blob: a0c1f30cc82c9a5f67a44f3c3a31c5d63e7ce271 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/compiler/ffi/native_calling_convention.h"
#include "vm/compiler/ffi/native_location.h"
#include "vm/compiler/ffi/native_type.h"
#include "vm/zone_text_buffer.h"
#if !defined(FFI_UNIT_TESTS)
#include "vm/cpu.h"
namespace dart {
namespace compiler {
namespace ffi {
const intptr_t kNoFpuRegister = -1;
#if !defined(FFI_UNIT_TESTS)
// In Soft FP, floats and doubles get passed in integer registers.
static bool SoftFpAbi() {
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
return !TargetCPUFeatures::hardfp_supported();
return false;
#else // !defined(FFI_UNIT_TESTS)
static bool SoftFpAbi() {
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM) && defined(TARGET_OS_ANDROID)
return true;
return false;
#endif // !defined(FFI_UNIT_TESTS)
// In Soft FP, floats are treated as 4 byte ints, and doubles as 8 byte ints.
static const NativeType& ConvertIfSoftFp(Zone* zone, const NativeType& rep) {
if (SoftFpAbi() && rep.IsFloat()) {
if (rep.SizeInBytes() == 4) {
return *new (zone) NativePrimitiveType(kInt32);
if (rep.SizeInBytes() == 8) {
return *new (zone) NativePrimitiveType(kInt64);
return rep;
// The native dual of `kUnboxedFfiIntPtr`.
// It has the same signedness as `kUnboxedFfiIntPtr` to avoid sign conversions
// when converting between both.
const PrimitiveType kFfiIntPtr =
compiler::target::kWordSize == 8 ? kInt64 : kUint32;
// Represents the state of a stack frame going into a call, between allocations
// of argument locations.
class ArgumentAllocator : public ValueObject {
explicit ArgumentAllocator(Zone* zone) : zone_(zone) {}
const NativeLocation& AllocateArgument(const NativeType& payload_type) {
const auto& payload_type_converted = ConvertIfSoftFp(zone_, payload_type);
if (payload_type_converted.IsFloat()) {
return AllocateFloat(payload_type);
if (payload_type_converted.IsInt()) {
return AllocateInt(payload_type);
// Compounds are laid out differently per ABI, so they are implemented
// per ABI.
// Compounds always have a PointerToMemory, Stack, or Multiple location,
// even if the parts of a compound fit in 1 cpu or fpu register it will
// be nested in a MultipleNativeLocations.
const NativeCompoundType& compound_type = payload_type.AsCompound();
return AllocateCompound(compound_type);
const NativeLocation& AllocateFloat(const NativeType& payload_type) {
const auto kind = FpuRegKind(payload_type);
const intptr_t reg_index = FirstFreeFpuRegisterIndex(kind);
if (reg_index != kNoFpuRegister) {
AllocateFpuRegisterAtIndex(kind, reg_index);
if (CallingConventions::kArgumentIntRegXorFpuReg) {
return *new (zone_) NativeFpuRegistersLocation(payload_type, payload_type,
kind, reg_index);
if (CallingConventions::kArgumentIntRegXorFpuReg) {
ASSERT(cpu_regs_used == CallingConventions::kNumArgRegs);
return AllocateStack(payload_type);
const NativeLocation& AllocateInt(const NativeType& payload_type) {
const auto& payload_type_converted = ConvertIfSoftFp(zone_, payload_type);
// Some calling conventions require the callee to make the lowest 32 bits
// in registers non-garbage.
const auto& container_type =
CallingConventions::kArgumentRegisterExtension == kExtendedTo4
? payload_type_converted.WidenTo4Bytes(zone_)
: payload_type_converted;
if (target::kWordSize == 4 && payload_type.SizeInBytes() == 8) {
if (CallingConventions::kArgumentRegisterAlignment ==
kAlignedToWordSizeBut8AlignedTo8) {
cpu_regs_used += cpu_regs_used % 2;
if (cpu_regs_used + 2 <= CallingConventions::kNumArgRegs) {
const Register register_1 = AllocateCpuRegister();
const Register register_2 = AllocateCpuRegister();
return *new (zone_) NativeRegistersLocation(
zone_, payload_type, container_type, register_1, register_2);
} else {
ASSERT(payload_type.SizeInBytes() <= target::kWordSize);
if (cpu_regs_used + 1 <= CallingConventions::kNumArgRegs) {
return *new (zone_) NativeRegistersLocation(
zone_, payload_type, container_type, AllocateCpuRegister());
return AllocateStack(payload_type);
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64) && !defined(TARGET_OS_WINDOWS)
// If fits in two fpu and/or cpu registers, transfer in those. Otherwise,
// transfer on stack.
const NativeLocation& AllocateCompound(
const NativeCompoundType& payload_type) {
const intptr_t size = payload_type.SizeInBytes();
if (size <= 16 && size > 0) {
intptr_t required_regs =
intptr_t required_xmm_regs =
const bool regs_available =
cpu_regs_used + required_regs <= CallingConventions::kNumArgRegs;
const bool fpu_regs_available =
FirstFreeFpuRegisterIndex(kQuadFpuReg) != kNoFpuRegister &&
FirstFreeFpuRegisterIndex(kQuadFpuReg) + required_xmm_regs <=
if (regs_available && fpu_regs_available) {
// Transfer in registers.
NativeLocations& multiple_locations = *new (zone_) NativeLocations(
zone_, required_regs + required_xmm_regs);
for (intptr_t offset = 0; offset < size;
offset += compiler::target::kWordSize) {
if (payload_type.ContainsOnlyFloats(Range::StartAndEnd(
offset, Utils::Minimum<intptr_t>(size, offset + 8)))) {
const intptr_t reg_index = FirstFreeFpuRegisterIndex(kQuadFpuReg);
AllocateFpuRegisterAtIndex(kQuadFpuReg, reg_index);
const auto& type = *new (zone_) NativePrimitiveType(kDouble);
multiple_locations.Add(new (zone_) NativeFpuRegistersLocation(
type, type, kQuadFpuReg, reg_index));
} else {
const auto& type = *new (zone_) NativePrimitiveType(kInt64);
multiple_locations.Add(new (zone_) NativeRegistersLocation(
zone_, type, type, AllocateCpuRegister()));
return *new (zone_)
MultipleNativeLocations(payload_type, multiple_locations);
return AllocateStack(payload_type);
#endif // defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64) && !defined(TARGET_OS_WINDOWS)
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64) && defined(TARGET_OS_WINDOWS)
// If struct fits in a single register and size is a power of two, then
// use a single register and sign extend.
// Otherwise, pass a pointer to a copy.
const NativeLocation& AllocateCompound(
const NativeCompoundType& payload_type) {
const NativeCompoundType& compound_type = payload_type.AsCompound();
const intptr_t size = compound_type.SizeInBytes();
if (size <= 8 && Utils::IsPowerOfTwo(size)) {
if (cpu_regs_used < CallingConventions::kNumArgRegs) {
NativeLocations& multiple_locations =
*new (zone_) NativeLocations(zone_, 1);
const auto& type = *new (zone_) NativePrimitiveType(
multiple_locations.Add(new (zone_) NativeRegistersLocation(
zone_, type, type, AllocateCpuRegister()));
return *new (zone_)
MultipleNativeLocations(compound_type, multiple_locations);
} else if (size > 0) {
// Pointer in register if available, else pointer on stack.
const auto& pointer_type = *new (zone_) NativePrimitiveType(kFfiIntPtr);
const auto& pointer_location = AllocateArgument(pointer_type);
return *new (zone_)
PointerToMemoryLocation(pointer_location, compound_type);
return AllocateStack(payload_type);
#endif // defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64) && defined(TARGET_OS_WINDOWS)
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
const NativeLocation& AllocateCompound(
const NativeCompoundType& payload_type) {
return AllocateStack(payload_type);
#endif // defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
// Transfer homogenuous floats in FPU registers, and allocate the rest
// in 4 or 8 size chunks in registers and stack.
const NativeLocation& AllocateCompound(
const NativeCompoundType& payload_type) {
const auto& compound_type = payload_type.AsCompound();
if (compound_type.ContainsHomogenuousFloats() && !SoftFpAbi() &&
compound_type.NumPrimitiveMembersRecursive() <= 4) {
const auto& elem_type = compound_type.FirstPrimitiveMember();
const intptr_t size = compound_type.SizeInBytes();
const intptr_t elem_size = elem_type.SizeInBytes();
const auto reg_kind = FpuRegisterKindFromSize(elem_size);
ASSERT(size % elem_size == 0);
const intptr_t num_registers = size / elem_size;
const intptr_t first_reg =
FirstFreeFpuRegisterIndex(reg_kind, num_registers);
if (first_reg != kNoFpuRegister) {
AllocateFpuRegisterAtIndex(reg_kind, first_reg, num_registers);
NativeLocations& multiple_locations =
*new (zone_) NativeLocations(zone_, num_registers);
for (int i = 0; i < num_registers; i++) {
const intptr_t reg_index = first_reg + i;
multiple_locations.Add(new (zone_) NativeFpuRegistersLocation(
elem_type, elem_type, reg_kind, reg_index));
return *new (zone_)
MultipleNativeLocations(compound_type, multiple_locations);
} else {
return AllocateStack(payload_type);
} else {
const intptr_t chunck_size = payload_type.AlignmentInBytesStack();
ASSERT(chunck_size == 4 || chunck_size == 8);
const intptr_t size_rounded =
Utils::RoundUp(payload_type.SizeInBytes(), chunck_size);
const intptr_t num_chuncks = size_rounded / chunck_size;
const auto& chuck_type =
*new (zone_) NativePrimitiveType(chunck_size == 4 ? kInt32 : kInt64);
NativeLocations& multiple_locations =
*new (zone_) NativeLocations(zone_, num_chuncks);
for (int i = 0; i < num_chuncks; i++) {
const auto& allocated_chunk = &AllocateArgument(chuck_type);
// The last chunk should not be 8 bytes, if the struct only has 4
// remaining bytes to be allocated.
if (i == num_chuncks - 1 && chunck_size == 8 &&
Utils::RoundUp(payload_type.SizeInBytes(), 4) % 8 == 4) {
const auto& small_chuck_type = *new (zone_) NativePrimitiveType(
chunck_size == 4 ? kInt32 : kInt64);
zone_, small_chuck_type, small_chuck_type));
} else {
return *new (zone_)
MultipleNativeLocations(compound_type, multiple_locations);
#endif // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM64)
// Slightly different from Arm32. FPU registers don't alias the same way,
// structs up to 16 bytes block remaining registers if they do not fit in
// registers, and larger structs go on stack always.
const NativeLocation& AllocateCompound(
const NativeCompoundType& payload_type) {
const auto& compound_type = payload_type.AsCompound();
const intptr_t size = compound_type.SizeInBytes();
if (compound_type.ContainsHomogenuousFloats() &&
compound_type.NumPrimitiveMembersRecursive() <= 4) {
const auto& elem_type = compound_type.FirstPrimitiveMember();
const intptr_t elem_size = elem_type.SizeInBytes();
const auto reg_kind = kQuadFpuReg;
ASSERT(size % elem_size == 0);
const intptr_t num_registers = size / elem_size;
const intptr_t first_reg =
FirstFreeFpuRegisterIndex(reg_kind, num_registers);
if (first_reg != kNoFpuRegister) {
AllocateFpuRegisterAtIndex(reg_kind, first_reg, num_registers);
NativeLocations& multiple_locations =
*new (zone_) NativeLocations(zone_, num_registers);
for (int i = 0; i < num_registers; i++) {
const intptr_t reg_index = first_reg + i;
multiple_locations.Add(new (zone_) NativeFpuRegistersLocation(
elem_type, elem_type, reg_kind, reg_index));
return *new (zone_)
MultipleNativeLocations(compound_type, multiple_locations);
return AllocateStack(payload_type);
if (size <= 16) {
const intptr_t required_regs = size / 8;
const bool regs_available =
cpu_regs_used + required_regs <= CallingConventions::kNumArgRegs;
if (regs_available) {
const intptr_t size_rounded =
Utils::RoundUp(payload_type.SizeInBytes(), 8);
const intptr_t num_chuncks = size_rounded / 8;
const auto& chuck_type = *new (zone_) NativePrimitiveType(kInt64);
NativeLocations& multiple_locations =
*new (zone_) NativeLocations(zone_, num_chuncks);
for (int i = 0; i < num_chuncks; i++) {
const auto& allocated_chunk = &AllocateArgument(chuck_type);
return *new (zone_)
MultipleNativeLocations(compound_type, multiple_locations);
} else {
// Block all CPU registers.
cpu_regs_used = CallingConventions::kNumArgRegs;
return AllocateStack(payload_type);
const auto& pointer_location =
AllocateArgument(*new (zone_) NativePrimitiveType(kInt64));
return *new (zone_)
PointerToMemoryLocation(pointer_location, compound_type);
#endif // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM64)
static FpuRegisterKind FpuRegKind(const NativeType& payload_type) {
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
return FpuRegisterKindFromSize(payload_type.SizeInBytes());
return kQuadFpuReg;
Register AllocateCpuRegister() {
RELEASE_ASSERT(cpu_regs_used >= 0); // Avoids -Werror=array-bounds in GCC.
ASSERT(cpu_regs_used < CallingConventions::kNumArgRegs);
const auto result = CallingConventions::ArgumentRegisters[cpu_regs_used];
if (CallingConventions::kArgumentIntRegXorFpuReg) {
AllocateFpuRegisterAtIndex(kQuadFpuReg, cpu_regs_used);
return result;
const NativeLocation& AllocateStack(const NativeType& payload_type) {
const intptr_t size = payload_type.SizeInBytes();
// If the stack arguments are not packed, the 32 lowest bits should not
// contain garbage.
const auto& container_type =
CallingConventions::kArgumentStackExtension == kExtendedTo4
? payload_type.WidenTo4Bytes(zone_)
: payload_type;
const auto& result = *new (zone_) NativeStackLocation(
payload_type, container_type, CallingConventions::kStackPointerRegister,
stack_height_in_bytes += size;
return result;
void align_stack(intptr_t alignment) {
stack_height_in_bytes = Utils::RoundUp(stack_height_in_bytes, alignment);
int NumFpuRegisters(FpuRegisterKind kind) {
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
if (SoftFpAbi()) return 0;
if (kind == kSingleFpuReg) return CallingConventions::kNumSFpuArgRegs;
if (kind == kDoubleFpuReg) return CallingConventions::kNumDFpuArgRegs;
#endif // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
if (kind == kQuadFpuReg) return CallingConventions::kNumFpuArgRegs;
// If no register is free, returns -1.
int FirstFreeFpuRegisterIndex(FpuRegisterKind kind, int amount = 1) {
const intptr_t size = SizeFromFpuRegisterKind(kind) / 4;
ASSERT(size == 1 || size == 2 || size == 4);
if (fpu_reg_parts_used == -1) return kNoFpuRegister;
const intptr_t mask = (1 << (size * amount)) - 1;
intptr_t index = 0;
while (index + amount <= NumFpuRegisters(kind)) {
const intptr_t mask_shifted = mask << (index * size);
if ((fpu_reg_parts_used & mask_shifted) == 0) {
return index;
return kNoFpuRegister;
void AllocateFpuRegisterAtIndex(FpuRegisterKind kind,
int index,
int amount = 1) {
const intptr_t size = SizeFromFpuRegisterKind(kind) / 4;
ASSERT(size == 1 || size == 2 || size == 4);
const intptr_t mask = (1 << size * amount) - 1;
const intptr_t mask_shifted = (mask << (index * size));
ASSERT((mask_shifted & fpu_reg_parts_used) == 0);
fpu_reg_parts_used |= mask_shifted;
// > The back-filling continues only so long as no VFP CPRC has been
// > allocated to a slot on the stack.
// Procedure Call Standard for the Arm Architecture, Release 2019Q1.1
// Chapter 7.1 page 28.
// Irrelevant on Android and iOS, as those are both SoftFP.
// > For floating-point arguments, the Base Standard variant of the
// > Procedure Call Standard is used. In this variant, floating-point
// > (and vector) arguments are passed in general purpose registers
// > (GPRs) instead of in VFP registers)
void BlockAllFpuRegisters() {
// Set all bits to 1.
fpu_reg_parts_used = -1;
intptr_t cpu_regs_used = 0;
// Every bit denotes 32 bits of FPU registers.
intptr_t fpu_reg_parts_used = 0;
intptr_t stack_height_in_bytes = 0;
Zone* zone_;
// Location for the arguments of a C signature function.
static NativeLocations& ArgumentLocations(
Zone* zone,
const ZoneGrowableArray<const NativeType*>& arg_reps,
const NativeLocation& return_location) {
intptr_t num_arguments = arg_reps.length();
auto& result = *new (zone) NativeLocations(zone, num_arguments);
// Loop through all arguments and assign a register or a stack location.
// Allocate result pointer for composite returns first.
ArgumentAllocator frame_state(zone);
#if !defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM64)
// Arm64 allocates the pointer in R8, which is not an argument location.
if (return_location.IsPointerToMemory()) {
const auto& pointer_location =
const auto& pointer_location_allocated =
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_arguments; i++) {
const NativeType& rep = *arg_reps[i];
return result;
#if !defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
static const NativeLocation& PointerToMemoryResultLocation(
Zone* zone,
const NativeCompoundType& payload_type) {
const auto& pointer_type = *new (zone) NativePrimitiveType(kFfiIntPtr);
const auto& pointer_location = *new (zone) NativeRegistersLocation(
zone, pointer_type, pointer_type,
const auto& pointer_return_location = *new (zone) NativeRegistersLocation(
zone, pointer_type, pointer_type,
return *new (zone) PointerToMemoryLocation(
pointer_location, pointer_return_location, payload_type);
#endif // !defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
// ia32 Passes pointers to result locations on the stack.
static const NativeLocation& PointerToMemoryResultLocation(
Zone* zone,
const NativeCompoundType& payload_type) {
const auto& pointer_type = *new (zone) NativePrimitiveType(kFfiIntPtr);
const auto& pointer_location = *new (zone) NativeStackLocation(
pointer_type, pointer_type, CallingConventions::kStackPointerRegister, 0);
const auto& pointer_return_location = *new (zone) NativeRegistersLocation(
zone, pointer_type, pointer_type,
return *new (zone) PointerToMemoryLocation(
pointer_location, pointer_return_location, payload_type);
#endif // defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64) && !defined(TARGET_OS_WINDOWS)
static const NativeLocation& CompoundResultLocation(
Zone* zone,
const NativeCompoundType& payload_type) {
const intptr_t size = payload_type.SizeInBytes();
if (size <= 16 && size > 0) {
// Allocate the same as argument, but use return registers instead of
// argument registers.
NativeLocations& multiple_locations =
*new (zone) NativeLocations(zone, size > 8 ? 2 : 1);
intptr_t used_regs = 0;
intptr_t used_xmm_regs = 0;
const auto& double_type = *new (zone) NativePrimitiveType(kDouble);
const auto& int64_type = *new (zone) NativePrimitiveType(kInt64);
const bool first_half_in_xmm = payload_type.ContainsOnlyFloats(
Range::StartAndEnd(0, Utils::Minimum<intptr_t>(size, 8)));
if (first_half_in_xmm) {
multiple_locations.Add(new (zone) NativeFpuRegistersLocation(
double_type, double_type, kQuadFpuReg,
} else {
multiple_locations.Add(new (zone) NativeRegistersLocation(
zone, int64_type, int64_type, CallingConventions::kReturnReg));
if (size > 8) {
const bool second_half_in_xmm = payload_type.ContainsOnlyFloats(
Range::StartAndEnd(8, Utils::Minimum<intptr_t>(size, 16)));
if (second_half_in_xmm) {
const FpuRegister reg = used_xmm_regs == 0
? CallingConventions::kReturnFpuReg
: CallingConventions::kSecondReturnFpuReg;
multiple_locations.Add(new (zone) NativeFpuRegistersLocation(
double_type, double_type, kQuadFpuReg, reg));
} else {
const Register reg = used_regs == 0
? CallingConventions::kReturnReg
: CallingConventions::kSecondReturnReg;
multiple_locations.Add(new (zone) NativeRegistersLocation(
zone, int64_type, int64_type, reg));
return *new (zone)
MultipleNativeLocations(payload_type, multiple_locations);
return PointerToMemoryResultLocation(zone, payload_type);
#endif // defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64) && !defined(TARGET_OS_WINDOWS)
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64) && defined(TARGET_OS_WINDOWS)
// If struct fits in a single register do that, and sign extend.
// Otherwise, pass a pointer to memory.
static const NativeLocation& CompoundResultLocation(
Zone* zone,
const NativeCompoundType& payload_type) {
const intptr_t size = payload_type.SizeInBytes();
if (size <= 8 && size > 0 && Utils::IsPowerOfTwo(size)) {
NativeLocations& multiple_locations = *new (zone) NativeLocations(zone, 1);
const auto& type =
*new (zone) NativePrimitiveType(PrimitiveTypeFromSizeInBytes(size));
multiple_locations.Add(new (zone) NativeRegistersLocation(
zone, type, type, CallingConventions::kReturnReg));
return *new (zone)
MultipleNativeLocations(payload_type, multiple_locations);
return PointerToMemoryResultLocation(zone, payload_type);
#endif // defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64) && defined(TARGET_OS_WINDOWS)
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32) && !defined(TARGET_OS_WINDOWS)
static const NativeLocation& CompoundResultLocation(
Zone* zone,
const NativeCompoundType& payload_type) {
return PointerToMemoryResultLocation(zone, payload_type);
#endif // defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32) && !defined(TARGET_OS_WINDOWS)
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32) && defined(TARGET_OS_WINDOWS)
// Windows uses up to two return registers, while Linux does not.
static const NativeLocation& CompoundResultLocation(
Zone* zone,
const NativeCompoundType& payload_type) {
const intptr_t size = payload_type.SizeInBytes();
if (size <= 8 && Utils::IsPowerOfTwo(size)) {
NativeLocations& multiple_locations =
*new (zone) NativeLocations(zone, size > 4 ? 2 : 1);
const auto& type = *new (zone) NativePrimitiveType(kUint32);
multiple_locations.Add(new (zone) NativeRegistersLocation(
zone, type, type, CallingConventions::kReturnReg));
if (size > 4) {
multiple_locations.Add(new (zone) NativeRegistersLocation(
zone, type, type, CallingConventions::kSecondReturnReg));
return *new (zone)
MultipleNativeLocations(payload_type, multiple_locations);
return PointerToMemoryResultLocation(zone, payload_type);
#endif // defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32) && defined(TARGET_OS_WINDOWS)
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
// Arm passes homogenous float return values in FPU registers and small
// composities in a single integer register. The rest is stored into the
// location passed in by pointer.
static const NativeLocation& CompoundResultLocation(
Zone* zone,
const NativeCompoundType& payload_type) {
const intptr_t num_members = payload_type.NumPrimitiveMembersRecursive();
if (payload_type.ContainsHomogenuousFloats() && !SoftFpAbi() &&
num_members <= 4) {
NativeLocations& multiple_locations =
*new (zone) NativeLocations(zone, num_members);
for (int i = 0; i < num_members; i++) {
const auto& member = payload_type.FirstPrimitiveMember();
multiple_locations.Add(new (zone) NativeFpuRegistersLocation(
member, member, FpuRegisterKindFromSize(member.SizeInBytes()), i));
return *new (zone)
MultipleNativeLocations(payload_type, multiple_locations);
const intptr_t size = payload_type.SizeInBytes();
if (size <= 4) {
NativeLocations& multiple_locations = *new (zone) NativeLocations(zone, 1);
const auto& type = *new (zone) NativePrimitiveType(kUint32);
multiple_locations.Add(new (zone)
NativeRegistersLocation(zone, type, type, R0));
return *new (zone)
MultipleNativeLocations(payload_type, multiple_locations);
return PointerToMemoryResultLocation(zone, payload_type);
#endif // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM64)
// If allocated to integer or fpu registers as argument, same for return,
// otherwise a pointer to the result location is passed in.
static const NativeLocation& CompoundResultLocation(
Zone* zone,
const NativeCompoundType& payload_type) {
ArgumentAllocator frame_state(zone);
const auto& location_as_argument = frame_state.AllocateArgument(payload_type);
if (!location_as_argument.IsStack() &&
!location_as_argument.IsPointerToMemory()) {
return location_as_argument;
return PointerToMemoryResultLocation(zone, payload_type);
#endif // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM64)
// Location for the result of a C signature function.
static const NativeLocation& ResultLocation(Zone* zone,
const NativeType& payload_type) {
const auto& payload_type_converted = ConvertIfSoftFp(zone, payload_type);
const auto& container_type =
CallingConventions::kReturnRegisterExtension == kExtendedTo4
? payload_type_converted.WidenTo4Bytes(zone)
: payload_type_converted;
if (container_type.IsFloat()) {
return *new (zone) NativeFpuRegistersLocation(
payload_type, container_type, CallingConventions::kReturnFpuReg);
if (container_type.IsInt() || container_type.IsVoid()) {
if (container_type.SizeInBytes() == 8 && target::kWordSize == 4) {
return *new (zone) NativeRegistersLocation(
zone, payload_type, container_type, CallingConventions::kReturnReg,
ASSERT(container_type.SizeInBytes() <= target::kWordSize);
return *new (zone) NativeRegistersLocation(
zone, payload_type, container_type, CallingConventions::kReturnReg);
// Compounds are laid out differently per ABI, so they are implemented
// per ABI.
const auto& compound_type = payload_type.AsCompound();
return CompoundResultLocation(zone, compound_type);
const NativeCallingConvention& NativeCallingConvention::FromSignature(
Zone* zone,
const NativeFunctionType& signature) {
// With struct return values, a possible pointer to a return value can
// occupy an argument position. Hence, allocate return value first.
const auto& return_location = ResultLocation(zone, signature.return_type());
const auto& argument_locations =
ArgumentLocations(zone, signature.argument_types(), return_location);
return *new (zone)
NativeCallingConvention(argument_locations, return_location);
intptr_t NativeCallingConvention::StackTopInBytes() const {
const intptr_t num_arguments = argument_locations_.length();
intptr_t max_height_in_bytes = 0;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_arguments; i++) {
max_height_in_bytes = Utils::Maximum(
max_height_in_bytes, argument_locations_[i]->StackTopInBytes());
return Utils::RoundUp(max_height_in_bytes, compiler::target::kWordSize);
void NativeCallingConvention::PrintTo(BaseTextBuffer* f,
bool multi_line) const {
if (!multi_line) {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < argument_locations_.length(); i++) {
if (i > 0) {
if (multi_line) {
} else {
f->AddString(", ");
if (multi_line) {
} else {
f->AddString(") => ");
if (multi_line) {
const char* NativeCallingConvention::ToCString(Zone* zone,
bool multi_line) const {
ZoneTextBuffer textBuffer(zone);
PrintTo(&textBuffer, multi_line);
return textBuffer.buffer();
#if !defined(FFI_UNIT_TESTS)
const char* NativeCallingConvention::ToCString(bool multi_line) const {
return ToCString(Thread::Current()->zone(), multi_line);
} // namespace ffi
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace dart