blob: dc3f1923da8f7e25e1753be2d52815711ba448a5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of observatory;
class GoogleChart {
static var _api;
/// Get access to the JsObject containing the Google Chart API:
static get api {
return _api;
/// Load the Google Chart API. Returns a [Future] which completes
/// when the API is loaded.
static Future initOnce() {
Completer c = new Completer();'Loading Google Charts API');
['visualization', '1', new JsObject.jsify({
'packages': ['corechart', 'table'],
'callback': new JsFunction.withThis(c.complete)
return c.future.then(_initOnceOnComplete);
static _initOnceOnComplete(_) {'Google Charts API loaded');
_api = context['google']['visualization'];
assert(_api != null);
return _api;
class DataTable {
final _table = new JsObject(GoogleChart.api['DataTable']);
/// Construct a Google Chart DataTable.
/// Number of columns.
int get columns => _table.callMethod('getNumberOfColumns');
/// Number of rows.
int get rows => _table.callMethod('getNumberOfRows');
/// Add a new column with [type] and [label].
/// type must be: 'string', 'number', or 'boolean'.
void addColumn(String type, String label) {
_table.callMethod('addColumn', [type, label]);
/// Add a new column with [type], [label] and [role].
/// Roles are used for metadata such as 'interval' or 'annotation'.
/// type must be: 'string', 'number', or 'boolean'.
void addRoleColumn(String type, String label, String role) {
_table.callMethod('addColumn', [new JsObject.jsify({
'type': type,
'label': label,
'role': role,
/// Remove rows [start, end).
void removeRows(int start, int end) {
_table.callMethod('removeRows', [start, end]);
/// Remove all rows in the table.
void clearRows() {
removeRows(0, rows);
/// Adds a new row to the table. [row] must have an entry for each
/// column in the table.
void addRow(List row) {
_table.callMethod('addRow', [new JsArray.from(row)]);
class Chart {
var _chart;
final Map options = new Map();
/// Create a Google Chart of [chartType]. e.g. 'Table', 'BarChart', the
/// chart is rendered inside [element].
Chart(String chartType, Element element) {
_chart = new JsObject(GoogleChart.api[chartType], [element]);
/// When the user interacts with the table by clicking on columns,
/// you must call this function before [draw] so that we draw
/// with the current sort settings.
void refreshOptionsSortInfo() {
var props = _chart.callMethod('getSortInfo');
if (props != null) {
options['sortColumn'] = props['column'];
options['sortAscending'] = props['ascending'];
/// Draw this chart using [table] and the current [options].
void draw(DataTable table) {
var jsOptions = new JsObject.jsify(options);
_chart.callMethod('draw', [table._table, jsOptions]);