blob: 4665e61f7c04dec443a08228f0dd5038eada8854 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library fasta.dill_loader;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/messages/severity.dart' show Severity;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' show Class, Component, DartType, Library;
import '../builder/class_builder.dart';
import '../builder/library_builder.dart';
import '../builder/type_builder.dart';
import '../crash.dart' show firstSourceUri;
import '../fasta_codes.dart'
show SummaryTemplate, Template, templateDillOutlineSummary;
import '../kernel/type_builder_computer.dart' show TypeBuilderComputer;
import '../loader.dart';
import '../messages.dart'
import '../problems.dart' show internalProblem, unhandled;
import '../source/source_loader.dart' show SourceLoader;
import '../ticker.dart' show Ticker;
import 'dill_library_builder.dart' show DillLibraryBuilder;
import 'dill_target.dart' show DillTarget;
import 'dart:collection' show Queue;
class DillLoader extends Loader {
SourceLoader? currentSourceLoader;
final Map<Uri, DillLibraryBuilder> _knownLibraryBuilders =
<Uri, DillLibraryBuilder>{};
final Map<Uri, DillLibraryBuilder> _builders = <Uri, DillLibraryBuilder>{};
final Queue<DillLibraryBuilder> _unparsedLibraries =
new Queue<DillLibraryBuilder>();
final List<Library> libraries = <Library>[];
final DillTarget target;
/// List of all handled compile-time errors seen so far by libraries loaded
/// by this loader.
/// A handled error is an error that has been added to the generated AST
/// already, for example, as a throw expression.
final List<LocatedMessage> handledErrors = <LocatedMessage>[];
/// List of all unhandled compile-time errors seen so far by libraries loaded
/// by this loader.
/// An unhandled error is an error that hasn't been handled, see
/// [handledErrors].
final List<LocatedMessage> unhandledErrors = <LocatedMessage>[];
final Set<String> seenMessages = new Set<String>();
LibraryBuilder? _coreLibrary;
/// The first library loaded by this [DillLoader].
// TODO(johnniwinther): Do we need this?
LibraryBuilder? first;
int byteCount = 0;
LibraryBuilder get coreLibrary => _coreLibrary!;
Ticker get ticker => target.ticker;
void registerKnownLibrary(Library library) {
_knownLibraryBuilders[library.importUri] =
new DillLibraryBuilder(library, this);
// TODO(johnniwinther): This is never called!?!
void releaseAncillaryResources() {
/// Look up a library builder by the [uri], or if such doesn't exist, create
/// one. The canonical URI of the library is [uri], and its actual location is
/// [fileUri].
/// Canonical URIs have schemes like "dart", or "package", and the actual
/// location is often a file URI.
/// The [accessor] is the library that's trying to import, export, or include
/// as part [uri], and [charOffset] is the location of the corresponding
/// directive. If [accessor] isn't allowed to access [uri], it's a
/// compile-time error.
DillLibraryBuilder read(Uri uri, int charOffset, {LibraryBuilder? accessor}) {
DillLibraryBuilder? libraryBuilder = _builders[uri];
if (libraryBuilder == null) {
libraryBuilder = _knownLibraryBuilders.remove(uri);
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(libraryBuilder != null, "No library found for $uri.");
_builders[uri] = libraryBuilder!;
assert(libraryBuilder.loader == this);
if (uri.isScheme("dart")) {
if (uri.path == "core") {
_coreLibrary = libraryBuilder;
// Add any additional logic after this block. Setting the
// firstSourceUri and first library should be done as early as
// possible.
firstSourceUri ??= uri;
first ??= libraryBuilder;
if (_coreLibrary == libraryBuilder) {
if (target.backendTarget.mayDefineRestrictedType(uri)) {
libraryBuilder.mayImplementRestrictedTypes = true;
if (accessor != null) {
libraryBuilder.recordAccess(charOffset, noLength, accessor.fileUri);
if (!accessor.isPatch &&
!accessor.isPart &&
.allowPlatformPrivateLibraryAccess(accessor.importUri, uri)) {
accessor.addProblem(messagePlatformPrivateLibraryAccess, charOffset,
noLength, accessor.fileUri);
return libraryBuilder;
void _ensureCoreLibrary() {
if (_coreLibrary == null) {
read(Uri.parse("dart:core"), 0, accessor: first);
// TODO(askesc): When all backends support set literals, we no longer
// need to index dart:collection, as it is only needed for desugaring of
// const sets. We can remove it from this list at that time.
read(Uri.parse("dart:collection"), 0, accessor: first);
assert(_coreLibrary != null);
void buildOutlines() {
while (_unparsedLibraries.isNotEmpty) {
DillLibraryBuilder library = _unparsedLibraries.removeFirst();
void _logSummary(Template<SummaryTemplate> template) {
ticker.log((Duration elapsed, Duration sinceStart) {
int libraryCount = 0;
for (DillLibraryBuilder library in libraryBuilders) {
assert(library.loader == this);
double ms = elapsed.inMicroseconds / Duration.microsecondsPerMillisecond;
Message message = template.withArguments(
libraryCount, byteCount, ms, byteCount / ms, ms / libraryCount);
print("$sinceStart: ${message.problemMessage}");
/// Register [message] as a problem with a severity determined by the
/// intrinsic severity of the message.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Avoid the need for this. If this is ever used, it is
// inconsistent with messages reported through the [SourceLoader] since they
// each have their own list of unhandled/unhandled errors and seen messages,
// and only those of the [SourceLoader] are used elsewhere. Use
// [currentSourceLoader] to forward messages to the [SourceLoader] instead.
FormattedMessage? addProblem(
Message message, int charOffset, int length, Uri? fileUri,
{bool wasHandled: false,
List<LocatedMessage>? context,
Severity? severity,
bool problemOnLibrary: false,
List<Uri>? involvedFiles}) {
return _addMessage(message, charOffset, length, fileUri, severity,
wasHandled: wasHandled,
context: context,
problemOnLibrary: problemOnLibrary,
involvedFiles: involvedFiles);
/// All messages reported by the compiler (errors, warnings, etc.) are routed
/// through this method.
/// Returns a FormattedMessage if the message is new, that is, not previously
/// reported. This is important as some parser errors may be reported up to
/// three times by `OutlineBuilder`, `DietListener`, and `BodyBuilder`.
/// If the message is not new, [null] is reported.
/// If [severity] is `Severity.error`, the message is added to
/// [handledErrors] if [wasHandled] is true or to [unhandledErrors] if
/// [wasHandled] is false.
FormattedMessage? _addMessage(Message message, int charOffset, int length,
Uri? fileUri, Severity? severity,
{bool wasHandled: false,
List<LocatedMessage>? context,
bool problemOnLibrary: false,
List<Uri>? involvedFiles}) {
severity ??= message.code.severity;
if (severity == Severity.ignored) return null;
String trace = """
message: ${message.problemMessage}
charOffset: $charOffset
fileUri: $fileUri
severity: $severity
if (!seenMessages.add(trace)) return null;
if (message.code.severity == Severity.context) {
fileUri != null
? message.withLocation(fileUri, charOffset, length)
: message.withoutLocation(),
context: context,
involvedFiles: involvedFiles);
if (severity == Severity.error) {
(wasHandled ? handledErrors : unhandledErrors).add(fileUri != null
? message.withLocation(fileUri, charOffset, length)
: message.withoutLocation());
FormattedMessage formattedMessage = target.createFormattedMessage(
message, charOffset, length, fileUri, context, severity,
involvedFiles: involvedFiles);
return formattedMessage;
Template<SummaryTemplate> get outlineSummaryTemplate =>
/// Append compiled libraries from the given [component]. If the [filter] is
/// provided, append only libraries whose [Uri] is accepted by the [filter].
List<DillLibraryBuilder> appendLibraries(Component component,
{bool Function(Uri uri)? filter, int byteCount: 0}) {
List<Library> componentLibraries = component.libraries;
List<Uri> requestedLibraries = <Uri>[];
List<Uri> requestedLibrariesFileUri = <Uri>[];
for (int i = 0; i < componentLibraries.length; i++) {
Library library = componentLibraries[i];
Uri uri = library.importUri;
if (filter == null || filter(library.importUri)) {
List<DillLibraryBuilder> result = <DillLibraryBuilder>[];
for (int i = 0; i < requestedLibraries.length; i++) {
result.add(read(requestedLibraries[i], -1));
this.byteCount += byteCount;
return result;
/// Append single compiled library.
/// Note that as this only takes a library, no new sources is added to the
/// uriToSource map.
DillLibraryBuilder appendLibrary(Library library) {
// Add to list of libraries in the loader, used for e.g. linking.
// Weird interaction begins.
// Create dill library builder (adds it to a map where it's fetched
// again momentarily).
// Set up the dill library builder (fetch it from the map again, add it to
// another map and setup some auxiliary things).
return read(library.importUri, -1);
void buildOutline(DillLibraryBuilder builder) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (builder.library == null) {
unhandled("null", "builder.library", 0, builder.fileUri);
void finalizeExports({bool suppressFinalizationErrors: false}) {
for (DillLibraryBuilder builder in libraryBuilders) {
suppressFinalizationErrors: suppressFinalizationErrors);
ClassBuilder computeClassBuilderFromTargetClass(Class cls) {
Library kernelLibrary = cls.enclosingLibrary;
LibraryBuilder? library = lookupLibraryBuilder(kernelLibrary.importUri);
if (library == null) {
library =
return library!.lookupLocalMember(, required: true) as ClassBuilder;
late TypeBuilderComputer _typeBuilderComputer = new TypeBuilderComputer(this);
TypeBuilder computeTypeBuilder(DartType type) {
return type.accept(_typeBuilderComputer);
bool containsLibraryBuilder(Uri importUri) =>
DillLibraryBuilder? lookupLibraryBuilder(Uri importUri) =>
Iterable<DillLibraryBuilder> get libraryBuilders => _builders.values;
Iterable<Uri> get libraryImportUris => _builders.keys;
void registerLibraryBuilder(DillLibraryBuilder libraryBuilder) {
Uri importUri = libraryBuilder.importUri;
libraryBuilder.loader = this;
if (importUri.isScheme("dart") && importUri.path == "core") {
_coreLibrary = libraryBuilder;
_builders[importUri] = libraryBuilder;
DillLibraryBuilder? deregisterLibraryBuilder(Uri importUri) {
return _builders.remove(importUri);