blob: 6c18de35b7d149daf263339cb7047211d8a45fcd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
import 'mock_compiler.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/js/js.dart' as jsAst;
import 'package:compiler/src/js/js.dart' show js;
Future testStatement(String statement, arguments, String expect) {
jsAst.Node node = js.statement(statement, arguments);
return MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
String jsText =
jsAst.prettyPrint(node, compiler, allowVariableMinification: false);
Expect.stringEquals(expect.trim(), jsText.trim());
Future testError(String statement, arguments, [String expect = ""]) {
return new Future.sync(() {
bool doCheck(exception) {
String message = '$exception';
Expect.isTrue(message.contains(expect), '"$message" contains "$expect"');
return true;
void action() {
jsAst.Node node = js.statement(statement, arguments);
Expect.throws(action, doCheck);
// Function declaration and named function.
const NAMED_FUNCTION_1 = r'''
function foo/*function declaration*/() {
return function harry/*named function*/() { return #; }
function foo/*function declaration*/() {
return function harry/*named function*/() { return #hole; }
const NAMED_FUNCTION_1_ONE = r'''
function foo() {
return function harry() {
return 1;
const MISC_1 = r'''
function foo() {
const MISC_1_NAMED_HOLE = r'''
function foo() {
const MISC_1_1 = r'''
function foo() {
void main() {
var eOne = js('1');
var eTwo = js('2');
var eTrue = js('true');
var eVar = js('x');
var block12 = js.statement('{ 1; 2; }');
var stm = js.statement('foo();');
var seq1 = js('1, 2, 3');
Expect.isTrue(eOne is jsAst.LiteralNumber);
Expect.isTrue(eTrue is jsAst.LiteralBool);
Expect.isTrue(block12 is jsAst.Block);
asyncTest(() => Future.wait([
// Interpolated Expressions are upgraded to ExpressionStatements.
testStatement('{ #; #; }', [eOne, eOne], '{\n 1;\n 1;\n}'),
testStatement('{ #a; #b; }', {'a': eOne, 'b': eOne}, '{\n 1;\n 1;\n}'),
// Interpolated sub-blocks are spliced.
testStatement('{ #; #; }', [block12, block12],
'{\n 1;\n 2;\n 1;\n 2;\n}\n'),
testStatement('{ #a; #b; }', {'a': block12, 'b': block12},
'{\n 1;\n 2;\n 1;\n 2;\n}\n'),
// If-condition. Dart booleans are evaluated, JS Expression booleans are
// substituted.
testStatement('if (#) #', [eOne, block12], 'if (1) {\n 1;\n 2;\n}'),
testStatement('if (#) #;', [eTrue, block12], 'if (true) {\n 1;\n 2;\n}'),
testStatement('if (#) #;', [eVar, block12], 'if (x) {\n 1;\n 2;\n}'),
testStatement('if (#) #;', ['a', block12], 'if (a) {\n 1;\n 2;\n}'),
testStatement('if (#) #;', [true, block12], '{\n 1;\n 2;\n}'),
testStatement('if (#) #;', [false, block12], ';'),
testStatement('if (#) 3; else #;', [true, block12], '3;'),
testStatement('if (#) 3; else #;', [false, block12], '{\n 1;\n 2;\n}'),
testStatement('if (#a) #b',
{'a': eOne, 'b': block12},
'if (1) {\n 1;\n 2;\n}'),
testStatement('if (#a) #b;',
{'a': eTrue, 'b': block12},
'if (true) {\n 1;\n 2;\n}'),
testStatement('if (#a) #b;',
{'a': eVar, 'b': block12},
'if (x) {\n 1;\n 2;\n}'),
testStatement('if (#a) #b;',
{'a': 'a', 'b': block12},
'if (a) {\n 1;\n 2;\n}'),
testStatement('if (#a) #b;',
{'a': true, 'b': block12},
'{\n 1;\n 2;\n}'),
testStatement('if (#a) #b;',
{'a': false, 'b': block12},
testStatement('if (#a) 3; else #b;',
{'a': true, 'b': block12},
testStatement('if (#a) 3; else #b;',
{'a': false, 'b': block12},
'{\n 1;\n 2;\n}'),
testStatement('while (#) #', [eOne, block12], 'while (1) {\n 1;\n 2;\n}'),
testStatement('while (#) #;', [eTrue, block12],
'while (true) {\n 1;\n 2;\n}'),
testStatement('while (#) #;', [eVar, block12],
'while (x) {\n 1;\n 2;\n}'),
testStatement('while (#) #;', ['a', block12],
'while (a) {\n 1;\n 2;\n}'),
testStatement('while (#) #;', ['a', stm],
'while (a)\n foo();'),
'do { {print(1);} do while(true); while (false) } while ( true )', [],
do {
while (true)
while (false);
} while (true);
testStatement('do #; while ( # )', [block12, eOne],
'do {\n 1;\n 2;\n} while (1); '),
testStatement('do #; while ( # )', [block12, eTrue],
'do {\n 1;\n 2;\n} while (true); '),
testStatement('do #; while ( # );', [block12, eVar],
'do {\n 1;\n 2;\n} while (x);'),
testStatement('do { # } while ( # )', [block12, 'a'],
'do {\n 1;\n 2;\n} while (a);'),
testStatement('do #; while ( # )', [stm, 'a'],
'do\n foo();\nwhile (a);'),
testStatement('switch (#) {}', [eOne], 'switch (1) {\n}'),
switch (#) {
case #: { # }
}''', [eTrue, eOne, block12],
'switch (true) {\n case 1:\n 1;\n 2;\n}'),
switch (#) {
case #: { # }
case #: { # }
default: { # }
}''', [eTrue, eOne, block12, eTwo, block12, stm], '''
switch (true) {
case 1:
case 2:
testStatement(NAMED_FUNCTION_1, [eOne], NAMED_FUNCTION_1_ONE),
{'hole': eOne},
testStatement(MISC_1, [block12], MISC_1_1),
testStatement(MISC_1_NAMED_HOLE, {'hole': block12}, MISC_1_1),
// Argument list splicing.
testStatement('foo(#)', [[]], 'foo();'),
testStatement('foo(#)', [[eOne]], 'foo(1);'),
testStatement('foo(#)', [eOne], 'foo(1);'),
testStatement('foo(#)', [[eTrue,eOne]], 'foo(true, 1);'),
testStatement('foo(#a)', {'a': []}, 'foo();'),
testStatement('foo(#a)', {'a': [eOne]}, 'foo(1);'),
testStatement('foo(#a)', {'a': eOne}, 'foo(1);'),
testStatement('foo(#a)', {'a': [eTrue,eOne]}, 'foo(true, 1);'),
testStatement('foo(2,#)', [[]], 'foo(2);'),
testStatement('foo(2,#)', [[eOne]], 'foo(2, 1);'),
testStatement('foo(2,#)', [eOne], 'foo(2, 1);'),
testStatement('foo(2,#)', [[eTrue,eOne]], 'foo(2, true, 1);'),
testStatement('foo(2,#a)', {'a': []}, 'foo(2);'),
testStatement('foo(2,#a)', {'a': [eOne]}, 'foo(2, 1);'),
testStatement('foo(2,#a)', {'a': eOne}, 'foo(2, 1);'),
testStatement('foo(2,#a)', {'a': [eTrue,eOne]}, 'foo(2, true, 1);'),
testStatement('foo(#,3)', [[]], 'foo(3);'),
testStatement('foo(#,3)', [[eOne]], 'foo(1, 3);'),
testStatement('foo(#,3)', [eOne], 'foo(1, 3);'),
testStatement('foo(#,3)', [[eTrue,eOne]], 'foo(true, 1, 3);'),
testStatement('foo(#a,3)', {'a': []}, 'foo(3);'),
testStatement('foo(#a,3)', {'a': [eOne]}, 'foo(1, 3);'),
testStatement('foo(#a,3)', {'a': eOne}, 'foo(1, 3);'),
testStatement('foo(#a,3)', {'a': [eTrue,eOne]}, 'foo(true, 1, 3);'),
testStatement('foo(2,#,3)', [[]], 'foo(2, 3);'),
testStatement('foo(2,#,3)', [[eOne]], 'foo(2, 1, 3);'),
testStatement('foo(2,#,3)', [eOne], 'foo(2, 1, 3);'),
testStatement('foo(2,#,3)', [[eTrue,eOne]], 'foo(2, true, 1, 3);'),
testStatement('foo(2,#a,3)', {'a': []}, 'foo(2, 3);'),
testStatement('foo(2,#a,3)', {'a': [eOne]}, 'foo(2, 1, 3);'),
testStatement('foo(2,#a,3)', {'a': eOne}, 'foo(2, 1, 3);'),
testStatement('foo(2,#a,3)', {'a': [eTrue,eOne]}, 'foo(2, true, 1, 3);'),
// Interpolated Literals
testStatement('a = {#: 1}', [eOne], 'a = {1: 1};'),
testStatement('a = {#a: 1}', {'a': eOne}, 'a = {1: 1};'),
// Maybe we should make this work?
testError('a = {#: 1}', [1], 'is not a Literal: 1'),
testError('a = {#a: 1}', {'a': 1}, 'is not a Literal: 1'),
// Interpolated parameter splicing.
testStatement('function foo(#){}', [new jsAst.Parameter('x')],
'function foo(x) {\n}'),
testStatement('function foo(#){}', ['x'], 'function foo(x) {\n}'),
testStatement('function foo(#){}', [[]], 'function foo() {\n}'),
testStatement('function foo(#){}', [['x']], 'function foo(x) {\n}'),
testStatement('function foo(#){}', [['x', 'y']], 'function foo(x, y) {\n}'),
testStatement('function foo(#a){}', {'a': new jsAst.Parameter('x')},
'function foo(x) {\n}'),
testStatement('function foo(#a){}', {'a': 'x'}, 'function foo(x) {\n}'),
testStatement('function foo(#a){}', {'a': []}, 'function foo() {\n}'),
testStatement('function foo(#a){}', {'a': ['x']}, 'function foo(x) {\n}'),
testStatement('function foo(#a){}',
{'a': ['x', 'y']},
'function foo(x, y) {\n}'),
testStatement('function foo() async {}', [], 'function foo() async {\n}'),
testStatement('function foo() sync* {}', [], 'function foo() sync* {\n}'),
testStatement('function foo() async* {}', [], 'function foo() async* {\n}'),
testStatement('a = #.#', [eVar,eOne], 'a = x[1];'),
testStatement('a = #.#', [eVar,'foo'], 'a =;'),
testStatement('a = #a.#b', {'a': eVar, 'b': eOne}, 'a = x[1];'),
testStatement('a = #a.#b', {'a': eVar, 'b': 'foo'}, 'a =;'),
testStatement('function f(#) { return #.#; }', ['x', eVar,'foo'],
'function f(x) {\n return;\n}'),
testStatement('function f(#a) { return #b.#c; }',
{'a': 'x', 'b': eVar, 'c': 'foo'},
'function f(x) {\n return;\n}'),
testStatement('#.prototype.# = function(#) { return #.# };',
['className', 'getterName', ['r', 'y'], 'r', 'fieldName'],
'className.prototype.getterName = function(r, y) {\n'
' return r.fieldName;\n'
testStatement('#a.prototype.#b = function(#c) { return #d.#e };',
{'a': 'className',
'b': 'getterName',
'c': ['r', 'y'],
'd': 'r',
'e': 'fieldName'},
'className.prototype.getterName = function(r, y) {\n'
' return r.fieldName;\n'
testStatement('function foo(r, #) { return #[r](#) }',
[['a', 'b'], 'g', ['b', 'a']],
'function foo(r, a, b) {\n return g[r](b, a);\n}'),
testStatement('function foo(r, #a) { return #b[r](#c) }',
{'a': ['a', 'b'], 'b': 'g', 'c': ['b', 'a']},
'function foo(r, a, b) {\n return g[r](b, a);\n}'),
// Sequence is printed flattened
testStatement('x = #', [seq1], 'x = (1, 2, 3);'),
testStatement('x = (#, #)', [seq1, seq1], 'x = (1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3);'),
testStatement('x = #, #', [seq1, seq1], 'x = (1, 2, 3), 1, 2, 3;'),
'for (i = 0, j = #, k = 0; ; ++i, ++j, ++k){}', [seq1],
'for (i = 0, j = (1, 2, 3), k = 0;; ++i, ++j, ++k) {\n}'),
testStatement('x = #a', {'a': seq1}, 'x = (1, 2, 3);'),
testStatement('x = (#a, #b)',
{'a': seq1, 'b': seq1},
'x = (1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3);'),
testStatement('x = #a, #b',
{'a': seq1, 'b': seq1},
'x = (1, 2, 3), 1, 2, 3;'),
'for (i = 0, j = #a, k = 0; ; ++i, ++j, ++k){}', {'a': seq1},
'for (i = 0, j = (1, 2, 3), k = 0;; ++i, ++j, ++k) {\n}'),
// Use the same name several times.
testStatement('#a.prototype.#a = function(#b) { return #c.#c };',
{'a': 'name1_2',
'b': ['r', 'y'],
'c': 'name4_5'},
'name1_2.prototype.name1_2 = function(r, y) {\n'
' return name4_5.name4_5;\n'
testStatement('label: while (a) { label2: break label;}', [],
'label:\n while (a)\n label2:\n break label;\n '),
testStatement('var # = 3', ['x'], 'var x = 3;'),
testStatement('var # = 3',
[new jsAst.VariableDeclaration('x')],
'var x = 3;'),
testStatement('var # = 3, # = #',
['x', 'y', js.number(2)],
'var x = 3, y = 2;'),
testStatement('var #a = 3, #b = #c',
{"a": 'x', "b": 'y', "c": js.number(2)},
'var x = 3, y = 2;'),
testStatement('function #() {}', ['x'], 'function x() {\n}'),
testStatement('function #() {}',
[new jsAst.VariableDeclaration('x')],
'function x() {\n}'),
testStatement('try {} catch (#) {}', ['x'], 'try {\n} catch (x) {\n}'),
testStatement('try {} catch (#a) {}', {"a": 'x'}, 'try {\n} catch (x) {\n}'),
testStatement('try {} catch (#a) {}',
{"a": new jsAst.VariableDeclaration('x')},
'try {\n} catch (x) {\n}'),
// Test that braces around a single-statement block are removed by printer.
testStatement('while (a) {foo()}', [],
'while (a)\n foo();'),
testStatement('if (a) {foo();}', [],
'if (a)\n foo();'),
testStatement('if (a) {foo();} else {foo2();}', [],
'if (a)\n foo();\nelse\n foo2();'),
testStatement('if (a) foo(); else {foo2();}', [],
'if (a)\n foo();\nelse\n foo2();'),
testStatement('do {foo();} while(a);', [],
'do\n foo();\nwhile (a);'),
testStatement('label: {foo();}', [],
'label:\n foo();'),
testStatement('for (var key in a) {foo();}', [],
'for (var key in a)\n foo();'),
// `label: break label;` gives problems on IE. Test that it is avoided.
testStatement('label: {break label;}', [],
// This works on IE:
testStatement('label: {label2: {break label;}}', [],
'label:\n label2:\n break label;\n'),
// Test dangling else:
testStatement('if (a) {if (b) {foo1();}} else {foo2();}', [], """
if (a) {
if (b)
} else
testStatement('if (a) {if (b) {foo1();} else {foo2();}}', [], """
if (a)
if (b)
testStatement('if (a) {if (b) {foo1();} else {foo2();}} else {foo3();}',
[], """
if (a)
if (b)
testStatement('if (a) {while (true) if (b) {foo1();}} else {foo2();}',
[], """
if (a) {
while (true)
if (b)
} else