blob: 9e95de731b71cd3bec60869db9900dcf0f190ee4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
import 'dart:collection';
import '../js_ast/js_ast.dart';
/// The ES6 name for the Dart SDK. All dart:* libraries are in this module.
const String dartSdkModule = 'dart_sdk';
/// Unique instance for temporary variables. Will be renamed consistently
/// across the entire file. Different instances will be named differently
/// even if they have the same name, this makes it safe to use in code
/// generation without needing global knowledge. See [TemporaryNamer].
// TODO(jmesserly): move into js_ast? add a boolean to Identifier?
class TemporaryId extends Identifier {
// TODO(jmesserly): by design, temporary identifier nodes are shared
// throughout the AST, so any source information we attach in one location
// be incorrect for another location (and overwrites previous data).
// If we want to track source information for temporary variables, we'll
// need to separate the identity of the variable from its Identifier.
// In practice that makes temporaries more difficult to use: they're no longer
// JS AST nodes, so `toIdentifier()` is required to put them in the JS AST.
// And anywhere we currently use type `Identifier` to hold Identifier or
// TemporaryId, those types would need to change to `Identifier Function()`.
// However we may need to fix this if we want hover to work well for things
// like library prefixes and field-initializing formals.
dynamic get sourceInformation => null;
set sourceInformation(Object obj) {}
TemporaryId(String name) : super(name);
/// Creates a qualified identifier, without determining for sure if it needs to
/// be qualified until [setQualified] is called.
/// This expression is transparent to visiting after [setQualified].
class MaybeQualifiedId extends Expression {
Expression _expr;
final Identifier qualifier;
final Expression name;
MaybeQualifiedId(this.qualifier, {
_expr = PropertyAccess(qualifier, name);
/// Helper to create an [Identifier] from something that starts as a property.
static Identifier identifier(LiteralString propertyName) =>
void setQualified(bool qualified) {
var name =;
if (!qualified && name is LiteralString) {
_expr = identifier(name);
int get precedenceLevel => _expr.precedenceLevel;
T accept<T>(NodeVisitor<T> visitor) => _expr.accept(visitor);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) => _expr.visitChildren(visitor);
/// Provides a mechanism to listen for naming choices when `Identifier` nodes
/// are compiled into an actual name in the JavaScript.
class NameListener {
/// A mapping of all name selections that were made.
final identifierNames = <Identifier, String>{};
/// Signals that [name] was selected to represent [identifier].
void nameSelected(Identifier identifier, String name) =>
identifierNames[identifier] = name;
/// This class has two purposes:
/// * rename JS identifiers to avoid keywords.
/// * rename temporary variables to avoid colliding with user-specified names,
/// or other temporaries
/// Each instance of [TemporaryId] is treated as a unique variable, with its
/// `name` field simply the suggestion of what name to use. By contrast
/// [Identifiers] are never renamed unless they are an invalid identifier, like
/// `function` or `instanceof`, and their `name` field controls whether they
/// refer to the same variable.
class TemporaryNamer extends LocalNamer {
_FunctionScope _scope;
/// Listener to be notified when a name is selected (rename or not) for an
/// `Identifier`.
/// Can be `null` when there is no listener attached.
final NameListener _nameListener;
TemporaryNamer(Node node, [this._nameListener])
: _scope =;
String getName(Identifier node) {
var name = _scope.renames[identifierKey(node)] ??;
_nameListener?.nameSelected(node, name);
return name;
void enterScope(Node node) {
_scope = _scope.childScopes[node];
void leaveScope() {
_scope = _scope.parent;
/// Represents a complete function scope in JS.
/// We don't currently track ES6 block scopes.
class _FunctionScope {
/// The parent scope.
final _FunctionScope parent;
/// All names declared in this scope.
final declared = HashSet<Object>();
/// All names [declared] in this scope or its [parent]s, that is used in this
/// scope and/or children. This is exactly the set of variable names we must
/// not collide with inside this scope.
final used = HashSet<String>();
/// Nested scopes, these are visited after everything else so the names
/// they might need are in scope.
final childScopes = <Node, _FunctionScope>{};
/// New names assigned for temps and identifiers.
final renames = HashMap<Object, String>();
/// Collects all names used in the visited tree.
class _RenameVisitor extends VariableDeclarationVisitor {
final pendingRenames = <Object, Set<_FunctionScope>>{};
final _FunctionScope globalScope = _FunctionScope(null);
final _FunctionScope rootScope = _FunctionScope(null);
_FunctionScope scope; root) {
scope = rootScope;
void declare(Identifier node) {
var id = identifierKey(node);
var notAlreadyDeclared = scope.declared.add(id);
// Normal identifiers can be declared multiple times, because we don't
// implement block scope yet. However temps should only be declared once.
assert(notAlreadyDeclared || node is! TemporaryId);
_markUsed(node, id, scope);
void visitIdentifier(Identifier node) {
var id = identifierKey(node);
// Find where the node was declared.
var declScope = scope;
while (declScope != null && !declScope.declared.contains(id)) {
declScope = declScope.parent;
if (declScope == null) {
// Assume it comes from the global scope.
declScope = globalScope;
_markUsed(node, id, declScope);
void _markUsed(Identifier node, Object id, _FunctionScope declScope) {
// If it needs rename, we can't add it to the used name set yet, instead we
// will record all scopes it is visible in.
Set<_FunctionScope> usedIn;
var rename = declScope != globalScope && needsRename(node);
if (rename) {
usedIn = pendingRenames.putIfAbsent(id, () => HashSet());
for (var s = scope, end = declScope.parent; s != end; s = s.parent) {
if (usedIn != null) {
} else {
void visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {
// Visit nested functions after all identifiers are declared.
scope.childScopes[node] = _FunctionScope(scope);
void visitClassExpression(ClassExpression node) {
scope.childScopes[node] = _FunctionScope(scope);
void _finishScopes() {
scope.childScopes.forEach((node, s) {
scope = s;
if (node is FunctionExpression) {
} else {
super.visitClassExpression(node as ClassExpression);
scope = scope.parent;
void _finishNames() {
pendingRenames.forEach((id, scopes) {
var name = _findName(id, scopes);
for (var s in scopes) {
s.renames[id] = name;
static String _findName(Object id, Set<_FunctionScope> scopes) {
String name;
bool valid;
if (id is TemporaryId) {
name =;
valid = !invalidVariableName(name);
} else {
name = id as String;
valid = false;
// Try to use the temp's name, otherwise rename.
String candidate;
if (valid && !scopes.any((scope) => scope.used.contains(name))) {
candidate = name;
} else {
// This assumes that collisions are rare, hence linear search.
// If collisions become common we need a better search.
// TODO(jmesserly): what's the most readable scheme here? Maybe 1-letter
// names in some cases?
candidate = name == 'function' ? 'func' : '$name\$';
for (var i = 0;
scopes.any((scope) => scope.used.contains(candidate));
i++) {
candidate = '$name\$$i';
return candidate;
bool needsRename(Identifier node) =>
node is TemporaryId || node.allowRename && invalidVariableName(;
Object /*String|TemporaryId*/ identifierKey(Identifier node) =>
node is TemporaryId ? node :;
/// Returns true for invalid JS variable names, such as keywords.
/// Also handles invalid variable names in strict mode, like "arguments".
bool invalidVariableName(String keyword, {bool strictMode = true}) {
switch (keyword) {
case 'await':
case 'break':
case 'case':
case 'catch':
case 'class':
case 'const':
case 'continue':
case 'debugger':
case 'default':
case 'delete':
case 'do':
case 'else':
case 'enum':
case 'export':
case 'extends':
case 'finally':
case 'for':
case 'function':
case 'if':
case 'import':
case 'in':
case 'instanceof':
case 'new':
case 'return':
case 'super':
case 'switch':
case 'this':
case 'throw':
case 'try':
case 'typeof':
case 'var':
case 'void':
case 'while':
case 'with':
return true;
case 'arguments':
case 'eval':
case 'implements':
case 'interface':
case 'let':
case 'package':
case 'private':
case 'protected':
case 'public':
case 'static':
case 'yield':
return strictMode;
return false;
/// Returns true for names that cannot be set via `className.fieldName = ...`
/// on a JS class/constructor function.
/// These are getters on `Function.prototype` so we cannot set them but we can
/// define them on our object using `Object.defineProperty` or equivalent.
/// They are also valid as static getter/setter/method names if we use the JS
/// class syntax.
bool isFunctionPrototypeGetter(String name) {
switch (name) {
case 'arguments':
case 'caller':
case 'callee':
case 'name':
case 'length':
return true;
return false;
/// See ES6 spec (and `Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Object.prototype)`):
final objectProperties = <String>{
/// Returns the JS member name for a public Dart instance member, before it
/// is symbolized; generally you should use [_emitMemberName] or
/// [_declareMemberName] instead of this.
String memberNameForDartMember(String name, [bool isExternal = false]) {
// When generating synthetic names, we use _ as the prefix, since Dart names
// won't have this, nor will static names reach here.
switch (name) {
case '[]':
return '_get';
case '[]=':
return '_set';
case 'unary-':
return '_negate';
case '==':
return '_equals';
case 'constructor':
case 'prototype':
// If [isExternal], assume the JS member is intended.
return isExternal ? name : '_$name';
return name;
final friendlyNameForDartOperator = {
'<': 'lessThan',
'>': 'greaterThan',
'<=': 'lessOrEquals',
'>=': 'greaterOrEquals',
'-': 'minus',
'+': 'plus',
'/': 'divide',
'~/': 'floorDivide',
'*': 'times',
'%': 'modulo',
'|': 'bitOr',
'^': 'bitXor',
'&': 'bitAnd',
'<<': 'leftShift',
'>>': 'rightShift',
'>>>': 'tripleShift',
'~': 'bitNot',
// These ones are always renamed, hence the choice of `_` to avoid conflict
// with Dart names. See _emitMemberName.
'==': '_equals',
'[]': '_get',
'[]=': '_set',
'unary-': '_negate',
// Invalid characters for identifiers, which would need to be escaped.
final invalidCharInIdentifier = RegExp(r'[^A-Za-z_$0-9]');
/// Escape [name] to make it into a valid identifier.
String toJSIdentifier(String name) {
if (name.isEmpty) return r'$';
// Escape any invalid characters
StringBuffer buffer;
for (var i = 0; i < name.length; i++) {
var ch = name[i];
var needsEscape = ch == r'$' || invalidCharInIdentifier.hasMatch(ch);
if (needsEscape && buffer == null) {
buffer = StringBuffer(name.substring(0, i));
if (buffer != null) {
buffer.write(needsEscape ? '\$${ch.codeUnits.join("")}' : ch);
var result = buffer != null ? '$buffer' : name;
// Ensure the identifier first character is not numeric and that the whole
// identifier is not a keyword.
if (result.startsWith(RegExp('[0-9]')) || invalidVariableName(result)) {
return '\$$result';
return result;