blob: 997357ad4a11ede20962f46337d22b333080a626 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Transfomer used for pub-serve and pub-deploy.
library polymer.transformer;
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'package:observe/transformer.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'src/build/build_filter.dart';
import 'src/build/common.dart';
import 'src/build/import_inliner.dart';
import 'src/build/linter.dart';
import 'src/build/build_log_combiner.dart';
import 'src/build/polyfill_injector.dart';
import 'src/build/script_compactor.dart';
/// The Polymer transformer, which internally runs several phases that will:
/// * Extract inlined script tags into their separate files
/// * Apply the observable transformer on every Dart script.
/// * Inline imported html files
/// * Combine scripts from multiple files into a single script tag
/// * Inject extra polyfills needed to run on all browsers.
/// At the end of these phases, this tranformer produces a single entrypoint
/// HTML file with a single Dart script that can later be compiled with dart2js.
class PolymerTransformerGroup implements TransformerGroup {
final Iterable<Iterable> phases;
PolymerTransformerGroup(TransformOptions options)
: phases = createDeployPhases(options);
PolymerTransformerGroup.asPlugin(BarbackSettings settings)
: this(_parseSettings(settings));
TransformOptions _parseSettings(BarbackSettings settings) {
var args = settings.configuration;
bool releaseMode = settings.mode == BarbackMode.RELEASE;
bool jsOption = args['js'];
bool csp = args['csp'] == true; // defaults to false
bool lint = args['lint'] != false; // defaults to true
bool injectBuildLogs =
!releaseMode && args['inject_build_logs_in_output'] != false;
return new TransformOptions(
entryPoints: _readEntrypoints(args['entry_points']),
inlineStylesheets: _readInlineStylesheets(args['inline_stylesheets']),
directlyIncludeJS: jsOption == null ? releaseMode : jsOption,
contentSecurityPolicy: csp,
releaseMode: releaseMode,
lint: lint,
injectBuildLogsInOutput: injectBuildLogs);
_readEntrypoints(value) {
if (value == null) return null;
var entryPoints = [];
bool error;
if (value is List) {
entryPoints = value;
error = value.any((e) => e is! String);
} else if (value is String) {
entryPoints = [value];
error = false;
} else {
error = true;
if (error) {
print('Invalid value for "entry_points" in the polymer transformer.');
return entryPoints;
Map<String, bool> _readInlineStylesheets(settingValue) {
if (settingValue == null) return null;
var inlineStylesheets = {};
bool error = false;
if (settingValue is Map) {
settingValue.forEach((key, value) {
if (value is! bool || key is! String) {
error = true;
if (key == 'default') {
inlineStylesheets[key] = value;
key = systemToAssetPath(key);
// Special case package urls, convert to AssetId and use serialized form.
var packageMatch = _PACKAGE_PATH_REGEX.matchAsPrefix(key);
if (packageMatch != null) {
var package = packageMatch[1];
var path = 'lib/${packageMatch[2]}';
key = new AssetId(package, path).toString();
inlineStylesheets[key] = value;
} else if (settingValue is bool) {
inlineStylesheets['default'] = settingValue;
} else {
error = true;
if (error) {
print('Invalid value for "inline_stylesheets" in the polymer transformer.');
return inlineStylesheets;
/// Create deploy phases for Polymer. Note that inlining HTML Imports
/// comes first (other than linter, if [options.linter] is enabled), which
/// allows the rest of the HTML-processing phases to operate only on HTML that
/// is actually imported.
List<List<Transformer>> createDeployPhases(
TransformOptions options, {String sdkDir}) {
// TODO(sigmund): this should be done differently. We should lint everything
// that is reachable and have the option to lint the rest (similar to how
// dart2js can analyze reachable code or entire libraries).
var phases = options.lint ? [[new Linter(options)]] : [];
return phases..addAll([
[new ImportInliner(options)],
[new ObservableTransformer()],
[new ScriptCompactor(options, sdkDir: sdkDir)],
[new PolyfillInjector(options)],
[new BuildFilter(options)],
[new BuildLogCombiner(options)],
final RegExp _PACKAGE_PATH_REGEX = new RegExp(r'packages\/([^\/]+)\/(.*)');