blob: dadf358bd6b97e866b1f38b95b373a4844193e7c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/memory_file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/util/file_paths.dart' as file_paths;
/// A mixin for test classes that adds a [ResourceProvider] and utility methods
/// for manipulating the file system. The utility methods all take a posix style
/// path and convert it as appropriate for the actual platform.
mixin ResourceProviderMixin {
MemoryResourceProvider resourceProvider = MemoryResourceProvider();
String convertPath(String path) => resourceProvider.convertPath(path);
void deleteAnalysisOptionsYamlFile(String directoryPath) {
var path = join(directoryPath, file_paths.analysisOptionsYaml);
void deleteFile(String path) {
String convertedPath = convertPath(path);
void deleteFolder(String path) {
String convertedPath = convertPath(path);
void deletePackageConfigJsonFile(String directoryPath) {
var path = join(
File getFile(String path) {
String convertedPath = convertPath(path);
return resourceProvider.getFile(convertedPath);
Folder getFolder(String path) {
String convertedPath = convertPath(path);
return resourceProvider.getFolder(convertedPath);
String join(String part1,
[String? part2,
String? part3,
String? part4,
String? part5,
String? part6,
String? part7,
String? part8]) =>
.join(part1, part2, part3, part4, part5, part6, part7, part8);
void modifyFile(String path, String content) {
String convertedPath = convertPath(path);
resourceProvider.modifyFile(convertedPath, content);
@Deprecated('Use newAnalysisOptionsYamlFile2() instead')
File newAnalysisOptionsYamlFile(String directoryPath, {String content = ''}) {
return newAnalysisOptionsYamlFile2(directoryPath, content);
File newAnalysisOptionsYamlFile2(String directoryPath, String content) {
String path = join(directoryPath, file_paths.analysisOptionsYaml);
return newFile2(path, content);
File newBazelBuildFile(String directoryPath, String content) {
String path = join(directoryPath, file_paths.bazelBuild);
return newFile2(path, content);
@Deprecated('Use newFile2() instead')
File newFile(String path, {String content = ''}) {
return newFile2(path, content);
File newFile2(String path, String content) {
String convertedPath = convertPath(path);
return resourceProvider.newFile(convertedPath, content);
Folder newFolder(String path) {
String convertedPath = convertPath(path);
return resourceProvider.newFolder(convertedPath);
File newPackageConfigJsonFile(String directoryPath, String content) {
String path = join(
return newFile2(path, content);
File newPubspecYamlFile(String directoryPath, String content) {
String path = join(directoryPath, file_paths.pubspecYaml);
return newFile2(path, content);
Uri toUri(String path) {
path = convertPath(path);
return resourceProvider.pathContext.toUri(path);
String toUriStr(String path) {
return toUri(path).toString();