blob: 2c71e42f903afa02724d4678f32de127896a8191 [file] [log] [blame]
part of serialization;
* An abstract class for serialization formats. Subclasses define how data
* is read or written to a particular output mechanism.
abstract class Format {
const Format();
* Return true if this format stores primitives in their own area and uses
* references to them (e.g. [SimpleFlatFormat]) and false if primitives
* are stored directly (e.g. [SimpleJsonFormat], [SimpleMapFormat]).
bool get shouldUseReferencesForPrimitives => false;
* Generate output for [w] and return it. The particular form of the output
* will depend on the format. The format can assume that [w] has data
* generated by rules in a series of lists, and that each list will contain
* either primitives (null, bool, num, String), Lists or Maps. The Lists or
* Maps may contain any of the same things recursively, or may contain
* Reference objects. For lists and maps the rule will tell us if they can
* be of variable length or not. The format is allowed to operate
* destructively on the rule data.
generateOutput(Writer w);
* Read the data from [input] in the context of [reader] and return it as a
* Map with entries for "roots", "data" and "rules", which the reader knows
* how to interpret. The type of [input] will depend on the particular format.
Map<String, dynamic> read(input, Reader reader);
* This is the most basic format, which provides the internal representation
* of the serialization, exposing the Reference objects.
class InternalMapFormat extends Format {
const InternalMapFormat();
* Generate output for this format from [w] and return it as a nested Map
* structure. The top level has
* 3 fields, "rules" which may hold a definition of the rules used,
* "data" which holds the serialized data, and "roots", which holds
* [Reference] objects indicating the root objects. Note that roots are
* necessary because the data is not organized in the same way as the object
* structure, it's a list of lists holding self-contained maps which only
* refer to other parts via [Reference] objects.
Map<String, dynamic> generateOutput(Writer w) {
var result = {
"rules" : w.serializedRules(),
"data" : w.states,
"roots" : w._rootReferences()
return result;
* Read serialized data written from this format
* and return the nested Map representation described in [generateOutput]. If
* the data also includes rule definitions, then these will replace the rules
* in the [Serialization] for [reader].
Map<String, dynamic> read(Map<String, dynamic> topLevel, Reader reader) {
var ruleString = topLevel["rules"];
reader._data = topLevel["data"];
topLevel["roots"] = topLevel["roots"];
return topLevel;
* A format that stores the data in maps which can be converted into a JSON
* string or passed through an isolate. Note that this consists of maps, but
* that they don't follow the original object structure or look like the nested
* maps of a [json] representation. They are flat, and [Reference] objects
* are converted into a map form that will not make sense to
* anything but this format. For simple acyclic JSON that other programs
* can read, use [SimpleJsonFormat]. This is the default format, and is
* easier to read than the more efficient [SimpleFlatFormat].
class SimpleMapFormat extends InternalMapFormat {
const SimpleMapFormat();
* Generate output for this format from [w] and return it as a String which
* is the [json] representation of a nested Map structure. The top level has
* 3 fields, "rules" which may hold a definition of the rules used,
* "data" which holds the serialized data, and "roots", which holds
* [Reference] objects indicating the root objects. Note that roots are
* necessary because the data is not organized in the same way as the object
* structure, it's a list of lists holding self-contained maps which only
* refer to other parts via [Reference] objects.
* This effectively defines a custom JSON serialization format, although
* the details of the format vary depending which rules were used.
Map<String, dynamic> generateOutput(Writer w) {
forAllStates(w, (x) => x is Reference, referenceToMap);
var result = super.generateOutput(w);
result["roots"] = result["roots"].map(
(x) => x is Reference ? referenceToMap(x) : x).toList();
return result;
* Convert the data generated by the rules to have maps with the fields
* of [Reference] objects instead of the [Reference] so that the structure
* can be serialized between isolates and json easily.
forAllStates(ReaderOrWriter w, bool predicate(value),
void transform(value)) {
for (var eachRule in w.rules) {
var ruleData = w.states[eachRule.number];
for (var data in ruleData) {
keysAndValues(data).forEach((key, value) {
if (predicate(value)) {
data[key] = transform(value);
/** Convert the reference to a [json] serializable form. */
Map<String, int> referenceToMap(Reference ref) => ref == null ? null :
"__Ref" : 0,
"rule" : ref.ruleNumber,
"object" : ref.objectNumber
* Convert the [referenceToMap] form for a reference back to a [Reference]
* object.
Reference mapToReference(ReaderOrWriter parent, Map<String, int> ref) =>
ref == null ? null : new Reference(parent, ref["rule"], ref["object"]);
* Read serialized data written in this format
* and return the nested Map representation described in [generateOutput]. If
* the data also includes rule definitions, then these will replace the rules
* in the [Serialization] for [reader].
Map<String, dynamic> read(Map<String, dynamic> topLevel, Reader reader) {, reader);
(ref) => ref is Map && ref["__Ref"] != null,
(ref) => mapToReference(reader, ref));
topLevel["roots"] = topLevel["roots"]
.map((x) => x is Map<String, int> ? mapToReference(reader, x) : x)
return topLevel;
* A format for "normal" [json] representation of objects. It stores
* the fields of the objects as nested maps, and doesn't allow cycles. This can
* be useful in talking to existing APIs that expect [json] format data. The
* output will be either a simple object (string, num, bool), a List, or a Map,
* with nesting of those.
* Note that since the classes of objects aren't normally stored, this isn't
* enough information to read back the objects. However, if the
* If the [storeRoundTripInfo] field of the format is set to true, then this
* will store the rule number along with the data, allowing reconstruction.
class SimpleJsonFormat extends SimpleMapFormat {
* Indicate if we should store rule numbers with map/list data so that we
* will know how to reconstruct it with a read operation. If we don't, this
* will be more compliant with things that expect known format JSON as input,
* but we won't be able to read back the objects.
final bool storeRoundTripInfo;
* If we store the rule numbers, what key should we use to store them.
static const String RULE = "_rule";
static const String RULES = "_rules";
static const String DATA = "_data";
static const String ROOTS = "_root";
const SimpleJsonFormat({this.storeRoundTripInfo : false});
* Generate output for this format from [w] and return it as
* the [json] representation of a nested Map structure.
generateOutput(Writer w) {
var root = w._rootReferences().first;
if (root is Reference) root = w.stateForReference(root);
if (w.selfDescribing && storeRoundTripInfo) {
root = new Map()
..[RULES] = w.serializedRules()
..[DATA] = root;
return root;
* Convert the data generated by the rules to have nested maps instead
* of Reference objects and to add rule numbers if [storeRoundTripInfo]
* is true.
jsonify(Writer w) {
for (var eachRule in w.rules) {
var ruleData = w.states[eachRule.number];
jsonifyForRule(ruleData, w, eachRule);
* For a particular [rule] modify the [ruleData] to conform to this format.
jsonifyForRule(List ruleData, Writer w, SerializationRule rule) {
for (var i = 0; i < ruleData.length; i++) {
var each = ruleData[i];
if (each is List) {
jsonifyEntry(each, w);
if (storeRoundTripInfo) ruleData[i].add(rule.number);
} else if (each is Map) {
jsonifyEntry(each, w);
if (storeRoundTripInfo) each[RULE] = rule.number;
* For one particular entry, which is either a Map or a List, update it
* to turn References into a nested List/Map.
jsonifyEntry(map, Writer w) {
// Note, if this is a Map, and the key might be a reference, we need to
// bend over backwards to avoid concurrent modifications. Non-string keys
// won't actually work if we try to write this to json, but might happen
// if e.g. sending between isolates.
var updates = new Map();
keysAndValues(map).forEach((key, value) {
if (value is Reference) updates[key] = w.stateForReference(value);
updates.forEach((k, v) => map[k] = v);
* Read serialized data saved in this format, which should look like
* either a simple type, a List or a Map and return the Map
* representation that the reader expects, with top-level
* entries for "rules", "data", and "roots". Nested lists/maps will be
* converted into Reference objects. Note that if the data was not written
* with [storeRoundTripInfo] true this will fail.
Map<String, dynamic> read(data, Reader reader) {
var result = new Map();
// Check the case of having been written without additional data and
// read as if it had been written with storeRoundTripData set.
if (reader.selfDescribing && !(data.containsKey(DATA))) {
throw new SerializationException("Missing $DATA entry, "
"may mean this was written and read with different values "
"of selfDescribing.");
// If we are self-describing, we should have separate rule and data
// sections. If not, we assume that we have just the data at the top level.
var rules = reader.selfDescribing ? data[RULES] : null;
var actualData = reader.selfDescribing ? data[DATA] : data;
var ruleData = new List.generate(reader.rules.length, (_) => []);
var top = recursivelyFixUp(actualData, reader, ruleData);
result["data"] = ruleData;
result["roots"] = [top];
return result;
* Convert nested references in [input] into [Reference] objects.
recursivelyFixUp(input, Reader r, List result) {
var data = input;
if (isPrimitive(data)) {
return data;
var ruleNumber;
// If we've added the rule number on as the last item in a list we have
// to get rid of it or it will be interpreted as extra data. For a map
// the library will be ok, but we need to get rid of the extra key before
// the data is shown to the user, so we destructively modify.
if (data is List) {
ruleNumber = data.last;
data = data.take(data.length - 1).toList();
} else if (data is Map) {
ruleNumber = data.remove(RULE);
} else {
throw new SerializationException("Invalid data format");
// Do not use map or other lazy operations for this. They do not play
// well with a function that destructively modifies its arguments.
var newData = mapValues(data, (each) => recursivelyFixUp(each, r, result));
return new Reference(r, ruleNumber, result[ruleNumber].length - 1);
* Writes to a simple mostly-flat format. Details are subject to change.
* Right now this produces a List containing null, num, and String. This is
* more space-efficient than the map formats, but much less human-readable.
* Simple usage is to turn this into JSON for transmission.
class SimpleFlatFormat extends Format {
bool get shouldUseReferencesForPrimitives => true;
* For each rule we store data to indicate whether it will be reconstructed
* as a primitive, a list or a map.
static const int STORED_AS_LIST = 1;
static const int STORED_AS_MAP = 2;
static const int STORED_AS_PRIMITIVE = 3;
const SimpleFlatFormat();
* Generate output for this format from [w]. This will return a List with
* three entries, corresponding to the "rules", "data", and "roots" from
* [SimpleMapFormat]. The data is stored as a single List containing
* primitives.
List generateOutput(Writer w) {
var result = new List(3);
var flatData = [];
for (var eachRule in w.rules) {
var ruleData = w.states[eachRule.number];
writeStateInto(eachRule, ruleData, flatData);
result[0] = w.serializedRules();
result[1] = flatData;
result[2] = [];
w._rootReferences().forEach((x) => x.writeToList(result[2]));
return result;
* Writes the data from [rule] into the [target] list.
void writeStateInto(SerializationRule rule, List ruleData, List target) {
if (!ruleData.isEmpty) {
var sample = ruleData.first;
if (rule.storesStateAsLists || sample is List) {
writeLists(rule, ruleData, target);
} else if (rule.storesStateAsMaps || sample is Map) {
writeMaps(rule, ruleData, target);
} else if (rule.storesStateAsPrimitives || isPrimitive(sample)) {
writeObjects(ruleData, target);
} else {
throw new SerializationException("Invalid data format");
} else {
// If there is no data, write a zero for the length.
* Write [entries], which contains Lists. Either the lists are variable
* length, in which case we add a length field, or they are fixed length, in
* which case we don't, and assume the [rule] will know how to read the
* right length when we read it back. We expect everything in the list to be
* a reference, which is stored as two numbers.
void writeLists(SerializationRule rule, List<List> entries, List target) {
for (var eachEntry in entries) {
if (rule.hasVariableLengthEntries) {
for (var eachReference in eachEntry) {
writeReference(eachReference, target);
* Write [entries], which contains Maps. Either the Maps are variable
* length, in which case we add a length field, or they are fixed length, in
* which case we don't, and assume the [rule] will know how to read the
* right length when we read it back. Then we write alternating keys and
* values. We expect the values to be references, which we store as
* two numbers.
void writeMaps(SerializationRule rule, List<Map> entries, List target) {
for (var eachEntry in entries) {
if (rule.hasVariableLengthEntries) {
eachEntry.forEach((key, value) {
writeReference(key, target);
writeReference(value, target);
* Write [entries], which contains simple objects which we can put directly
* into [target].
void writeObjects(List entries, List target) {
for (var each in entries) {
if (!isPrimitive(each)) throw new SerializationException("Invalid data");
* Write [eachRef] to [target]. It will be written as two ints. If [eachRef]
* is null it will be written as two nulls.
void writeReference(Reference eachRef, List target) {
// TODO(alanknight): Writing nulls is problematic in a real flat format.
if (eachRef == null) {
} else {
* Read the data from [rawInput] in the context of [r] and return it as a
* Map with entries for "roots", "data" and "rules", which the reader knows
* how to interpret. We expect [rawInput] to have been generated from this
* format.
Map<String, dynamic> read(List rawInput, Reader r) {
// TODO(alanknight): It's annoying to have to pass the reader around so
// much, consider having the format be specific to a particular
// serialization operation along with the reader and having it as a field.
var input = {};
input["rules"] = rawInput[0];
var flatData = rawInput[1];
var stream = flatData.iterator;
var tempData = new List(r.rules.length);
for (var eachRule in r.rules) {
tempData[eachRule.number] = readRuleDataFrom(stream, eachRule, r);
input["data"] = tempData;
var roots = [];
var rootsAsInts = rawInput[2].iterator;
do {
roots.add(nextReferenceFrom(rootsAsInts, r));
} while (rootsAsInts.current != null);
input["roots"] = roots;
return input;
* Read the data for [rule] from [input] and return it.
readRuleDataFrom(Iterator input, SerializationRule rule, Reader r) {
var numberOfEntries = _next(input);
var entryType = _next(input);
if (entryType == STORED_AS_LIST) {
return readLists(input, rule, numberOfEntries, r);
if (entryType == STORED_AS_MAP) {
return readMaps(input, rule, numberOfEntries, r);
if (entryType == STORED_AS_PRIMITIVE) {
return readPrimitives(input, rule, numberOfEntries);
if (numberOfEntries == 0) {
return [];
} else {
throw new SerializationException("Invalid data in serialization");
* Read data for [rule] from [input] with [length] number of entries,
* creating lists from the results.
readLists(Iterator input, SerializationRule rule, int length, Reader r) {
var ruleData = [];
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var subLength =
rule.hasVariableLengthEntries ? _next(input) : rule.dataLength;
var subList = [];
for (var j = 0; j < subLength; j++) {
subList.add(nextReferenceFrom(input, r));
return ruleData;
* Read data for [rule] from [input] with [length] number of entries,
* creating maps from the results.
readMaps(Iterator input, SerializationRule rule, int length, Reader r) {
var ruleData = [];
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var subLength =
rule.hasVariableLengthEntries ? _next(input) : rule.dataLength;
var map = new Map();
for (var j = 0; j < subLength; j++) {
var key = nextReferenceFrom(input, r);
var value = nextReferenceFrom(input, r);
map[key] = value;
return ruleData;
* Read data for [rule] from [input] with [length] number of entries,
* treating the data as primitives that can be returned directly.
readPrimitives(Iterator input, SerializationRule rule, int length) {
var ruleData = [];
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
return ruleData;
/** Read the next Reference from the input. */
Reference nextReferenceFrom(Iterator input, Reader r) {
var a = _next(input);
var b = _next(input);
if (a == null) {
return null;
} else {
return new Reference(r, a, b);
/** Return the next element from the input. */
_next(Iterator input) {
return input.current;