blob: f8b79d224c1dc8288435b4946aa78d3035617a85 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
library async_await_test;
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
import "package:async_helper/async_helper.dart";
import "dart:async";
typedef dynamic DynamicToDynamic(dynamic d);
main() {
group("basic", () {
test("async w/o await", () {
f() async {
return id(42);
return expect42(f());
test("async starts synchronously", () {
// Calling an "async" function starts immediately.
var result = [];
f() async {
return id(42);
var future = f();
return future.whenComplete(() {
expect(result, equals([1, 0]));
test("async throws", () {
f() async {
throw "err";
return id(42);
return throwsErr(f());
test("await future", () {
f() async {
var v = await new Future.value(42);
return v;
return expect42(f());
test("await value", () {
f() async {
var v = await id(42);
return v;
return expect42(f());
test("await null", () {
f() async {
var v = await null;
expect(v, equals(null));
return f();
test("await await", () {
f() async {
return await await new Future.value(42);
return expect42(f());
test("await fake value future", () {
f() async {
return await new FakeValueFuture(42);
return expect42(f());
test("await fake error future", () {
f() async {
return await new FakeErrorFuture("err");
return throwsErr(f());
test("await value is delayed", () {
f() async {
bool x = false;
scheduleMicrotask(() {
x = true;
var y = await true;
expect(x, equals(y));
return f();
test("await throw", () {
f() async {
await (throw "err"); // Check grammar: Are parentheses necessary?
return id(42);
return throwsErr(f());
test("throw before await", () {
f() async {
var x = throw "err";
await x; // Check grammar: Are parentheses necessary?
return id(42);
return throwsErr(f());
if (assertStatementsEnabled) {
test("assert before await", () {
f(v) async {
assert(v == 87);
return await new Future.microtask(() => 42);
return f(42).then((_) {
fail("assert didn't throw");
}, onError: (e, s) {
expect(e is AssertionError, isTrue);
test("assert after await", () {
f(v) async {
var x = await new Future.microtask(() => 42);
assert(v == 87);
return x;
return f(42).then((_) {
fail("assert didn't throw");
}, onError: (e, s) {
expect(e is AssertionError, isTrue);
test("async await error", () {
f() async {
await new Future.error("err");
return id(42);
return throwsErr(f());
test("async flattens futures", () {
f() async {
return new Future.value(42); // Not awaited.
return f().then((v) {
expect(v, equals(42)); // And not a Future with value 42.
test("async flattens futures, error", () {
f() async {
return new Future.error("err"); // Not awaited.
return throwsErr(f());
test("await for", () {
f(Stream<int> s) async {
int i = 0;
await for (int v in s) {
i += v;
return i;
return f(mkStream()).then((v) {
expect(v, equals(45)); // 0 + 1 + ... + 9
test("await for w/ await", () {
f(Stream<int> s) async {
int i = 0;
await for (int v in s) {
i += await new Future.value(v);
return i;
return f(mkStream()).then((v) {
expect(v, equals(45)); // 0 + 1 + ... + 9
test("await for empty", () {
f(Stream<int> s) async {
int v = 0;
await for (int i in s) {
v += i;
return v;
var s = (new StreamController<int>()..close()).stream;
return f(s).then((v) {
expect(v, equals(0));
if (assertStatementsEnabled) {
test("await for w/ await, asseert", () {
f(Stream<int> s) async {
int i = 0;
await for (int v in s) {
i += await new Future.microtask(() => v);
assert(v < 8);
return i;
return f(mkStream()).then((v) {
fail("assert didn't throw");
}, onError: (e, s) {
expect(e is AssertionError, isTrue);
group("for", () {
test("await in for-loop", () {
f() async {
int v = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
v += await new Future.value(42);
return v;
return f().then((v) {
expect(v, equals(10 * id(42)));
test("await in for-init", () {
f() async {
int v = 0;
for (int i = await new Future.value(42); i >= 0; i -= 10) {
v += 10;
return v;
return f().then((v) {
expect(v, equals(10 * 5));
test("await in for-test", () {
f() async {
int v = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < await new Future.value(42); i += 10) {
v += 10;
return v;
return f().then((v) {
expect(v, equals(10 * 5));
test("await in for-incr", () {
f() async {
int v = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i += await new Future.value(42)) {
v += 10;
return v;
return f().then((v) {
expect(v, equals(10 * 3));
test("await err in for-loop", () {
f() async {
int v = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
v += await new Future.error("err");
return v;
return throwsErr(f());
test("await err in for-init", () {
f() async {
int v = 0;
for (int i = await new Future.error("err"); i >= 0; i -= 10) {
v += 10;
return v;
return throwsErr(f());
test("await err in for-test", () {
f() async {
int v = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < await new Future.error("err"); i += 10) {
v += 10;
return v;
return throwsErr(f());
test("await err in for-incr", () {
f() async {
int v = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i += await new Future.error("err")) {
v += 10;
return v;
return throwsErr(f());
test("await in empty for-loop", () {
f() async {
int v = 0;
for (int i = 0; i > 0; i += 1) {
v += await new Future.value(42);
return v;
return f().then((v) {
expect(v, equals(0));
test("await in empty for-loop 2", () {
f() async {
int v = 0;
for (int i = 0; i > 0; i += await new Future.value(1)) {
v += 1;
return v;
return f().then((v) {
expect(v, equals(0));
test("break before await in for-loop", () {
f() async {
int v = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i += 1) {
if (i == 2) break;
v += await new Future.value(42);
return v;
return f().then((v) {
expect(v, equals(42 * 2));
test("break before await in for-loop 2", () {
f() async {
int v = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i += await new Future.value(1)) {
if (i == 2) break;
v += id(42);
return v;
return f().then((v) {
expect(v, equals(42 * 2));
test("continue before await", () {
f() async {
int v = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i += 1) {
if (i == 2) continue;
v += await new Future.value(42);
return v;
return f().then((v) {
expect(v, equals(42 * 9));
test("continue after await", () {
f() async {
int v = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i += 1) {
var j = await new Future.value(42);
if (i == 2) continue;
v += j;
return v;
return f().then((v) {
expect(v, equals(42 * 9));
group("while", () {
test("await in while-loop", () {
f() async {
int v = 0;
int i = 0;
while (i < 10) {
v += await new Future.value(42);
return v;
return f().then((v) {
expect(v, equals(10 * id(42)));
test("await in while-test", () {
f() async {
int v = 0;
int i = 0;
while (i < await new Future.value(42)) {
v += 10;
i += 10;
return v;
return f().then((v) {
expect(v, equals(10 * 5));
test("await err in loop", () {
f() async {
int v = 0;
int i = 0;
while (i < 10) {
v += await new Future.error("err");
return v;
return throwsErr(f());
test("await err in test", () {
f() async {
int v = 0;
int i = 0;
while (i < await new Future.error("err")) {
v += 10;
i += 10;
return v;
return throwsErr(f());
test("break before await", () {
f() async {
int v = 0;
int i = 0;
while (i < 10) {
if (i == 2) break;
v += await new Future.value(42);
i += 1;
return v;
return f().then((v) {
expect(v, equals(42 * 2));
test("break after await", () {
f() async {
int v = 0;
int i = 0;
while (i < 10) {
v += await new Future.value(42);
if (i == 2) break;
i += 1;
return v;
return f().then((v) {
expect(v, equals(42 * 3));
test("continue before await", () {
f() async {
int v = 0;
int i = 0;
while (i < 10) {
i += 1;
if (i == 2) continue;
v += await new Future.value(42);
return v;
return f().then((v) {
expect(v, equals(42 * 9));
test("continue after await", () {
f() async {
int v = 0;
int i = 0;
while (i < 10) {
i += 1;
int j = await new Future.value(42);
if (i == 2) continue;
v += j;
return v;
return f().then((v) {
expect(v, equals(42 * 9));
group("do-while", () {
test("await in loop", () {
f() async {
int v = 0;
int i = 0;
do {
v += await new Future.value(42);
} while (i < 10);
return v;
return f().then((v) {
expect(v, equals(10 * id(42)));
test("await in test", () {
f() async {
int v = 0;
int i = 0;
do {
v += 10;
i += 10;
} while (i < await new Future.value(42));
return v;
return f().then((v) {
expect(v, equals(10 * 5));
test("await err in loop", () {
f() async {
int v = 0;
int i = 0;
do {
v += await new Future.error("err");
} while (i < 10);
return v;
return f().then((v) {
fail("didn't throw");
}, onError: (e) {
expect(e, equals("err"));
test("await err in test", () {
f() async {
int v = 0;
int i = 0;
do {
v += 10;
i += 10;
} while (i < await new Future.error("err"));
return v;
return f().then((v) {
fail("didn't throw");
}, onError: (e) {
expect(e, equals("err"));
test("break before await", () {
f() async {
int v = 0;
int i = 0;
do {
if (i == 2) break;
v += await new Future.value(42);
i += 1;
} while (i < 10);
return v;
return f().then((v) {
expect(v, equals(42 * 2));
test("break after await", () {
f() async {
int v = 0;
int i = 0;
do {
v += await new Future.value(42);
if (i == 2) break;
i += 1;
} while (i < 10);
return v;
return f().then((v) {
expect(v, equals(42 * 3));
test("continue before await", () {
f() async {
int v = 0;
int i = 0;
do {
i += 1;
if (i == 2) continue;
v += await new Future.value(42);
} while (i < 10);
return v;
return f().then((v) {
expect(v, equals(42 * 9));
test("continue after await", () {
f() async {
int v = 0;
int i = 0;
do {
i += 1;
int j = await new Future.value(42);
if (i == 2) continue;
v += j;
} while (i < 10);
return v;
return f().then((v) {
expect(v, equals(42 * 9));
group("for-in", () {
test("await in for-in", () {
f() async {
var v = 0;
for (var fut in [1, 2, 3].map((v) => new Future.value(v))) {
v += await fut;
return v;
return f().then((v) {
expect(v, equals(6));
test("await in for-in iterable", () {
f() async {
var v = 0;
for (var i in await new Future.value([1, 2, 3])) {
v += i;
return v;
return f().then((v) {
expect(v, equals(6));
test("await err in for-in", () {
f() async {
var v = 0;
for (var fut in [1, 2, 3].map(
(v) => (v != 1) ? new Future.value(v) : new Future.error("err"))) {
v += await fut;
return v;
return f().then((v) {
fail("didn't throw");
}, onError: (e) {
expect(e, equals("err"));
test("await err in for-in iterable", () {
f() async {
var v = 0;
for (var i in await new Future.error("err")) {
v += i;
return v;
return f().then((v) {
fail("didn't throw");
}, onError: (e) {
expect(e, equals("err"));
test("break before await in for-in", () {
f() async {
var v = 0;
for (var fut in [1, 2, 3].map((v) => new Future.value(v))) {
if (v == 3) break;
v += await fut;
return v;
return f().then((v) {
expect(v, equals(3));
group("try-catch", () {
test("try-no-catch", () {
f() async {
try {
return await id(42);
} catch (e) {
return 37;
return expect42(f());
test("await in body", () {
f() async {
try {
await new Future.error(42);
} catch (e) {
return e;
return expect42(f());
test("throw before await in body", () {
int i = id(0);
f() async {
try {
if (i >= 0) throw id(42);
return await new Future.value(10);
} catch (e) {
return e;
return expect42(f());
test("try-catch await in catch", () {
f() async {
try {
throw id(42);
} catch (e) {
return await new Future.value(e);
return expect42(f());
test("try-catch await error in catch", () {
f() async {
try {
throw id(42);
} catch (e) {
await new Future.error("err");
return f().then((v) {
fail("didn't throw");
}, onError: (e) {
expect(e, equals("err"));
test("try-catch-rethrow", () {
f() async {
try {
await new Future.error("err");
} catch (e) {
if (e == id(42)) return;
return f().then((v) {
fail("didn't throw");
}, onError: (e) {
expect(e, equals("err"));
group("try-finally", () {
test("await in body", () {
f() async {
try {
return await new Future.value(42);
} finally {
// Don't do anything.
return expect42(f());
test("await in finally", () {
var x = 0;
f() async {
try {
return id(42);
} finally {
x = await new Future.value(37);
return f().then((v) {
expect(v, equals(42));
expect(x, equals(37));
test("await err in body", () {
f() async {
try {
return await new Future.error("err");
} finally {
// Don't do anything.
return f().then((v) {
fail("didn't throw");
}, onError: (e) {
expect(e, equals("err"));
test("await err in finally", () {
f() async {
try {
return id(42);
} finally {
await new Future.error("err");
return f().then((v) {
fail("didn't throw");
}, onError: (e) {
expect(e, equals("err"));
test("await err in both", () {
f() async {
try {
await new Future.error("not err");
} finally {
await new Future.error("err");
return f().then((v) {
fail("didn't throw");
}, onError: (e) {
expect(e, equals("err"));
test("await err in body, override in finally", () {
f() async {
try {
return await new Future.error("err");
} finally {
return id(42);
return expect42(f());
test("await in body, override in finally", () {
f() async {
try {
return await new Future.value(37);
} finally {
break label;
return id(42);
return expect42(f());
test("await, override in finally", () {
var x = 0;
f() async {
try {
return 87;
} finally {
x = await new Future.value(37);
break label;
return id(42);
return f().then((v) {
expect(v, equals(42));
expect(x, equals(37));
test("throw in body, await, override in finally 3", () {
var x = 0;
f() async {
try {
throw "err";
} finally {
x = await new Future.value(37);
break label;
return id(42);
return f().then((v) {
expect(v, equals(42));
expect(x, equals(37));
test("await err in body, override in finally 2", () {
f() async {
try {
return await new Future.error("err");
} finally {
break label;
return id(42);
return expect42(f());
test("await in body, no-exit in finally", () {
f() async {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
try {
return await i;
} finally {
return id(42);
return expect42(f());
test("no-exit after await in finally", () {
f() async {
int i = 0;
for (; i < 10; i++) {
try {
} finally {
await new Future.value(42);
return id(i);
return f().then((v) {
expect(v, equals(10));
test("exit after continue, await in finally", () {
f() async {
int i = 0;
for (; i < 10; i++) {
try {
} finally {
await new Future.value(42);
return id(i);
return f().then((v) {
expect(v, equals(0));
test("no-exit before await in finally 2", () {
f() async {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
try {
return i;
} finally {
if (i >= 0) continue;
await new Future.value(42);
return id(42);
return expect42(f());
test("no-exit after await in finally", () {
f() async {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
try {
return i;
} finally {
await new Future.value(42);
return id(42);
return expect42(f());
test("nested finallies", () {
var x = 0;
f() async {
try {
try {
return 42;
} finally {
x = await new Future.value(37);
} finally {
x += await new Future.value(37);
return f().then((v) {
expect(v, equals(42));
expect(x, equals(74));
test("nested finallies 2", () {
var x = 0;
f() async {
try {
try {
break label;
} finally {
x = await new Future.value(37);
} finally {
x += await new Future.value(37);
return 42;
return f().then((v) {
expect(v, equals(42));
expect(x, equals(74));
test("nested finallies 3", () {
var x = 0;
f() async {
try {
try {
break label;
} finally {
return await new Future.value(42);
} finally {
break label;
return 42;
return expect42(f());
test("nested finallies, throw", () {
var x = 0;
f() async {
try {
try {
throw "err";
} finally {
x = await new Future.value(37);
} finally {
x += await new Future.value(37);
return f().then((v) {
fail("didn't throw");
}, onError: (e) {
expect(e, equals("err"));
expect(x, equals(2 * 37));
group("try-catch-finally", () {
test("await in body", () {
f() async {
try {
return await new Future.value(42);
} catch (e) {
throw null;
} finally {
if (id(42) == id(10)) return 10;
return expect42(f());
test("await in catch, not hit", () {
f() async {
try {
return id(42);
} catch (e) {
await new Future.error("err");
} finally {
if (id(42) == id(10)) return 10;
return expect42(f());
test("await in catch, hit", () {
f() async {
try {
return throw id(42);
} catch (e) {
return await new Future.value(e);
} finally {
if (id(42) == id(10)) return 10;
return expect42(f());
test("await in finally", () {
var x = 0;
f() async {
try {
return id(42);
} catch (e) {
throw null;
} finally {
x = await new Future.value(37);
if (id(42) == id(10)) return 10;
return f().then((v) {
expect(v, equals(42));
expect(x, equals(37));
group("switch", () {
test("await in expression", () {
f(v) async {
switch (await new Future.value(v)) {
case 1:
return 1;
case 2:
return 42;
return 3;
return null;
return expect42(f(2));
test("await err in expression", () {
f(v) async {
switch (await new Future.error("err")) {
case 1:
return 1;
case 2:
return 42;
return 3;
return null;
return throwsErr(f(2));
test("await in case", () {
f(v) async {
switch (v) {
case 1:
return 1;
case 2:
return await new Future.value(42);
return 3;
return null;
return expect42(f(2));
test("await err in case", () {
f(v) async {
switch (v) {
case 1:
return 1;
case 2:
return await new Future.error("err");
return 3;
return null;
return throwsErr(f(2));
// TODO(jmesserly): restore this when we fix
/*test("continue before await in case", () {
f(v) async {
switch (v) {
case 1: return 42;
case 2:
if (v <= 2) continue label;
return await new Future.value(10);
default: return 3;
return null;
return expect42(f(2));
test("continue after await in case", () {
f(v) async {
switch (v) {
case 1: return 42;
case 2:
await new Future.value(10);
continue label;
default: return 3;
return null;
return expect42(f(2));
group("if", () {
test("await in test", () {
f(v) async {
if (await new Future.value(v)) {
return 42;
} else {
return 37;
return expect42(f(true));
test("await err in test", () {
f(v) async {
if (await new Future.error("err")) {
return 42;
} else {
return 37;
return throwsErr(f(true));
test("await in then", () {
f(v) async {
if (v) {
return await new Future.value(42);
return 37;
return expect42(f(true));
test("await err in then", () {
f(v) async {
if (v) {
return await new Future.error("err");
return 37;
return throwsErr(f(true));
test("await in then with else", () {
f(v) async {
if (v) {
return await new Future.value(42);
} else {
return 87;
return 37;
return expect42(f(true));
test("await err in then with else", () {
f(v) async {
if (v) {
return await new Future.error("err");
} else {
return 87;
return 37;
return throwsErr(f(true));
test("await in else", () {
f(v) async {
if (v) {
return 37;
} else {
return await new Future.value(42);
return 87;
return expect42(f(false));
test("await err in else", () {
f(v) async {
if (v) {
return 37;
} else {
return await new Future.error("err");
return 87;
return throwsErr(f(false));
test("await in else-if test", () {
f(v) async {
if (v) {
return 37;
} else if (!await new Future.value(v)) {
return 42;
} else {
return 37;
return 87;
return expect42(f(false));
test("await in else-if then", () {
f(v) async {
if (v) {
return 37;
} else if (!v) {
return await new Future.value(42);
} else {
return 37;
return 87;
return expect42(f(false));
group("conditional operator", () {
test("await in test", () {
f(v) async {
return (await new Future.value(v)) ? 42 : 37;
return expect42(f(true));
test("await err in test", () {
f(v) async {
return (await new Future.error("err")) ? 42 : 37;
return throwsErr(f(true));
test("await in then", () {
f(v) async {
return v ? (await new Future.value(42)) : 37;
return expect42(f(true));
test("await err in then", () {
f(v) async {
return v ? (await new Future.error("err")) : 37;
return throwsErr(f(true));
test("await in else", () {
f(v) async {
return v ? 37 : (await new Future.value(42));
return expect42(f(false));
test("await err in else", () {
f(v) async {
return v ? 37 : (await new Future.error("err"));
return throwsErr(f(false));
group("async declarations", () {
var f42 = new Future.value(42);
// Top-level declarations or local declarations in top-level functions.
test("topMethod", () {
return expect42(topMethod(f42));
test("topArrowMethod", () {
return expect42(topArrowMethod(f42));
test("topGetter", () {
return expect42(topGetter);
test("topArrowGetter", () {
return expect42(topArrowGetter);
test("topLocal", () {
return expect42(topLocal(f42));
test("topArrowLocal", () {
return expect42(topArrowLocal(f42));
test("topExpression", () {
return expect42(topExpression(f42));
test("topArrowExpression", () {
return expect42(topArrowExpression(f42));
test("topVarExpression", () {
return expect42(topVarExpression(f42));
test("topVarArrowExpression", () {
return expect42(topVarArrowExpression(f42));
// Static declarations or local declarations in static functions.
test("staticMethod", () {
return expect42(Async.staticMethod(f42));
test("staticArrowMethod", () {
return expect42(Async.staticArrowMethod(f42));
test("staticGetter", () {
return expect42(Async.staticGetter);
test("staticArrowGetter", () {
return expect42(Async.staticArrowGetter);
test("staticLocal", () {
return expect42(Async.staticLocal(f42));
test("staticArrowLocal", () {
return expect42(Async.staticArrowLocal(f42));
test("staticExpression", () {
return expect42(Async.staticExpression(f42));
test("staticArrowExpression", () {
return expect42(Async.staticArrowExpression(f42));
test("staticVarExpression", () {
return expect42(Async.staticVarExpression(f42));
test("staticVarArrowExpression", () {
return expect42(Async.staticVarArrowExpression(f42));
// Instance declarations or local declarations in instance functions.
var async = new Async();
test("instanceMethod", () {
return expect42(async.instanceMethod(f42));
test("instanceArrowMethod", () {
return expect42(async.instanceArrowMethod(f42));
test("instanceGetter", () {
return expect42(async.instanceGetter);
test("instanceArrowGetter", () {
return expect42(async.instanceArrowGetter);
test("instanceLocal", () {
return expect42(async.instanceLocal(f42));
test("instanceArrowLocal", () {
return expect42(async.instanceArrowLocal(f42));
test("instanceExpression", () {
return expect42(async.instanceExpression(f42));
test("instanceArrowExpression", () {
return expect42(async.instanceArrowExpression(f42));
test("instanceVarExpression", () {
return expect42(async.instanceVarExpression(f42));
test("instanceVarArrowExpression", () {
return expect42(async.instanceVarArrowExpression(f42));
// Local functions in constructor initializer list.
test("initializerExpression", () {
var async = new Async.initializer(f42);
return expect42(async.initValue);
test("initializerArrowExpression", () {
var async = new Async.initializerArrow(f42);
return expect42(async.initValue);
test("async in async", () {
return expect42(asyncInAsync(f42));
test("sync in async", () {
return expect42(syncInAsync(f42));
test("async in sync", () {
return expect42(asyncInSync(f42));
test("Identical and equals", () {
expect(async.instanceMethod, equals(async.instanceMethod));
expect(Async.staticMethod, same(Async.staticMethod));
expect(topMethod, same(topMethod));
group("await expression", () {
const c42 = 42;
final v42 = 42;
test("local variable", () {
var l42 = 42;
f() async {
return await l42;
return expect42(f());
test("parameter", () {
f(p) async {
return await p;
return expect42(f(42));
test("final local variable", () {
f() async {
return await v42;
return expect42(f());
test("const local variable", () {
f() async {
return await c42;
return expect42(f());
test("unary prefix operator", () {
f() async {
return -await -42;
return expect42(f());
test("suffix operator", () {
f() async {
var v = [42];
return await v[0];
return expect42(f());
test("unary postfix operator", () {
f() async {
var x = 42;
return await x++;
return expect42(f());
test("suffix operator + increment", () {
f() async {
var v = [42];
return await v[0]++;
return expect42(f());
test("suffix operator + increment 2", () {
f() async {
var v = [42];
return await v[await 0]++;
return expect42(f());
test("unary pre-increment operator", () {
f() async {
var x = 41;
return await ++x;
return expect42(f());
test("suffix operator + pre-increment", () {
f() async {
var v = [41];
return await ++v[0];
return expect42(f());
test("assignment operator", () {
f() async {
var x = 37;
return await (x = 42);
return expect42(f());
test("assignment-op operator", () {
f() async {
var x = 37;
return await (x += 5);
return expect42(f());
test("binary operator", () {
f() async {
return await (10 + 11) + await (10 + 11);
return expect42(f());
test("ternary operator", () {
f(v) async {
return await ((v == 10) ? new Future.value(42) : 37);
return expect42(f(10));
test("top-level function call", () {
f() async {
return await topMethod(42);
return expect42(f());
test("static function call", () {
f() async {
return await Async.staticMethod(42);
return expect42(f());
test("instance function call", () {
f() async {
var a = new Async();
return await a.instanceMethod(42);
return expect42(f());
test("top-level function call w/ await", () {
f() async {
return await topMethod(await 42);
return expect42(f());
test("static function call w/ await", () {
f() async {
return await Async.staticMethod(await 42);
return expect42(f());
test("instance function call w/ await", () {
f() async {
var a = new Async();
return await a.instanceMethod(await 42);
return expect42(f());
test("top-level getter call", () {
f() async {
return await topGetter;
return expect42(f());
test("static getter call", () {
f() async {
return await Async.staticGetter;
return expect42(f());
test("top-level getter call", () {
f() async {
var a = new Async();
return await a.instanceGetter;
return expect42(f());
if (!assertStatementsEnabled) return;
test("inside assert, true", () { // //# 03: ok
f() async { // //# 03: continued
assert(await new Future.microtask(() => true)); // //# 03: continued
return 42; // //# 03: continued
} // //# 03: continued
return expect42(f()); // //# 03: continued
}); // //# 03: continued
test("inside assert, false", () { // //# 03: continued
f() async { // //# 03: continued
assert(await new Future.microtask(() => false)); // //# 03: continued
return 42; // //# 03: continued
} // //# 03: continued
return f().then((_) { // //# 03: continued
fail("assert didn't throw"); // //# 03: continued
}, onError: (e, s) { // //# 03: continued
expect(e is AssertionError, isTrue); // //# 03: continued
}); // //# 03: continued
}); // //# 03: continued
test("inside assert, function -> false", () { // //# 03: continued
f() async { // //# 03: continued
assert(await new Future.microtask(() => false)); // //# 03: continued
return 42; // //# 03: continued
} // //# 03: continued
return f().then((_) { // //# 03: continued
fail("assert didn't throw"); // //# 03: continued
}, onError: (e, s) { // //# 03: continued
expect(e is AssertionError, isTrue); // //# 03: continued
}); // //# 03: continued
}); // //# 03: continued
group("syntax", () {
test("async as variable", () {
// Valid identifiers outside of async function.
var async = 42;
expect(async, equals(42));
test("await as variable", () { // //# 02: ok
// Valid identifiers outside of async function. // //# 02: continued
var await = 42; // //# 02: continued
expect(await, equals(42)); // //# 02: continued
}); // //# 02: continued
test("yield as variable", () {
// Valid identifiers outside of async function.
var yield = 42;
expect(yield, equals(42));
// Mock test framework sufficient to run tests.
String _currentName = "";
test(name, action()) {
var oldName = _currentName;
_currentName = [oldName, name].join(" ");
runZoned(() {
asyncTest(() => new Future.sync(action));
}, zoneValues: {#testName: _currentName});
_currentName = oldName;
group(name, entries()) {
var oldName = _currentName;
_currentName = [oldName, name].join(" ");
_currentName = oldName;
expect(value, expectation) {
var name = Zone.current[#testName];
if (expectation is bool) {
// Just for better error message.
(expectation ? Expect.isTrue : Expect.isFalse)(value, name);
if (expectation is List) {
Expect.listEquals(expectation, value, name);
if (expectation is Function(Object, String)) {
expectation(value, name);
Expect.equals(expectation, value, name);
equals(x) => x;
final isTrue = true;
same(v) => (Object o, String name) => Expect.identical(v, o, name);
fail(message) {
var name = Zone.current[#testName];"$name: $message");
// End mock.
// Attempt to obfuscates value to avoid too much constant folding.
id(v) {
try {
if (v != null) throw v;
} catch (e) {
return e;
return null;
// Create a stream for testing "async for-in".
Stream<int> mkStream() {
StreamController<int> c;
int i = 0;
next() {
if (i == 10) {
} else {
c = new StreamController(onListen: () {
// Check that future contains the error "err".
Future throwsErr(Future future) {
return future.then((v) {
fail("didn't throw");
}, onError: (e) {
expect(e, equals("err"));
// Check that future contains the value 42.
Future expect42(Future future) {
return future.then((v) {
expect(v, equals(42));
// Various async declarations.
Future topMethod(f) async {
return await f;
Future topArrowMethod(f) async => await f;
Future get topGetter async {
return await new Future.value(42);
Future get topArrowGetter async => await new Future.value(42);
Future topLocal(f) {
local() async {
return await f;
return local();
Future topArrowLocal(f) {
local() async => await f;
return local();
Future topExpression(f) {
return () async {
return await f;
Future topArrowExpression(f) {
return (() async => await f)();
DynamicToDynamic topVarExpression = (f) async {
return await f;
var topVarArrowExpression = (f) async => await f;
class Async {
var initValue;
: initValue = (() async {
return await f;
Async.initializerArrow(f) : initValue = ((() async => await f)());
/* static */
static Future staticMethod(f) async {
return await f;
static Future staticArrowMethod(f) async => await f;
static Future get staticGetter async {
return await new Future.value(42);
static Future get staticArrowGetter async => await new Future.value(42);
static Future staticLocal(f) {
local() async {
return await f;
return local();
static Future staticArrowLocal(f) {
local() async => await f;
return local();
static Future staticExpression(f) {
return () async {
return await f;
static Future staticArrowExpression(f) {
return (() async => await f)();
static DynamicToDynamic staticVarExpression = (f) async {
return await f;
static var staticVarArrowExpression = (f) async => await f;
/* instance */
Future instanceMethod(f) async {
return await f;
Future instanceArrowMethod(f) async => await f;
Future get instanceGetter async {
return await new Future.value(42);
Future get instanceArrowGetter async => await new Future.value(42);
Future instanceLocal(f) {
local() async {
return await f;
return local();
Future instanceArrowLocal(f) {
local() async => await f;
return local();
Future instanceExpression(f) {
return () async {
return await f;
Future instanceArrowExpression(f) {
return (() async => await f)();
DynamicToDynamic instanceVarExpression = (f) async {
return await f;
var instanceVarArrowExpression = (f) async => await f;
Future asyncInAsync(f) async {
inner(f) async {
return await f;
return await inner(f);
Future asyncInSync(f) {
inner(f) async {
return await f;
return inner(f);
Future syncInAsync(f) async {
inner(f) {
return f;
return await inner(f);
* A non-standard implementation of Future with a value.
class FakeValueFuture implements Future {
final _value;
Future<S> then<S>(callback(value), {Function onError}) {
return new Future<S>.microtask(() => callback(_value));
Future whenComplete(callback()) {
return new Future.microtask(() {
Future catchError(Function onError, {bool test(error)}) => this;
Stream asStream() => (new StreamController()
Future timeout(Duration duration, {onTimeout()}) => this;
typedef OnErrorCallback2 = dynamic Function(Object, StackTrace);
typedef OnErrorCallback1 = dynamic Function(Object);
* A non-standard implementation of Future with an error.
class FakeErrorFuture implements Future {
final _error;
Future<S> then<S>(callback(value), {Function onError}) {
if (onError != null) {
if (onError is OnErrorCallback2) {
return new Future<S>.microtask(() => onError(_error, StackTrace.empty));
} else if (onError is OnErrorCallback1) {
return new Future<S>.microtask(() => onError(_error));
} else {
throw new ArgumentError.value(
"Error handler must accept one Object or one Object and a StackTrace"
" as arguments, and return a valid result");
return new Future<S>.error(_error);
Future whenComplete(callback()) {
return new Future.microtask(() {
}).then((_) => this);
Future catchError(Function onError, {bool test(error)}) {
return new Future.microtask(() {
if (test != null && !test(_error)) return this;
if (onError is OnErrorCallback2) {
return onError(_error, null);
} else if (onError is OnErrorCallback1) {
return onError(_error);
} else {
throw new ArgumentError.value(
"Error handler must accept one Object or one Object and a StackTrace"
" as arguments, and return a valid result");
Stream asStream() => (new StreamController()
Future timeout(Duration duration, {onTimeout()}) => this;