blob: eddb78ca9088eb322f356bb6ec8af367cdc712cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library serialization.elements;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/utilities_dart.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/base.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/format.dart';
* Serialize all the elements in [lib] to a summary using [ctx] as the context
* for building the summary, and using [typeProvider] to find built-in types.
LibrarySerializationResult serializeLibrary(
BuilderContext ctx, LibraryElement lib, TypeProvider typeProvider) {
var serializer = new _LibrarySerializer(ctx, lib, typeProvider);
PrelinkedLibraryBuilder prelinked = serializer.serializeLibrary();
return new LibrarySerializationResult(
prelinked, serializer.unlinkedUnits, serializer.unitUris);
* Data structure holding the result of serializing a [LibraryElement].
class LibrarySerializationResult {
* Pre-linked information the given library.
final PrelinkedLibraryBuilder prelinked;
* Unlinked information for the compilation units constituting the library.
* The zeroth entry in the list is the defining compilation unit; the
* remaining entries are the parts, in the order listed in the defining
* compilation unit's part declarations.
final List<UnlinkedUnitBuilder> unlinkedUnits;
* Absolute URI of each compilation unit appearing in the library.
final List<String> unitUris;
LibrarySerializationResult(this.prelinked, this.unlinkedUnits, this.unitUris);
* Instances of this class keep track of intermediate state during
* serialization of a single library.`
class _LibrarySerializer {
* The library to be serialized.
final LibraryElement libraryElement;
* The type provider. This is used to locate the library for `dart:core`.
final TypeProvider typeProvider;
* List of objects which should be written to [PrelinkedLibrary.units].
final List<PrelinkedUnitBuilder> prelinkedUnits = <PrelinkedUnitBuilder>[];
* List of unlinked units corresponding to the pre-linked units in
* [prelinkedUnits],
final List<UnlinkedUnitBuilder> unlinkedUnits = <UnlinkedUnitBuilder>[];
* List of absolute URIs of the compilation units in the library.
final List<String> unitUris = <String>[];
* Map from [LibraryElement] to the index of the entry in the "dependency
* table" that refers to it.
final Map<LibraryElement, int> dependencyMap = <LibraryElement, int>{};
* The "dependency table". This is the list of objects which should be
* written to [PrelinkedLibrary.dependencies].
final List<PrelinkedDependencyBuilder> dependencies =
* The prelinked portion of the "imports table". This is the list of ints
* which should be written to [PrelinkedLibrary.imports].
final List<int> prelinkedImports = <int>[];
* Map from [Element] to the index of the entry in the "references table"
* that refers to it.
final Map<Element, int> referenceMap = <Element, int>{};
* The unlinked portion of the "references table". This is the list of
* objects which should be written to [UnlinkedUnit.references].
List<UnlinkedReferenceBuilder> unlinkedReferences;
* The prelinked portion of the "references table". This is the list of
* objects which should be written to [PrelinkedUnit.references].
List<PrelinkedReferenceBuilder> prelinkedReferences;
//final Map<String, int> prefixIndices = <String, int>{};
* Index into the "references table" representing an unresolved reference, if
* such an index exists. `null` if no such entry has been made in the
* references table yet.
int unresolvedReferenceIndex = null;
* Set of libraries which have been seen so far while visiting the transitive
* closure of exports.
final Set<LibraryElement> librariesAddedToTransitiveExportClosure =
new Set<LibraryElement>();
* [BuilderContext] used to serialize the output summary.
final BuilderContext ctx;
_LibrarySerializer(this.ctx, this.libraryElement, this.typeProvider) {
dependencyMap[libraryElement] = 0;
* Retrieve the library element for `dart:core`.
LibraryElement get coreLibrary => typeProvider.objectType.element.library;
* Add all classes, enums, typedefs, executables, and top level variables
* from the given compilation unit [element] to the library summary.
* [unitNum] indicates the ordinal position of this compilation unit in the
* library.
void addCompilationUnitElements(CompilationUnitElement element, int unitNum) {
UnlinkedUnitBuilder b = new UnlinkedUnitBuilder(ctx);
unlinkedReferences = <UnlinkedReferenceBuilder>[
prelinkedReferences = <PrelinkedReferenceBuilder>[
encodePrelinkedReference(ctx, kind: PrelinkedReferenceKind.classOrEnum)
List<UnlinkedPublicNameBuilder> names = <UnlinkedPublicNameBuilder>[];
for (PropertyAccessorElement accessor in element.accessors) {
if (accessor.isPublic) {
kind: PrelinkedReferenceKind.other, name:;
for (ClassElement cls in element.types) {
if (cls.isPublic) {
kind: PrelinkedReferenceKind.classOrEnum, name:;
for (ClassElement enm in element.enums) {
if (enm.isPublic) {
kind: PrelinkedReferenceKind.classOrEnum, name:;
for (FunctionElement function in element.functions) {
if (function.isPublic) {
kind: PrelinkedReferenceKind.other, name:;
for (FunctionTypeAliasElement typedef in element.functionTypeAliases) {
if (typedef.isPublic) {
kind: PrelinkedReferenceKind.typedef, name:;
if (unitNum == 0) {
if ( {
b.libraryName =;
b.publicNamespace = encodeUnlinkedPublicNamespace(ctx,
.map((CompilationUnitElement e) =>
encodeUnlinkedPart(ctx, uri: e.uri))
names: names);
b.imports =;
} else {
// TODO(paulberry): we need to figure out a way to record library, part,
// import, and export declarations that appear in non-defining
// compilation units (even though such declarations are prohibited by the
// language), so that if the user makes code changes that cause a
// non-defining compilation unit to become a defining compilation unit,
// we can create a correct summary by simply re-linking.
b.publicNamespace = encodeUnlinkedPublicNamespace(ctx, names: names);
b.classes =;
b.enums =;
b.typedefs =;
List<UnlinkedExecutableBuilder> executables =;
for (PropertyAccessorElement accessor in element.accessors) {
if (!accessor.isSynthetic) {
b.executables = executables;
List<UnlinkedVariableBuilder> variables = <UnlinkedVariableBuilder>[];
for (PropertyAccessorElement accessor in element.accessors) {
if (accessor.isSynthetic && accessor.isGetter) {
PropertyInducingElement variable = accessor.variable;
if (variable != null) {
b.variables = variables;
b.references = unlinkedReferences;
.add(encodePrelinkedUnit(ctx, references: prelinkedReferences));
unlinkedReferences = null;
prelinkedReferences = null;
* Add [exportedLibrary] (and the transitive closure of all libraries it
* exports) to the dependency table ([PrelinkedLibrary.dependencies]).
void addTransitiveExportClosure(LibraryElement exportedLibrary) {
if (librariesAddedToTransitiveExportClosure.add(exportedLibrary)) {
for (LibraryElement transitiveExport
in exportedLibrary.exportedLibraries) {
* Compute the appropriate De Bruijn index to represent the given type
* parameter [type].
int findTypeParameterIndex(TypeParameterType type, Element context) {
int index = 0;
while (context != null) {
List<TypeParameterElement> typeParameters;
if (context is ClassElement) {
typeParameters = context.typeParameters;
} else if (context is FunctionTypeAliasElement) {
typeParameters = context.typeParameters;
} else if (context is ExecutableElement) {
typeParameters = context.typeParameters;
if (typeParameters != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; i++) {
TypeParameterElement param = typeParameters[i];
if (param == type.element) {
return index + typeParameters.length - i;
index += typeParameters.length;
context = context.enclosingElement;
throw new StateError('Unbound type parameter $type');
* Serialize the given [classElement], creating an [UnlinkedClass].
UnlinkedClassBuilder serializeClass(ClassElement classElement) {
UnlinkedClassBuilder b = new UnlinkedClassBuilder(ctx); =;
b.typeParameters =;
if (classElement.supertype == null) {
b.hasNoSupertype = true;
} else if (!classElement.supertype.isObject) {
b.supertype = serializeTypeRef(classElement.supertype, classElement);
b.mixins = classElement.mixins
.map((InterfaceType t) => serializeTypeRef(t, classElement))
b.interfaces = classElement.interfaces
.map((InterfaceType t) => serializeTypeRef(t, classElement))
List<UnlinkedVariableBuilder> fields = <UnlinkedVariableBuilder>[];
List<UnlinkedExecutableBuilder> executables = <UnlinkedExecutableBuilder>[];
for (ConstructorElement executable in classElement.constructors) {
if (!executable.isSynthetic) {
for (MethodElement executable in classElement.methods) {
for (PropertyAccessorElement accessor in classElement.accessors) {
if (!accessor.isSynthetic) {
} else if (accessor.isGetter) {
PropertyInducingElement field = accessor.variable;
if (field != null && !field.isSynthetic) {
b.fields = fields;
b.executables = executables;
b.isAbstract = classElement.isAbstract;
b.isMixinApplication = classElement.isMixinApplication;
return b;
* Serialize the given [combinator] into an [UnlinkedCombinator].
UnlinkedCombinatorBuilder serializeCombinator(
NamespaceCombinator combinator) {
UnlinkedCombinatorBuilder b = new UnlinkedCombinatorBuilder(ctx);
if (combinator is ShowElementCombinator) {
b.shows = combinator.shownNames;
} else if (combinator is HideElementCombinator) {
b.hides = combinator.hiddenNames;
return b;
* Return the index of the entry in the dependency table
* ([PrelinkedLibrary.dependencies]) for the given [dependentLibrary]. A new
* entry is added to the table if necessary to satisfy the request.
int serializeDependency(LibraryElement dependentLibrary) {
return dependencyMap.putIfAbsent(dependentLibrary, () {
int index = dependencies.length;
uri: dependentLibrary.source.uri.toString()));
return index;
* Return the index of the entry in the references table
* ([UnlinkedLibrary.references] and [PrelinkedLibrary.references])
* representing the pseudo-type `dynamic`.
int serializeDynamicReference() => 0;
* Serialize the given [enumElement], creating an [UnlinkedEnum].
UnlinkedEnumBuilder serializeEnum(ClassElement enumElement) {
UnlinkedEnumBuilder b = new UnlinkedEnumBuilder(ctx); =;
List<UnlinkedEnumValueBuilder> values = <UnlinkedEnumValueBuilder>[];
for (FieldElement field in enumElement.fields) {
if (field.isConst && field.type.element == enumElement) {
values.add(encodeUnlinkedEnumValue(ctx, name:;
b.values = values;
return b;
* Serialize the given [executableElement], creating an [UnlinkedExecutable].
UnlinkedExecutableBuilder serializeExecutable(
ExecutableElement executableElement) {
UnlinkedExecutableBuilder b = new UnlinkedExecutableBuilder(ctx); =;
if (!executableElement.type.returnType.isVoid) {
b.returnType = serializeTypeRef(
executableElement.type.returnType, executableElement);
b.typeParameters =;
b.parameters =;
if (executableElement is PropertyAccessorElement) {
if (executableElement.isGetter) {
b.kind = UnlinkedExecutableKind.getter;
} else {
b.kind = UnlinkedExecutableKind.setter;
} else if (executableElement is ConstructorElement) {
b.kind = UnlinkedExecutableKind.constructor;
b.isConst = executableElement.isConst;
b.isFactory = executableElement.isFactory;
} else {
b.kind = UnlinkedExecutableKind.functionOrMethod;
b.isAbstract = executableElement.isAbstract;
b.isStatic = executableElement.isStatic &&
executableElement.enclosingElement is ClassElement;
b.hasImplicitReturnType = executableElement.hasImplicitReturnType;
b.isExternal = executableElement.isExternal;
return b;
* Serialize the given [exportElement] into an [UnlinkedExport].
UnlinkedExportBuilder serializeExport(ExportElement exportElement) {
UnlinkedExportBuilder b = new UnlinkedExportBuilder(ctx);
b.uri = exportElement.uri;
b.combinators =;
return b;
* Serialize the given [importElement] yielding an [UnlinkedImportBuilder].
* Also, add pre-linked information about it to the [prelinkedImports] list.
UnlinkedImportBuilder serializeImport(ImportElement importElement) {
UnlinkedImportBuilder b = new UnlinkedImportBuilder(ctx);
b.isDeferred = importElement.isDeferred;
b.offset = importElement.nameOffset;
b.combinators =;
if (importElement.prefix != null) {
b.prefixReference = serializePrefix(importElement.prefix);
if (importElement.isSynthetic) {
b.isImplicit = true;
} else {
b.uri = importElement.uri;
return b;
* Serialize the whole library element into a [PrelinkedLibrary]. Should be
* called exactly once for each instance of [_LibrarySerializer].
* The unlinked compilation units are stored in [unlinkedUnits], and their
* absolute URIs are stored in [unitUris].
PrelinkedLibraryBuilder serializeLibrary() {
PrelinkedLibraryBuilder pb = new PrelinkedLibraryBuilder(ctx);
addCompilationUnitElements(libraryElement.definingCompilationUnit, 0);
for (int i = 0; i <; i++) {
addCompilationUnitElements([i], i + 1);
pb.units = prelinkedUnits;
pb.dependencies = dependencies;
pb.importDependencies = prelinkedImports;
return pb;
* Serialize the given [parameter] into an [UnlinkedParam].
UnlinkedParamBuilder serializeParam(ParameterElement parameter,
[Element context]) {
context ??= parameter;
UnlinkedParamBuilder b = new UnlinkedParamBuilder(ctx); =;
switch (parameter.parameterKind) {
case ParameterKind.REQUIRED:
b.kind = UnlinkedParamKind.required;
case ParameterKind.POSITIONAL:
b.kind = UnlinkedParamKind.positional;
case ParameterKind.NAMED:
b.kind = UnlinkedParamKind.named;
b.isInitializingFormal = parameter.isInitializingFormal;
DartType type = parameter.type;
if (type is FunctionType) {
b.isFunctionTyped = true;
if (!type.returnType.isVoid) {
b.type = serializeTypeRef(type.returnType, parameter);
b.parameters = type.parameters
.map((parameter) => serializeParam(parameter, context))
} else {
b.type = serializeTypeRef(type, context);
b.hasImplicitType = parameter.hasImplicitType;
return b;
* Serialize the given [prefix] into an index into the references table.
int serializePrefix(PrefixElement element) {
return referenceMap.putIfAbsent(element, () {
assert(unlinkedReferences.length == prelinkedReferences.length);
int index = unlinkedReferences.length;
unlinkedReferences.add(encodeUnlinkedReference(ctx, name:;
encodePrelinkedReference(ctx, kind: PrelinkedReferenceKind.prefix));
return index;
* Serialize the given [typedefElement], creating an [UnlinkedTypedef].
UnlinkedTypedefBuilder serializeTypedef(
FunctionTypeAliasElement typedefElement) {
UnlinkedTypedefBuilder b = new UnlinkedTypedefBuilder(ctx); =;
b.typeParameters =;
if (!typedefElement.returnType.isVoid) {
b.returnType =
serializeTypeRef(typedefElement.returnType, typedefElement);
b.parameters =;
return b;
* Serialize the given [typeParameter] into an [UnlinkedTypeParam].
UnlinkedTypeParamBuilder serializeTypeParam(
TypeParameterElement typeParameter) {
UnlinkedTypeParamBuilder b = new UnlinkedTypeParamBuilder(ctx); =;
if (typeParameter.bound != null) {
b.bound = serializeTypeRef(typeParameter.bound, typeParameter);
return b;
* Serialize the given [type] into an [UnlinkedTypeRef].
UnlinkedTypeRefBuilder serializeTypeRef(DartType type, Element context) {
UnlinkedTypeRefBuilder b = new UnlinkedTypeRefBuilder(ctx);
if (type is TypeParameterType) {
b.paramReference = findTypeParameterIndex(type, context);
} else {
Element element = type.element;
LibraryElement dependentLibrary = element.library;
if (dependentLibrary == null) {
if (type is UndefinedTypeImpl) {
b.reference = serializeUnresolvedReference();
} else {
b.reference = serializeDynamicReference();
} else {
b.reference = referenceMap.putIfAbsent(element, () {
assert(unlinkedReferences.length == prelinkedReferences.length);
CompilationUnitElement unitElement =
element.getAncestor((Element e) => e is CompilationUnitElement);
int unit = dependentLibrary.units.indexOf(unitElement);
assert(unit != -1);
int numTypeParameters = 0;
if (element is TypeParameterizedElement) {
numTypeParameters = element.typeParameters.length;
int index = unlinkedReferences.length;
// TODO(paulberry): set UnlinkedReference.prefix.
.add(encodeUnlinkedReference(ctx, name:;
dependency: serializeDependency(dependentLibrary),
kind: element is FunctionTypeAliasElement
? PrelinkedReferenceKind.typedef
: PrelinkedReferenceKind.classOrEnum,
unit: unit,
numTypeParameters: numTypeParameters));
return index;
List<DartType> typeArguments;
if (type is InterfaceType) {
typeArguments = type.typeArguments;
} else if (type is FunctionType) {
typeArguments = type.typeArguments;
if (typeArguments != null &&
typeArguments.any((DartType argument) => !argument.isDynamic)) {
b.typeArguments = typeArguments
.map((DartType t) => serializeTypeRef(t, context))
return b;
* Return the index of the entry in the references table
* ([UnlinkedLibrary.references] and [PrelinkedLibrary.references]) used for
* unresolved references. A new entry is added to the table if necessary to
* satisfy the request.
int serializeUnresolvedReference() {
// TODO(paulberry): in order for relinking to work, we need to record the
// name and prefix of the unresolved symbol. This is not (yet) encoded in
// the element model.
if (unresolvedReferenceIndex == null) {
assert(unlinkedReferences.length == prelinkedReferences.length);
unresolvedReferenceIndex = unlinkedReferences.length;
kind: PrelinkedReferenceKind.unresolved));
return unresolvedReferenceIndex;
* Serialize the given [variable], creating an [UnlinkedVariable].
UnlinkedVariableBuilder serializeVariable(PropertyInducingElement variable) {
UnlinkedVariableBuilder b = new UnlinkedVariableBuilder(ctx); =;
b.type = serializeTypeRef(variable.type, variable);
b.isStatic = variable.isStatic && variable.enclosingElement is ClassElement;
b.isFinal = variable.isFinal;
b.isConst = variable.isConst;
b.hasImplicitType = variable.hasImplicitType;
return b;