blob: a879c6e7db28da707965c8cc65e2449ccf125cfa [file] [log] [blame]
Test: List<String> formatting header
"style": "background-color: #d9edf7;color: black"
"List<String> length 3"
Test: List<String> formatting body
"style": "list-style-type: none;padding-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;margin-left: 12px;"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"0: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"1: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"2: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"[[class]]: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
Test: List<Object> instance header
"style": "background-color: #d9edf7;color: black"
"List<Object> length 3"
Test: List<Object> instance body
"style": "list-style-type: none;padding-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;margin-left: 12px;"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"0: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"1: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"2: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"[[class]]: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
Test: List<Object> definition formatting header
"style": "background-color: #d9edf7;color: black"
"List<Object> implements List<Object>, JSIndexable<Object>"
Test: List<Object> definition formatting body
"style": "list-style-type: none;padding-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;margin-left: 12px;"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": ""
"[[Instance Methods]]"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"+: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"add: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"addAll: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"any: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"asMap: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"cast: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"checkGrowable: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"checkMutable: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"clear: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"contains: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"elementAt: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"every: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"expand: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"fillRange: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"firstWhere: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"fold: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"followedBy: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"forEach: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"getRange: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"indexOf: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"indexWhere: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"insert: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"insertAll: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"join: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"lastIndexOf: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"lastIndexWhere: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"lastWhere: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"map: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"reduce: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"remove: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"removeAt: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"removeLast: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"removeRange: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"removeWhere: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"replaceRange: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"retainWhere: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"setAll: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"setRange: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"shuffle: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"singleWhere: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"skip: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"skipWhile: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"sort: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"sublist: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"take: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"takeWhile: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"toList: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"toSet: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"where: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"whereType: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"_get: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"_removeWhere: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"_set: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"_setLengthUnsafe: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"[[base class]]: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
Test: List<int> large instance header
"style": "background-color: #d9edf7;color: black"
"List<int> length 200"
Test: List<int> large instance body
"style": "list-style-type: none;padding-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;margin-left: 12px;"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": ""
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": ""
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"[[class]]: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
Test: List<int> large definition formatting header
"style": "background-color: #d9edf7;color: black"
"List<int> implements List<int>, JSIndexable<int>"
Test: List<int> large definition formatting body
"style": "list-style-type: none;padding-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;margin-left: 12px;"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": ""
"[[Instance Methods]]"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"+: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"add: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"addAll: "
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"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"any: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"asMap: "
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"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"cast: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"checkGrowable: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"checkMutable: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"clear: "
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"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"contains: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"elementAt: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"every: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"expand: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"fillRange: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"firstWhere: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"fold: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"followedBy: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"forEach: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"getRange: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"indexOf: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"indexWhere: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"insert: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"insertAll: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"join: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"lastIndexOf: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"lastIndexWhere: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"lastWhere: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"map: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"reduce: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"remove: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
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"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"removeLast: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"removeRange: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"removeWhere: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"replaceRange: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"retainWhere: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"setAll: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"setRange: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"shuffle: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"singleWhere: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"skip: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"skipWhile: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"sort: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"sublist: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"take: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"takeWhile: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"toList: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"toSet: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"where: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"whereType: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"_get: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"_removeWhere: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"_set: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"_setLengthUnsafe: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"[[base class]]: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
Test: Iterable instance header
"style": "background-color: #d9edf7;color: black"
"MappedListIterable<String, String> length 3"
Test: Iterable instance body
"style": "list-style-type: none;padding-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;margin-left: 12px;"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"0: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"1: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"2: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"[[class]]: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
Test: Iterable definition formatting header
"style": "background-color: #d9edf7;color: black"
"MappedListIterable<String, String>"
Test: Iterable definition formatting body
"style": "list-style-type: none;padding-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;margin-left: 12px;"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": ""
"[[Instance Methods]]"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"fold: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"map: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"[[base class]]: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
Test: Set instance header
"style": "background-color: #d9edf7;color: black"
"_HashSet<dynamic> length 3"
Test: Set instance body
"style": "list-style-type: none;padding-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;margin-left: 12px;"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"0: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"1: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"2: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"[[class]]: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
Test: Set definition formatting header
"style": "background-color: #d9edf7;color: black"
"_HashSet<dynamic> implements HashSet<dynamic>, LinkedHashSet<dynamic>"
Test: Set definition formatting body
"style": "list-style-type: none;padding-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;margin-left: 12px;"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": ""
"[[Instance Methods]]"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"add: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"contains: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"lookup: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"remove: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"_newSet: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"_newSimilarSet: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"[[base class]]: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
Test: Map<String, int> formatting header
"style": "background-color: #d9edf7;color: black"
"IdentityMap<String, int> length 3"
Test: Map<String, int> formatting body
"style": "list-style-type: none;padding-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;margin-left: 12px;"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"0: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"1: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"2: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"[[class]]: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
Test: Map<dynamic, dynamic> instance header
"style": "background-color: #d9edf7;color: black"
"LinkedMap<dynamic, dynamic> length 3"
Test: Map<dynamic, dynamic> instance body
"style": "list-style-type: none;padding-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;margin-left: 12px;"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"0: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"1: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"2: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"[[class]]: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
Test: Map<dynamic, dynamic> definition formatting header
"style": "background-color: #d9edf7;color: black"
"LinkedMap<dynamic, dynamic>"
Test: Map<dynamic, dynamic> definition formatting body
"style": "list-style-type: none;padding-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;margin-left: 12px;"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": ""
"[[Instance Methods]]"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"clear: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"remove: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"_get: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"_set: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"[[base class]]: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
Test: Function formatting header
"style": "background-color: #d9edf7;color: black"
"(int, int) => int"
Test: Function formatting body
"style": "list-style-type: none;padding-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;margin-left: 12px;"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"signature: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"(int, int) => int"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"JavaScript Function: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
Test: Function with functon arguments formatting header
"style": "background-color: #d9edf7;color: black"
"(String, (Event$) => bool) => Null"
Test: Function with functon arguments formatting body
"style": "list-style-type: none;padding-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;margin-left: 12px;"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"signature: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"(String, (Event$) => bool) => Null"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"JavaScript Function: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
Test: dart:html method
Test: Raw reference to dart constructor formatting header
"style": "background-color: #d9edf7;color: black"
Test: Raw reference to dart constructor formatting body
"style": "list-style-type: none;padding-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;margin-left: 12px;"
Test: Object formatting header
"style": "background-color: #d9edf7;color: black"
"Instance of 'Object'"
Test: Object formatting body
"style": "list-style-type: none;padding-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;margin-left: 12px;"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"runtimeType: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"[[class]]: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
Test: Type TestClass formatting header
"style": "background-color: #d9edf7;color: black"
Test: Type TestClass formatting body
"style": "list-style-type: none;padding-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;margin-left: 12px;"
Test: Type HttpRequest formatting header
"style": "background-color: #d9edf7;color: black"
Test: Type HttpRequest formatting body
"style": "list-style-type: none;padding-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;margin-left: 12px;"
Test: Test library Module header
"style": "background-color: #d9edf7;color: black"
"Library Module: debugger_test"
Test: Test library Module body
"style": "list-style-type: none;padding-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;margin-left: 12px;"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": ""
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
Test: Test library Module child 0 formatting header
"style": "background-color: #d9edf7;color: black"
Test: Test library Module child 0 formatting body
"style": "list-style-type: none;padding-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;margin-left: 12px;"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"TestClass: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"TestGenericClass<dynamic, dynamic>: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"FormattedObject: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"replacer: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"format: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"extractNestedFormattedObjects: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"main: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"devtoolsFormatters: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
Test: StackTrace formatting header
"style": "background-color: #d9edf7;color: black"
Test: StackTrace formatting body
"style": "list-style-type: none;padding-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;margin-left: 12px;background-color: thistle;color: rgb(196, 26, 22);"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": ""
"Error: Instance of 'Error'"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": ""
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": ""
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": ""
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": ""
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": ""
" (<anonymous>)"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": ""
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": ""
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": ""
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": ""
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": ""
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": ""
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": ""
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": ""
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": ""
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": ""
Test: TestClass instance header
"style": "background-color: #d9edf7;color: black"
"Instance of 'TestClass'"
Test: TestClass instance body
"style": "list-style-type: none;padding-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;margin-left: 12px;"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"date: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"name: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"test class"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"runtimeType: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"someInt: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"someObject: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"someString: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"Hello world"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"[[class]]: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
Test: TestClass definition formatting header
"style": "background-color: #d9edf7;color: black"
Test: TestClass definition formatting body
"style": "list-style-type: none;padding-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;margin-left: 12px;"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": ""
"[[Instance Methods]]"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"addOne: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"last: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"nameAndDate: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"returnObject: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"[[base class]]: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
Test: HttpRequest instance header
"style": "background-color: #d9edf7;color: black"
"[object XMLHttpRequest]"
Test: HttpRequest instance body
"style": "list-style-type: none;padding-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;margin-left: 12px;"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"on: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"onAbort: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"onError: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"onLoad: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"onLoadEnd: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"onLoadStart: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"onProgress: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"onReadyStateChange: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"onTimeout: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"readyState: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"response: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"responseHeaders: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"responseText: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"responseType: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"responseUrl: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"responseXml: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"runtimeType: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"status: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"statusText: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"timeout: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"upload: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"withCredentials: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"_get_response: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"[[class]]: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
Test: HttpRequest definition formatting header
"style": "background-color: #d9edf7;color: black"
Test: HttpRequest definition formatting body
"style": "list-style-type: none;padding-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;margin-left: 12px;"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": ""
"[[Instance Methods]]"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"abort: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"getAllResponseHeaders: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"getResponseHeader: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"open: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"overrideMimeType: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"send: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"setRequestHeader: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"[[base class]]: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
Test: TestGenericClass instance header
"style": "background-color: #d9edf7;color: black"
"Instance of 'TestGenericClass<int, List<dynamic>>'"
Test: TestGenericClass instance body
"style": "list-style-type: none;padding-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;margin-left: 12px;"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"x: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"runtimeType: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"[[class]]: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
Test: TestGenericClass definition formatting header
"style": "background-color: #d9edf7;color: black"
"TestGenericClass<int, List<dynamic>>"
Test: TestGenericClass definition formatting body
"style": "list-style-type: none;padding-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;margin-left: 12px;"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": ""
"[[Instance Methods]]"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"noSuchMethod: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"toString: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"_equals: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"[[base class]]: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
Test: TestGenericClassJSInterop instance header
"style": "background-color: #d9edf7;color: black"
"Instance of 'TestGenericClass<ExampleJSClass, int>'"
Test: TestGenericClassJSInterop instance body
"style": "list-style-type: none;padding-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;margin-left: 12px;"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"x: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"runtimeType: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"[[class]]: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
Test: TestGenericClassJSInterop definition formatting header
"style": "background-color: #d9edf7;color: black"
"TestGenericClass<ExampleJSClass, int>"
Test: TestGenericClassJSInterop definition formatting body
"style": "list-style-type: none;padding-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;margin-left: 12px;"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": ""
"[[Instance Methods]]"
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"noSuchMethod: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"toString: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"_equals: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}
"style": "padding-left: 13px;"
"style": "background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px"
"[[base class]]: "
"style": "margin-left: 13px"
"object": "<OBJECT>",
"config": {}