blob: 0ad8e2180761d17b78f88bfa31f4fc6d829a7eee [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:core' as prefix0;
import 'dart:math' as prefix1;
augment void topLevelFunction1() {
throw 42;
augment prefix0.dynamic topLevelFunction2() {
throw 42;
augment topLevelFunction3() {
throw 42;
augment prefix0.dynamic topLevelFunction4() {
throw 42;
augment prefix1.Random topLevelFunction5() {
throw 42;
augment prefix0.List<> topLevelFunction6() {
throw 42;
augment prefix0.Map<prefix1.Random, prefix0.List<>> topLevelFunction7() {
throw 42;
augment prefix0.Map<, prefix0.String>? topLevelFunction8() {
throw 42;
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:macro/macro.dart';
/*member: topLevelFunction1:
augment void topLevelFunction1() {
throw 42;
external void topLevelFunction1();
/*member: topLevelFunction2:
augment dynamic topLevelFunction2() {
throw 42;
external dynamic topLevelFunction2();
/*member: topLevelFunction3:
augment int topLevelFunction3() {
throw 42;
external int topLevelFunction3();
/*member: topLevelFunction4:
augment dynamic topLevelFunction4() {
throw 42;
external topLevelFunction4();
/*member: topLevelFunction5:
augment Random topLevelFunction5() {
throw 42;
external math.Random topLevelFunction5();
/*member: topLevelFunction6:
augment List<int> topLevelFunction6() {
throw 42;
external List<int> topLevelFunction6();
/*member: topLevelFunction7:
augment Map<Random, List<int>> topLevelFunction7() {
throw 42;
external Map<math.Random, List<int>> topLevelFunction7();
/*member: topLevelFunction8:
augment Map<int?, String>? topLevelFunction8() {
throw 42;
external Map<int?, String>? topLevelFunction8();