blob: 69529d3934aea122f25358b35d0c474220d0e7e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/allocation.h"
#include "vm/flags.h"
#include "vm/hash_map.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
namespace dart {
// A SourceReport object is used to generate reports about the program
// source code, with information associated with source token
// positions. There are multiple possible kinds of reports.
class SourceReport {
enum ReportKind {
enum CompileMode {
explicit SourceReport(ReportKind report_kind,
CompileMode compile = kNoCompile);
// Generate a source report for (some subrange of) a script.
// If script is null, then the report is generated for all scripts
// in the isolate.
void PrintJSON(JSONStream* js, const Script& script,
intptr_t start_pos = -1, intptr_t end_pos = -1);
void Init(Thread* thread, const Script* script,
intptr_t start_pos, intptr_t end_pos);
Thread* thread() const { return thread_; }
Zone* zone() const { return thread_->zone(); }
bool ShouldSkipFunction(const Function& func);
intptr_t GetScriptIndex(const Script& script);
bool ScriptIsLoadedByLibrary(const Script& script, const Library& lib);
void PrintCallSitesData(JSONObject* jsobj,
const Function& func, const Code& code);
void PrintCoverageData(JSONObject* jsobj,
const Function& func, const Code& code);
void PrintScriptTable(JSONArray* jsarr);
void VisitFunction(JSONArray* jsarr, const Function& func);
void VisitLibrary(JSONArray* jsarr, const Library& lib);
void VisitClosures(JSONArray* jsarr);
// An entry in the script table.
struct ScriptTableEntry {
ScriptTableEntry() : key(NULL), index(-1), script(NULL) {}
const String* key;
intptr_t index;
const Script* script;
// Needed for DirectChainedHashMap.
struct ScriptTableTrait {
typedef ScriptTableEntry* Value;
typedef const String* Key;
typedef ScriptTableEntry* Pair;
static Key KeyOf(Pair kv) {
return kv->key;
static Value ValueOf(Pair kv) {
return kv;
static inline intptr_t Hashcode(Key key) {
return key->Hash();
static inline bool IsKeyEqual(Pair kv, Key key) {
return kv->key->Equals(*key);
ReportKind report_kind_;
CompileMode compile_mode_;
Thread* thread_;
const Script* script_;
intptr_t start_pos_;
intptr_t end_pos_;
GrowableArray<ScriptTableEntry> script_table_entries_;
DirectChainedHashMap<ScriptTableTrait> script_table_;
intptr_t next_script_index_;
} // namespace dart