blob: c171029d55b4a0e6c386865cdccdefcdc856169a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/edit_plan.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/hint_action.dart';
/// Data structure used by the nullability migration engine to refer to a
/// specific location in source code.
class CodeReference {
final String path;
final int line;
final int column;
final int offset;
/// Name of the enclosing function, or `null` if not known.
String? function;
CodeReference(this.path, this.offset, this.line, this.column, this.function);
/// Creates a [CodeReference] pointing to the given [node].
factory CodeReference.fromAstNode(AstNode node) {
var compilationUnit = node.thisOrAncestorOfType<CompilationUnit>()!;
var source = compilationUnit.declaredElement!.source;
var location = compilationUnit.lineInfo!.getLocation(node.offset);
return CodeReference(source.fullName, node.offset, location.lineNumber,
location.columnNumber, _computeEnclosingName(node));
factory CodeReference.fromElement(
Element element, LineInfo Function(String) getLineInfo) {
var path = element.source!.fullName;
var offset = element.nameOffset;
var location = getLineInfo(path).getLocation(offset);
return CodeReference(path, offset, location.lineNumber,
location.columnNumber, _computeElementFullName(element));
/// Gets a short description of this code reference (using the last component
/// of the path rather than the full path)
String get shortName => '$shortPath:$line:$column';
/// Gets the last component of the path part of this code reference.
String get shortPath {
var pathAsUri = Uri.file(path);
return pathAsUri.pathSegments.last;
String toString() {
var pathAsUri = Uri.file(path);
return '${function ?? 'unknown'} ($pathAsUri:$line:$column)';
static String? _computeElementFullName(Element? element) {
List<String> parts = [];
while (element != null) {
var elementName = _computeElementName(element);
if (elementName != null) {
element = element.enclosingElement;
if (parts.isEmpty) return null;
return parts.reversed.join('.');
static String? _computeElementName(Element element) {
if (element is CompilationUnitElement || element is LibraryElement) {
return null;
static String? _computeEnclosingName(AstNode? node) {
List<String?> parts = [];
while (node != null) {
var nodeName = _computeNodeDeclarationName(node);
if (nodeName != null) {
} else if (parts.isEmpty && node is VariableDeclarationList) {
node = node.parent;
if (parts.isEmpty) return null;
return parts.reversed.join('.');
static String? _computeNodeDeclarationName(AstNode node) {
if (node is ExtensionDeclaration) {
return node.declaredElement?.name ?? '<unnamed extension>';
} else if (node is Declaration) {
var name = node.declaredElement?.name;
return name == '' ? '<unnamed>' : name;
} else {
return null;
/// Information exposed to the migration client about the set of nullability
/// nodes decorating a type in the program being migrated.
abstract class DecoratedTypeInfo {
/// Information about the graph node associated with the decision of whether
/// or not to make this type into a nullable type.
NullabilityNodeInfo? get node;
/// If [type] is a function type, information about the set of nullability
/// nodes decorating the type's return type.
DecoratedTypeInfo? get returnType;
/// The original (pre-migration) type that is being migrated.
DartType? get type;
/// If [type] is a function type, looks up information about the set of
/// nullability nodes decorating one of the type's named parameter types.
DecoratedTypeInfo? namedParameter(String name);
/// If [type] is a function type, looks up information about the set of
/// nullability nodes decorating one of the type's positional parameter types.
/// (This could be an optional or a required positional parameter).
DecoratedTypeInfo? positionalParameter(int i);
/// If [type] is an interface type, looks up information about the set of
/// nullability nodes decorating one of the type's type arguments.
DecoratedTypeInfo? typeArgument(int i);
/// Information about a propagation step that occurred during downstream
/// propagation.
abstract class DownstreamPropagationStepInfo implements PropagationStepInfo {
DownstreamPropagationStepInfo? get principalCause;
/// The node whose nullability was changed.
/// Any propagation step that took effect should have a non-null value here.
/// Propagation steps that are pending but have not taken effect yet, or that
/// never had an effect (e.g. because an edge was not triggered) will have a
/// `null` value for this field.
NullabilityNodeInfo? get targetNode;
/// Information exposed to the migration client about an edge in the nullability
/// graph.
/// A graph edge represents a dependency relationship between two types being
/// migrated, suggesting that if one type (the source) is made nullable, it may
/// be desirable to make the other type (the destination) nullable as well.
abstract class EdgeInfo implements FixReasonInfo {
/// User-friendly description of the edge, or `null` if not known.
String get description;
/// Information about the graph node that this edge "points to".
NullabilityNodeInfo get destinationNode;
/// The set of "guard nodes" for this edge. Guard nodes are graph nodes whose
/// nullability determines whether it is important to satisfy a graph edge.
/// If at least one of an edge's guards is non-nullable, then it is not
/// important to satisfy the graph edge. (Typically this is because the code
/// that led to the graph edge being created is only reachable if the guards
/// are all nullable).
Iterable<NullabilityNodeInfo?> get guards;
/// A boolean indicating whether the graph edge is a "hard" edge. Hard edges
/// are associated with unconditional control flow, and thus allow information
/// about non-nullability to be propagated "upstream" through the nullability
/// graph.
bool get isHard;
/// A boolean indicating whether the graph edge is "satisfied". At its heart,
/// the nullability propagation algorithm is an effort to satisfy graph edges
/// in a way that corresponds to the user's intent. A graph edge is
/// considered satisfied if any of the following is true:
/// - Its [sourceNode] is non-nullable.
/// - One of its [guards] is non-nullable.
/// - Its [destinationNode] is nullable.
bool get isSatisfied;
/// Indicates whether all the upstream nodes of this edge are nullable (and
/// thus downstream nullability propagation should try to make the destination
/// node nullable, if possible).
bool get isTriggered;
/// A boolean indicating whether the graph edge is a "union" edge. Union
/// edges are edges for which the nullability propagation algorithm tries to
/// ensure that both the [sourceNode] and the [destinationNode] have the
/// same nullability. Typically these are associated with situations where
/// Dart language semantics require two types to be the same type (e.g. a type
/// formal bound on a generic function type in a base class, and the
/// corresponding type formal bound on a generic function type in an
/// overriding class).
/// The [isHard] property is always true for union edges.
bool get isUnion;
/// Indicates whether the downstream node of this edge is non-nullable and the
/// edge is hard (and thus upstream nullability propagation should try to make
/// the source node non-nullable, if possible).
bool get isUpstreamTriggered;
/// Information about the graph node that this edge "points away from".
NullabilityNodeInfo? get sourceNode;
/// Information exposed to the migration client about the location in source
/// code that led an edge to be introduced into the nullability graph.
abstract class EdgeOriginInfo {
/// If the proximate cause of the edge being introduced into the graph
/// corresponds to the type of an element in an already migrated-library, the
/// corresponding element; otherwise `null`.
/// Note that either [node] or [element] will always be non-null.
Element? get element;
/// The kind of origin represented by this info.
EdgeOriginKind? get kind;
/// If the proximate cause of the edge being introduced into the graph
/// corresponds to an AST node in a source file that is being migrated, the
/// corresponding AST node; otherwise `null`.
/// Note that either [node] or [element] will always be non-null.
AstNode? get node;
/// If [node] is non-null, the source file that it appears in. Otherwise
/// `null`.
Source? get source;
/// An enumeration of the various kinds of edge origins created by the migration
/// engine.
enum EdgeOriginKind {
// See [DummyOrigin].
/// Interface used by the migration engine to expose information to its client
/// about a reason for a modification to the source file.
abstract class FixReasonInfo {}
/// Abstract interface for assigning ids numbers to nodes, and performing
/// lookups afterwards.
abstract class NodeMapper extends NodeToIdMapper {
/// Gets the node corresponding to the given [id].
NullabilityNodeInfo? nodeForId(int? id);
/// Abstract interface for assigning ids numbers to nodes.
abstract class NodeToIdMapper {
/// Gets the id corresponding to the given [node].
int idForNode(NullabilityNodeInfo node);
/// Interface used by the migration engine to expose information to its client
/// about the decisions made during migration, and how those decisions relate to
/// the input source code.
abstract class NullabilityMigrationInstrumentation {
/// Called whenever changes are decided upon for a given [source] file.
/// The format of the changes is a map from source file offset to a list of
/// changes to be applied at that offset.
void changes(Source source, Map<int?, List<AtomicEdit>> changes);
/// Called whenever an explicit [typeAnnotation] is found in the source code,
/// to report the nullability [node] that was associated with this type. If
/// the migration engine determines that the [node] should be nullable, a `?`
/// will be inserted after the type annotation.
void explicitTypeNullability(
Source? source, TypeAnnotation typeAnnotation, NullabilityNodeInfo? node);
/// Called whenever reference is made to an [element] outside of the code
/// being migrated, to report the nullability nodes associated with the type
/// of the element.
void externalDecoratedType(Element element, DecoratedTypeInfo decoratedType);
/// Called whenever reference is made to an [typeParameter] outside of the
/// code being migrated, to report the nullability nodes associated with the
/// bound of the type parameter.
void externalDecoratedTypeParameterBound(
TypeParameterElement typeParameter, DecoratedTypeInfo decoratedType);
/// Called when the migration process is finished.
void finished();
/// Called whenever the migration engine creates a graph edge between
/// nullability nodes, to report information about the edge that was created,
/// and why it was created.
void graphEdge(EdgeInfo edge, EdgeOriginInfo originInfo);
/// Called when the migration engine starts up, to report information about
/// the immutable migration nodes [never] and [always] that are used as the
/// starting point for nullability propagation.
void immutableNodes(NullabilityNodeInfo never, NullabilityNodeInfo always);
/// Called whenever the migration engine encounters an implicit return type
/// associated with an AST node, to report the nullability nodes associated
/// with the implicit return type of the AST node.
/// [node] is the AST node having an implicit return type; it may be an
/// executable declaration, function-typed formal parameter declaration,
/// function type alias declaration, GenericFunctionType, or a function
/// expression.
void implicitReturnType(
Source? source, AstNode node, DecoratedTypeInfo? decoratedReturnType);
/// Called whenever the migration engine encounters an implicit type
/// associated with an AST node, to report the nullability nodes associated
/// with the implicit type of the AST node.
/// [node] is the AST node having an implicit type; it may be a formal
/// parameter, a declared identifier, or a variable in a variable declaration
/// list.
void implicitType(
Source? source, AstNode? node, DecoratedTypeInfo decoratedType);
/// Called whenever the migration engine encounters an AST node with implicit
/// type arguments, to report the nullability nodes associated with the
/// implicit type arguments of the AST node.
/// [node] is the AST node having implicit type arguments; it may be a
/// constructor redirection, function expression invocation, method
/// invocation, instance creation expression, list/map/set literal, or type
/// annotation.
void implicitTypeArguments(
Source? source, AstNode node, Iterable<DecoratedTypeInfo> types);
/// Clear any data from the propagation step in preparation for that step
/// being re-run.
void prepareForUpdate();
/// Information exposed to the migration client about a single node in the
/// nullability graph.
abstract class NullabilityNodeInfo implements FixReasonInfo {
/// List of compound nodes wrapping this node.
final List<NullabilityNodeInfo> outerCompoundNodes = <NullabilityNodeInfo>[];
/// Source code location corresponding to this nullability node, or `null` if
/// not known.
CodeReference? get codeReference;
/// Some nodes get nullability from downstream, so the downstream edges are
/// available to query as well.
Iterable<EdgeInfo> get downstreamEdges;
/// The hint actions users can perform on this node, indexed by the type of
/// hint.
/// Each edit is represented as a [Map<int, List<AtomicEdit>>] as is typical
/// of [AtomicEdit]s since they do not have an offset. See extensions
/// [AtomicEditMap] and [AtomicEditList] for usage.
Map<HintActionKind, Map<int?, List<AtomicEdit>>> get hintActions;
/// After migration is complete, this getter can be used to query whether
/// the type associated with this node was determined to be "exact nullable."
bool get isExactNullable;
/// Indicates whether the node is immutable. The only immutable nodes in the
/// nullability graph are the nodes `never` and `always` that are used as the
/// starting points for nullability propagation.
bool get isImmutable;
/// After migration is complete, this getter can be used to query whether
/// the type associated with this node was determined to be nullable.
bool get isNullable;
/// The edges that caused this node to have the nullability that it has.
Iterable<EdgeInfo> get upstreamEdges;
/// If [isNullable] is false, the propagation step that caused this node to
/// become non-nullable (if any).
UpstreamPropagationStepInfo? get whyNotNullable;
/// If [isNullable] is true, the propagation step that caused this node to
/// become nullable.
DownstreamPropagationStepInfo? get whyNullable;
abstract class PropagationStepInfo {
CodeReference? get codeReference;
/// The nullability edge associated with this propagation step, if any.
/// Otherwise `null`.
EdgeInfo? get edge;
/// Reason information for a simple fix that isn't associated with any edges or
/// nodes.
abstract class SimpleFixReasonInfo implements FixReasonInfo {
/// Code location of the fix.
CodeReference get codeReference;
/// Description of the fix.
String get description;
/// A simple implementation of [NodeMapper] that assigns ids to nodes as they
/// are requested, backed by a map.
/// Be careful not to leak references to nodes by holding on to this beyond the
/// lifetime of the nodes it maps.
class SimpleNodeMapper extends NodeMapper {
final _nodeToId = <NullabilityNodeInfo, int>{};
final _idToNode = <int, NullabilityNodeInfo>{};
int idForNode(NullabilityNodeInfo node) {
final id = _nodeToId.putIfAbsent(node, () => _nodeToId.length);
_idToNode.putIfAbsent(id, () => node);
return id;
NullabilityNodeInfo? nodeForId(int? id) => _idToNode[id!];
/// Information exposed to the migration client about a node in the nullability
/// graph resulting from a type substitution.
abstract class SubstitutionNodeInfo extends NullabilityNodeInfo {
/// Nullability node representing the inner type of the substitution.
/// For example, if this NullabilityNode arose from substituting `int*` for
/// `T` in the type `T*`, [innerNode] is the nullability corresponding to the
/// `*` in `int*`.
NullabilityNodeInfo get innerNode;
/// Nullability node representing the outer type of the substitution.
/// For example, if this NullabilityNode arose from substituting `int*` for
/// `T` in the type `T*`, [innerNode] is the nullability corresponding to the
/// `*` in `T*`.
NullabilityNodeInfo get outerNode;
/// Information about a propagation step that occurred during upstream
/// propagation.
abstract class UpstreamPropagationStepInfo implements PropagationStepInfo {
bool get isStartingPoint;
/// The node whose nullability was changed.
/// Any propagation step that took effect should have a non-null value here.
/// Propagation steps that are pending but have not taken effect yet, or that
/// never had an effect (e.g. because an edge was not triggered) will have a
/// `null` value for this field.
NullabilityNodeInfo get node;
UpstreamPropagationStepInfo? get principalCause;