blob: 8f8a64a5fe6b7473707271041da221e87e101851 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart._internal;
class LRUAssociation<K,V> {
K key;
V value;
LRUAssociation previous;
LRUAssociation next;
void insertBetween(before, after) {
after.previous = this; = this; = after;
this.previous = before;
void remove() {
var after = next;
var before = previous;
after.previous = before; = after;
* A map with a fixed capacity that evicts associations when capacity is reached
* on a least-recently-used basis. Implemented as an open addressing hash table
* with doubly-linked entries forming the LRU queue.
class LRUMap<K,V> {
final LRUAssociation<K,V> _head;
final List _table;
final int _mask;
final int _capacity; // Max number of associations before we start evicting.
int _size = 0; // Current number of associations.
* Create an LRUMap whose capacity is 75% of 2^shift.
LRUMap.withShift(int shift)
: this._mask = (1 << shift) - 1
, this._capacity = (1 << shift) * 3 ~/ 4
, this._table = new List(1 << shift)
, this._head = new LRUAssociation() {
// The scheme used here for handling collisions relies on there always
// being at least one empty slot.
if (shift < 1) throw new Exception("LRUMap requires a shift >= 1");
assert(_table.length > _capacity);
_head.insertBetween(_head, _head);
int _scanFor(K key) {
var start = key.hashCode & _mask;
var index = start;
do {
var assoc = _table[index];
if (null == assoc || assoc.key == key) {
return index;
index = (index + 1) & _mask;
} while (index != start);
// Should never happen because we start evicting associations before the
// table is full.
throw new Exception("Internal error: LRUMap table full");
void _fixCollisionsAfter(start) {
var assoc;
var index = (start + 1) & _mask;
while (null != (assoc = _table[index])) {
var newIndex = _scanFor(assoc.key);
if (newIndex != index) {
assert(_table[newIndex] == null);
_table[newIndex] = assoc;
_table[index] = null;
index = (index + 1) & _mask;
operator []=(K key, V value) {
int index = _scanFor(key);
var assoc = _table[index];
if (null != assoc) {
// Existing key, replace value.
assert(assoc.key == key);
assoc.value = value;
} else {
// New key.
var newAssoc;
if (_size == _capacity) {
// Knock out the oldest association.
var lru = _head.previous;
index = _scanFor(lru.key);
_table[index] = null;
index = _scanFor(key);
newAssoc = lru; // Recycle the association.
} else {
newAssoc = new LRUAssociation();
newAssoc.key = key;
newAssoc.value = value;
_table[index] = newAssoc;
V operator [](K key) {
var index = _scanFor(key);
var assoc = _table[index];
if (null == assoc) return null;
// Move to front of LRU queue.
return assoc.value;