blob: 95068bd8b76176ba780b494fd8aba6de7e5e719f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of unittest;
* Represents the state for an individual unit test.
* Create by calling [test] or [solo_test].
class TestCase {
/** Identifier for this test. */
final int id;
/** A description of what the test is specifying. */
final String description;
/** The setup function to call before the test, if any. */
Function setUp;
/** The teardown function to call after the test, if any. */
Function tearDown;
/** The body of the test case. */
TestFunction testFunction;
* Remaining number of callbacks functions that must reach a 'done' state
* to wait for before the test completes.
int _callbackFunctionsOutstanding = 0;
String _message = '';
/** Error or failure message. */
String get message => _message;
String _result;
* One of [PASS], [FAIL], [ERROR], or [:null:] if the test hasn't run yet.
String get result => _result;
/** Returns whether this test case passed. */
bool get passed => _result == PASS;
StackTrace _stackTrace;
/** Stack trace associated with this test, or [:null:] if it succeeded. */
StackTrace get stackTrace => _stackTrace;
/** The group (or groups) under which this test is running. */
final String currentGroup;
DateTime _startTime;
DateTime get startTime => _startTime;
Duration _runningTime;
Duration get runningTime => _runningTime;
bool enabled = true;
bool _doneTeardown = false;
Completer _testComplete;
TestCase._internal(, this.description, this.testFunction)
: currentGroup = _currentContext.fullName,
setUp = _currentContext.testSetup,
tearDown = _currentContext.testTeardown;
bool get isComplete => !enabled || result != null;
Function _errorHandler(String stage) => (e, stack) {
if (stack == null && e is Error) {
stack = e.stackTrace;
if (result == null || result == PASS) {
if (e is TestFailure) {
fail("$e", stack);
} else {
error("$stage failed: Caught $e", stack);
* Perform any associated [_setUp] function and run the test. Returns
* a [Future] that can be used to schedule the next test. If the test runs
* to completion synchronously, or is disabled, null is returned, to
* tell unittest to schedule the next test immediately.
Future _run() {
if (!enabled) return new Future.value();
_result = _stackTrace = null;
_message = '';
// Avoid calling [new Future] to avoid issue 11911.
return new Future.value().then((_) {
if (setUp != null) return setUp();
.then((_) {
// Skip the test if setup failed.
if (result != null) return new Future.value();
_startTime = new;
_runningTime = null;
return testFunction();
.then((_) {
if (result == null) {
// Outstanding callbacks exist; we need to return a Future.
_testComplete = new Completer();
return _testComplete.future.whenComplete(() {
if (tearDown != null) {
return tearDown();
} else if (tearDown != null) {
return tearDown();
// Set the results, notify the config, and return true if this
// is the first time the result is being set.
void _setResult(String testResult, String messageText, StackTrace stack) {
_message = messageText;
_stackTrace = _getTrace(stack);
if (_stackTrace == null) _stackTrace = stack;
if (result == null) {
_result = testResult;
} else {
_result = testResult;
void _complete(String testResult, [String messageText = '',
StackTrace stack]) {
if (runningTime == null) {
// The startTime can be `null` if an error happened during setup. In this
// case we simply report a running time of 0.
if (startTime != null) {
_runningTime = new;
} else {
_runningTime = const Duration(seconds: 0);
_setResult(testResult, messageText, stack);
if (_testComplete != null) {
var t = _testComplete;
_testComplete = null;
void pass() {
void fail(String messageText, [StackTrace stack]) {
if (result != null) {
String newMessage = (result == PASS)
? 'Test failed after initially passing: $messageText'
: 'Test failed more than once: $messageText';
// TODO(gram): Should we combine the stack with the old one?
_complete(ERROR, newMessage, stack);
} else {
_complete(FAIL, messageText, stack);
void error(String messageText, [StackTrace stack]) {
_complete(ERROR, messageText, stack);
void _markCallbackComplete() {
if (--_callbackFunctionsOutstanding == 0 && !isComplete) {
String toString() => _result != null ? "$description: $result" : description;