blob: 8aba8f4890896fd8190aec5a505be98e92b72a0e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.7
// Test that factory methods with bodies are stubbed correctly in static interop
// type erasure.
library factory_stub_test;
import 'dart:_interceptors' show JavaScriptObject;
import 'package:js/js.dart';
import '../native_testing.dart';
import '../native_testing.dart' as native_testing;
NativeClass makeNativeClass() native;
class NativeClass extends JavaScriptObject {
factory NativeClass() => makeNativeClass();
class StaticNativeClass {
external StaticNativeClass();
factory StaticNativeClass.redirectingFactory() = StaticNativeClass;
factory StaticNativeClass.simpleFactory() => StaticNativeClass();
factory StaticNativeClass.factoryWithParam(
StaticNativeClass staticNativeClass) =>
// This and `StaticNativeClassCopy.nestedFactory` exist to ensure that we
// cover the case where invocations on factories are visible before their
// declarations in the AST. This will test whether we correctly create the
// stub even if we haven't visited the declaration yet.
factory StaticNativeClass.nestedFactory() {
return StaticNativeClass();
class StaticNativeClassCopy {
external StaticNativeClassCopy();
factory StaticNativeClassCopy.nestedFactory() {
return StaticNativeClassCopy();
void main() {
native_testing.JS('', r'''
function NativeClass() {}
self.NativeClass = NativeClass;
self.makeNativeClass = function(){return new NativeClass()};
// Make the Native class live.
// Invoke factories and ensure they're typed correctly through assignment.
StaticNativeClass staticNativeClass = StaticNativeClass.redirectingFactory();
staticNativeClass = StaticNativeClass.simpleFactory();
staticNativeClass = StaticNativeClass.factoryWithParam(staticNativeClass);
staticNativeClass = StaticNativeClass.nestedFactory();