConstructor({@required String text}) {
var matching = _matchingCompletions(
text: text,
elementKind: ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR,
expect(matching, hasLength(1), reason: 'Expected exactly one completion');
return matching.single;
CompletionSuggestion _assertHasEnumConstant({@required String text}) {
var matching = _matchingCompletions(
text: text,
elementKind: ElementKind.ENUM_CONSTANT,
expect(matching, hasLength(1), reason: 'Expected exactly one completion');
return matching.single;
CompletionSuggestion _assertHasFunction({@required String text}) {
var matching = _matchingCompletions(
text: text,
elementKind: ElementKind.FUNCTION,
expect(matching, hasLength(1), reason: 'Expected exactly one completion');
return matching.single;
CompletionSuggestion _assertHasGetter({@required String text}) {
var matching = _matchingCompletions(
text: text,
elementKind: ElementKind.GETTER,
expect(matching, hasLength(1), reason: 'Expected exactly one completion');
return matching.single;
CompletionSuggestion _assertHasKeyword({@required String text}) {
var matching = _matchingKeywordCompletions(text: text);
expect(matching, hasLength(1), reason: 'Expected exactly one completion');
return matching.single;
CompletionSuggestion _assertHasLocalVariable({@required String text}) {
var matching = _matchingCompletions(
text: text,
elementKind: ElementKind.LOCAL_VARIABLE,
reason: 'Expected exactly one completion in $_suggestions',
return matching.single;
CompletionSuggestion _assertHasMethod({@required String text}) {
var matching = _matchingCompletions(
text: text,
elementKind: ElementKind.METHOD,
expect(matching, hasLength(1), reason: 'Expected exactly one completion');
return matching.single;
CompletionSuggestion _assertHasNamedArgument({@required String name}) {
var matching = _matchingNamedArgumentSuggestions(name: name);
expect(matching, hasLength(1), reason: 'Expected exactly one completion');
return matching.single;
void _assertHasOperationPerformance(List<String> path) {
var current = _completionResult.performance.operations;
for (var name in path) {
var child = current.getChild(name);
expect(child, isNotNull, reason: "No '$name' in $current");
current = child;
CompletionSuggestion _assertHasParameter({@required String text}) {
var matching = _matchingCompletions(
text: text,
elementKind: ElementKind.PARAMETER,
expect(matching, hasLength(1), reason: 'Expected exactly one completion');
return matching.single;
CompletionSuggestion _assertHasTopLevelVariable({@required String text}) {
var matching = _matchingCompletions(
text: text,
elementKind: ElementKind.TOP_LEVEL_VARIABLE,
reason: 'Expected exactly one completion in $_suggestions',
return matching.single;
CompletionSuggestion _assertHasTypeParameter({@required String text}) {
var matching = _matchingCompletions(
text: text,
elementKind: ElementKind.TYPE_PARAMETER,
expect(matching, hasLength(1), reason: 'Expected exactly one completion');
return matching.single;
void _assertNoClass({@required String text}) {
var matching = _matchingCompletions(
text: text,
elementKind: ElementKind.CLASS,
expect(matching, isEmpty, reason: 'Expected zero completions');
void _assertNoKeyword({@required String text}) {
var matching = _matchingKeywordCompletions(text: text);
expect(matching, isEmpty, reason: 'Expected zero completions');
void _assertNoNamedArgument({@required String name}) {
var matching = _matchingNamedArgumentSuggestions(name: name);
expect(matching, isEmpty, reason: 'Expected zero completions');
void _assertOrder(List<CompletionSuggestion> suggestions) {
var lastIndex = -2;
for (var suggestion in suggestions) {
var index = _suggestions.indexOf(suggestion);
expect(index, isNonNegative, reason: '$suggestion');
expect(index, greaterThan(lastIndex), reason: '$suggestion');
lastIndex = index;
Future _compute(String content) async {
var context = _updateFile(content);
_completionResult = await _newComputer().compute(
path: convertPath(testPath),
line: context.line,
column: context.character,
testResolvedUnit: _testResolvedUnit,
_suggestions = _completionResult.suggestions;
/// Configure the [CiderCompletionComputer] to check that when resolving
/// for completion we don't resolve unnecessary node.
void _configureToCheckNotResolved({Set<String> identifiers}) {
_testResolvedUnit = (resolvedUnitResult) {
var unit = resolvedUnitResult.unit;
simpleIdentifier: (node) {
if (identifiers.contains( && node.staticElement != null) {
fail('Unexpectedly resolved node: $node');
/// TODO(scheglov) Implement incremental updating
void _createFileResolver() {
List<CompletionSuggestion> _matchingCompletions({
@required String text,
ElementKind elementKind,
}) {
return _suggestions.where((e) {
if (e.completion != text) {
return false;
if (elementKind != null && e.element.kind != elementKind) {
return false;
return true;
List<CompletionSuggestion> _matchingKeywordCompletions({
@required String text,
}) {
return _suggestions.where((e) {
if (e.completion != text) {
return false;
return e.kind == CompletionSuggestionKind.KEYWORD;
List<CompletionSuggestion> _matchingNamedArgumentSuggestions({
@required String name,
}) {
return _suggestions.where((e) {
if (e.kind != CompletionSuggestionKind.NAMED_ARGUMENT) {
return false;
if (!e.completion.startsWith('$name:')) {
return false;
return true;
CiderCompletionComputer _newComputer() {
return _computer = CiderCompletionComputer(
_CompletionContext _updateFile(String content) {
var offset = content.indexOf('^');
expect(offset, isPositive, reason: 'Expected to find ^');
expect(content.indexOf('^', offset + 1), -1, reason: 'Expected only one ^');
var lineInfo = LineInfo.fromContent(content);
var location = lineInfo.getLocation(offset);
content = content.substring(0, offset) + content.substring(offset + 1);
newFile(testPath, content: content);
return _CompletionContext(
location.lineNumber - 1,
location.columnNumber - 1,
class _CompletionContext {
final String content;
final int offset;
final int line;
final int character;
_CompletionContext(this.content, this.offset, this.line, this.character);