blob: b73f5bfdf1e52c38935809216515a71eceb6f748 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/results.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/index.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/format.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/idl.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/test_utilities/find_node.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'base.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class ExpectedLocation {
final CompilationUnitElement unitElement;
final int offset;
final int length;
final bool isQualified;
this.unitElement, this.offset, this.length, this.isQualified);
String toString() {
return '(unit=$unitElement; offset=$offset; length=$length;'
' isQualified=$isQualified)';
class IndexTest extends BaseAnalysisDriverTest {
CompilationUnit testUnit;
CompilationUnitElement testUnitElement;
LibraryElement testLibraryElement;
AnalysisDriverUnitIndex index;
_ElementIndexAssert assertThat(Element element) {
List<_Relation> relations = _getElementRelations(element);
return _ElementIndexAssert(this, element, relations);
_NameIndexAssert assertThatName(String name) {
return _NameIndexAssert(this, name);
Element findElement(String name, [ElementKind kind]) {
return findChildElement(testUnitElement, name, kind);
CompilationUnitElement importedUnit({int index = 0}) {
List<ImportElement> imports = testLibraryElement.imports;
return imports[index].importedLibrary.definingCompilationUnit;
test_fieldFormalParameter_noSuchField() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class B<T> {
B({this.x}) {}
foo() {
B<int>(x: 1);
// No exceptions.
test_hasAncestor_ClassDeclaration() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A {}
class B1 extends A {}
class B2 implements A {}
class C1 extends B1 {}
class C2 extends B2 {}
class C3 implements B1 {}
class C4 implements B2 {}
class M extends Object with A {}
ClassElement classElementA = findElement("A");
..isAncestorOf('B1 extends A')
..isAncestorOf('B2 implements A')
..isAncestorOf('C1 extends B1')
..isAncestorOf('C2 extends B2')
..isAncestorOf('C3 implements B1')
..isAncestorOf('C4 implements B2')
..isAncestorOf('M extends Object with A');
test_hasAncestor_ClassTypeAlias() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
class C1 = Object with A;
class C2 = Object with B;
ClassElement classElementA = findElement('A');
ClassElement classElementB = findElement('B');
..isAncestorOf('C1 = Object with A')
..isAncestorOf('C2 = Object with B');
assertThat(classElementB)..isAncestorOf('C2 = Object with B');
test_hasAncestor_MixinDeclaration() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
mixin M1 on A {}
mixin M2 on B {}
mixin M3 implements A {}
mixin M4 implements B {}
mixin M5 on M2 {}
ClassElement classElementA = findElement('A');
..isAncestorOf('B extends A')
..isAncestorOf('M1 on A')
..isAncestorOf('M2 on B')
..isAncestorOf('M3 implements A')
..isAncestorOf('M4 implements B')
..isAncestorOf('M5 on M2');
test_isExtendedBy_ClassDeclaration_isQualified() async {
newFile('$testProject2/lib.dart', content: '''
class A {}
await _indexTestUnit('''
import 'lib.dart' as p;
class B extends p.A {} // 2
ClassElement elementA = importedUnit().getType('A');
assertThat(elementA).isExtendedAt('A {} // 2', true);
test_isExtendedBy_ClassDeclaration_Object() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A {}
ClassElement elementA = findElement('A');
ClassElement elementObject = elementA.supertype.element;
assertThat(elementObject).isExtendedAt('A {}', true, length: 0);
test_isExtendedBy_ClassTypeAlias() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A {}
class B {}
class C = A with B;
ClassElement elementA = findElement('A');
..isExtendedAt('A with', false)
..isReferencedAt('A with', false);
test_isExtendedBy_ClassTypeAlias_isQualified() async {
newFile('$testProject2/lib.dart', content: '''
class A {}
await _indexTestUnit('''
import 'lib.dart' as p;
class B {}
class C = p.A with B;
ClassElement elementA = importedUnit().getType('A');
..isExtendedAt('A with', true)
..isReferencedAt('A with', true);
test_isImplementedBy_ClassDeclaration() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A {} // 1
class B implements A {} // 2
ClassElement elementA = findElement('A');
..isImplementedAt('A {} // 2', false)
..isReferencedAt('A {} // 2', false);
test_isImplementedBy_ClassDeclaration_isQualified() async {
newFile('$testProject2/lib.dart', content: '''
class A {}
await _indexTestUnit('''
import 'lib.dart' as p;
class B implements p.A {} // 2
ClassElement elementA = importedUnit().getType('A');
..isImplementedAt('A {} // 2', true)
..isReferencedAt('A {} // 2', true);
test_isImplementedBy_ClassTypeAlias() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A {} // 1
class B {} // 2
class C = Object with A implements B; // 3
ClassElement elementB = findElement('B');
..isImplementedAt('B; // 3', false)
..isReferencedAt('B; // 3', false);
test_isImplementedBy_MixinDeclaration_implementsClause() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A {} // 1
mixin M implements A {} // 2
ClassElement elementA = findElement('A');
..isImplementedAt('A {} // 2', false)
..isReferencedAt('A {} // 2', false);
test_isImplementedBy_MixinDeclaration_onClause() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A {} // 1
mixin M on A {} // 2
ClassElement elementA = findElement('A');
..isImplementedAt('A {} // 2', false)
..isReferencedAt('A {} // 2', false);
test_isInvokedBy_FunctionElement() async {
newFile('$testProject2/lib.dart', content: '''
library lib;
foo() {}
await _indexTestUnit('''
import 'lib.dart';
import 'lib.dart' as pref;
main() {; // q
foo(); // nq
FunctionElement element = importedUnit().functions[0];
..isInvokedAt('foo(); // q', true)
..isInvokedAt('foo(); // nq', false);
test_isInvokedBy_FunctionElement_synthetic_loadLibrary() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
import 'dart:math' deferred as math;
main() {
math.loadLibrary(); // 1
math.loadLibrary(); // 2
LibraryElement mathLib = testLibraryElement.imports[0].importedLibrary;
FunctionElement element = mathLib.loadLibraryFunction;
assertThat(element).isInvokedAt('loadLibrary(); // 1', true);
assertThat(element).isInvokedAt('loadLibrary(); // 2', true);
test_isInvokedBy_MethodElement() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A {
foo() {}
main() {; // q
foo(); // nq
Element element = findElement('foo');
..isInvokedAt('foo(); // q', true)
..isInvokedAt('foo(); // nq', false);
test_isInvokedBy_MethodElement_ofNamedExtension_instance() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
extension E on int {
void foo() {}
main() {;
MethodElement element = findElement('foo');
assertThat(element)..isInvokedAt('foo();', true);
test_isInvokedBy_MethodElement_ofNamedExtension_static() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
extension E on int {
static void foo() {}
main() {;
MethodElement element = findElement('foo');
assertThat(element)..isInvokedAt('foo();', true);
test_isInvokedBy_MethodElement_ofUnnamedExtension_instance() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
extension on int {
void foo() {} // int
extension on double {
void foo() {} // double
main() {; // int ref
(1.2).foo(); // double ref
var findNode = FindNode(testCode, testUnit);
var intMethod = findNode.methodDeclaration('foo() {} // int');
..isInvokedAt('foo(); // int ref', true);
var doubleMethod = findNode.methodDeclaration('foo() {} // double');
..isInvokedAt('foo(); // double ref', true);
test_isInvokedBy_MethodElement_propagatedType() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A {
foo() {}
main() {
var a = new A();;
Element element = findElement('foo');
assertThat(element).isInvokedAt('foo();', true);
test_isInvokedBy_operator_binary() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A {
operator +(other) => this;
main(A a) {
print(a + 1);
a += 2;
MethodElement element = findElement('+');
..isInvokedAt('+ 1', true, length: 1)
..isInvokedAt('+= 2', true, length: 2)
..isInvokedAt('++a', true, length: 2)
..isInvokedAt('++;', true, length: 2);
test_isInvokedBy_operator_index() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A {
operator [](i) => null;
operator []=(i, v) {}
main(A a) {
a[1] = 42;
MethodElement readElement = findElement('[]');
MethodElement writeElement = findElement('[]=');
assertThat(readElement).isInvokedAt('[0]', true, length: 1);
assertThat(writeElement).isInvokedAt('[1]', true, length: 1);
test_isInvokedBy_operator_prefix() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A {
A operator ~() => this;
main(A a) {
MethodElement element = findElement('~');
assertThat(element).isInvokedAt('~a', true, length: 1);
test_isMixedInBy_ClassDeclaration_class() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A {} // 1
class B extends Object with A {} // 2
ClassElement elementA = findElement('A');
..isMixedInAt('A {} // 2', false)
..isReferencedAt('A {} // 2', false);
test_isMixedInBy_ClassDeclaration_isQualified() async {
newFile('$testProject2/lib.dart', content: '''
class A {}
await _indexTestUnit('''
import 'lib.dart' as p;
class B extends Object with p.A {} // 2
ClassElement elementA = importedUnit().getType('A');
assertThat(elementA).isMixedInAt('A {} // 2', true);
test_isMixedInBy_ClassDeclaration_mixin() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
mixin A {} // 1
class B extends Object with A {} // 2
ClassElement elementA = findElement('A');
..isMixedInAt('A {} // 2', false)
..isReferencedAt('A {} // 2', false);
test_isMixedInBy_ClassTypeAlias_class() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A {} // 1
class B = Object with A; // 2
ClassElement elementA = findElement('A');
assertThat(elementA).isMixedInAt('A; // 2', false);
test_isMixedInBy_ClassTypeAlias_mixin() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
mixin A {} // 1
class B = Object with A; // 2
ClassElement elementA = findElement('A');
assertThat(elementA).isMixedInAt('A; // 2', false);
test_isReferencedAt_PropertyAccessorElement_field_call() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A {
var field;
main() {
this.field(); // q
field(); // nq
FieldElement field = findElement('field');
..isReferencedAt('field(); // q', true)
..isReferencedAt('field(); // nq', false);
test_isReferencedAt_PropertyAccessorElement_getter_call() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A {
get ggg => null;
main() {
this.ggg(); // q
ggg(); // nq
PropertyAccessorElement element = findElement('ggg', ElementKind.GETTER);
..isReferencedAt('ggg(); // q', true)
..isReferencedAt('ggg(); // nq', false);
test_isReferencedBy_ClassElement() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A {
static var field;
main(A p) {
A v;
new A(); // 2
A.field = 1;
print(A.field); // 3
ClassElement element = findElement('A');
..isReferencedAt('A p) {', false)
..isReferencedAt('A v;', false)
..isReferencedAt('A(); // 2', false)
..isReferencedAt('A.field = 1;', false)
..isReferencedAt('A.field); // 3', false);
test_isReferencedBy_ClassElement_enum() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
enum MyEnum {a}
main(MyEnum p) {
MyEnum v;
ClassElement element = findElement('MyEnum');
..isReferencedAt('MyEnum p) {', false)
..isReferencedAt('MyEnum v;', false)
..isReferencedAt('MyEnum.a;', false);
test_isReferencedBy_ClassElement_fromExtension() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A<T> {}
extension E on A<int> {}
ClassElement element = findElement('A');
assertThat(element)..isReferencedAt('A<int>', false);
test_isReferencedBy_ClassElement_invocation() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A {}
main() {
A(); // invalid code, but still a reference
Element element = findElement('A');
assertThat(element).isReferencedAt('A();', false);
test_isReferencedBy_ClassElement_invocation_isQualified() async {
newFile('$testProject2/lib.dart', content: '''
class A {}
await _indexTestUnit('''
import 'lib.dart' as p;
main() {
p.A(); // invalid code, but still a reference
Element element = importedUnit().getType('A');
assertThat(element).isReferencedAt('A();', true);
test_isReferencedBy_ClassElement_invocationTypeArgument() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A {}
void f<T>() {}
main() {
Element element = findElement('A');
assertThat(element)..isReferencedAt('A>();', false);
test_isReferencedBy_ClassTypeAlias() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A {}
class B = Object with A;
main(B p) {
B v;
ClassElement element = findElement('B');
..isReferencedAt('B p) {', false)
..isReferencedAt('B v;', false);
test_isReferencedBy_CompilationUnitElement_export() async {
newFile('$testProject2/lib.dart', content: '''
library lib;
await _indexTestUnit('''
export 'lib.dart';
LibraryElement element = testLibraryElement.exports[0].exportedLibrary;
assertThat(element)..isReferencedAt("'lib.dart'", true, length: 10);
test_isReferencedBy_CompilationUnitElement_import() async {
newFile('$testProject2/lib.dart', content: '''
library lib;
await _indexTestUnit('''
import 'lib.dart';
LibraryElement element = testLibraryElement.imports[0].importedLibrary;
assertThat(element)..isReferencedAt("'lib.dart'", true, length: 10);
test_isReferencedBy_CompilationUnitElement_part() async {
newFile('$testProject2/my_unit.dart', content: 'part of my_lib;');
await _indexTestUnit('''
library my_lib;
part 'my_unit.dart';
CompilationUnitElement element =[0];
assertThat(element)..isReferencedAt("'my_unit.dart';", true, length: 14);
test_isReferencedBy_CompilationUnitElement_part_inPart() async {
newFile('$testProject2/a.dart', content: 'part of lib;');
newFile('$testProject2/b.dart', content: '''
library lib;
part 'a.dart';
await _indexTestUnit('''
part 'b.dart';
// No exception, even though a.dart is a part of b.dart part.
test_isReferencedBy_ConstructorElement() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A implements B {
A() {} {}
class B extends A {
B() : super(); // 1 :; // 2
factory =; // 3
main() {
new A(); // 4
new; // 5
ClassElement classA = findElement('A');
ConstructorElement constA = classA.constructors[0];
ConstructorElement constA_foo = classA.constructors[1];
// A()
..isReferencedAt('(); // 1', true, length: 0)
..isReferencedAt('(); // 4', true, length: 0);
..isReferencedAt('.foo(); // 2', true, length: 4)
..isReferencedAt('.foo; // 3', true, length: 4)
..isReferencedAt('.foo(); // 5', true, length: 4);
test_isReferencedBy_ConstructorElement_classTypeAlias() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class M {}
class A implements B {
A() {}
A.named() {}
class B = A with M;
class C = B with M;
main() {
new B(); // B1
new B.named(); // B2
new C(); // C1
new C.named(); // C2
ClassElement classA = findElement('A');
ConstructorElement constA = classA.constructors[0];
ConstructorElement constA_named = classA.constructors[1];
..isReferencedAt('(); // B1', true, length: 0)
..isReferencedAt('(); // C1', true, length: 0);
..isReferencedAt('.named(); // B2', true, length: 6)
..isReferencedAt('.named(); // C2', true, length: 6);
test_isReferencedBy_ConstructorElement_classTypeAlias_cycle() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class M {}
class A = B with M;
class B = A with M;
main() {
new A();
new B();
// No additional validation, but it should not fail with stack overflow.
test_isReferencedBy_ConstructorElement_namedOnlyWithDot() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A {
A.named() {}
main() {
new A.named();
// has ".named()", but does not have "named()"
int offsetWithoutDot = findOffset('named();');
int offsetWithDot = findOffset('.named();');
expect(index.usedElementOffsets, isNot(contains(offsetWithoutDot)));
expect(index.usedElementOffsets, contains(offsetWithDot));
test_isReferencedBy_ConstructorElement_redirection() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A {
A() :; // 1 : this(); // 2;
ClassElement classA = findElement('A');
ConstructorElement constA = classA.constructors[0];
ConstructorElement constA_bar = classA.constructors[2];
assertThat(constA).isReferencedAt('(); // 2', true, length: 0);
assertThat(constA_bar).isReferencedAt('.bar(); // 1', true, length: 4);
test_isReferencedBy_ConstructorElement_synthetic() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A {}
main() {
new A(); // 1
ClassElement classA = findElement('A');
ConstructorElement constA = classA.constructors[0];
// A()
assertThat(constA)..isReferencedAt('(); // 1', true, length: 0);
test_isReferencedBy_DynamicElement() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
dynamic f() {
expect(index.usedElementOffsets, isEmpty);
test_isReferencedBy_ExtensionElement() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
extension E on int {
void foo() {}
main() {
ExtensionElement element = findElement('E');
assertThat(element)..isReferencedAt('E(0).foo()', false);
test_isReferencedBy_FieldElement() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A {
var field;
m() {
field = 2; // nq
print(field); // nq
main(A a) {
a.field = 3; // q
print(a.field); // q
new A(field: 4);
FieldElement field = findElement('field', ElementKind.FIELD);
PropertyAccessorElement getter = field.getter;
PropertyAccessorElement setter = field.setter;
// A()
assertThat(field)..isWrittenAt('field});', true);
// m()
assertThat(setter)..isReferencedAt('field = 2; // nq', false);
assertThat(getter)..isReferencedAt('field); // nq', false);
// main()
assertThat(setter)..isReferencedAt('field = 3; // q', true);
assertThat(getter)..isReferencedAt('field); // q', true);
assertThat(field)..isReferencedAt('field: 4', true);
test_isReferencedBy_FieldElement_multiple() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A {
var aaa;
var bbb;
A(, this.bbb) {}
m() {
aaa = 1;
bbb = 2;
// aaa
FieldElement field = findElement('aaa', ElementKind.FIELD);
PropertyAccessorElement getter = field.getter;
PropertyAccessorElement setter = field.setter;
assertThat(field)..isWrittenAt('aaa, ', true);
assertThat(getter)..isReferencedAt('aaa);', false);
assertThat(setter)..isReferencedAt('aaa = 1;', false);
// bbb
FieldElement field = findElement('bbb', ElementKind.FIELD);
PropertyAccessorElement getter = field.getter;
PropertyAccessorElement setter = field.setter;
assertThat(field)..isWrittenAt('bbb) {}', true);
assertThat(getter)..isReferencedAt('bbb);', false);
assertThat(setter)..isReferencedAt('bbb = 2;', false);
test_isReferencedBy_FieldElement_ofEnum() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
enum MyEnum {
A, B, C
main() {
ClassElement enumElement = findElement('MyEnum');
..isReferencedAt('values);', true);
assertThat(enumElement.getGetter('index'))..isReferencedAt('index);', true);
assertThat(enumElement.getGetter('A'))..isReferencedAt('A);', true);
assertThat(enumElement.getGetter('B'))..isReferencedAt('B);', true);
test_isReferencedBy_FieldElement_synthetic_hasGetter() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A {
A() : f = 42;
int get f => 0;
ClassElement element2 = findElement('A');
assertThat(element2.getField('f')).isWrittenAt('f = 42', true);
test_isReferencedBy_FieldElement_synthetic_hasGetterSetter() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A {
A() : f = 42;
int get f => 0;
set f(_) {}
ClassElement element2 = findElement('A');
assertThat(element2.getField('f')).isWrittenAt('f = 42', true);
test_isReferencedBy_FieldElement_synthetic_hasSetter() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A {
A() : f = 42;
set f(_) {}
ClassElement element2 = findElement('A');
assertThat(element2.getField('f')).isWrittenAt('f = 42', true);
test_isReferencedBy_FunctionElement() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
foo() {}
main() {
FunctionElement element = findElement('foo');
..isReferencedAt('foo);', false)
..isInvokedAt('foo());', false);
test_isReferencedBy_FunctionElement_with_LibraryElement() async {
newFile('$testProject2/foo.dart', content: r'''
bar() {}
await _indexTestUnit('''
import "foo.dart";
main() {
LibraryElement fooLibrary = testLibraryElement.imports[0].importedLibrary;
assertThat(fooLibrary)..isReferencedAt('"foo.dart";', true, length: 10);
FunctionElement bar = fooLibrary.definingCompilationUnit.functions[0];
assertThat(bar)..isInvokedAt('bar();', false);
test_isReferencedBy_FunctionTypeAliasElement() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
typedef A();
main(A p) {
Element element = findElement('A');
assertThat(element)..isReferencedAt('A p) {', false);
/// There was a bug in the AST structure, when single [Comment] was cloned and
/// assigned to both [FieldDeclaration] and [VariableDeclaration].
/// This caused duplicate indexing.
/// Here we test that the problem is fixed one way or another.
test_isReferencedBy_identifierInComment() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A {}
/// [A] text
var myVariable = null;
Element element = findElement('A');
assertThat(element)..isReferencedAt('A] text', false);
test_isReferencedBy_MethodElement() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A {
method() {}
main() {
print(this.method); // q
print(method); // nq
MethodElement element = findElement('method');
..isReferencedAt('method); // q', true)
..isReferencedAt('method); // nq', false);
test_isReferencedBy_MultiplyDefinedElement() async {
newFile('$testProject2/a1.dart', content: 'class A {}');
newFile('$testProject2/a2.dart', content: 'class A {}');
await _indexTestUnit('''
import 'a1.dart';
import 'a2.dart';
A v = null;
test_isReferencedBy_NeverElement() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
Never f() {
expect(index.usedElementOffsets, isEmpty);
test_isReferencedBy_ParameterElement() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
foo({var p}) {}
main() {
foo(p: 1);
Element element = findElement('p');
assertThat(element)..isReferencedAt('p: 1', true);
test_isReferencedBy_ParameterElement_genericFunctionType() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
typedef F = void Function({int p});
void main(F f) {
f(p: 0);
// We should not crash because of reference to "p" - a named parameter
// of a generic function type.
test_isReferencedBy_ParameterElement_genericFunctionType_call() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
typedef F<T> = void Function({T test});
main(F<int> f) { 0);
// No exceptions.
test_isReferencedBy_ParameterElement_multiplyDefined_generic() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
void foo<T>({T a}) {}
newFile('/test/lib/b.dart', content: r'''
void foo<T>({T a}) {}
await _indexTestUnit(r"""
import 'a.dart';
import 'b.dart';
void main() {
foo(a: 0);
// No exceptions.
test_isReferencedBy_ParameterElement_named_ofConstructor_genericClass() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A<T> {
A({T test});
main() {
A(test: 0);
Element element = findElement('test');
assertThat(element)..isReferencedAt('test: 0', true);
test_isReferencedBy_ParameterElement_named_ofMethod_genericClass() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A<T> {
void foo({T test}) {}
main(A<int> a) { 0);
Element element = findElement('test');
assertThat(element)..isReferencedAt('test: 0', true);
test_isReferencedBy_ParameterElement_optionalPositional() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
foo([p]) {
p; // 1
main() {
foo(1); // 2
Element element = findElement('p');
..isReferencedAt('1); // 2', true, length: 0);
test_isReferencedBy_PropertyAccessor_ofNamedExtension_instance() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
extension E on int {
int get foo => 0;
void set foo(int _) {}
main() {; = 0;
PropertyAccessorElement getter = findElement('foo', ElementKind.GETTER);
PropertyAccessorElement setter = findElement('foo=');
assertThat(getter)..isReferencedAt('foo;', true);
assertThat(setter)..isReferencedAt('foo = 0;', true);
test_isReferencedBy_PropertyAccessor_ofNamedExtension_static() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
extension E on int {
static int get foo => 0;
static void set foo(int _) {}
main() {; = 0;
PropertyAccessorElement getter = findElement('foo', ElementKind.GETTER);
PropertyAccessorElement setter = findElement('foo=');
assertThat(getter)..isReferencedAt('foo;', true);
assertThat(setter)..isReferencedAt('foo = 0;', true);
test_isReferencedBy_PropertyAccessor_ofUnnamedExtension_instance() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
extension on int {
int get foo => 0; // int getter
void set foo(int _) {} // int setter
extension on double {
int get foo => 0; // double getter
void set foo(int _) {} // double setter
main() {; // int getter ref = 0; // int setter ref
(1.2).foo; // double getter ref
(1.2).foo = 0; // double setter ref
var findNode = FindNode(testCode, testUnit);
var intGetter = findNode.methodDeclaration('0; // int getter');
var intSetter = findNode.methodDeclaration('{} // int setter');
..isReferencedAt('foo; // int getter ref', true);
..isReferencedAt('foo = 0; // int setter ref', true);
var doubleGetter = findNode.methodDeclaration('0; // double getter');
var doubleSetter = findNode.methodDeclaration('{} // double setter');
..isReferencedAt('foo; // double getter ref', true);
..isReferencedAt('foo = 0; // double setter ref', true);
test_isReferencedBy_synthetic_leastUpperBound() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
int f1({int p}) => 1;
int f2({int p}) => 2;
main(bool b) {
var f = b ? f1 : f2;
f(p: 0);
// We should not crash because of reference to "p" - a named parameter
// of a synthetic LUB FunctionElement created for "f".
test_isReferencedBy_TopLevelVariableElement() async {
newFile('$testProject2/lib.dart', content: '''
library lib;
var V;
await _indexTestUnit('''
import 'lib.dart' show V; // imp
import 'lib.dart' as pref;
main() {
pref.V = 5; // q
print(pref.V); // q
V = 5; // nq
print(V); // nq
TopLevelVariableElement variable = importedUnit().topLevelVariables[0];
assertThat(variable)..isReferencedAt('V; // imp', true);
..isReferencedAt('V); // q', true)
..isReferencedAt('V); // nq', false);
..isReferencedAt('V = 5; // q', true)
..isReferencedAt('V = 5; // nq', false);
test_isReferencedBy_TopLevelVariableElement_synthetic_hasGetterSetter() async {
newFile('$testProject2/lib.dart', content: '''
int get V => 0;
void set V(_) {}
await _indexTestUnit('''
import 'lib.dart' show V;
TopLevelVariableElement element = importedUnit().topLevelVariables[0];
assertThat(element).isReferencedAt('V;', true);
test_isReferencedBy_TopLevelVariableElement_synthetic_hasSetter() async {
newFile('$testProject2/lib.dart', content: '''
void set V(_) {}
await _indexTestUnit('''
import 'lib.dart' show V;
TopLevelVariableElement element = importedUnit().topLevelVariables[0];
assertThat(element).isReferencedAt('V;', true);
test_isReferencedBy_typeInVariableList() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A {}
A myVariable = null;
Element element = findElement('A');
assertThat(element).isReferencedAt('A myVariable', false);
test_isWrittenBy_FieldElement() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class A {
int field;{this.field}); : field = 5;
FieldElement element = findElement('field', ElementKind.FIELD);
..isWrittenAt('field})', true)
..isWrittenAt('field = 5', true);
test_subtypes_classDeclaration() async {
String libP = 'package:test/lib.dart;package:test/lib.dart';
newFile('$testProject2/lib.dart', content: '''
class A {}
class B {}
class C {}
class D {}
class E {}
await _indexTestUnit('''
import 'lib.dart';
class X extends A {
int field1, field2;
int get getter1 => null;
void set setter1(_) {}
void method1() {}
static int staticField;
static void staticMethod() {}
class Y extends Object with B, C {
void methodY() {}
class Z implements E, D {
void methodZ() {}
expect(index.supertypes, hasLength(6));
expect(index.subtypes, hasLength(6));
_assertSubtype(0, 'dart:core;dart:core;Object', 'Y', ['methodY']);
['field1', 'field2', 'getter1', 'method1', 'setter1'],
_assertSubtype(2, '$libP;B', 'Y', ['methodY']);
_assertSubtype(3, '$libP;C', 'Y', ['methodY']);
_assertSubtype(4, '$libP;D', 'Z', ['methodZ']);
_assertSubtype(5, '$libP;E', 'Z', ['methodZ']);
test_subtypes_classTypeAlias() async {
String libP = 'package:test/lib.dart;package:test/lib.dart';
newFile('$testProject2/lib.dart', content: '''
class A {}
class B {}
class C {}
class D {}
await _indexTestUnit('''
import 'lib.dart';
class X = A with B, C;
class Y = A with B implements C, D;
expect(index.supertypes, hasLength(7));
expect(index.subtypes, hasLength(7));
_assertSubtype(0, '$libP;A', 'X', []);
_assertSubtype(1, '$libP;A', 'Y', []);
_assertSubtype(2, '$libP;B', 'X', []);
_assertSubtype(3, '$libP;B', 'Y', []);
_assertSubtype(4, '$libP;C', 'X', []);
_assertSubtype(5, '$libP;C', 'Y', []);
_assertSubtype(6, '$libP;D', 'Y', []);
test_subtypes_dynamic() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class X extends dynamic {
void foo() {}
expect(index.supertypes, isEmpty);
expect(index.subtypes, isEmpty);
test_subtypes_mixinDeclaration() async {
String libP = 'package:test/lib.dart;package:test/lib.dart';
newFile('$testProject2/lib.dart', content: '''
class A {}
class B {}
class C {}
class D {}
class E {}
await _indexTestUnit('''
import 'lib.dart';
mixin X on A implements B, C {}
mixin Y on A, B implements C;
expect(index.supertypes, hasLength(6));
expect(index.subtypes, hasLength(6));
_assertSubtype(0, '$libP;A', 'X', []);
_assertSubtype(1, '$libP;A', 'Y', []);
_assertSubtype(2, '$libP;B', 'X', []);
_assertSubtype(3, '$libP;B', 'Y', []);
_assertSubtype(4, '$libP;C', 'X', []);
_assertSubtype(5, '$libP;C', 'Y', []);
test_usedName_inLibraryIdentifier() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
library aaa.bbb.ccc;
class C {
var bbb;
main(p) {
p.bbb = 1;
..isNotUsed('bbb.ccc', IndexRelationKind.IS_READ_BY)
..isUsedQ('bbb = 1;', IndexRelationKind.IS_WRITTEN_BY);
test_usedName_qualified_resolved() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class C {
var x;
main(C c) {
c.x = 1;
c.x += 2;
..isNotUsedQ('x;', IndexRelationKind.IS_READ_BY)
..isNotUsedQ('x = 1;', IndexRelationKind.IS_WRITTEN_BY)
..isNotUsedQ('x += 2;', IndexRelationKind.IS_READ_WRITTEN_BY)
..isNotUsedQ('x();', IndexRelationKind.IS_INVOKED_BY);
test_usedName_qualified_unresolved() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
main(p) {
p.x = 1;
p.x += 2;
..isUsedQ('x;', IndexRelationKind.IS_READ_BY)
..isUsedQ('x = 1;', IndexRelationKind.IS_WRITTEN_BY)
..isUsedQ('x += 2;', IndexRelationKind.IS_READ_WRITTEN_BY)
..isUsedQ('x();', IndexRelationKind.IS_INVOKED_BY);
test_usedName_unqualified_resolved() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
class C {
var x;
m() {
x = 1;
x += 2;
..isNotUsedQ('x;', IndexRelationKind.IS_READ_BY)
..isNotUsedQ('x = 1;', IndexRelationKind.IS_WRITTEN_BY)
..isNotUsedQ('x += 2;', IndexRelationKind.IS_READ_WRITTEN_BY)
..isNotUsedQ('x();', IndexRelationKind.IS_INVOKED_BY);
test_usedName_unqualified_unresolved() async {
await _indexTestUnit('''
main() {
x = 1;
x += 2;
..isUsed('x;', IndexRelationKind.IS_READ_BY)
..isUsed('x = 1;', IndexRelationKind.IS_WRITTEN_BY)
..isUsed('x += 2;', IndexRelationKind.IS_READ_WRITTEN_BY)
..isUsed('x();', IndexRelationKind.IS_INVOKED_BY);
/// Asserts that [index] has an item with the expected properties.
void _assertHasRelation(
Element element,
List<_Relation> relations,
IndexRelationKind expectedRelationKind,
ExpectedLocation expectedLocation) {
for (_Relation relation in relations) {
if (relation.kind == expectedRelationKind &&
relation.offset == expectedLocation.offset &&
relation.length == expectedLocation.length &&
relation.isQualified == expectedLocation.isQualified) {
'not found\n$element $expectedRelationKind at $expectedLocation');
void _assertSubtype(
int i, String superEncoded, String subName, List<String> members) {
expect(index.strings[index.supertypes[i]], superEncoded);
var subtype = index.subtypes[i];
expect(index.strings[], subName);
expect(_decodeStringList(subtype.members), members);
void _assertUsedName(String name, IndexRelationKind kind,
ExpectedLocation expectedLocation, bool isNot) {
int nameId = _getStringId(name);
for (int i = 0; i < index.usedNames.length; i++) {
if (index.usedNames[i] == nameId &&
index.usedNameKinds[i] == kind &&
index.usedNameOffsets[i] == expectedLocation.offset &&
index.usedNameIsQualifiedFlags[i] == expectedLocation.isQualified) {
if (isNot) {
_failWithIndexDump('Unexpected $name $kind at $expectedLocation');
if (isNot) {
_failWithIndexDump('Not found $name $kind at $expectedLocation');
List<String> _decodeStringList(List<int> stringIds) {
return => index.strings[i]).toList();
ExpectedLocation _expectedLocation(String search, bool isQualified,
{int length}) {
int offset = findOffset(search);
length ??= getLeadingIdentifierLength(search);
return ExpectedLocation(testUnitElement, offset, length, isQualified);
void _failWithIndexDump(String msg) {
String packageIndexJsonString =
JsonEncoder.withIndent(' ').convert(index.toJson());
fail('$msg in\n' + packageIndexJsonString);
/// Return the [element] identifier in [index] or fail.
int _findElementId(Element element) {
var unitId = _getUnitId(element);
// Prepare the element that was put into the index.
IndexElementInfo info = IndexElementInfo(element);
element = info.element;
// Prepare element's name components.
var components = ElementNameComponents(element);
var unitMemberId = _getStringId(components.unitMemberName);
var classMemberId = _getStringId(components.classMemberName);
var parameterId = _getStringId(components.parameterName);
// Find the element's id.
for (int elementId = 0;
elementId < index.elementUnits.length;
elementId++) {
if (index.elementUnits[elementId] == unitId &&
index.elementNameUnitMemberIds[elementId] == unitMemberId &&
index.elementNameClassMemberIds[elementId] == classMemberId &&
index.elementNameParameterIds[elementId] == parameterId &&
index.elementKinds[elementId] == info.kind) {
return elementId;
_failWithIndexDump('Element $element is not referenced');
return 0;
/// Return all relations with [element] in [index].
List<_Relation> _getElementRelations(Element element) {
int elementId = _findElementId(element);
List<_Relation> relations = <_Relation>[];
for (int i = 0; i < index.usedElementOffsets.length; i++) {
if (index.usedElements[i] == elementId) {
return relations;
int _getStringId(String str) {
if (str == null) {
return index.nullStringId;
int id = index.strings.indexOf(str);
if (id < 0) {
_failWithIndexDump('String "$str" is not referenced');
return id;
int _getUnitId(Element element) {
CompilationUnitElement unitElement = getUnitElement(element);
int libraryUriId = _getUriId(unitElement.library.source.uri);
int unitUriId = _getUriId(unitElement.source.uri);
expect(index.unitLibraryUris, hasLength(index.unitUnitUris.length));
for (int i = 0; i < index.unitLibraryUris.length; i++) {
if (index.unitLibraryUris[i] == libraryUriId &&
index.unitUnitUris[i] == unitUriId) {
return i;
_failWithIndexDump('Unit $unitElement of $element is not referenced');
return -1;
int _getUriId(Uri uri) {
String str = uri.toString();
return _getStringId(str);
Future<void> _indexTestUnit(String code) async {
ResolvedUnitResult result = await driver.getResult(testFile);
testUnit = result.unit;
testUnitElement = testUnit.declaredElement;
testLibraryElement = testUnitElement.library;
AnalysisDriverUnitIndexBuilder indexBuilder = indexUnit(testUnit);
List<int> indexBytes = indexBuilder.toBuffer();
index = AnalysisDriverUnitIndex.fromBuffer(indexBytes);
class _ElementIndexAssert {
final IndexTest test;
final Element element;
final List<_Relation> relations;
_ElementIndexAssert(this.test, this.element, this.relations);
void hasRelationCount(int expectedCount) {
expect(relations, hasLength(expectedCount));
void isAncestorOf(String search, {int length}) {
test._expectedLocation(search, false, length: length));
void isExtendedAt(String search, bool isQualified, {int length}) {
test._expectedLocation(search, isQualified, length: length));
void isImplementedAt(String search, bool isQualified, {int length}) {
test._expectedLocation(search, isQualified, length: length));
void isInvokedAt(String search, bool isQualified, {int length}) {
test._assertHasRelation(element, relations, IndexRelationKind.IS_INVOKED_BY,
test._expectedLocation(search, isQualified, length: length));
void isMixedInAt(String search, bool isQualified, {int length}) {
test._expectedLocation(search, isQualified, length: length));
void isReferencedAt(String search, bool isQualified, {int length}) {
test._expectedLocation(search, isQualified, length: length));
void isWrittenAt(String search, bool isQualified, {int length}) {
test._assertHasRelation(element, relations, IndexRelationKind.IS_WRITTEN_BY,
test._expectedLocation(search, isQualified, length: length));
class _NameIndexAssert {
final IndexTest test;
final String name;
void isNotUsed(String search, IndexRelationKind kind) {
name, kind, test._expectedLocation(search, false), true);
void isNotUsedQ(String search, IndexRelationKind kind) {
name, kind, test._expectedLocation(search, true), true);
void isUsed(String search, IndexRelationKind kind) {
name, kind, test._expectedLocation(search, false), false);
void isUsedQ(String search, IndexRelationKind kind) {
name, kind, test._expectedLocation(search, true), false);
class _Relation {
final IndexRelationKind kind;
final int offset;
final int length;
final bool isQualified;
_Relation(this.kind, this.offset, this.length, this.isQualified);
String toString() {
return '_Relation{kind: $kind, offset: $offset, length: $length, '
'isQualified: $isQualified}lified)';