blob: 8bf896d907a1503aea69362c9f45c984148adfb4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.cps_ir.gvn;
import 'cps_ir_nodes.dart';
import '../universe/side_effects.dart';
import '../elements/elements.dart';
import 'optimizers.dart' show Pass;
import 'loop_hierarchy.dart';
import 'loop_effects.dart';
import '../world.dart';
import '../compiler.dart' show Compiler;
import '../js_backend/js_backend.dart' show JavaScriptBackend;
import '../constants/values.dart';
import 'type_mask_system.dart';
import 'effects.dart';
/// Eliminates redundant primitives by reusing the value of another primitive
/// that is known to have the same result. Primitives are also hoisted out of
/// loops when possible.
/// Reusing values can introduce new temporaries, which in some cases is more
/// expensive than recomputing the value on-demand. For example, pulling an
/// expression such as "n+1" out of a loop is generally not worth it.
/// Such primitives are said to be "trivial".
/// Trivial primitives are shared on-demand, i.e. they are only shared if
/// this enables a non-trivial primitive to be hoisted out of a loop.
// TODO(asgerf): Enable hoisting across refinement guards when this is safe:
// - Determine the type required for a given primitive to be "safe"
// - Recompute the type of a primitive after hoisting.
// E.g. GetIndex on a String can become a GetIndex on an arbitrary
// indexable, which is still safe but the type may change
// - Since the new type may be worse, insert a refinement at the old
// definition site, so we do not degrade existing type information.
class GVN extends TrampolineRecursiveVisitor implements Pass {
String get passName => 'GVN';
final Compiler compiler;
final TypeMaskSystem types;
JavaScriptBackend get backend => compiler.backend;
World get world =>;
final GvnTable gvnTable = new GvnTable();
GvnVectorBuilder gvnVectorBuilder;
LoopHierarchy loopHierarchy;
LoopSideEffects loopEffects;
final EffectNumberer effectNumberer = new EffectNumberer();
/// Effect numbers at the given join point.
Map<Continuation, EffectNumbers> effectsAt = <Continuation, EffectNumbers>{};
/// The effect numbers at the current position (during traversal).
EffectNumbers effectNumbers;
/// The loop currently enclosing the binding of a given primitive.
final Map<Primitive, Continuation> loopHeaderFor =
<Primitive, Continuation>{};
/// The GVNs for primitives that have been hoisted outside the given loop.
/// These should be removed from the environment when exiting the loop.
final Map<Continuation, List<int>> loopHoistedBindings =
<Continuation, List<int>>{};
/// Maps GVNs to a currently-in-scope binding for that value.
final Map<int, Primitive> environment = <int, Primitive>{};
/// Maps GVN'able primitives to their global value number.
final Map<Primitive, int> gvnFor = <Primitive, int>{};
Continuation currentLoopHeader;
GVN(this.compiler, this.types);
void rewrite(FunctionDefinition node) {
effectNumbers = new EffectNumbers.fresh(effectNumberer);
gvnVectorBuilder = new GvnVectorBuilder(gvnFor, compiler, types);
loopHierarchy = new LoopHierarchy(node);
loopEffects =
new LoopSideEffects(node, world, loopHierarchy: loopHierarchy);
// ------------------ GLOBAL VALUE NUMBERING ---------------------
/// True if [prim] can be eliminated if its value is already in scope.
bool canReplaceWithExistingValue(Primitive prim) {
// Primitives that have no side effects other than potentially throwing are
// known not the throw if the value is already in scope. Handling those
// specially is equivalent to updating refinements during GVN.
// GetLazyStatic cannot have side effects because the field has already
// been initialized.
return prim.isSafeForElimination ||
prim is GetField ||
prim is GetLength ||
prim is GetIndex ||
prim is GetLazyStatic;
Expression traverseLetPrim(LetPrim node) {
Expression next = node.body;
Primitive prim = node.primitive;
loopHeaderFor[prim] = currentLoopHeader;
if (prim is Refinement) {
// Do not share refinements (they have no runtime or code size cost), and
// do not put them in the GVN table because GvnVectorBuilder unfolds
// refinements by itself.
return next;
// Update effect numbers due to side effects from a static initializer.
// GetLazyStatic is GVN'ed like a GetStatic, but the effects of the static
// initializer occur before reading the field.
if (prim is GetLazyStatic) {
// Compute the GVN vector for this computation.
List vector = gvnVectorBuilder.make(prim, effectNumbers);
// Update effect numbers due to side effects.
// Do this after computing the GVN vector so the primitive's GVN is not
// influenced by its own side effects, except in the case of GetLazyStatic.
if (prim is! GetLazyStatic) {
if (vector == null) {
// The primitive is not GVN'able. Move on.
return next;
// Compute the GVN for this primitive.
int gvn = gvnTable.insert(vector);
gvnFor[prim] = gvn;
// Try to reuse a previously computed value with the same GVN.
Primitive existing = environment[gvn];
if (existing != null &&
canReplaceWithExistingValue(prim) &&
!isFastConstant(prim)) {
if (prim is Interceptor) {
Interceptor interceptor = existing;
return next;
if (tryToHoistOutOfLoop(prim, gvn)) {
return next;
// The primitive could not be hoisted. Put the primitive in the
// environment while processing the body of the LetPrim.
environment[gvn] = prim;
pushAction(() {
assert(environment[gvn] == prim);
environment[gvn] = existing;
return next;
bool isFirstImpureExpressionInLoop(Expression exp) {
InteriorNode node = exp.parent;
for (; node is Expression; node = node.parent) {
if (node is LetPrim && node.primitive.isSafeForElimination) {
if (node is LetCont) {
return false;
return node == currentLoopHeader;
bool isHoistablePrimitive(Primitive prim) {
if (prim.isSafeForElimination) return true;
if (prim is ReceiverCheck ||
prim is BoundsCheck ||
prim is GetLength ||
prim is GetField ||
prim is GetIndex) {
// Expressions that potentially throw but have no other effects can be
// hoisted if they occur as the first impure expression in a loop.
// Note regarding BoundsCheck: the current array length is an input to
// check, so the check itself has no heap dependency. It will only be
// hoisted if the length was hoisted.
// TODO(asgerf): In general we could hoist these out of multiple loops,
// but the trick we use here only works for one loop level.
return isFirstImpureExpressionInLoop(prim.parent);
return false;
/// Try to hoist the binding of [prim] out of loops. Returns `true` if it was
/// hoisted or marked as a trivial hoist-on-demand primitive.
bool tryToHoistOutOfLoop(Primitive prim, int gvn) {
// Bail out fast if the primitive is not inside a loop.
if (currentLoopHeader == null) return false;
// Do not hoist primitives with side effects.
if (!isHoistablePrimitive(prim)) return false;
LetPrim letPrim = prim.parent;
// Find the depth of the outermost scope where we can bind the primitive
// without bringing a reference out of scope. 0 is the depth of the
// top-level scope.
int hoistDepth = 0;
List<Primitive> inputsHoistedOnDemand = <Primitive>[];
InputVisitor.forEach(prim, (Reference ref) {
Primitive input = ref.definition;
if (canIgnoreRefinementGuards(prim)) {
input = input.effectiveDefinition;
if (isFastConstant(input)) {
// Fast constants can be hoisted all the way out, but should only be
// hoisted if needed to hoist something else.
} else {
Continuation loopHeader = loopHeaderFor[input];
Continuation referencedLoop =
loopHierarchy.lowestCommonAncestor(loopHeader, currentLoopHeader);
int depth = loopHierarchy.getDepth(referencedLoop);
if (depth > hoistDepth) {
hoistDepth = depth;
// Bail out if it can not be hoisted further out than it is now.
if (hoistDepth == loopHierarchy.getDepth(currentLoopHeader)) return false;
// Walk up the loop hierarchy and check at every step that any heap
// dependencies can safely be hoisted out of the loop.
Continuation enclosingLoop = currentLoopHeader;
Continuation hoistTarget = null;
while (loopHierarchy.getDepth(enclosingLoop) > hoistDepth &&
canHoistHeapDependencyOutOfLoop(prim, enclosingLoop)) {
hoistTarget = enclosingLoop;
enclosingLoop = loopHierarchy.getEnclosingLoop(enclosingLoop);
// Bail out if heap dependencies prohibit any hoisting at all.
if (hoistTarget == null) return false;
if (isFastConstant(prim)) {
// The overhead from introducting a temporary might be greater than
// the overhead of evaluating this primitive at every iteration.
// Only hoist if this enables hoisting of a non-trivial primitive.
return true;
LetCont loopBinding = hoistTarget.parent;
// The primitive may depend on values that have not yet been
// hoisted as far as they can. Hoist those now.
for (Primitive input in inputsHoistedOnDemand) {
hoistTrivialPrimitive(input, loopBinding, enclosingLoop);
// Hoist the primitive.
loopHeaderFor[prim] = enclosingLoop;
// If a refinement guard was bypassed, use the best refinement
// currently in scope.
if (canIgnoreRefinementGuards(prim)) {
int target = loopHierarchy.getDepth(enclosingLoop);
InputVisitor.forEach(prim, (Reference ref) {
Primitive input = ref.definition;
while (input is Refinement) {
Continuation loop = loopHeaderFor[input];
loop = loopHierarchy.lowestCommonAncestor(loop, currentLoopHeader);
if (loopHierarchy.getDepth(loop) <= target) break;
Refinement refinement = input;
input = refinement.value.definition;
// Put the primitive in the environment while processing the loop.
environment[gvn] = prim;
.putIfAbsent(hoistTarget, () => <int>[])
return true;
/// If the given primitive is a trivial primitive that should be hoisted
/// on-demand, hoist it and its dependent values above [loopBinding].
void hoistTrivialPrimitive(Primitive prim,
LetCont loopBinding,
Continuation enclosingLoop) {
// The primitive might already be bound in an outer scope. Do not relocate
// the primitive unless we are lifting it. For example;
// t1 = a + b
// t2 = t1 + c
// t3 = t1 * t2
// If it was decided that `t3` should be hoisted, `t1` will be seen twice by
// this method: by the direct reference and by reference through `t2`.
// The second time it is seen, it will already have been moved.
Continuation currentLoop = loopHeaderFor[prim];
int currentDepth = loopHierarchy.getDepth(currentLoop);
int targetDepth = loopHierarchy.getDepth(enclosingLoop);
if (currentDepth <= targetDepth) return;
// Hoist the trivial primitives being depended on so they remain in scope.
InputVisitor.forEach(prim, (Reference ref) {
hoistTrivialPrimitive(ref.definition, loopBinding, enclosingLoop);
// Move the primitive.
LetPrim binding = prim.parent;
loopHeaderFor[prim] = enclosingLoop;
bool canIgnoreRefinementGuards(Primitive primitive) {
return primitive is Interceptor;
/// Returns true if [prim] is a constant that has no significant runtime cost.
bool isFastConstant(Primitive prim) {
return prim is Constant && (prim.value.isPrimitive || prim.value.isDummy);
/// Assuming [prim] has no side effects, returns true if it can safely
/// be hoisted out of [loop] without changing its value or changing the timing
/// of a thrown exception.
bool canHoistHeapDependencyOutOfLoop(Primitive prim, Continuation loop) {
// If the primitive might throw, we have to check that it is the first
// impure expression in the loop. This has already been checked if
// [loop] is the current loop header, but for other loops we just give up.
if (!prim.isSafeForElimination && loop != currentLoopHeader) {
return false;
int effects = loopEffects.getSideEffectsInLoop(loop);
return Effects.changesToDepends(effects) & prim.effects == 0;
// ------------------ TRAVERSAL AND EFFECT NUMBERING ---------------------
// These methods traverse the IR while updating the current effect numbers.
// They are not specific to GVN.
void addSideEffectsOfPrimitive(Primitive prim) {
void addSideEffects(int effectFlags) {
effectNumbers.change(effectNumberer, effectFlags);
Expression traverseLetHandler(LetHandler node) {
// Assume any kind of side effects may occur in the try block.
effectsAt[node.handler] = new EffectNumbers.fresh(effectNumberer);
return node.body;
Expression traverseContinuation(Continuation cont) {
Continuation oldLoopHeader = currentLoopHeader;
currentLoopHeader = loopHierarchy.getLoopHeader(cont);
pushAction(() {
currentLoopHeader = oldLoopHeader;
for (Parameter param in cont.parameters) {
loopHeaderFor[param] = currentLoopHeader;
if (cont.isRecursive) {
pushAction(() {
List<int> hoistedBindings = loopHoistedBindings[cont];
if (hoistedBindings != null) {
} else {
effectNumbers = effectsAt[cont];
assert(effectNumbers != null);
return cont.body;
void visitInvokeContinuation(InvokeContinuation node) {
Continuation cont = node.continuation;
if (cont.isRecursive) return;
EffectNumbers join = effectsAt[cont];
if (join == null) {
effectsAt[cont] = effectNumbers.copy();
} else {
join.join(effectNumberer, effectNumbers);
void visitBranch(Branch node) {
Continuation trueCont = node.trueContinuation;
Continuation falseCont = node.falseContinuation;
// Copy the effect number vector once, so the analysis of one branch does
// not influence the other.
effectsAt[trueCont] = effectNumbers;
effectsAt[falseCont] = effectNumbers.copy();
/// Maps vectors to numbers, such that two vectors with the same contents
/// map to the same number.
class GvnTable {
Map<GvnEntry, int> _table = <GvnEntry, int>{};
int _usedGvns = 0;
int _makeNewGvn() => ++_usedGvns;
int insert(List vector) {
return _table.putIfAbsent(new GvnEntry(vector), _makeNewGvn);
/// Wrapper around a [List] that compares for equality based on contents
/// instead of object identity.
class GvnEntry {
final List vector;
final int hashCode;
GvnEntry(List vector) : vector = vector, hashCode = computeHashCode(vector);
bool operator==(other) {
if (other is! GvnEntry) return false;
GvnEntry entry = other;
List otherVector = entry.vector;
if (vector.length != otherVector.length) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < vector.length; ++i) {
if (vector[i] != otherVector[i]) return false;
return true;
/// Combines the hash codes of [vector] using Jenkin's hash function, with
/// intermediate results truncated to SMI range.
static int computeHashCode(List vector) {
int hash = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < vector.length; ++i) {
hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + vector[i].hashCode);
hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x0007ffff & hash) << 10));
hash = hash ^ (hash >> 6);
hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x03ffffff & hash) << 3));
hash = hash ^ (hash >> 11);
return 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x00003fff & hash) << 15));
/// Converts GVN'able primitives to a vector containing all the values
/// to be considered when computing a GVN for it.
/// This includes the instruction type, inputs, effect numbers for any part
/// of the heap being depended on, as well as any instruction-specific payload
/// such as any DartTypes, Elements, and operator kinds.
/// Each `visit` or `process` method for a primitive must initialize [vector]
/// if the primitive is GVN'able and fill in any components except the inputs.
/// The inputs will be filled in by [processReference].
class GvnVectorBuilder extends DeepRecursiveVisitor {
List vector;
final Map<Primitive, int> gvnFor;
final Compiler compiler;
World get world =>;
JavaScriptBackend get backend => compiler.backend;
final TypeMaskSystem types;
EffectNumbers effectNumbers;
GvnVectorBuilder(this.gvnFor, this.compiler, this.types);
List make(Primitive prim, EffectNumbers effectNumbers) {
this.effectNumbers = effectNumbers;
vector = null;
return vector;
/// The `process` methods below do not insert the referenced arguments into
/// the vector, but instead rely on them being inserted here.
processReference(Reference ref) {
if (vector == null) return;
Primitive prim = ref.definition.effectiveDefinition;
vector.add(gvnFor[prim] ?? prim);
processTypeTest(TypeTest node) {
vector = [GvnCode.TYPE_TEST, node.dartType];
processTypeTestViaFlag(TypeTestViaFlag node) {
vector = [GvnCode.TYPE_TEST_VIA_FLAG, node.dartType];
processApplyBuiltinOperator(ApplyBuiltinOperator node) {
vector = [GvnCode.BUILTIN_OPERATOR, node.operator.index];
processGetLength(GetLength node) {
if (node.isFinal) {
// Omit the effect number for fixed-length lists. Note that if a the list
// gets refined to a fixed-length type, we still won't be able to GVN a
// GetLength across the refinement, because the first GetLength uses an
// effect number in its vector while the second one does not.
vector = [GvnCode.GET_LENGTH];
} else {
vector = [GvnCode.GET_LENGTH, effectNumbers.indexableLength];
bool isNativeField(FieldElement field) {
// TODO(asgerf): We should add a GetNativeField instruction.
return backend.isNative(field);
processGetField(GetField node) {
if (isNativeField(node.field)) {
vector = null; // Native field access cannot be GVN'ed.
} else if (node.isFinal) {
vector = [GvnCode.GET_FIELD, node.field];
} else {
vector = [GvnCode.GET_FIELD, node.field, effectNumbers.instanceField];
processGetIndex(GetIndex node) {
vector = [GvnCode.GET_INDEX, effectNumbers.indexableContent];
visitGetStatic(GetStatic node) {
if (node.isFinal) {
vector = [GvnCode.GET_STATIC, node.element];
} else {
vector = [GvnCode.GET_STATIC, node.element, effectNumbers.staticField];
// Suppress visit to witness argument.
processGetLazyStatic(GetLazyStatic node) {
if (node.isFinal) {
vector = [GvnCode.GET_STATIC, node.element];
} else {
vector = [GvnCode.GET_STATIC, node.element, effectNumbers.staticField];
processConstant(Constant node) {
vector = [GvnCode.CONSTANT, node.value];
processReifyRuntimeType(ReifyRuntimeType node) {
vector = [GvnCode.REIFY_RUNTIME_TYPE];
processReadTypeVariable(ReadTypeVariable node) {
vector = [GvnCode.READ_TYPE_VARIABLE, node.variable];
processTypeExpression(TypeExpression node) {
vector = [GvnCode.TYPE_EXPRESSION, node.dartType];
processInterceptor(Interceptor node) {
vector = [GvnCode.INTERCEPTOR];
class GvnCode {
static const int TYPE_TEST = 1;
static const int TYPE_TEST_VIA_FLAG = 2;
static const int BUILTIN_OPERATOR = 3;
static const int GET_LENGTH = 4;
static const int GET_FIELD = 5;
static const int GET_INDEX = 6;
static const int GET_STATIC = 7;
static const int CONSTANT = 8;
static const int REIFY_RUNTIME_TYPE = 9;
static const int READ_TYPE_VARIABLE = 10;
static const int TYPE_EXPRESSION = 11;
static const int INTERCEPTOR = 12;
typedef ReferenceCallback(Reference ref);
class InputVisitor extends DeepRecursiveVisitor {
ReferenceCallback callback;
processReference(Reference ref) {
static void forEach(Primitive node, ReferenceCallback callback) {
new InputVisitor(callback).visit(node);